HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-12-19on the property of E. W. Gourdeau was read by the Board.
Mr. Finneran stated this dwelling was involved in the land
taking by the State for Route 2, the State Public Works Depart-
ment had been trying to find a way to re -locate the Sanitary
System of the dwelling but all inspections show that there is
no suitable land left around the house to locate a satisfactory
ROUTE 128 The letter to the Massachusetts. Department of Public Works
regarding the improper drainage of a culvert on Route 128 be-
hind property on Ross Road was approved by the Board.
ANIMAL The animal permit for permission to keep one horse at
PERMIT 119 Burlington Street was approved by the Board on the re-
commendation of Mr. Finneran.
The animal permit for permission to keep four horses,
fifty poultry and six sheep at 167-171 Grant Street was
denied by the Board.
Mr. Finneran stated he had received objections from almost
all the residents in the area and also the builder who is
developing the area and because of these objections and the
residential nature of this area he could not recommend the
granting of this permit.
The renewal of the application for the Maryvale Rest Home
was signed by the Board.
Mr. McQuillan asked if the Board would mind if he wrote to
the Recreation Committee suggesting a program for "Senior
Citizens" in Lexington. The Board approved.
The purchase of a desk for the clerks office was approved
by the Board.
The Health Officer's Report was discussed by the Board.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:45 P.M.
DECEMBER 19, 1963
The regular meeting of the Board of Health was held Thursday,
December 19, 1963, at 7:30 P.M. in the Health Department Office.
Members present were R.L. McQuillan, Chairman, Dr. William
Cosgrove, Mr. James M. West and Executive Health Officer James
F. Finneran.
The minutes of the October 31, 1963 meeting were approved
as read.
The letters to the Board of Selectmen regarding the step
raise for the Clerk, Dorothy Jones, and the recommendation for
reclassification of the Executive Health Officer from position
rate S-18 to S-19 were approved by the Board.
The letter to the Recreation Committee recommending a pro-
gram for "Senior Citizens" was approved by the Board.
The letter to Mr. John Carroll, Superintendent of Public
Works, was approved by the Board. Mr. Finneran explained that
Mr. Carroll had requested his opinion on the need of three dif-
ferent areas for trunk sewer lines, after a survey of the three
areas mentioned in Mr. Carrollts letter he suggested that according
to the Board of Health records and the survey made the need of a.
sewer line in these areas could be listed in the following order:
1. Winter Street from Grove Street
2. Two areas adjacent to Lowell and Woburn Street
3. Two areas involving (a) Hill Street (b) East and
Adams Street.
The letters to the Board of Selectmen and the School Depart-
ment regarding the Flu Clinic was approved by the Board.
Mr. Finneran explained that the School Health Services re-
quested a Flu Clinic for School Personnel therefore a clinic was
set up for Town Employees and School Personnel. In the past we
have had a good response to this clinic, giving approximately
L00 to 500 Flu Innoculations, therefore, when a. reduced price
was offered on a 1000 dose order we ordered the 1000 doses be-
cause the expiration date was such that the vaccine would still
be good for next years clinic. The response this year was very
poor, especially the School Personnel, and only a total of about
180 innoculati;Ms were given. Mr. McQuillan and Mr. Finneran
felt that rather than have so much surplus vaccine on hand it
would be better to notify the Doctors in Town that a supply was
available for the high risk groups such as pregnant women, res-
pitory patients and elderly patients. Mr. Finneran said a number
of Doctors had picked up the vaccine for this group. The Board
approved offering the excess vaccine to local doctors.
The report from Whitman and Howard on the property at MILLBROOK
Millbrook and Suzanne Road was read by the Board. Mr. Fin- & SUZANNE RD.
neran reported that the property was originally rejected when
the sub -division was approved. Further tests were done by
Whitman and Howard and one lot was approved but Lot 12 will
have to have further tests done before approval can be granted.
The letter to the Department of Public Safety was approved CHILD CARE
by the Board. Mr. Finneran explained that an application to CENTER
conduct a Child Care Center at 958 Massachusetts Ave. was received.
The new Child Care Regulations stipulate that an inspection by
the Department of Public Safety or one of their designated inspec-
tors, must be made before the license to conduct a Child Care Center
may be granted. Before any further action could be taken on this
matter the Board of Appeals denied the application to conduct a
Child Care Center at 958 Massachusetts Avenue.
