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,APPOINTMENTS The following arnointnents were made by the Board for
one year terms expiring March 31, 1963:
Mark D. Lurvey Executive Health Officer
Mark D. Lurvey Inspector of Slaughteering
Mark D. Lurvey Assistant Animal Insne ctor
Pr. Carl R. Benton Animal Inspector
Hazel J. Murray Agent
Dorothy Jones Clerk and Agent
Charles S. Karr(Metropolitan State Hosp).Special Agent
Paul F. O'Leary(Metropolitan State Hosp).Special Agent.
Dr. William F. McLaughlin (Met. State Hos) Special Agent
The Board instructed the clerk to notify all appointees
to call at Mr. James Carroll's office to be sworn to the faith -
full performance of their duties.
LICENSE The renewal license to conduct a Slaughteering House
at Idlewild Farm was signed by the Board.
The license to conduct a Child Care Center at the Methodist
Church was signed by the Board. Mr. Lurvey reported he had in-
spected this Child Care Center and found all conditions excellent.
The Whitman & Howard Bill was approved for payment.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 P.M. The next meeting
of the Board of Health will be held April 26, 1962.
APRIL 26, 1962
The regular meeting of the Board of Health was held
71hursday evening, April 26, 1962, at 7:30 P.M. in the
Selectmen's Office of the Town Office Building. Members
present were Mr. R.L. McQuillan, Chairman, Dr. William
Cosgrove, and Mr. James West.
Minutes of the March 22,'1962, meeting were approved
as read.
Because Mr. Mark Lurvey, Executive Health Officer, was
unable t:attend' this -meeting special reports on 7 Denver
Street and 28 Estabrook Road was presented to the Boards
These reports were read by the Board before any appoint-
'ments were kept.
7 DENVER ST. Mr. Ira Rix, 7 Denver Street, came before the Board to
ask, to use a new sertic tank located in the front of his
Lot which was never connected to his house.
Mr. Rix explained his home was destroyed by fire and he
is getting ready to re -build and in order to get a building
permit he must have the Board of Health's approval for a san-
itary system.
The Board referred to Mr. Lurvey's report and also to the
Whitman & Howard, Inc., report, both of which states that under
no condition could the septic tank located in the front of the
Lot be used,
The Board asked Mr. Rix if he could connect to the Public
Mr. Rix explained that the only way he could connect to the
-public sewer would be by an easnent from Mr. Nelson whose property
faces Cedar Street. Mr. Rix went on to explain he did speak to
Mr. Nelson about this and Mr. Nelson stated he was thinking of
building a smaller house on 2 Lots he owns in the rear of Mr.
Rix's home. Mr. Rix said he felt that if Mr. Nelson should carry
out this plan of a smaller house then at the time of building Mr.
Nelson would give him permission to go through his property to
connect to the public sewer on Cedar Street.
Mr. Rix said he could use the old cesspool until it gave
trouble if the Board would approve that.
Mr. McQuillan explained the I3oa^d would approve the using
of the old cesspool with the final decission left up to Mr. Lurvey.
Mr. West made a motion that permission be granted for Mr.
Rix to use the old cesspoa1 subject to periodic reviews by Mr.
Lurvey, Executive Health Officer, until such time he can connect
to the public sewer. Dr. Cosgrove seconded the motion. Motion
Mr. Rix thanked the Board and retired.
Mr. Young, 28 Estabrook Rd, came before the Board to dis- 28 ESTA-
cuss a complaint of over -flowing sewage from his sanitary system. BROOK RD.
Mr. Young explained that his cesspool is located practically
on the street and that he has no doubt that in the Spring of the
year the cesspool over -flowed and the liquid mixed with water
ran down the street.
