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The resignation of Mark D. Lurvey was accepted by the Board
with regret.
The order sent to Edward G. D'Entremont, 29 Wilson Road, 29 WILSON RD
regarding the nuisance of over -flowing sewage on his property
was approved by the Board. This order stated that upon invest-
igation, July 11, 1962, sewage was found to be surfacing in the
rear of 29 Wilson Road. The condition must be corrected within
7 days receipt of this order or further steps will be taken.
The letter to Dr. William McHugh, M.D., MPH, Supervisor ROSE COHEN
of Tuberculosis Clinics, stating the history of Mrs. Rose Cohen
12 Winchester Drive, was approved by the Board. Mrs. Cohen had
been reported to this office as a suspected tuberculosis case but
upon investigation by the L.V.N.A. and also a report from Mrs.
Cohen's physician it was found an operation for a glandular tumor
on the right upper lobe was the cause of all chest x-rays showing
an abnormalty.
The letter to David C. Kavanaugh, Division of Right of Way LOTS 2 & 3
State Department of Public Works, stating that Lots 2 and 3 CONCORD
Cambridge Concord Highway were inspected as requested by him, HIGHWAY
for the purpose of installing private sewage disposal systems
on these Lots was approved by the Board.
Mr. McQuillan reported to the Board that he had talked to ROBERT W.
Robert W. Rimback who has a private laboratory and does testing RIMBACK
of milk, water, restaurant, and etc. for some other towns. After
some discussion the Board voted to make a further study of employ-
ing Mr. Rimback to do these tests for the Town.
The Whitman & Howard, Inc., bill was approved for payment.
Meeting adjourned.
SEPTEMBER 14, 1962
The regular meeting of the Board of Health was held Friday
evening at 7:30 P.M., September 14, 1962, in the Health Depart-
ment Office. Members present were: Mr. R.L. McQuillan, Chair-
man, Dr. William Cosgrove, Mr. James West and Health Officer
James F. Finneran.
Minutes of the Special Meeting, July 12, 1962, were app-
roved as read.
Mr. McQuillan discussed with the Board the high prices of LABORATORY,
the laboratory work done by Mr. Robert Rimback of the Middle- WORM, MR.
sex laboratories. The Board felt that the price of running RIMBACK
the swab tests was much too high. Dr. Cosgrove felt other
laboratories should be contacted or a college student might
like a part time job doing these tests. It was agreed that
Mr. McQuillan and Mr. Finneran should mebt with Mr. Rimback
and see if some agreement could be made as to the prices for
this service.
Mr. Rimback has done swab tests on all the restaurants
and eating establishments and schools a total of about 28
establishments and the final price will be approximately $160.'
The Board agreed that as no arrangement had been made in
the present budget for Laboratory service we had better hold
up on it until more prices for such service could be obtained.
ADULT POLIO The Adult Polio Clinic was discussed by the Board. Mr
CLINIC McQuillan stated he would like to postpone this Clinic until
Spring at which time the State may be providing the vaccine
and if not then an article could be submitted at Town Meeting',
to cover the cost of such a Clinic. Motion made and duly pass-
ed that the Adult Polio Clinic would be postpone until Spring.
The warings of the State Health Department regarding
Asian Flu was discussed by the Board. Mr. McQuillan said he
wrote the article which was published in the Minute Man this
week advising the people to see their private physician and
he felt this was enough. Dr. Cosgrove said we cooperated
last year by giving the innoculations to the school personell.
and Town Employees. Mr. Finneran was instructed to check
the prices of Flu Vaccine and also if it was available. He
was also instructed to find out if each department would be
willing to pay if a Flu Clinic was run.
HARD OF At the June Meeting it was decided to postpone having
HEARING the Hard of Hearing Mobile Unit until fall.
Mr. West asked how much work would be involved.
Mr. Finneran said they functioned by themselves. We would
have to get volunteers to stand-by and also do the publicity for
the Mobile. The cost of having this Unit brought into Town
would be about $25.00. The Board instructed Mr. Finneran to
call the Hard of Hearing Mobile Unit Office and make any arrang-
ments necessary.
