HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-09-08_4 MOSQUITO FOGGING MENTAL HEALTH BUDGET STATE IMMUNIZA`STION PROGRAM GRANT 4 GARDEN AVENUE FLU CLINIC- TOWN LINIC- TOWN EMPLOYEES HOSPITAL ACCOUNT BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING SEPTEMBER 8, 1967 The regular meeting of the Board of Health was held Friday, September 8, 1967 at 7:00 P.M. in the Selectmen's Room of the Town Office 3uilding. Members present were: R. L. McQuillan, Chairman, Dr. Wil1ian Cosgrove and Robert Heusti s, Director of Public Health. The minutes of the July 17, 1967 Meeting were approved as read. The letter to Mr. !Wayne Lees, 29 Tower Road was approved by the Board. Mr. Lees had complained of the fogging for mosquitos in the early evening while families were in their yards. The letter explained the operation of the fogging program and also that the chemical, Dibrom, used by the licensed operator as dorected was non-toxic. The 3udget increase requested by the Mental Health Childrem's Clinic for 1968 was discussed again by the Board. Mr. McQuillan and Dr. Cosgrove will attend the meet- ing with the Mental Health Association September 19, 1967. The clerk was instructed to send notices of this meeting to Dr. Cosgrove and Mr. McQuillan. The letter from the State Health Office regarding the grant of $250,000 for an immunization program was discussed by the 3oard. Letters were sent to the Doctor's Advisory Committee, Dr. Pyle, Consulting Physician of the Board and the Lexington Visiting Nurse Association. Of the replies received the majority felt that Lexington would have few in the hard to reach group for which the grant was made. The Board voted to table this for the time being. The letter form the State Department of Public Works stating that the condition that caused a nuisance in the brook running in the rear of 4 Garden Avenue had been correct- ed by the contractor who had done the construction work on the section of .route 2 effecting the flow of the brook. The Flu Clinic for Town Employees and school personnel will be held October 5th and November 30th. Notices will be sent to Department heads in the Town Offices and Dr. Fobert, Superintendent of Schools. The letter to Dr. Rudolph Fobert, Superintendent of Schools, regarding the satisfactory counts of 'Whiting Milk Co. products was approved by the E3oard. The letter to the appropriation committee stating the hospital account for the Board of Health will run about $3100.00 more that the $750.00 appropriated was approved by the 3oard. hlr. Heustis explained that we have two tuberculosis patients at '-liddlesex County Hospital and a premature infant whose hospital bill will be $345.27. According to law the Health Department :rust pay when there aF a need. The bill for Premature Infant Sweeney was approved by the 3oard. The bill from Waltham Hospital was for $413.00 and the Health Department will pay 83.60. The State reimburses the Town one half of this payment. Fir. Heustis explained to the Board that Mr, John Condon, Laboratory man, had spoken to him requesting an increase in his rates. Milk samples tested for coliform, plate count and phosphatate are now $1.O0per sample, he is asking an increase to $2.00 per sample. The swab tests of utensils now at $1.00 per sample will increase to $1.50 per sample. 4 LA3 MAN - ATE INCREi:SE The 3oard discussed this and asked Mr. Heustis to check some of the other laboratories for prices. They also suggested a competitive bid or some price lists Lefore another year. iA Measle Clinic for the fall was discussed and it was r'lETSLES decided that during Community Health Week October 15 through CLINIC 21 would be a good time to publicize the Measle Clinic to be held the last week of October possibly Thursday and Saturday. The preliminary subdivision entitled "Worthen Road :2ealty iOUHiI Trust" Bas approved by the 3ord. This will be a commercial O\D area and will have publuc sewer. A copy of the Whitman r REALTY TRUST Howard report is to be sent with the letter of approval to the Planning 3oard. The subdivision entitled "Subdivision Off Hancock Street" was approved subject to Whitman E- Howard, Inc., engineers' report. The high milk counts on the Health Officer's report was discussed by the Board. The letter sent to the companies which were re -checked and still had high counts was approved by the 3oard. The Board agreed that if the next test shows no improvement the owners will be asked to come before the 3oard. Mr. He uillan explained that he thought an article. explaining the inspection form used in restaurant inspections should be publiched in the local paper. Dr. Cosgrove agreed. Two articles were submitted, one a formal copy of the Sanitary Code the other the Sanitary Code in story form. SUBDIVISION OFF HANCOCK ST,",EET MILK COUNTS PUBLISH FOOD ESTABLISHMENT INSPECT. FC' MS 148 SWAB TESTS UTENSILS -3- The 3oard discussed both forms and it was agreed to give Mr. Adams both and let him decide which one to use for publication. The swab tests on the eating utensils were discussed try the Board. Mr. Heustis said he would call back and re -check some of these real bad ones and if there was no progress in the cleaning up he would, under article X, serve notice that unless corrections were made within a certain period of time the Food Establishment Permit v,ould be revoked. The Board asked if an appeal could be made and Mr. Heustis said "Yes" the Board would have to grant a hearing within 5 days. The (3oard agreed that this would be the thing to do and assured Mr. Heustis they were behind him 100%. a "C' Mr. McQuillan and Dr. Cosgrove both agreed anything under ' rating would not be tolerated. The following licenses and permits were signed by the Board: Installers Permits John Restuccie John Daley Nursing Home Approval Hancock House Nursing Home Food Establishment Permits Fast Food Meat Service (new) Servomation-Marshall Division Child Care Licenses Lexington Day Nursery Lexington Montessori School Church of OUr Redeemer Countryside Kindergarten Playtime Nursery Methodist Weekday School Swimming Pools Paint pock Pool Corp. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. Mr. McQuillan asked about the swimming pools and Mr. Heustis said they were fairly good. Literature had been sent and a list of officers obtained. ONe pool was closed when the circulating pumps were broken. But on the whole they were in good shape. or. 1+654 1 1