The Board checked Mr. Lurvey's report on this situation
and told Mr. Young that Mr. Lurvey stated he had checked this
complaint in the fall and again in the spring and found no over-
Mr. Young said he knew that, but in order to keep good will
in the neighborhood, he had called in Mr. Mooney, of Middlesex
Sanitation Company, and he was going to have him install a new septic
p4,.. system in the rear of his home. Mr. Lurvey had given approval and
a septic tank was installed. Due to the ledge in the area the
leaching bed could only be 300 square feet and. Lexington requires
a minimum of 500 square feet.
The Board asked Mr. Young about the possiblity of connecting
to public sewer.
Mr. Young, explained, Mr. Lurvey had told him to see Miss Murray
in the Selectmen's Office for a petition to have the public sewer
brought up to his home. This would be a matter of about 150 feet.
The Board suggested that Mr. Young get in touch with Miss
Murray before anything further was done, and if we could help
in any way we would be glad to.
Mr. Young said Mr. Lurvey said he would be glad to write
a letter to the Selectmen when the petition for public sewer
was filed.
The Board told Mr. Young to get his petition in and T1r.
Lurvey would write a letter to the Town Officials on his be-
Motion was made that the Board would not take action at
this time regarding the problem at 28 Estabrook Road but would
explore the possibility with the Town Officials of the exten=
sion of the public sewer. Motion carried.
Mr. Young thanked the Board for their assistance and retired.
Mr. Morehouse, architect for Mr. afid Mrs. Berman of 11 BARBERRY
11 Barberry Road, came before the Board to request a vari-
ance from the Board of Health on the leaching field which
will be too close to the new addition on the dwelling at 11
Barberry Road.
The Board read Whitman's and Howard's report regarding
this problem, which stated that if the addition is built as
proposed the floor level will be about 10 feet above the
leaching field. The plan calls for a crawl space to be used
for storage. Mr. Lucas stated in his report that because of
the proximity of the leaching bed, half of the addition
nearest the bed should be completely backfilled and any
crawl space be confined to the further portion of the addi-
tion from the bed.
Mr. Lucas also stated that because of the nearness ofthe
construction to the bed no excavation may made along the
side of the bed without sheeting.
Mr. Lucas also stated in this report that to locate a
new leaching field would be very difficult and could not be
guaranteed because of the high water table.
The Board read this report to Mr. Morehouse and stated
that as near as they could see if Mr. Morehouse followed this
report to the letter they would agree, however, no destision
would be made until Mr. Lurvey returned.
The Board suggested Mr. Morehouse contact Mr. Lurvey and
check with him.
Mr. Morehouse thanked the Board and retired.
MINUTE MAN Mr. Corrazzini, 7re71,1ent of Minute I, r_ :T' ?hlands Associa-
HIGHLANDS tion, and Sanatoree, Vice President, came before the Board to
ASSOCIATION discuss the rodent problem in the Minute Man Highland area.
Mr. McQuillan explained that the Board discussed buying
"Decon" or "Warfum" which they would distribute to the homeowners
but upon checking with Harold Stevens, Town Council, the legal
asrects would make such action b; the Board impossible.
Mr. Corazziani and Mr. Santoree said they understood that and
since they had talked with Mr. Lurvey they had been checking around
the neighborhood and they had found that only homes here and there
seemed to be bothered with rats.
The Board told Mr. Corazzani and Mr. Santoree that all people
must cooperate in order to control the rodents in their area.
The gentlemen said they understood that and that was what made
the problem so difficult. Some of the people in this area have been
reporting to Mr. Corrssiani and Mr. Santoree areas where they feel
the rats are breeding, thesepeople wondered if Mr. Lurvey would
check these areas.
The Board said that Mr. Lurvey would do anything he could to
assist the people in the Minute Man Ilirthland area.
Mr. McQuillan asked if Mr. Corazziani and Mr. Santoree would
make a survey in the area and write to Mr. Lurvey listing the
homes having rodent trouble and also list the areas they felt
were breeding spots. Mr. Lurvey could then call in an expert
to go out and check these places.
Also if the Association agreed a meeting could be planned
at which time all homeowners troubled with rats could question
a rodent expert, provided by the Board of Health for that meet-
The representatives from Minute Man Highland Association
said they would get lists together for Mr. Lurvey and make arr-
angements for a meeting.