EXTRA OFFICE The clerk asked the Board for permission to hire a High
HELP School girl to help type the Oral Polio record cards. Mrs.
Jones explained that there was approximately 11,000 cards and
they should be done before January or February when the next
dose is due. Motion made and duly passed that the Clerk have
permission to hire extra help.
DENTAL Mr. Frances Porter, Dental Hygenists, sent a sanple pin
CLINIC or button to the Board and asked permission to have some made
up to be given to each child who brings in a 100% Dental Cer-
tificate. This would cost approximately $100.00. The Board
checked the budget of the Dental Clinic and as there was enough
money in the Budget permission was granted Mrs. Porter to
order these pins.
Green Valley Subdivision, Section 7, was approved by the
Board. This subdivision is all on public sewer approved by
the public works department.
Mr. McQuillan said he felt the form letter requested by SUBDIVISION
the Planning Board did not cover sufficiently the Board of APPROVAL
Health. He felt that the condition stated in the engineer's
report should be noted in all subdivision approval letters
to the Planning Board.
The sub -division "Bowser Saddle Club Estates, Section 2" BOWSER SADD-
was not approved at this time because the Board felt the report LE CLUB Est
from Mr. Lucas of Whitman & Howard was insufficient.
Mr. McQuillan said he felt Mr. Lucas of Whitman & Howard,
as our consulting engineer should submit a more detailed report.
After some discussion it was agreed that Mr. McQuillan and Mr.
Finneran talk to Mr. Lucas and request more information on his
inspections also a letter be sent to the firm of Whitman & How-
ard stating the type of letter we need to have for engineering
reports in order to approve the sub -divisions.
Minute Man Research Park, Section 2, was not approved at MINUTE MAN
this time. Mr. Lucas wrote a report on this subdivision and RESEARCH
approved one section but could not approve another section PARK
and when this type of letter was written to the Planning Board
Mr. Snow said the letter was not right. The Board agreed Mr.
Lucas must come out again on this subdivision and.re-check the
area again.
Crestview subdivision, Winchester, Lexington line was app- CRESTVIt
roved by the Board. Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, and 1,1 are now situa- SUBDIVISIOii
ted in Lexington. A public hearing is being held Monday, Sept-
ember 17, 1962, by the Planning Board to move the Town Line so
that Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 will be in Winchester and Ll will be
the only remaining Lot in Lexington. This subdivision will
be public sewered into Winchester and a letter is anticipated
from the Town of Winchester approving the sewer easement for
Lot L1.
The letter from Whitman & Howard stating that after a LOT 165
Percolation test was made on Lot 165 on the corner of Valley- VALLEYFIELD
field Road and Bridge Street this Lot could not be approved ROAD
for building. Mr. Finneran explained to the Board that Mr.
Hopkins the owner of this Lot spoke to Mr. Lurvey and was ad-
vised not to buy this Lot, however, Mr. Hopkins did purchase
the Lot and when he applied for a building permit we had Mr.
Lucas check it and based on his report this Lot was rejected.
Mr,. Hopkins was given a copy of the Whitman & Howard report.
The letter from Mr. Richard R. Albanese, Richmond Virginia
regarding the position of Executive Health Officer was mead APPLICATION
by the Board.
The letter to Mr. Albanese was approved by the Board.
The letter to George A. Michaels, Director of Division FOOD & DRUG
of Food & Drug, stating that there are no licensed pasteur-
ization Plants or Manufacturers of frozen desserts in the
Town of Lexington was approved by the Board.
The letter written to Mr. Louis Ciampa, 40 Webster Rd. LOT 130 CHAD
by Mr. Lurvey stating that a satisfactory percolation test BORNE RD.
was made on Lot 130 Chadbourne Road was approved by the Board.
23 FAIRBANKS The letter from Mrs. Mary D. Swanson, 23 Fairbanks Road,
ROAD asking Mr. Lurvey to make note of the need for sewer on Fair-
banks Road before he left for his new position was read by the
Board. Mr. Lurvey left a note stating that when the list of
areas in need of public sewer was submitted to the Selectmen
this year Fairbanks Road should be included.
