HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-12-17566 BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING DECEMBER 17, 1962 The regular meeting of the Board of Health was held Monday, December 17,'1962, at 7:30 P.M. in the Board of Health Office. jl Members present were Mr. R.L. McQuillan, Chairman, Dr. William Cosgrove, Mr. James M. West and Health Officer, James F. Finneran. The minutes of thh=November 23, 1962, meeting were approved as read. MYSTIC VAL- Mr. McQuillan explained to the Board that correspondence LEY MENTAL from the Mystic Valley Mental Health Association to the School HEALTH ASSO. Committee and to the Board of Selectmen had been referred to the Board of Health and a spokesman from that organization was coming before the Board to request the Board's cooperation in securing additional funds for that Association. Mr. Finneran read the correspondence dated November 29, 1962, sent to the School Committee, which explained the form- ation of the Mystic Valley Mental Health Association and the source of their present funds. This association services four other communities besides Lexington, they are, Arlington, Bed- ford, Winchester and Woburn. The Massachusetts Department of Mental Health provides the salaries and a professional super- visor for the staff which consists of: a psychiatrist, psy- chiatric social worker, psychologist and community coordinator. The Mystic Valley Mental Health Association also found and furnished quarters at 19 Muzzey Street, Lexington, and pays all the running expenses and salary of the secretary -recep- tionists and any other operating costs. Fees scaled to the family income absorb part of these costs and the remainder is provided by the United Fund Money. The Mystic Valley Mental Health Association now feels that the value of the Clinic has been proven to the community and is requesting additional funds from each of the five communities served in order that they might use thepresent limited funds for other needed demonstration projects. The Association is re- questing from each of the five towns which they service the sum of X3500. The copy of the correspondence from the Association to the School Committee goes on to cite the legislative act passed in 1958. Section 5 of Charter 40 amended by a clause inserted after 40B, Section 1, Chapter 24.7 of the General Laws, whereby providing co-operative or complementary facilities to out-patient clinics, etc. Monies for these clinics may be expanded under the School Department or the Health Department or joint. Mr. McQuillan explained to the Board that the School Committee took no action on this matter until they could contact the Board of Health. On December 13, 1962, the Mystic Valley Mental Health Ass- ociation wrote to the Selectmen and explained their request for funds to the School Committee and although the School Committee CC 7.1 ►°C 1 567 and the members of the Pupil Personel Services agreed that the Clinic was worthwhile the point was made that the reauest for funds should be discussed with the Appropriation Committee and the Board of Health. The Board discussed this matter and decided to wait for any further action until the gentlemen from the Mental Health Associa- tion came in. At 9:10 P.M. Mr. Blake and Mr. Rosenthal came before the Board to request their cooperation in obtaining funds to carry on the Children►s Mental Health Program of the Mystic Valley Mental Health Association. After the discussion with the representatives of the Mystic Valley Mental Health Association the Board of Health agreed to contact the School Committee to determine if they are in favor of this program in relation to the schools. The Board of Health agreed that after contacting the School Board, and the Board of Selectmen and if it proved that all three Boards were in favor of supporting this expenditure the Board of Health would recommend that an article be placed in the Town Warrent for the March Town Meeting. Mr. Finneran explained to the Board that he attended the NEW LAW RE: meeting at Mi:'dlesex County Sanatorium at which time the new TUBERCULOSIS State Law regarding the payment of the care and board of Lex- PATIENTS ington Tuberculosis patients was explained, under the new law the charge will be $20.50 per patient, per diem, one half to be paid by the State Department of Tuberculosis Control and the other half to be paid by the Town of residence of the patient. The Board expressed concern in regards to the already sub- mitted 1963 Expense Budget. In 1962 only 62 days of hospital- ization was required at Middlesex Sanatorium for a Lexington patient, based on this fact the estimated figure for 1963 was reduced to $1,200.; under the new law this would allow only 115 hospital days for a Lexington patient. The Board discussed this matter and agreed to take the chance on the submitted estimated figure of $1,200. It was also agreed that a letter be sent to the Board of Selectmen stating the new law and the decision of the. Board of Health based on the facts that at present there is no one in Middle- sex Sanatorium with a Lexington residence and also because so few hospital days were required last year the submitted 1963 figure for Middlesex County Sanatorium care should be adequate unless something unforeseen happened. Mr. Finneran reported that the Flu Clinic had been completed FLU and a bill sent to the School Department for their share of the CLINIC expenses of this Clinic. Mr. McQuillan said he had heard Dr. Frechette talk about POLIO the all out drive for the Oral Polio Vaccine Program for all PROGRAM children 3 months of age through High School and as this type of program was conducted last year by this department there 568 would be