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FEBRUARY 28, 1963
The regular meeting of the Board of Health was held Feb-
ruary 28, 1963, at 7:30 P.M. in the Health Department Office.
Members present were Dr. William Cosgrove, acting Chairman,
Mr. James M. West and Executive Health Officer, James F. Finn-
The minutes of the January 28, 1963, meeting were approved
as read.
POSTURE Mrs. Flynn, Chairman of the Posture Committee, came before
CLINIC the Board to discuss the action of the Board of Selectmen and
the Appropriation Committee of -February 9, 1963, at which time
they voted not to recommend the appropriation for the rosture
Clinic Expenses and Personal Services.
Dr. Cosgrove, Acting Chairman of the Board, explained to
Mrs. Flynn that the letter received February 11, 1963, from
Mr. Adams, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, was the first
the Board of Health had heard of this action and the Board was
very much upset. Mr. McQuillan, Chairman, has been notified
of this action and has written to the Board regarding this.
Mrs. Flynn gave the Board members a written history of the
Posture Clinic. Mrs. Flynn said she had talked to Mr. Peckham,
Chairman of the P.T.A. Council and also requested an appoint-
ment with Dr. Henry L. Isaksen of the School Health Services.
Mrs. Flynn stated that she was amazed at the action of the
Board of Selectmen and Appropriation Committee because she felt
that the Posture Clinic was one of the most worthwhile clinics
for children as well as being one of the least expensive clinics.
Mrs. Flynn also brought to the.Boards attention the fact
that Mrs. Donnelly, physiotherapist, had worked with the clinic
since its origin in 1926 and had to work very odd hours so that
the Clinic would not interfer with the School Study Hours. Mrs.
Donnelly takes and develops all silhouettograph pictures taken
at the clinics, and by Mrs. Donnelly developing these - pictures
herself the cost of the clinic has been kept at a minimum.
Another fact Mrs. Flynn brought to the attention of the Board
was the referrals from the School Doctors of cases where an
orthopedic surgeons opinion was advisable.
After further discussion a motion was made and duly passed
that Mr. McQuillan would be asked to investigate this action of
the Board of Selectmen and the Appropriation Committee as soon
as he returned from Florida.
Mrs. Flynn asked about the bills and personal services since
the first of January.
The Board assured Mrs. Flynn that according to law the Town
is responsible for all usual bills and rersonal services on the
assumption of the proposed budget until Town Meeting. The Board
also stated they could not understand why the Selectmen aid App-
ropriation Committee would not realize that we are committed on
this clinic until the end of the school year.
After further discussion the Board assured Mrs. Flynn that
the Board would do all it could to see that this action by the
Selectmen and Appropriation Committee was corrected.
Mrs. Flynn thanked the Board and retired.
Mr. Clifford Castle, representative from the Lexington Vis- L.V.N.A.
iting Nurse Association, came before the Board to discuss an
increase in our payment for services to the Lexington Visiting
Nurse Association for the 1964 Budget.
Mr. Castle said he knew it was early in the year but he
wanted to bring this matter before the Board of Health well in
advance of the 1964 Budget.
Mr. Castle said at the present time they were receiving from
the Board of Health $2900. per year and roughly figuring the calls
average about 1500 per year. :At the present time the fee charged
on individual cases was 43.25 which the L.V.N.A. feels will have
to be raised to $3.75 per call for individual cases. .
Dr. Cosgrove asked.Mr. Castle how much more they felt they
Mr. Castle said they had discussed $3600. as a fair figure.
This would be about a $700. increase on the amount xiow received.
Mr. Castle said he hoped the Board would consider this re-
quest favorable and the L.V.N.A. would appreciate it very much.
Dr. Cosgrove asked Mr. Castle if he would put this request
in the form of a letter to the Board.
Mr. Castle said he would have Mr. Charles Whitmore, president
of the L.V.N.A. Association write to the Board requesting the
additional funds for the 1964 Budget.
The letter from Mr. McQuillan regarding his approval of the ADULT
Boards action regarding the Adult Oral Polio Clinic and the actionPOLIO &
regarding the Mental Health Association's request for funds was MENTAL
read by the Board and placed on file.