2 MORRIS ST. The letter to Mr. Francis L. Benoit, 2 Morris Street,
was approved by the Board. Mr. Finneran explained that upon
a complaint he investigated and found Mr. Benoit had again
.piped the waste from his laundry directly into the street
drain. This connection has been broken but Mr. Dalrymple,
the complaintant, is still calling about odors from the street
drain. Mr. Finneran feels there are others in the area using
the street drains for laundry waste but as yet has not been
able to locate the offenders.
5 FLETCHER The order sent to Mr. James J. Collento, 5 Fletcher Ave.
AVENUE regarding the accumulation of rubbish on his property was app-
roved by the Board. Mr. Lurvey left a note stating that Mr.
Collento had been in and stated he would cover this accumulation
of rubbish.
The letters to the Board of Selectmen were approved by
the Board.
The first letter stating that the Board of Health app-
roved the sewage facilities and equipment within the build-
ing at Brewster's, Inc. This was for the purpose of issuing
the Common Victulars License.
The other letter was to inform the Board of Selectmen that
Mr. James F. Finneran had been employed to replace Mark D. Lurvey.
The letter to James Carroll, Town Clerk, stating the app-
ointment of Mr. Finneran by the Board was approved.
MOSQUITO The letter from Truman F. Ball, 38 Paul Revere Road, pro -
SPRAYING testing against the spraying for mosquitos was read by the
Board. A copy of this, letter was sent to the Board of Select-
men. No further action was taken by the Board.
IMMUNIZATION . The sug bested immunization program from the State Health
PROGRAM Department was read by the Board an placed on file.
5 DENVER.ST. The letter to Ira Rix returning the 5.00 fee he had
paid for a septic tank permit was approved. Mr._ Rix had to
connect his house back into the old cesspool and therefore did
not need a new septic tank permit.
23 FAIRBANKS The letter to Mr. Roger Swanson, 23 Fairbanks Avenue,
AVENUE stating that a complaint of over flowing sewage on his prop-
erty had been received by the Health Department was approved
by the Board. Mr. Finneran reported that this condition was
being taken care of.
CARRIAGE HOUSE The letter to the Carriage House Restaurant regarding
RESTAURANT a complaint of rubbish and garbage in a trailer in the rear
of the Carriage House was approved by the Board.
Mr. Finneran reported this condition had been corrected.
The letter from Manuel Raposia was read by the Board and
placed on file.
The notice from 'the State Health Department, Division of MIDDLESEX
Tuberculosis, stating that under the provisions of Chapter 572 SANATORIUM
of the Acts of 1962 and beginning September 19, 1962, the local
departments will have to pay $11.00 per day for children with
Lexington Settlements admitted to the Middlesex Sanatorium.
This notice was read by the Board and placed on file.
The letter from Mrs. Joseph E. Casey, 22 Valley Road 22 VALLEY RD.
complaining about rats from a brook in the rear of her prop-
erty was read by the Board. No action was taken at this time
as Mr. Finneran reported he had checked this complaint and
there had been no sin of rats since last fall.
The letter from Mark D. Lurvey stating suggestions for MARK D. LURVE]
the operation of the Health Department was read by the Board.
Mr. Lurvey made the following suggestions:
1. Give out milk samples and utensil swab testing
to a private laboratory on a contract basis.
2. A public health nurse in the not too distant
3. At sometime in the future all school health
matters come under the Board of Health.
4. Private sewage disposal systems will still be
handled with the assistance of Whitman & Howard.
The letter to Philip G. Whitney, Corner Variety Store, CORNER VARIEI
was approved by the Board. In this letter Mr. Finneran men- STORE
tioned the unsanitary conditions noted during his recent insp-
The Board recalled that Mr. Whitney had been before the
Board before and the Board felt that if these conditions were
not corrected and this establishment kept in satisfactory con-
dition then they would have to recommend to the Board of Sel-
ectmen not to renew the Common Victular's License in January.
Mr. Finneran reported that the owner was only in the
store at certain times of the day and he would try to get
back at that time and talk to him the rest of the time the
store is run by Mr. Whitney's son and a woman part time.
The Board instructed Mr. Finneran to be very firm with
Mr. Whitney and follow this matter closely.
