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SCHOOL Mr. Lurvey said he had been visiting the school nurses a d
' IMMUNIZA- it was time for another Diptheria, Tetanus Clinic. The last
TION Clinic was held in 1959 and the State Health Department advts=s
re -immunization every five years. Because of the school growth
Mr. Lurvey said he would like to take one grade in the elemen,ary
school and one grade in the High School and immunize these gr: des
every year and in that way all school children would have the pro-
per immunization for Tetanus and Diptheria throughout the school
years. Mr. Lurvey asked if the School Health Department woul
agree to these plans would the Board agree.
Dr. Cosgrove asked if Mr. Lurvey had ever seen this plan
carried out and Mr. Lurvey said "Yes", many other towns use t is
plan of immunization.
Both Doctor Cosgrove and Mr. West agreed it would be perfectly
all right to set this plan into motion.
Mr. Lurvey reported that the second Flu Clinic was all s
up for Thursday, February 1, 1962, for all Town Employees and
School Personnel.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:45 P.M.
FEBRUARY 20, 1962
The regular meeting of the Board of Health was held
Tuesday evening, February 20, 1962, at 7:30 P.M. in the
Board of Health Office. Members present were Acting Chair-
man. Dr. William Cosgrove, Mr. James West, and Health Off-
icer, Mark D. Lurvey.
The minutes of the January meeting were approved with
the correction so made before the minutes were put in the
permanent records.
PINE HILL The permit for the Pine Hill Turkey Farm submitted by
TURKEY FARM Mr. Hinds to increase their turkey flock to 20,000 turkeys
instead of 10,000 was discussed by the Board.
Dr. Cosgrove asked the clerk to check the records of
the previous years to see how many turkeys had been kept.
The Clerk reported that a minimum of 5,000 turkeys was kept
in 1954 and a maximum of 10,000 in all preceding years. In
1955 a rermit was granted on June 24 for 5,000 turkeys and
in September of 1955 an additional permit for 10,000 turkeys
was granted.
Dr. Cosgrove and Mr. Lurvey reported they had telephone
conversations with Mr. and Mrs. Hinds, who stated that the
increase in the flock was due to the increase in taxes. Mrs.
Hinds also stated that as they had a rermit for 15,000 tur-
keys (this would be the two permits issued in 1955) it
would only be an increase of 5,000 turkeys.
After further discussion the Board voted to grant Mr. Hinds
of Pine Hill Turkey Farm permission to keep 20,000 turkeys based
on the reasons given Dr. Cosgrove and Mr. Lurvey in their tele-
phone conversations with Mr. and Mrs. Hinds. This permit will be
subject to the usual conditions of the Health Department.
Letter from the Board of Health of Burlington stating NORTHEASTERN
the Northeastern Association of Boa'ds of Health were meet- ASSOCIATION OF
ing at the Middlesex Tuberculosis and Health Association, 35 BOARDS OF HEAL!
Winn Street, Burlington, on February 21, 1962 was read by the
Board. Dr. Cosgrove said he would try to make that meeting.
The letter from Mr. Frank H. Lansing, 33 Berkeley Street,
Arlington, Mass., regarding the Arlington Sanitary Land Fill
Operation was read by the Board. Mr. Lansing also included
with his letter copies of correspondence he has had with the
State Health Department, and a copy of court action rendered in
1939. The Board was very interested in Mr. Lansing's letter and
suggested a letter be sent to Mr. Lansing stating we appreciate
his interest and that the Lexington Health Department will con-
tinue to watch the Arlington Land Fill Operation very closely.
The letter from Dr. Frichette, Commissioner of the State SANITARY
Health Department, stating that Article XI of the State Sani- CODE
tary Code had been adopted and filed with the Secretary of ARTICLE XI
State and became effective February 1, 1962. Article XI deals
with the minimum requirements for the disposal of sanitary
sewage in unsewered areas. As copies of articles I through IV
of the new sanitary code may be obtained the clerk was instructed
to order conies for each Board member.
