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Mr. blest asked Mr. Lurvey to call him and report to
him on the situation by Wednesday as Mrs. Margolis was
going to call him back on Wednesday night.
Mr. Lurvey assured Mr. 'Nest he would.
As there was no further business to attend to the
meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.M.
OCTOBER 26, 1961
The regular meeting of the Board of Health was held
Thursday, October 26, 1961 at 7:30 P.M. in the Selectmen's
Room of the Town Office Building. Members present were Mr.
R.L. McQuillan, Chairman, Dr. William Cosgrove, Mr. James M.
West and Mark D. Lurvey, Health Officer.
Minutes of the September Meeting were approved.
Mr. Peter Coccaluto, 8 Larchmont Lane came before the Board
regarding Lot #14 Larchmont Lane. Mr. Coccaluto explained that
the public sewer came to about 100 feet of the corner of Lot 14
Larchmont Lane but from where the public sewer stopped and across
the better part of the front of the Lot was solid ledge. This
Lot has about a 110 foot frontage. However, because of this
ledge Mr. Coccaluto stated he came before the Board to ask per-
mission to install a septic system on this lot. Mr. Coccaluto
further stated he had checked with Mr. Lurvey and found this
Lot had been tested for drainage and a septic system previous
to his request and that a septic system can be installed on
this Lot.
Mr. McQuillan asked if he had talked with the Engineering
Department about connecting to public sewer.
Mr. Coccaluto said "las," and they told him the cost would
be prohibitive and that is probably why the public sewer had
stopped where it did.
Mr. Coccaluto showed the Board a street plan of Larchmont
Lane and explained that this street had a slight assent to Lot
14 where it evens out and then starts to descend slightly. That
might be anotherfactor why the public sewer was stopped on
Larchmont Lane.
Mr. McQuillan said if the Engineering Department won't go
in then it would seem that that was it.
Mr. Lurvey said he had checked with Mr. John Carroll, Sup-
erintendent of Public Works, and Mr, Carroll stated that the
Town would not go any further with public sewer in that area.
The Board agreed that if Mr. Lurvey felt this Lot could be
properly taken care of with a septic system then they would have
no objection to granting this request.
Mr. Lurvey told Mr. Coccaluto that before he would give per-
mission for the septic system to be placed on this Lot he would
have to see the building plans.
Mr. Coccaluto agreed with Mr. Lurvey's request and also
asked if he decided not to build on this Lot would the agreement
with the Board of Health for permission to build a septic system
on Lot 14, Larchmont Lane still hold if he should sell this pro-
The Board assured Mr. Coccaluto that the agreement of instal-
ling a septic system on Lot 14 Larchmont Lane subject to the app-
roval of the building plans by Mr. Lurvey would hold no matter
who built on the Lot.
Mr. Coccaluto thanked the Board and retired.
The Budget for 1962 was discussed by the Board. The Dental BUDGET
Clinic Budget will be the same as 1961. The clerk was instructed 1962
to write to Mrs. Flynn, Chairman of the Posture Clinic, stating
that in view of the expenditures in Personal Services of the pre-
vious years a maximum of $1,500. would be alotted for that account.
The Health Department Expense Budget was studied by the Board
and the Office Expense account was increased from $275. to $300.
for the coming year.
The account Public wealth Education/Out of State Travel was
increased to $350. The Board feels this account will be very
worthwhile because of the wealth of education to be received from
the exchange of ideas and also the discussions and conferences
held at the various out of state meetings.
The Board after some discussion of the Budget asked to have
a comparison of figures for the previous years of the Health Depart-
ment expenses and also the rates of increases for Personal Services
for the previous years.
Mr. West requested that the Clerk and the Health Officer ob-
tain rates of pay for other Secretarys and Department Heads in the
Town employ.
The Board would like the figures of the amounts spent revised
for naxt meeting and another column added of contemplated expenses
before the end of 1961. A list of receipts must also -be included
for the Board before they meet with the appropriation committee.
After further discussion the Board agreed to hold over the
final dLiiissions on the Health Department Budget until after the
next meeting.
Mr. Lurvey asked the Board permission to hold a Flu innocul- FLU
ation Clinic for Town Employees and School Department Personal CLINIC
as soon as the vaccine can be obtained. Mr. Lurvey said the Flu
Innoculation Clinic would cost approximately $300. for the
vaccine and the services of the doctors and nurses.
Motion vas made and duly passed that Mr. Lurvey would con-
duct a Flu Innoculation Clinic for the Town Employees and School
Personal as soon as the vaccine could be obtained.