Mr. Finneran reported that Mr. D'Entremont, 29 Wilson
Road, had paid his fee to public works to have his home con-
nected to public sewer.
The report of the water test done by Mr. Finneran for
Mrs. John J. Murphy, 105 Maple Street, was read by the Board.
The certification of the Board of Health approval for
the placing of structures and buildings on Lot 4, Gerard Terr-
ace was approved by the Board.
The letter to Mr. Joseph Sheehan, 54 Asbury Street,
stating that sewage is overflowing because of a blockage in
the leaching lines was approved by the Board.
The note from Mrs. Mark D. Lurvey thanking the Board
for the party and gift giten by the Board and Town employees
to Mark D. Lurvey.
The letter to Mrs. E. T. Whittaker, 58 Cliffe Avenue
regarding the water test done by Mr. Finneran and also the
letter from Mrs. Whittaker thanking the Health Department
for the promptness in which this was handled was approved
by the Board.
The letter to Mr. Burton Sheppard, manager of the I.G.A.
Foodliner calling his attention to a number of unsanitary con-
ditions which caused rat infestation was approved by the Board.
Mr. Finneran explained he had a complaint from a resident
next door to the I.G.A. Store of rats and one of the things he
has asked the I.G.A. Store to do was keep the garhage (fruit
and vegetable wastes) inside the store until it was collected.
A memo has been sent to public works department asking their
cooperation in picking up this garbage after 8:00 A.M. in the
The letter to Mr. John Castoldi requesting he have an
engineer do a survey and make a report to the Health Department
on the Adams Estate Subdivision, Section 3, was approved by
the Board.
The license for a Child Care Center to be operated by
Muriel York was signed by the Board. Mrs. York applied for
this license in September of 1961 and because of lack of for-
mal education the Board suggested she should take a course in
kindergarten work. Mrs. York has now met the educational re-
quirements of the Board.
The letter to Mr. Frederick G. Hopwood, 172 Burlington
Street, regarding the renewal of his animal permit for the
horses he has was approved by the Board. Mr. Hopwood failed
to renew his permit in April and Mr. Finneran explained that
he had checked Mr. Hopwood's barn because of a complaint he
had received of flies in the area. Mr. Hopwood's two child-
ren are in 4-H Club work and keep the barn and the horses
clean themselves.
Mr. Finneran said it wasn't bad but he did speak to the
Hopwood children about keeping the animals and barn clean.
WATER TEST The letter to Dr. Carl R. Benton, 3115 Mass. Ave., stating
I" 50
1d 11
the results of the test of the swimming pool oh his property
was approved.
Laboratory approval was received from the State Health LABORATORY
Department for the year 1962-1963. APPROVAL
The letter to Mr. James F. McCann, 11 Blodgett Road, 11 BLODGETT
stating that the effluent from the septic tank had saturated
the area around the leaching field and as a public health
nuisance must be corrected at once, was approved by the Board.
The letter from Mrs. Charles Cambridge, 38 Cedar Street, 38 CEDAR ST
regarding the rubbish being dumped outside their hedge on
Columbus Street was read by the Board. Mr. Finneran said
he had sent a memo to the public works department regarding
this and John Carroll, Superintendent of Public Works, has
seated he did not think this was Town property. Mr. Finneran
s d he would check further regarding this nuisance.
The application appointing Mr. Finneran, Slaughteering APPOINTMENT I
In pector was signed by the Board.
The Board moved and duly passed the appointment of Mr.
James F. Finneran as Milk Inspector to replace Mark D. Lurvey.
The clerk was instructed to place a.paid ad in the paper to
this effect.
The Whitman & Howard Bill was approved for payment by
the Board.
The Health Officer's report was reviewed by the Board.
The Restaurant and Food Establishments marks were noted also
the swab tests.
The Board asked about the low scores and what were some
of the causes for such poor swab tests. Mr. Finneran explained
that in order to keep the scores up these establishments must
be checked regularly. The bad counts on the swab tests could
be because the water is not kept at the required temperature
or the people are not using enough chemical or are not replen-
ishing their supply of chemical.