only make-up clinics for Type I and III, Type II will be given in March to all school children. The Board discussed the Polio Clinic for adults and felt that right now if we com- pleted the program for the children it would be sufficient. FOOD REGULA- The regulation to be added to Chapter III of the Board of (TION Health Regulation was presented to the Board as follows: "The owner, proprietor, and manager of any food estab- lishment not located within the Town of Lexington, who is required under the provisions of Chapter 9L, Section 305-C of the Massachusetts General Laws to register with the Department of Public Health, Division of Food and Drug, and who by himself or by an agent, sells or intends to sell, within the Town of Lexington, food, lunches, or meals intended to be consumed by the purchaser without further preparation or processing thereof by the pur- chaser, shall obtain a permit from the Board of Health to sell or deliver such prepared food, lunches, or meals." This new regulation is needed to cover the new service being offered by some food handler firms, which deliver to the home of subscribers meals prepared ready for serving. Mr. Finneran explained he had contacted Mr. Legro, Town Councel, on this matter and would send a draft of this regulation to him if the Board approved. Motion was made by the Board that if Mr. Legro, Town Counsel, approved of this regulation it would be accepted by the Board and inserted in the Book of Rules and Regulations of the Health Department. Motion dully passed. JOB RE- The letter to the Board of Selectmen on the re-classif- CLASSIFIGA* ication of the Executive Health Officer and the revised job TION description was approved by the Board. This re-classification and revision was discussed by the Board of Health and the Board of Selectmen on Monday evening December 10, 1962, and the Board was requested to submit a revised job description and a letter explaining it. DENTAL The letter to the Board of Selectmen explaining that the CLINIC item of $200. for transportation on the Dental Clinic Budget was for the Dental Hygienist who must use her car to tratrel to all the schools for her Dental Clinic work and her Dental Health Education Program. The reports on Food Establishments requested by the Select- men's Clerk for the purpose of issuing Common Victulaes licenses was approved by the Board. PERSONAL The letter to the Board of Selectmen requesting additional SERVICES funds for the Personal Service account to cover the added exp- enditure of Vacation coverage and the Extra Help hired to type Polio Record cards was approved by the Board. LOT 38 The letter to Mr. John Lindquist, 137 Robbins Road, Ari- WORTHEN RD. ington, was approved. Mr. Finneran explained that in 1959 Lot 38 Worthen Road was restricted for building because of the drainage at that time. A re -inspection on December 6, 1962, showed the grades to be satisfactory and therefore the re - 1 1 1 569 striction for building as recorded on January 27, 1959, was lifted. The letter from Mr. William Donovan, Massachusetts State HOWARD JOHN Democratic Committee, regarding a complaint of an employee SON'S, INC' working on the grill with his hand covered with a rubber glove at Howard Johnson's Restaurant, was read by the Board. Mr. Finneran reported that he made an inspection upon re- ceipt of this letter and found that the employee working on the grill did have a secondary infection and had been treated by a doctor in Concord, who suggested this man wear a rubber glove to protect the dressing on this finger. Mr. Finneran also reported that he had spoken to Mr. Mit- chell, Manager of Howard Johnson's Restaurant, and also wrote a letter to him suggesting that a review be made of the daily practices and rules of the restaurant in order to avoid a re- occurance of this type of violation. Mr. Finneran also said he had answered Mr. Donovan's letter and told him what steps had been taken to prevent a reoccurance of this nature. The Board approved the letters written to Mr. Donovan and to Mr. Mitchell. The notice to all Day Care Centers in Lexington stating DAY CARE that as of January 1, 1963, all licensing of Day Care Centers CENTERS will be under the authority of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health rather than the Local Board of Health was app- roved by the Board. The notice also explained that due to a delay in adopting rules and regulations it would be several months before the licensing would take place, therefore, the licensed Day Care Centers in Lexington will operate under the provisions of their 1962 licenses until new application forms for 1963 are made available to then}. The letter to Mr. Herbert Nickerson, State Sanitary Eng- 3 & 5 PA'T'T- ineer, requesting a laboratory analysis of water from an open ERSON ROAD drain system in the rear of a private dwelling at 3 and 5 Patt- erson Road was approved. Mr. Finneran explained that the owner of 5 Patterson Road was complaining to the Public Works Department that this storm drain was a hazard to him. Mr. Legro, Town Council, and Mr. John Carroll, Superintendent of Public Works, had requested the water analysis made. The tests proved negative. No action was taken by the Board. The copy of the letter from the Planning Board in regard BOWSER SADDI to the lot layout plan for Bowser Saddle Club Estates, Section LE CLUB EST. II, was read and placed on file by the Board. SECTION II The letter from Mrs. Leo Pelliter, Jr., of the Pre -School P.T.A. thanking the Health Department for their assistance in the Pre -School Eye Screenin Program was read by the Board. The Whitman & Howard Engineering Bill for services through December 1, 1962, was approved for payment by the Board.