The letter to Mrs.' Joanne Sheehan, 53 Asbury Street, was 53 ASBURY
approved by the Board. This letter stated that an inspection STREET
of the premises at S3 Asbury Street on February 4, 1963 found
unsanitary conditions and inadequate facilities and therefore
this dwelling was unfit for human habitation.
Dr. Cosgrove explained this case to Mr. West.
Mr. Finneran reported that he went to court on this case a
second time and that at the hearing Mrs. Sheehan was ordered
to be out of this dwelling by April 1, 1963.
INFORMATION The letter from )*ss Joanne Gillespie requesting information
regarding a position as Public Health Nurse was read and placed
on file.
The letter to Miss Gillespie auggesting she contact the
School Health Service or the L.V.N.A. in regards to public
health nursing in Lexington was approved by the Board.
The letter from Miss Judith King requesting information
concerning the Health Department for a problem in her college
program was placed on file. -
Mr. Finneran said he wrote a report on the Health Depart-
ment for Miss King and we had since given this same report to
a number of other students who had called this office or stopped
in requesting information regarding the local health department.
RUBBISH The letter to Henry B. Russell & Sons, Inc., 29 Webster St.
PERMIT Cambridge, Mass., was approved by the Board. This letter stated
that a Rubbish Disposal Permit must be obtained from the Board
of Health in accordance to the Health Department Rules and Reg-
ulations, Chapter IV, Section ta..
Mr. Finneran explained that he saw the Russell truck picking
up rubbish at Brigham's and as this company had never had a per-
mit before this letter was sent to them.
WILLOW The report of the high milk counts on samples taken from
FARM Willow Farm by the Health Department of Watertown was read by
the Board.
Mr. Finneran explained Willow Farm was a distributor for
Maple Hill Farm in Waltham and he had investigated this situa-
tion. One thing he found was that the pipes in the plant had
not been properly washed, this was being done now. He will
keep his eye on this plant and watch it very closely.
SABIN The report and suggested protocol from the State Health
VACCINE Department on the distribution of Sabin Vaccine, Type II was
TYPE II read and placed on file.
"THE The letters regarding the subdivision "The Grove" were
GROVE" read and placed on file.
Mr. Finneran explained that Lots 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 were
originally disapproved subject to additional grading. The
additional grading plans were submitted by Green & White and
Mr. Lucas of Whitman & Howard, Inc. re -checked these lots and
approved the grading plans with a few changes as submitted.
Motion was made and dully passed that the Board would
approve Lot': 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 in the subdivision entitled
"The Grove" on the basis of the Whitman and Howard report
and subject to the condition that the grading as Shown on
the grading plan submitted with the changes made by Mr. Lucas
of Whitman & Howard, Inc. be established.
The proposed sewage disposal plan for an addition to the LINCOLN
Lincoln Laboratories was approved by the Board. LABORATORIES
Mr. Finneran explained this project had been submitted before
and then dropped by Lincoln Laboratories. Re-application was made
recently and Mr. Lucas of Whitman & Howard, Inc. came out and checked
the plan and the area and approved this plan.
The letter to Mr. Charles Drake, Agent of Shrewsbury Health PUBLIC
Department was approved by the Board. Mr. Drake requested infor SEWER
mation and policies of our Board of Health pertaining• to the con- INFORMA-
nection to public sewer. TION
Motion made and dully passed that Mr. R.L. McQuillan be re-
appointed as representative to the Lexington Visiting Nurse Assoc-
The nomination of Dr. Carl R. Benton as Animal Inspector and
James F. Finneran as Assistant Animal. Inspector was made by the
Board. The nomination papers were signed by the Board for the
State Department of Agriculture approval.
Mr. James F. Finneran was re -appointed Slaughtering Inspector
by the Board.
The animal permit to keep a horse submitted by Veronica Cor- ANIMAL
mier, 144 East Street, was discussed by the Board. PERMIT
Mr. Finneran stated he had checked the area and had received
no objection from the abuttors, but he told Mrs. Cormier that the
stable housing the horse must have a floor of impervious material
with a drain connected to a dry well located outside of the build-
ing. Also all manure from the stahle must be kept in suitable
metal containers and removed from the premises at regular inter-
Motion was made and duly passed that permission be granted
Mrs. Cormier to keep one horse at 144 East Street subject to the
conditions as stated by Mr. Finneran, Executive Health Officer.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 P.M.