Mr. McQuillan mentioned he had noted rubbish trucks RUBBISH TRUCK4
without covers and asked Mr. Finneran to keep watch for these
offenders particularly Miller's Disposal trucks which he saw
this week without a cover. Dr. Cosgrove also spoke of the
Bay State Tallow truck which picks up rendering material.
This truck has been seen on a number of occassions going
through the center of Town without a proper covering.
Dr. Cosgrove suggested that Mr. McQuillan write to the BUDGET INFORM.
Board of Selectmen regarding the discrepancy in the Personal ATION
Service Account for the secretary because of the payment of a
clerk for vacation coverage, also mentioning the additional
exrenses for laboratory assistance for the Health Department
for the coming year. A copy of this letter should be sent to
the Appropriation Committee.
As there was no further business to discuss the meeting
was adjourned at 9:10 P.M.
OCTOBER 26, 1962
The regular meeting of the Board of health was held, Friday,
October 26, 1962, at 7:30 P.M. in the Selectmen's Room of the
Town Office Building. Members present were Mr. R.L. McQuillan,
Chairman, Dr. William Cosgrove, Mr. James M. West and Health
Officer, James F. Finneran.
Minutes of the September 14, 1962, meeting were approved as
LOT 11 Mr. Richard Hamilton, builder, came before the Board to ask
ASH STREET for a variance of the ruling that all homes within 200 feet of
public sewer must be connected to the public sewer in order
that he may build a house on Lot 11, Ash Street, Lexington.
Mr. Hamilton explained to the Board that his present home
is on Reed Street and he has a lot of land in the rear of his
home on Ash Street large enough for a house lot. He would like
to build a house on this lot but John Carroll, Superintendent of
Public Works, has stated that the cost of connecting this lot to
public sewer would be prohibitive and although the betterment
assessment paid by Mr. Hamitlon would be around $600.00 it would
cost the Town approximately $2000.00 dollars. This lot is with-
in approximately 150 feet of the public sewer connection on Reed
Street and approximately within the same distance to the sewer
connection on Ward Street.
Mr. Finneran explained to the Board he had also talked with
Mr. Carroll about this lot and Mr. Carroll said the cost to the
Town to connect this lot to the public sewer would be too much
for just one lot. Mr Finneran further stated he had taken a
percolation test for a private sanitary system and found the
land suitable. Mr. Finneran recommended a variance be granted
Mr. Hamilton.
Motion was duly passed that Mr. Richard Hamilton be
granted a variance to the ruling that all houses within 200 feet
of the public sewer be connected to the public sewer and per-
mission granted to Mr. Hamilton to install a private sewage dis-
posal system on Lot 11, Ash Street, Lexington, Massachusetts.
Mr. Hamilton thanked the Board and retired.
BUDGET A preliminary discussion of the Budget was held by the
The hospital account of $500. dollars has not been used
for a number of years and it was agreed to transfer some of
this account to the Laboratory account to help pay for the
services of an outside laboratory service for the testing
of restaurant utensils and milk samples. Mr. Finneran was
instructed to work out a break -down of the actual cost of
sending this laboratory work out for the year before next
The State has already notified the Health Department that
the Oral Sabin Vaccine for all children (infants 3 months of
age through High School) will be rrovided by the State. This
will leave just the vaccine for adults to be purchased by the
Health Department. The Board instructed Mr. Finneran to get
figures for a special appropriation for an Adult Polio Clinic
for the Spring. There will be a slight charge for this clinic
which will reimburse the Town.
The Middlesex County Sanatorium account was reduced by
$400. dollars because in the past two years we have not used
the full amount of this account.
The Public Health Education account has not been used as
yet but a bulletin is planned for the fall and so that will
use part of this account.
The engineering account was reduced another ,x`500. dollars
this year.
The Out of State Travel Account was discussed. Mr. Finneran
said he would like to take a course being offered at Yale Uni-
versity in Conneticut if it could be arranged. It is a weeks course
but Mr. Finneran felt it could be very benificial to the Department
if he took advantage of it.
The Board approved of this if Mr. Finneran could make arrang-
ments to get away.
