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Health recommended the formation of a committee from members of
the departments concerned with waste collection and disposal so
that the Board of Selectmen would have well -considered recommen
dations on which to base future action.
Chairman, Lincoln Cole, then made a motion that a committee
consisting of the Superintendent of Public Works, the Executive
Secretary to the Board of Selectmen, The Health Officer, and
representative of the Town Meeting Association be commissioned
to study and report on the Town's wate sollection and disposal
services. This motion was unanimously passed by the Board of
Selectmen and approved by the Board of Health.
SEPTEMBER 20, 1963
The regular meeting of the Board of Health was held, Friday
September 20, 1963, at 7:30 P.M. in the Selectmen's Office of
The Town Office Building. Members present were: R.L. McQuillan,
Chairman, Dr. William Cosgrove, Mr, James M. West, and Executive
Health Officer, James F. Finneran.
Minutes of the August 1, 1963 meeting were approved as read
and also the minutes of the Special Meeting of September 9, 1963
were approved as read.
AA CESSPOOL At the request of the Board of Health, Mr. Verner Rodenhiser
COMPANY of A.A. Cesspool came before the Board to answer charges made by
Miss Margaret Joyce, 93 Laconia Street, Lexington, Mass. In a
letter to the Board the following charges were made -by Miss Joyce
against A.L. Cesspool Co.
1. Overcharging
2. Work improperly done except as overseen, step-by-
step by customer
3. Misleading advertising
4. Incompetence
5. Unethical tactics
Miss Joyce also stated in this letter she felt the Board of
Health should also be challenged on their tactics of issuing
licenses to the sewage disposal companies.
Mr. Finneran explained that if the equipment used by these
companies was in good tight condition a license was issued to
them and because of the highly competative nature of this bus-
iness he always suggested that home -owners call more than one
company for estimates on the job to be done. The Board agreed
that they could not supervise the work done by these companies
and because of the competitive mature of the business must
assume that each company does the work properly.
Mr. Rodenhiser was accompanied to this hearing by the men
who had done the work at Miss -Joyce's home, namely, his son Mr.
Lebow and Mr. Bennett.
Mr. Rodenhiser stated that Miss Joyce had signed a contract
for what he termed a $90.00 dollar job but because when the men
went out the first time they could not locate the cesspool and
had to come back to the garage for a hearing device there was
an extra charge. When the hearing device was used a snake from
the house out to the cesspool was used and this did have rptar
blades on it. The men also went back to the job twice after
they•had considered the job complete, because of phone calls
received from Miss Joyce saying that the toilet was still
regurgitating paper from time to time. Mr. Rodenhiser's son
said he called back and when he flushed the toilet a number
of times there was no problem of improper flushing.
Mr. Finneran said he had been out to Miss Joyce's dwelling
with the plumber inspector and they had suggested she call a
plumber to check the toilet bowl for blockage, the plumber has
been called back twice on this.
Miss Joyce in her letter also stated that she had called
the Boston Better Businesss Bureau and reported the dissatisfac-
tion he had with Mr. Rodenhisers' work and also she reported
what she•felt was misrepresentation in the Ad in the Lexington
Minute Man to the paper.
' Mr. Rodenhiser reported at some length his dealings with the
Boston Better Business Bureau and said that those dealings had
taken place when he was in the Plumber's Supply business.
The Board agreed that because of the highly competitive
nature of this business they could not tell Mr. Rodenhiser how
to run his business but they did feel that when a complaint such
ass Miss Joyce's had been registered that it was their futy to
Mr. McQuillan asked if all the equipment used by the various
companies at the Allston address was all garaged in Allston. Mr.
Rodenhiser said "Yea", and then went on to explain that the various
names used by the companies was because of the location of those
names in the Telephone Book, and all numbers listed locally could
be connected directly to the business office An Allston.
Mr. Rodenhiser and the Board discussed further the complaints
listed by Miss Joyce. The Board after a short discussion agreed
that as far as public relations was concerned it was between Mr.
Rodenhiser and Miss Joyce.
Mr. Rodenhiser said he appreciated the Board letting him answer
the chargee made by Miss Joyce.
The Board thanked Mr. Rodenhiser for coming in and Mr Rodenhiser
and his associates retired.
The Board discussed this complaint further and moved that Mr.
Finneran write to Miss Joyce stating that Mr. Rodenhiser had come
before the Board.
Upon checking the Health Officer's Report on the analysis MILK COUNTS
of milk and swab tests the Board asked Mr. Finneran about Wil- ._&
low Farm Dairy and Early Bird Restraurant. SWAB..TESTS
Mr. Finneran stated that Mr. St.Germaine, of Willow Farm
Dairy had been in to see him. Willow Farm obtains and distributes
milk bottled at Maple Hill Farm in Waltham. Mr. St. Germaine asked
Mr. Finneran what he could do about the high counts he has had on
the milk.
Mr. Finneran told Mr. St. Germaine that as he obtained his
milk from Maple Hill FarMAn .Wal" thaw, he.'sbould Aeie if he could
get the Waltham Dairy to clean the equipment. The Waltham
Health Department is the licensing agent for the Maple Hill Dairy
and therefore should be responsible in seeing that the equip-
ment is cleaned. Mr. Finneran said he knows the Health Officer
from the Waltham Health Department has been out to Maple Hill
Farm a number of times. He also suggested to Mr. St. Germaine
that if the counts did not improve he should change his bottling
company because if the counts did not improve the Board of Health
of Lexington would have no alternative but to revoke his license
to distribute milk in Lexington.