The gentlemen thanked the Hoard and retired.
The Whitman & Howard report on Itlinute Man Highland Sub- MINUTE MAN
dibision Section 4; was read by the Board. HIGHLAND, SEC
Motion was made and carried that the definitive subdivi-
sion plan entitled "Minute Man Highland, Section !}" dated
August 21, 1961, be approved subject to the conditions as
stated in the Whitman & Howard report dated April 17, 1962.
The Whitman & Howard report on the sewage disposal system MC MANNUS
designed by the Tekton Associates for McMannus Ice Cream Stand ICE CREAM
on the corner of Waltham Street and Concord Avenue was read by STAND
the Board and placed on file.
The Whitman & Howard report on "Longfellow Estates, Woodside LONGFELLC
Section" was read by the Board. The rerort states that before ESTATES
approval is given a profile of the rroposed sewer showing conn- WOODSIDE 1
ectlon to the trunk sewer must be submitted. This subdivision SECTION
cannot be arproved unless connected to the public sewer.
The order to Dr. Harry H. Sandler, owner of 517 Bedford 517 BEDFORD
Street, was approved by the Board. Mr. Lurvey has reported STREET
7 & 9 BRIDGE
LOT 70
that there is still sewage over -flowing into an open trench.
The Board gave Mr. Lurvey permission to start court proceedings
on this matter.
The letter to Mark Moore, Chamber of Commerce, and also
the letter from George A. Kolovson, Junior Chamber of Commerce
on the "Community Attitude Survey" was read and approved by the
As no complaints were received by the Health Department
during this past year permission was granted by the Board for
the renewal of the animal permit and permit to keep swine at
Carroll Brothers Farm on Alien Street, Lexington, Mass.
The letter from Mrs. Forsythe, 119 Grant Street, complain-
ing about the debris on the read across from her home, was read
by the Board. Mr. Lurvey has reported that this matter has been
taken care of.
The copy of two letters regarding 7 and 9 Bridge Street
was read by the Board. One a copy of a letter to the Super-
intendent of Public Works from Donald S. Ross regarding the
drainage and septio system at 9 Bridge Street and the other
a copy of a letter from John Carroll, Superintendent of Public
Works to Mr. Donald Ross stating what can be done to relieve
the drainage situation at 7 & 9 Bridge Street. The Board
made a motion to set these letters aside until Mr. Lurvey
was present to discuss them with the Board.
The letter to Mr. Harold Stevens, Town Council, regarding
the legal aspects of the rodent problem in Minute Man Highland
area was approved by the Board. No answer has been received to
this letter.
The letter to Mr. J. Robert Wolfe, Jr. approving Lot 70
Partridge Road, for the installation of an individual sewage
system was approved by the Board.
The letter to Biago Tambascia, 246 Concord Avenue, regarding
a large pile of tin -cans and general debis in the rear of his
dwelling was approved by the Board. This debris has been
cleaned up.
The letters to Jasper A. Lane, 177 Waltham Street, stating
that the complaint he made regarding rats at 183 Waltham Street
was being taken care of was approved by the Board. The owner at
183 Waltham Street has had an exterminator in and is cooperating
with this department.
11 HARRINGTON The letter to John P. Whalen, 11 Harrington Road, regarding
ROAD a complaint of debris in the rear of his home was approved by the
28 COLUMBUS The letter to Anthony T. Ferry, 28 Columbus Street regarding
STREET sewage running in an open trench was approved. The Board gave
Mr. Lurvey permissiton to send an order if this condition is not
taken care of
The survey report on immunization of children entering IMMUNIZATION
the first grade by the State Health Department was reviewed by
the Board.
The letter to Carmine Massamilla, 102 Lowell Street, re- 102 LOWELL
garding rubbish being dumped in front of his home was approved STREET
by the Board. Permission to send an order if this condition is
not cleaned up was granted by the Board.