Because of the policy now being used on Personal Services
for vacation coverage and extra help the Board voted to put $200.
dollars on the Personal Services account to cover the vacation
for Mrs. Jones and also any extra help or emergency that might
The discussion of the Budget was closed until more figures
could be obtained.
The letter from Whitman & Howard regarding the private HAYES LANE
sewage disposal of property on Hayes Lane was read by the
Mr. Finneran explained that Core House of Cambridge applied
for a Septic System Permit and he had Mr. Lucas check this Lot
as there is a great deal of ledge on it and also it is at the
top of a steep hill. Any leaching from this lot would flow
down the hill and into the Street if a satisfactory system is
not designed for it. Core house hired a sanitary engineer to
design a system for this property and Mr. Lucas, of Whitman &
Howard, checked it. In his report Mr. Lucas stated that holes
should be dug at the lower part of the property to determine
the elevation of ledge and also to get a percolation test.
Should the results of these tests be unfavorable than the plana
submitted by Mr. Rinaldo, Core House Sanitary Engineer, would
not be workable.
No action was taken on this matter by the Board at this
18 OAKMONT The office memo regarding the water test at 18 Oakmont
CIRCLE Circle to John Carroll, Superintendent of Public Works, was
read and approved by the Board. Mr. Finneran explained that
Mrs. Chu, 18 Oakmont Circle, called to complain about the
rusty water from the water tap. In order to find a possible
solution to this problem Mr. Finneran had the Metropolitan
District Commission, water laboratory, take a water test,
the results of this test was sent to John Carroll.
The public works department bleeds the water line to Mrs.
Chuts house but this does not seem to solve the problem for
any length of time.
Mrs. Chu informed Mr. Finneran that she had written to
the Board of Selectmen regarding this problem. The Board in-
structed Mr. Finneran to send a copy of the memo sent to Mr.
Carroll to the Board of Selectmen in order that they could
have a record of the tests we had preformed for Mrs. Chu.
LOTS 2 & 3 The letter to G. Ciardello & Sons, Inc., 122 Park St.,
VINE STREET Medford, Mass., was approved by the Board. In this letter
Lots 2 & 3 Vine Street were rejected for private sewage dis-
posal systems.
Mr. Finneran explained both lots are about six feet above
the street grade and both are small lots with a great deal of
ledge and the only place a sewage disposal system could be
placed would be the side yard which would then make it too
near the street. Mr. Finneran also reported he had referrad
the owners of these lots to public works to see if public
sewer would be available.
No action was taken by the Board.
The letter to Mr. Stephan Aghazarian, 82 Beverly Road,
Arlington, Mass., approving Lot F on Moreland Avenue, Lex-
ington for a private sewage disposal system was approved by
the Board.
ESTABROOK The letters to Miss Ethel Wright, School Lunch Program
SCHOOL, and Mr. Austin Fisher, Jr., School Committee, regarding the
STEAM COOKER steam -cooker at Estabrook School was approved by the Board.
Mr. McQuillan explained that Mr. Fisher called him to
find out why Mr. Lurvey disapproved this cooker last year.
Mr. Finneran explained that upon investigation he found
that this cooker was installed to overate by steam direct
from the heating system and last year it was noted that a
water treatment compound was being used in the boiler supply
tanks. Mr. George Michaels of the State Food and Drug Divi-
sion was contacted and stated that a steam -cooker should not
be used if the steam supply came directly from a system using
a chemical compound for maintenance purposes.
Mr. Finneran also contacted the Green Valley Manufacturing
Co., makers of the chemical compound and the Market Forge Manu -
facturing Co., makers of the steam cooker for more information
regarding this cooker. Mr. Sanderson, service manager, of the
Market Forge Co., stated that although he had seen cookers
connected directly to the heating system his company did not
recommend it, they did, however, recommend a separate steam -
coil boiler to operate the cooker. The results of this in-
vestigation was sent to Mr. Fisher and Miss Wright.
The letter from the State Health Department Food and POISON JEQ-
Drug Division, stating that the beads sent in for testing URITY BEANS
were not the poisonous Jequirity beads which have been dis-
covered for sale in Cambridge, was read by the Board.