The letter to Flynn and Flynn, Councilors of Law, approving COLONIAL
Lot 68 of the subdivision entitled "Colonial Acres, Section 3" ACRES
was approved by the Board.
LABORATORY Mr. Finneran reported that the School Health Services had
ANIMALS IN called him requesting information on the use and care of Labor-
qc.FOOLS atory animals for instructional programs. He called the County
Extension Office in Concord and wrote to the Waltham Field Sta-
tion for any information available, a number of booklets were
received from these sources and turned over to the School Health
Services for study.
29 MARRETT The letter to the Board of Selectmen regarding the well water
STREET analysis at 29 Marrett-Street was approved by the Board. Mr.
Finneran explained that the owner had requested the Selectmen to
negotiate with the Bedford Air Base for permission to connect his
house to the water line going into the Air Base. The Selectmen
upon investigation found this would be a very complicated procedure
and requested a test made of the well water and the condition of
the well inspected by the Health Officer to see if the existing
well could be used.
Mr. Finneran stated that the well was of good construction
and if it was cleaned and disinfected properly could be used for
a domestic water supply. The analysis done at this time showed
the presence of coliform organisims but after the well is properly
cleaned and disinfected further tests will be made.
COMMUNICABLE The letters to Dr. Fiumara, State Health Department and Dr.
DISEASES Pyle were read and approved by the Board. Mr. Finneran explained
that changes are being made in the Communicable Disease Regula-
tions and Dr. Pyle as our consulting physician studied the
proposed changes and made such suggestions as he thought necessar
COMMON The letter to the Board of Selectmen regarding the inspec-
VICTULLARS tions for Common Victullars licenses were approved by the Board.
Mr. Finneran said he also notified the Selectmen of the three
catering firms operating the cafeterias at Itek, Raytheon and
Kennecott Copper as thes e firms should have Common Victullars
licenses, too.
DETERGENTS The letter to Frank J. Coughlin of Proctor and Gamble Co.
was approved by the Board. Mr. Finneran stated that at present
a great deal of research is being done on the effects of deter-
gents on the water supply. A. high school student had contacted
this office and requested information on this subject. Mr.
Coughlin had spoken on this subject at the American Public Health
Conference in Kansas City and so Mr. Finneran wrote to him re-
questing a copy of his talk. This information and any other
references this office had available was loaned to the student
for his research paper.
DENTAL The letter to the Board of Selectmen requesting $1000. for
CLINIC Dental Clinic equipment was approved by the Board. This request
has been granted and Dr. Cosgrove will see that the bills are
submitted for payment by December 31, 1963.
PINEWOOD The definitive sub -division plan entitled "Pinewood Develop-
DEVPLOPMENT ment, Section I" was approved by the Board. This subdivision
SECTION 1 will be on public sewer.
The letter to Richard Young, 28 Estabrook Road, stating the
report and action taken by the Board in regard to the location 28 ESTABROOH
and work done on a septic bystem at his home in the Spring of ROAD
1962 was approved by the Board.
The renewal application for a license to operate a rest
home by Dorothy Stedman, 20 Parker Street, was approved by
the Board.
Motion was made and seconded to appoint Mr. John Condon
Collector of Milk Samples. Mr. Finneran explained that by
making Mr. Condon, Collector of Milk Samples, the milk planta
that are located quite a distance from Lexington (such as Lynn
Charlestown, etc.) could be covered on a more regular basis.
The Board after studying the Health Officer's,report
instructed Mr. Finneran to write a letter to Maple Hill Farm
stating that unless his milk counts improve his license to
sell milk in Lexington will be revoked.
The Board also instructed Mr. Finneran to take whatever
action necessary on the use of the dispenser milk by Musgrave
Farms. The counts on the dispenser milk have been very high.
The following Disposal licenses were signed by the Board:
Jas. F. Morse Co.
Bay State Tallow Co.
Lowell Rendering Co.
Capello Brothers
Fred Miller & Sons.
Electric Sewer Cleaning Co.
Suburbanite Cesspool Service, Inc.
Mr. Herman Theissing
Joseph H. App Co., Inc.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 P.M.