CHANGE IN Mr. Lurvey presented to the Board a change in one of the
REGULATIONS regulations governing the installation of septic tants and
leaching fields. Mr. Lurvey explained that he has been using
the requirements listed in this new regulation and before the
new book of Rules and Regulations are printed he would like to
have it adopted by the Board.
Motion was made and duly passed that the following change
in the regulation governing the installation of septic tanks
and leaching beds be adopted by the Board of Health:
All septic tanks hereafter installed shall be water-
tight and shall be constructed of concrete. Cast iron pipe
shall be used from house to septic tank.
The following table shall be used in determining the
minimum effective capacity for houses of different sizes:
Minimum Liquid Capacity
Number of Bedrooms of Septic Systems in Gallons
2 or less 750
3 900
14 -1,000
Each additional bedroom add 250.
The capacities listed in the above table provide for
the plumbing fixtures and appliances commonly used in a
single family residence (automatic sequence washer, mechan-
ical garbage grinder and dishwasher included).
The effluent from all septic tanks must be disposed of
by proper subsurface works so as not to cause a nuisance in
the vicinity or to pollute any water supply.
There shall be at least twelve (12) inches of three
quarter (3/4) inch to one and one half (12) inch stone under
the leaching lines and four (14) inches of stone over the
leaching lines; two (2) inches of which shall be three guar -
ter (3/4) inch to one and one half (1}) inch stone, covered
by two (2) inches of pea stone one eighth (1/8) inch to one
quarter (4) inch in size. No more than twenty-four (24)
inches of backfill, and preferably only eighteen (18) inches
shall be placed over the leaching lines.
Mr. McQuillan instructed Mr. Lurvey to publish this change is
in regulation in the paper according to the General Laws govern-
ing the adoption of Rules and Regulations.
The letter from the State Health Department concerning the
discovery of rabies in a bat that bit a woman in Harvard, Mass-
achusetts, September 5, 1961 was read by the Board. This is the
first case of animal rabies in Massachusetts since 1949.
Mr. McQuillan explained that he had talked to Dr. Benton,
Veterinarian, and because of this notice concerning Rabies he
wanted to talk to the Board before he submitted his Budget for
1962. Arrangements have been made b} Mr. McQuillan to meet with
Dr. Benton and discuss this matter with him.
The following subdivisions were approved by the Board:
Subdivision of land owned by Kingston Homes, Inc. was app-
roved with the exception of the following Lots 1-10 inclusive,
16-19 inclusive and 42, 43, and 44. These lots are disapproved
because they are on low ground and a grading plan must be sub-
mitted to this department before approval can be granted. Lot
28 is disapproved because of the presence of a water hole which
must be drained or filled in.
The definitive subdivision plan of Robert and Ann Tilling- ROBERT &
hast located oh Adams and Meriam Street was approved. ANN TILLII44
The definitive subdivision plan entitled "The Grove" was "THE GROVE
approved with the stipulation that Lots 7,8,9,10,11,30,31 and
37 are disapproved because they are situated in low lying areas
and will need special grading to make them acceptable.
The definitive subdivision plan entitled "Carriage Grove "CARRIAGE °'
Estates was approved with the condition that Lots 1,2,3,4,5,
6,7,14,15,16,17,18, and 19 are disapproved because of high
ground water conditions.
The definitive subdivision plan entitled "Cary Acres, Sec- "CARY ACRE
tion 3" was approved. SECTION3N'
The letter to Mrs. George Morey, Chairman of Board of Select- STREETS
men listing the streets that in Mr. Lurvey's opinion were badly in FOR
need of public sewer was approved. A copy of this letter was also SEWER
sent to John Carroll, Superintendent of Public Works.
The copy of the letter from Benjamin Franklin Homes, Inc. 52 TURNING-'-
to Mr. Lester H. Arond, 305 Bedford Street, was read by the MILL ROAD I'
Mr. Lurvey explained that when that Lot at #52 Turning
Mill Road was -approved for building a stipulatidn was made by
the Health Department stating that a number of holes on this
lot must be filled in before the house could be occupied. These
holes would be taken care of in the final grading.
On. his inspection of the house and septic system Mr. Lurvey
noticed that the holes were not filled in and therefore he asked
Mr. Donald Irwin, Building Inspector to hold up bhe occupancy per-
mit and this letter from Benjamin Franklin Homes, Inc. stating that
the fill purchased by them had been refused by Mr. Arond and used
instead in the driveway at 52 Turning Mill Road but if Mr. Arond
would purchase the type of fill he wanted for his Lot they would
have their bulldoxzer spread this fill before it was removed from
the area.
The Board approved Mr. Lurvey's action on this matter, The
letter from Donald Irwin, Building Inspector, was also read and
placed on file. In this letter Mr. Irwin stated that until the
Board of Health Requirements were meet an occupancy permit would
not be issued.