The report on the Sabin Oral Vaccineprogram by the State ORAL POLIO
Health Department was read by the Board. The report states 'PROGRAM
that vaccine for Type I through III will be available for all
children from 3 months of age through High School for a mass
campaign to he held from January through May.
The letter to Mrs. Charles F. Ely, Westfield, Mass., CONSERVATIOI
answering her questions on conservation was approved by the
Board. Mrs. Ely was preparing a talk to be given to the
Lexington Chapter of the D.A.R. and wanted local information
on the subject of water supply, sewage disposal and flood con-
The letter from Dr. David Singer stating he had taken over EMERGENCY
the making up of the Doctorts Schedule for the Emergency Ser- MEDICAL
vice to replace Dr. Ellicott was approved by the Board. SERVICE
The letters to Dr. Singer thanking him for taking over this
service and the letter to Dr. Ellicott for his many years of ser-
vice devoted to making up of this schedule for the Doctors Emer-
gency Service was approved by the Board.
The letter from Mr. Walter M. Oppenheim, 16 Lillian Road 16 LILLIAN
asking for the opinion of the Health Department as to whether ROAD
or not the water in his basement was a Health hazard was read
by the Board. The report sent to Mr. Oppenheim after an inspec-
tion was made by Mr. Finneran stated that the water in the cellar
was not a health hazard but that he felt the problem was struct-
The definitive subdivision plan entitled "Bowser Saddle
Club States, Section Two", was approved by the Board on the
basis of the report from Mr. Lucas of Whitman & Howard.
The price list for laboratory work submitted by John
R. Condon, R.S. of the Food Industries Laboratory was read
by the Board. Mr. Finneran explained he would do the inspec-
tions and take the swab tests and milk samples but the lab-
oratory work would be picked up at the Health Department.
As previously stated Mr. Finneran is to make a break down
of the cost of this service for the Board. No action was
by the Board at this time.
Mr. Finneran reported that it has been well over the 45 ADAMS ESTATI
days we are allowed to approve or disapprove a subdivision SECTION 3
in the case of "Adams Estate Subdivision, Section 3:" submitted
by Mr. John Castoldi. Mr. Finneran explained that when the
subdivision was submitted we requested an engineers report
on the Lots and have had no word from Mr. Castoldi to date.
Motion made and duly passed by the Board that the sub-
division entitled "Adams Estate, Subdivision, Section 3" be
disapproved because the time allowed has elapsed.
CHILD CARE The letter to Mr. Donald Nickerson, Chairman Board of
CENTER, 197 Appeals, stating that the Child Care license has been issued
GRANT ST. to Mrs. Muriel York, 197 Grant Street, was approved by the
CHILD CARE The notice from the Northeast District
CENTERS requesting a list of all Child Care Centers
and stating that as of January 1, 1962, the
to take over the licensing of these centers
81 BOW ST.
Health Office
in Lexington
State is going
was read by the
Mr. McQuillan said that at an Executive Committee Meeting
Dr. Dunham was questioned about this action and said that in a
great many towns where there is no Health Officer this type in-
spection was necessary by the State.
Mr. McQuillan also brought up the inspection of nursing
homes which is done by the State. Mr. McQuillan felt that if
we were responsible for recommending that these homes be given
licenses or renewals of licenses we should inspect them more
than is now being done, once a year or once every two years.
Mr. Finneran said he had contacted Miss Morrison in regard
to the inspection of nursing homes and he was going to write a
letter for her to present to her Board in November. Mr. Finneran
said he felt a nurse should accompany the Health Officer on this
type inspection. A check list has been sent for, for this type
inspection for the nurse to use and as soon as this list is re-
ceived a letter will be sent to Miss Morrison.
The letter to Mrs. M.G. Santosuosso, 81 Bow Street, Lex-
ington, was approved by the Board. Mrs. Santosuosso had com-
plained of sewage odor in the basement of her home.
Mr. Finneran reported that upon, investigation it was dis-
covered that the cover on the clean-out junction of the sewer
pipe had been broken in a case of emergency by public works
department men. Upon checking with Public Works Department
Mr. Finneran found that because it was an emergency and the
cover of the clean-outjunction was broken when the public
worked department was really doing Mrs. Santosuosso a favor
they felt it was her responsibility to replace this cover as
the cleaning out of the sewer line in the house is actually
the responsibility of the homeowner and any damage done is
the homeowners responsibility.
