HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-11-08232 LEXINGTON ON The Board sucgested that this matter be babied at this time until a report is received from the State because what could be observed since the Res was drained there is very little recharge of water. The following licenses were signed by the Board: Food Establishments 1. Bellini's Donut Shop 2. Take Home Foods of Lexington (Kentucky Fried Chicken) 3. Weston Instruments Cafeteria 4. Bamboo Hut, Inc. A rough draft on Part A of the Annual Town Report was given to each member for consideration before a final copy is made. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M. BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING ,TING NOVEMBER 8, 1968 The regular meeting of the Board of Health was held Friday, ivovember 8, 1968 at 7:0Q P.M. in the Selectmen's Room of the Town Office Building. Members present were: Dr. William Cosgrove, Acting Chairman, Dr. Charles Colburn and Robert C. Heustis, Director of Public Health. The minutes of the October 18, 1968 meeting were approved as read. The report from the State Health Department approving the development of the Lexington Reservoir for bathing was read by the Board. This approval was based on plans submitted by Mr. Jason Cortel with the addition that a 6 -inch water line be installed in order to maintain the water level constant during periods of evaporation and to provide dilution water if necessary. The plans for the water connection must be submitted to the State Health Department prior to construction. Ir. Heustis announced to the Board that a public hearing will be held on November 19, 1968 in the State House on the proposed Article for public bathing places. He stated that our regulations adopted this year were a little more specific than those proposed by the State. He stated he would attend this hearing. The letter to Donald Legro, Town Counsel, requesting a legal opinion on the action the Board should take in allow - TON ing Mr. Shanahan, owner of an apartment at 18 Vine St., to CO -OILS -EL rent this property before he makes the necessary repairs as stated in Article II of the State Sanitary Code. The clerk reported that to date Mr. Lero has not 1 1 1 233 answered the letter written on September 17, 1968 regarding the keeping of a horse in Lexington or this letter written October 31, 16v. The letter from Dr. martin hadoff regarding the wording of the humps Survey questionaire was read by the Board. MUMPS VACCINE Er. Heustis explained that although Dr. i•ladoff works for the State Health Department this letter was written as a private citizen. Dr. iadoff felt that the health Department should in- form parents of the pros and cons of the new vaccine and also that the data available is not sufficient to determine the dura- bility of immunity. The 2oard discussed this letter and agreed that any immuniza- tion offered by the Board of Health was not mandatory and any of the new vaccines have not enounh data to make a definite statement as to tie length of immunity. The payment of a balance of 4„120.00 for the hospital care of premature infant La ate was approved by the Board. INFANT LABATE The animal permit submitted by Mrs. Everett herrn', l& Robinson Road and ?qrs. Norman Woodward, 20 Robinson Road was discussed by the Board. Each home owner has made application for 1 horse, both house lots will be combined to meet the re- quired acre of land. Mr. Heustis recommended that although both parties applied for 1 horse each he would recommend approval of only 1 horse for the area. The Board voted to approve the keeping of 1 horse on the combined lots and also stated that instructions should be given regarding the cleanliness of the area. 1r. lieustis explained that the Planning Board was interested in applying for r'ederal r'unds for a low to moderate income Urban Renewal Program, and in order to do this a housing code must be certified and enforced by the board of health. Mrs. Jones said a report of the meeting she and Er. Reustis had_ with Zeleski, Planning Director, regarding the program was in the health uff icer' s Report. The Loa_ -d said they would meet with the Planning oard to discuss this project before taking any action. The budget for 1969 was discussed by the Board. Lrs. Jones BUDGET explained that the 1969 salary schedule had not been received as yet, therefore Personal Services accounts were being submitted at the 1.66 rate but would be changed when the new rate schedule was received. The re-classification of hrs. Jones, as requested last year, from a S-7 to an S-12 was again approved by the Board. The request for the part-time clerk to be placed on a full- 234 ::;DG1T (cont'd) time basis was approved by the Load and a classification of S-3 rate 13 was approved. The increase in mandatory record eepin€; and added clerical work has necessitated the employ- ment of a full-time clerk. The health Department expense account was reviewed. Although amounts in individual accounts were clanged the total Budget will not be increased over 1968. The Out of State Travel Account and also the Engineering account were approved with no increase requested. The Rabies Clinic and Animal Inspector budgets will be the same as last year and was approved as presented. The letter requesting machine was approved. The itates the need of another statistical work indicates additional typewriter and adding addition of another clerk necess- typewriter and the additional the need of an adding machine. The Article request for Mystic Valley Mental health Association inc., Children's Clinic was approved. The following; are the the hoard. totals for 1969 Budget as approved health Department Expenses Out of State 'Travel Engineering Rabies Clinic Animal Inspector Article - mystic Valley dental Health Children's Clinic $10,000.00 250.00 500.00 1120.00 1270.00 7u47.00 Dr. Cosgrove and Dr. Colburn said they would meet with the 'appropriation Committee to discuss the Budget if necessary. Dr. Colburn rude a motion that Dr. Cosgrove by nominated C Ai Lid Chairman of the board of Health to fill the vacancy due to the death of i'r. EcCluillan. Lotion made and duly passed. The Board agreed to Cancer Fund in memory of donation to the 'James M, Boston, in memory of !>ir. Board of Health. send a donation to the American ib'. j-e;_uillan and also to send a Lest rund, c/o .':ass. Genual a_'ospital, Janes M. ;est, former member of tie Dr. Cosgrove asked i'or a list of names of people in- terested in board of Health work on file in the Health Dept. Gd 044 1 1 1