Copies of the correspondence with the Selectmen and Anthony 43 WEBSTER
Tavilla, 43 Webster Road, regarding rats in that area was read ROAD
by the Board. As this matter had already been discussed with
the Minute Man Highland Association no action was taken by the
The letter to' the Board of Selectmen regarding the number GARBAGE
of garbage complaints received by the Health Department was app- COMPLAINTS'
roved by the Board.
The letter from residents of Bedford and Ivan Streets re- BEDFORD &
garding the swampy area in.back of their homes was approved. IVAN STS.
This area was checked by Mr. Lurvey, he reported it could be sprayed
for bugs but there wasn't anything we could do about the situa-
The order to Mr. Sabatino Dionisio, 673 Waltham Street, re- 673 WAL-
garding an open hole and an open trench with sewage running into THAM ST.
them was approved by the Board. Permission was granted by the
Board to procede with court action if this condition was not taken
care of.
The correspondence from Dr. Ellicott regarding the doctors DOCTORS
participating in the Emergency Medical Service was reviewed by EMERGENCY
ME -Board. This problem was tabled at the January meeting until
such time as a full Board was present. The Board discussed this
problem and agreed that the Health Department set up this service
and paid for it but how it is to be run is entirely up to the
Rosters. A letter is to be written to Dr. Ellicott regarding
this matter.
The letter from the Board of Selectmen stating that Mr. R.L.MCQUILLA,
R. L. McQuillan had been re -appointed to the Board of N
Health for a 3 year term expiring June 1, 1965 was read by
the Board.
The letter to Mr. Moran stating that the Health Department
had denied payment for the hospital care of his premature infant
because it was their opinion that his present salary was adequate
was approved by the Board.
The case of Premature Infant McInnis of 55 Pond Street, Wal- PREMATUR9
tham, a Lexiagtoti^,.Settlement, was reviewed by the Board. Finan-
cial Assistance was denied by the Board, after studying the
financial statement and budget made up by Mr. Collins, Welfare
Agent. The Board felt that with a $100. surplus each month and
$500. in the bank financial aid was not necessary for this case.
The case of premature infant Small, has been determined by PREMATURE
Mr. Collins, Welfare Agent, to be a Somerville Settlement. This SMALL
case has been referred to the Somerville Board of Health.
ANIMAL Animal Permits for an additional horse to be kept by
PERMITS George Breslin, 17 Hayward Avenue, and permission to keep
a horse by Benjamin Greene, 750 Concord Highway, was discussed
by the Board. No complaints have been received regarding
the animals kept by these people in the past so the Board
voted to grant these animal permits.
The Whitman & Howard bill for services through March
31, 1962 was approved by the Board for payment.
The following licenses were signed by the Board:
Methyl Alcohol:
Rowe -Jackson, Inc., 39-41 Bedford St.
Dunn Ford Sales, Inc., 409 Mass. Ave.
Mawhinney Motor Sales, 581 Marrett Rd.
Waverly Hardware & Supply Co., 1756-58 Mass. Ave.
H.M. Lawrence Hardware, 1777 Mass. Ave.
Manor Service, 273 Bedford St.
Colonial Garhge, 1668 Mass. Ave.
Calvin W. Childs Co., Concord Turnpike
Arthur's Auto Repair, 542 Mass. Ave.
Funeral Directors:
Louis H. Spencer, 52 Waltham St.
Alice M. McCarthy, 80 Bedford St.
Arthur F. Douglass, 1844 Mass. Ave.
Howard Ela Sr., 120 School St.
Chipman Ela, 120 School St.
Howard Ela, Jr., 120 School St.
Commendation certificates for the following Food Establishments
were signed by the Board:
Lowry's Spa
Town Line Pharmacy
Manhatten Restaurant
1775 House, Inc.
Wardrobe's Pharmacy
Howard D. Johnson, Inc.
Countryside Pharmacy
Meeting was adjourned at 9:45 P.M.