The letter to the Board of Selectmen regarding the Asian
Flu Clinic for Town and School Personell was approved by the
The letter from Alan G. Adams, Chairman of the Board of
Selectmen, stating approval of the Asian Flu Clinic was placed
on file.
Mr. Finneran reported that a total of 345 Town Employees
had received the Flu Innoculations, 210 of this number were
School Personell.
The letter from Cumberland Farms, Inc. asking that their CUMNBERLAND
pasteurizing plant at 777 Dedham Street, Canton, Mass., be in- FARMS, INC.
spected was read by the Board.
Mr. Finneran said he had not inspected this plant as yet
and felt no need to do so as Cumberland Milk was not sold in
The letter to Miss Ethel Wright, School Lunch Program, SCHOOL LUNCH;
regarding the results of the swab tests of utensils in the
schools was approved by the Board. Mr. Finneran said he will
meet with Miss Wright and discuss ways of improving the counts
on the utensils.
The consent to be filed in land court for permission to LOTS 1,2,3
erect a building or structure on lots 1, 2 & 3 of the sub- INGLESIDE
division entitled "Ingleside Subdivision of Land in Lexington SUBDIVISION
Mass., was signed by the Board. Records on file in the Health
Department Office shows that lots 1, 2 & 3 were approved for
building by the Board under date of December 7, 1961 after
a report from Whitman & Howard had been received.
The animal permit to keep horses at 10 Barrymeade Drive ANIMAL PERMIT
was approved by the Board. Mr. Finneran reported he had checked
the area and the abuttors and had received no objections.
Letter to the Board of Selectmen stating we had spent PERSONAL
$100. over our Personal Services Account for vacation cov- SERVICES
erage for the clerk was approved.
The letter from the Board of Selectmen stating that a
letter should be submitted requesting a transfer of funds and
also advising that an item should be included in next years
budget for this expenditure.
The letter to Mrs. Lucille McMahon, Executive Secretary, HARD OF
Mystic Valley Mental Health, thanking her for her cooperation HEARING MO
in offering office space for the rehabilitation councellor for BILE
in the Hard of Hearing Mobile was approved by the Board.
The letter to Mr. Lucas asking for more detailed reports WHITMAN &
on engineering work done by Whitman & howard in order that the HOWARD
Board would have the information to back-up their approval or
disapproval of a subdivision or lot was read and approved by
the Board.
The letter to the Selectmen (carbon copy sent to the App- BUDGET
ropriation Committee) informing them that in the 1963 Budget 1963
an item will have to be included to cover a laboratory service
for testing milk and restaurant swabs was approved by the Board.
FRED MILT,FR The letter to Fred Miller & Sons, Rubbish Disposal re -
RUBBISH garding the lack of coverings on the trucks was approved by
DISPOSAL the Board, Mr. Finneran said he had noted that recently Fred
Miller's trucks had new canvass covers and they also had a
new packer truck.
CRESTVIEW The letter from the Town of Winchester stating permission
SUBDIVISION for an easement for sewer connections for Lot L-1 had been
granted for the subdivision entitled 'Crestview Subdivision,
Lexington & Winchester, Mass." This subdivision had been app-
roved subject to the condition that this letter be sent to the
Lexington Health Department from the Town of Winchester for our
LOT 64 The letter to Stephan Trebino, 83 Spring Street, calling
DUNHAM RD. his attention to the open cesspools on the vacant property,
owned by him, at Lot 64 Dunham Road was approved by the Board.
Mr. Finneran reported that no action had been taken on this
letter and the Board instructed Mr. Finneran to follow through
on this matter.
WHITMAN & The Whitman & Howard bills for work done from July 30, 1962
HOWARD BILL through October 11, 1962 were approved for payment by the Board.
The Health Officers report was checked over and the special
reports on the Flu -Clinic and the Pre -School Eye Screening Pro-
gram were discussed by the Board.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:15 P.M.