The following animal permits were reviewed by the Board:
197 CEDAR ST. Application from Mr. Paul Plass°, 197 Cedar. Street, to
keep one horse. Mr. Lurvey reported no objection from any of
the abuttors. Permission granted.
Application to keep one goat from Jeff Polpvino, 57 Ledge -
lawn Avenue was discussed by the Board. Mr. Lurvey reported he
had no objection from one abuttor and the other abuttor was to
let us know and she has not called in three weeks. The Board
asked Mr. Lurvey if he approved the application and Mr. Lurvey
said "Yes" there was sufficient land for the goat and he could
see no reason to deny this application. Permission granted by
the Board.
10 DIANA LANE Application to keep one horse by A. John Gale at 10 Diana
Lane was discussed by the Board. Mr. Lurvey reported he had
contacted all the abuttors directly concerned and he had received
no objection. One he had not contacted is situated in such a
manner he does not think they would even see the horse. Mr.
Lurvey approved this application. Permission to keep one horse
at 10 Diana Lane granted by the Board.
The letter to Mr. Gordan E. Patterson, 11 Lexington Avenue
stating a complaint had been received of over -flowing sewage at
11 Lexington Avenue and because public sewer was now available
this home would have to be connected.
Mr. Lurvey explained that Mrs. Patterson called to say she
was selling this house and asked if the next owner could not be
responsible in regard to connecting this house to public sewer.
Mrs. Pattersonts attorney called regarding this matter, too.
Mr. Lurvey reported to the Board that he told Mrs. Patter-
sona and also her attorney that it was the responsibility of the
home owner to see that the house was connected to the public
sewer and he would think it would be up to Mrs. Patterson
to take care of that matter before the house was sold.
Mr. Lurvey reported that this matter is now taken care of..
The letter from the Appropriation Committee explaining about
the 1962 Budget and Personal Services was placed on file.
The letter from the Planning Board stating that the defin-
itive subdivision plan entitled "The Grove" was approved with
the conditionsstated in the Board of Health approval was placed
on file.
The letter to Mr. Worthen Taylor, Chief Sanitary Engineer LOT 15
State Health Department, asking his assistance in determining CRESECENT
if Lot 15 Crescent Road, Lexington was suitable for private
sewage disposal was approved by the Board.
Mr. Lurvey explained that Mr. Cadario•, owner of Lot 15
Crescent Road, had been in several times regarding this Lot.
Mr. Cadario insists a private sewage disposal system can be
installed on this Lot. Mr. Lucas, engineer from Whitman and
Howard, Inc. has run several tests at different times on this
Lot and in each instance reported that in his opinion this
Lotwas unsuitable for a private sewage disposal system. Mr.
Cadario requested Mr. Lurvey have the State Sanitary Engineer
look at this Lot.
Mr. Lurvey said Mr. Nickerson, State Sanitary Engineer,
had been out and checked this Lot and will send us a report.
The Board suggested Mr. Lurvey send a copy of this letter
to Mr. Cadario.
The notice from Mrs. Morey, Chairman of the Board of Select- EXECUTI
men, stating that Mr. Frederick T. Staples had been appointed to ASSISTAN
Executive Assistant was read by the Board and placed on file.
The report of the water sample taken from the cold water 280 MARRET7
tap at 280 Marrett Road, Lexington, was read by the Board. ROAD
This report states that although an excess amount of iron was
found in the water it was safe for human consumption.
The letter from the School Department stating that a room DENTAL
at Harrington School had been set aside for the Dental Clinic CLINIC
was read by the Board.
Dr. Cosgrove reported that it will take about x¢500. to in-
stall the necessary electrical outlets and the necessary plumbing
for the Dental Clinic in this room. The Dental Clinic Budget will
not cover all of the work but the Board felt there was sufficient
money in the Health Department Budget to cover these bills or if
the accountant would rather a letter requesting funds for the
Dental Clinic it would be handked in this manner.
The letter from the Director of the Cary Memorial Library EMPLOYEE
asking that the x-ray report on Roland Perkins, which was CARY LIBRAE
enclosed, be placed on file. Mr. Lurvey explained that Mr. Nyeir Y
Director of the Library called him and said he was considering
hiring Mr. Perkins but Mr. Perkins had stated he had Tuberculosis
years ago and Mr. Nyeir wanted to know if there was a danger to
the public. Mr. Lurvey assured Mr. Nyeir there was no danger to
the public but to be on the safe side an x-ray should be taken
and kept on file.
The letter to Dr. Henry Isaksen, Pupil Personnel Services, DR. ISAKSEI
Lexington Public Schools, offering the assistance of the Health
Department was approved.