B. L. Cummings had only one bad count this month and that
was on cream.
The Board spoke of the utensil swab counts on Early Bird
Restraurant. Mr. Finneran said he was keeping after them and
hoped to see improvement very soon. As things stand now there
is just 2 milk companies and 2 restaurants that are causing
trouble but he will keep close watch on these concerns and
see that things are taken care oft
GARBAGE Mr. Finneran reported that he had met with the Study Comm-
DISPOSAL ittee on Waste Disposal appointed by the Board of Selectmen
1 STUDY GROUP The committee consists of Mr. Gray, Executive Secretary to the
Board of Selectmen, John Carroll, Public Works Superintendent
Five Members from the Town Meeting Committee and -the Health
Officer. At the meeting John Carroll explained how the Hart-
well Avenue Dump could be used for the disposal of garbage.
This would involve draining the area by installing dikes and
removing the peat down to solid clay and letting the base dry
out. Two or three loads of garbage could be handled daily if
this was done on a Land Fill System. Mr. Finneran said he
impressed on Mr. Carroll that he would have to be sure that
the land could be properly drained and dried before a plan
of this nature could be carried out.
Mr. Finneran said in view of the suggested plan for the
Hartwell Avenue area he had requested a man from the State
Department to come out and check the area an dplan of use.
The Board questioned if this would improve the collection
problem. Mr. Finneran said "Yes" because it would open the
contract to more and better equipped contractors for bidding.
As it stands now only swine dealers may bid on the contract
and there is only two or three such dealers in this area.
Mr. West asked about the problem of rats and odors.
Mr. Finneran said where there was a contract now with
an exterminator that would have to be kept for the new dump
as well as the Lincoln Street Dump.
By opening pp the bids to more disposal cojpanies the
bids will be higher but the service should be a great deal
better because the equipment will be better.
The Board asked if John Carroll had mentioned the dis-
posal units for all new houses being built on public' sewer.
Mr. Finneran said yea and he was in favor of it and was going
to have an ordance or law placed in the Building Code. All
these things will take time because they will have to come
up before the Town Meeting in the Spring.
Mr. Finneran said Mr. Carroll would like to come before
the Board next month and discuss this problem with them further.
Mr. Finneran said he and.Mr. Carroll were going to study various
methods used by other towns for the disposal of garbage and re-
port back to the other committeeemembers at the next meeting now
scheduled for October 3.
The Board said they would like to have Mr. Carroll come in
to the next meeting and discuss this problem with them and they
also were very pleased With the Committee the Selectmen appointed.
Mr. Finneran reported that the dates for the Type II Adult
Oral Polio Clinic had been set for Wednesday, October 23 and
Thursday October24 from 6 to 9 P.M. and Saturday, October 26
10 A.M. to 3 P.M. -The Rotary Club representatives have met
with Mr. Finneran and plans are underway for this clinic. Only
two stations will be used this time Cary Hall and the Parker
School. Both the Harrington School and the Adams School proved
unsatisfactory and therefore it was decided to drop the East
Lexington station.
The letter to Mr. Joseph Costa, 58 Ivan Street, regarding
the disposal of a rooster was approved by the Board. Mr. Fin-
neran reported this matter was all taken care of.
The notice of laboratory approval for the testing of water
was placed on file by the Board.
The letter to Mr. Courtney Comeau, 85 Marlboro Road,
Waltham, Mass. was approved by the Board. Mr. Finneran said
a complaint of rubbish in the rear yard at 519 Lowell Street
had been received and investigation showed old auto parts and
lumber around the rear yard of an old shed at 519 Lowell St.
Mr. Comeau as agent for the property was contacted and he came
into the office upon receipt of this letter and said he would
see that the matter was taken care of.
The copies of the letters from the Stabe Health Depart-
ment regarding the use of Calgon in the Lexington water supply
to alleviate the red water condition were read and placed on
file by the Board.
The letters to and from Dr. McHugh, State Tuberculosis TUBERCULOSIS'
Control were read and approved by the Board. Dr. McHugh had
sent a questioner to be filled out which was for the purpose
of the State Department finding suitable locations to carry on
a case finding program.
The letter to the Board of Selectmen approving the plan BOWLADROME
for a snack bar to be installed at the Lexington Bowladrome
was approved by the Board. This was for the isuance of a
Common Viotulars License.
58 IVAN 81
269 WOOD ST. The letter to Mr. John -Boyd, 269 Wood Street, was read and
approved. Mr. Finneran explained that this was a house moved
from Route 2 and the Sanitary System had not had a final in-
spection. When he went out to check the system he found Mr.
Boyd living in the house and also a rooster *nd several hens
in a pen in the rear yard. Mr. Finneran said he had been out
to Mr. Boyd's a number of times but could not find anyone in
and so he sent this letter and as yet has had no reply but•
would keep after the problem.
66 NORTH ST. The permit to keep six (6) horses by Ralph Davis at
66 North Street, was approved by the Board.
EUGENE A motion was made and duly passed that the Board of
LAROSE • 'Health would purchase the medication for Eugene LaRose a
patient recently discharged from the Middlesex Sanatorium.
Financial Statement and Settlement Statements are on rile
in the Health Department Offiee.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:L5 P.M. - -