The letter from the Lexington Visiting Nurse Association L.V.N.A.
requesting a representative be named to represent the Board of REPRESENT -
Health to that organization was read. ATIVE
Motion was made and duly seconded Mr. R.L. McQuillan remain
as rerresentative of the Board of Health to the Lexington Visiting
Nurse Association.
The letter from the Board of Selectmen regarding the action 1962
taken on the Budget of the Health Department and the Clinics underBUDGET
the Health Department for 1962 was read by the Board. This letter
states that the Board of Selectmen approved and will recommend at
the annual Town Meeting a $4.00 per week raise for full time em-
ployees and a $2.00 a week raise for part time help. The Board
of Selectmen will also ask permission to hire consultants for the
preparation of job classifications and pay schedules for all
positions in town services.
In view of this explanation the requested increase in Per-
sonal Services for the Executive He:lth Officer, -Clerk and Animal
Inspector were denied by the Board of Selectmen. All expense
accounts were approved as submitted.
The report from Mr. Lucas of Whitman & Howard, Inc. regarding
the property of Kennecott Copper, Spring Street, Lexington, KENNECOTT
Mass., was read by the Board. This report states that percola- COPPER LAB
tion tests were made on this property and a rate of 1 inch per
15 minttes was obtained. On this basis a leaching field of 1800
square feet will be required. Mr. Lucas also states that
as rublic sewer is expected in this area within a few years
and the 1800 square leach'ng field is designed for the fut-
ure he recommends that only half of this field need be built
at the present time but a design made so the other half can
be added if necessary. The present septic tank may be used
if it is cleaned and still in satisfactory condition. If a
new tank is installedit may not be less than 1800 gallons.
Mr. Lurvey stated he had reported this information to
the representative of the Kennecott Copper Corporation and`
they will procede to carry out the instructions stated in
the Whitman & Howard report.
MCMANNUS The report on the property at the corner of Concord Ave
ICE CREAM enue and Waltham Street was read by the Board. Mr. Lurvey
STAND explained this was the property that Ir. John McMannus wanted
to put his ice cream stand on and the sanitary engineer hired
by Mr. McMannus had submitted a nlan for a sanitary disposal
unit to the Health Office. This plan was sent to Mr. Lucas
of Whitman & Howard, Inc. for checking. Mr. Lurvey further
explained this was a very low wet lot and he felt Mr. Lucas
should see the submitted plans before any action was taken.
In Mr. Lucas' report he stated he could not accept the
plans as submitted in view of the conditions on this lot.
He did, however, suggest a hole be dug through the fill down
through the clay until good sand or gravel strata was reached
then further tests should be made.
The Board asked Mr. Lurvey what was now being done about
this lot. Mr. Lurvey said he had sent a copy of Mr. Lucas'
report to Mr. James McMannus and Mr. McMannus said he would
do as Mr. Lucas suggested. Mr. Lurvey told Mr. MoMannus
that until this lot was accepted he could not issue a permit.
The Board commended Mr. Lurvey on his action in dealing
with two such questionable lots.
TOWN The report of the water supply for the Town was read by
WATER the Board. This report is a summary of the samples of Town
water submitted during the year 1961.
GARBAGE The copy of the letter to Harry K. Goldstein, 7 Cooke
COLLECTION Road, in reply to his complaint regarding the garbage coll-.
ection was read by the Board. Mr. West said he had many calls
regarding the garbage collection and he had talked to John
Carroll about it. This letter was placed on file.
517 BEDFORD The letter to H. H. Sandler, 517 Bedford Street, regard -
STREET ing the problem of overflowing sewage was discussed by the
Board. Mr. Lurvey said public sewer is available for this
dwelling but there is a great deal of ledge around the house.
Mr. Lurvey said he had requested public works to submit an
estimate for connecting this house to public sewer but as
yet had not heard what it would be. This letter states that
until such time as something permanent can be done the owner
is to have the septic tank pumped out and the ground around
it limed to relieve the situation for the present time.