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ment. A copy of Dr. Fiumata's letter was sent to Mr. Mitchell
Spiries, School Administrative Services.
The Board instructed Mr. Lurvey to check with Mr. Palmer,
OUT OF STATE Town Accountant, to see if Out of State Travel had to be a spec -
TRAVEL ial account set up in the budget. The Board felt a great deal
could be learned by Mr. Lurvey if he could attend some of the
National meetings of health Officers.
Meeting adjourned at 5:00 P.M.
JULY 27, 1961
The regular meeting of the Board of Health was held Thurs-
day evening July 27, 1961 at 8:00 P.M. in the Selectmen's Room
of the Town Office Building. Members present were Mr. R.L. Mc-
Quillan, Chairman, Dr. William Cosgrove, Mr. James West and Health
Officer, Mark D. Lurvey.
The minutes of the regular meeting held May 22, 1961 and the
regular meeting held June 16, 1961 were approved as read.
LEAVE The letter from the Board of Selectmen stating that on
REGULATIONS July 10, 1961 the Selectmen had adopted Leave Regulations for
Town Employees and that in the near future ttie Town Accountant
would send forms for each department to keep a uniformed att-
endance record was read by the Board.
REAR The letter to Mr. George DeVries, Lowell Estates asking
19 BRYANT his cooperation in cleaning up a dump in the rear of 19 Bryant
ROAD Road was approved by the Board. Mr. Lurvey showed the Board a
picture he had taken of this dump and explained that Mr. John
DeVries said it was a construction dump and that her would see
that it was cleaned up. Mr. Lurvey asked permission to send an
order on this complaint if this dump was not cleaned up at the
time of his re -inspection. Permission was granted by the Board.
LOT 6 The letter from Harold E. Stevens, Town Councel, was app-
LOWELL roved by the Board. This letter stated that when a subdivision
ESTATES plan is approved by the Board of Health with the condition that
certain lots cannot be built upon without prior consent of the
Board of Health the Board would have to give written consent to
be recorded in the Registry of Deeds. Such a form was sent by
Mr. Stevens for Lot 6, Lowell Estates, Lexirigton. A copy for
future reference was also enclosed. The Board signed this form
of consent for Building on Lot 6, Lowell Estates.
POTTERS The letter to Mr. William Potter, 32 Walnut Street, Lex -
PIGGERY ington Massachusetts, granting him an extension to July 1, 1961
was approved by the Board.
The letter to Mr. Harold Stevens, Town Councel, stating the
condition of Potter's Piggery on July 5, 1961 and because all of
the pigs were not removed at this time Mr. Lurvey requested Mr.
Stevens proceed with court action against Potter's Piggery. This
letter was approved by the board.
The letter from Harold Stevens on Potter's Piggery was read
by the Board. This letter stated that a written agreement had been
obtained and signed by the trustees of the Walnut r'arm Trust binding
them to have all the pigs off the premises by July 24th, 1961.
Mr. Lurvey reported he had made an inspection of Potter's Pig-
gery and all the pigs are now gone and most of the buildings have
been destroyed.
The letter from Mrs. Ethel Wright, School Lunch Supervisior, BUILDING
concerning regulations regarding the room she is to have for an SAFETY
new office in Muzzey Junior High was read by the Board. LAW
Mr. Lurvey explained that there were no laws in the Public
Health Sanitary Code regarding this matter but he had referred
Miss Wrig«t to the Department of Public Safety, Division of
Building Inspection.
Letter to Peter and Martin Semonian requesting their coop- 205 WOBURN
eration in removing or covering a large accumulation of rubbish STREET
in the rear of their home at 205 Woburn Street, was approved by
t.,e Board.
The letter from Dr. Frechette, State Health. Commissioner, PENICILLIN
giving the family income levels to be used as a guide in deter-
mining.the eligibility for the Penicillin Prophylaxis Program
was read and placed on file by the Board.
Letter announcing that the District Health Office had moved DISTRICT
from North Reading Sanatorium to Tewksbury Hospital was read and HEALTH
placed on file. OFFICE
Copy of a letter sent to Mrs. George Morey, Chairman of the MARSHALL'd
Board of Selectmen, by Donald Irwin, Building Inspector, regarding BAKERY
the odors coming from Marshall's Bakery was read by the Board.
The letter to Donald Irwin, Building Inspector, was approved
by the board. This letter stated the recommendations_made by Mr.
Lurvey, Health Officer, on the May inspection and also on the in-
spection on July 6, 1961 of Marshall's Bakery. A carbon of this
letter was also sent to Mrs, Morey, Board of Selectmen.
The minutes of a meeting of the Lexington School Health Coun- PUBLIC
cil was read by the Board and placed on file. SCHOOL
The order to Mr. Herbert Littler, 20 Larchmont Lane, re- 20 LARCHMONT
questing he abate the condition of over -flowing sewage system LANE
at 20 Larchmont Lane was arproved by the Board. Mr.. Lurvey re-
ported that this matter had been taken care of.
Letter to Mr. Stanley Roketenetz, 159 New Boston Road, Wo- GARBAGE
burn, stating a license be required to collect garbage in Lex- tERMIT
ington was arrroved by the Board.
18 YOUNG The letter to Mr. Antonio Cacciola, 18 Young Street, was arp-
STREET roved by the Board. Mr. Lurvey exrlained that Hr. Cacciola com-
plained about an over -flowing sewage system next door to him and
upon investigation it was found to be his own. This overflow has II
been corrected.
CARRIAGE The letter to the Planning Board stating that the Health
GROVE EST- Department had investigated the preliminary subdivision entitled
ATES "Carriage Grove Estates" and that lots 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,14,
15,16,17,18 and 19 were disapproved because of high ground
water condition was arproved by the Board.
MIDDLE Letter to Planning Board stating the Health Department had
RIDGE SEC- investigated the subdivision entitled "Middle Ridge", Section 6"
TION 6 and that lots 50, 68 and 75 were disapproved because of high
ground water conditions. Also, lots 77, 78, 79, 80 and 81 were
disapproved because of ledge was arrroved by the Board.
The letter from the Planning Board stating that the subdiv-
ision "Middle Ridge, Section 6" was approved with the conditions
set forth by the Board of Health was read and placed on file.
DENTAL The letter from the Lexington School 'ommittee stating
CLINIC they were sorry the Board could not meet with them on June 21,
1961 but a date would be set again to discuss the Dental Clinic.
Dr. Cosgrove explained that the Dental Clinic was still with-
out space and until a meeting was held with tie School Committee
no further action by the Health Department could be taken.
The letter to Mr. gharles Cole, 55 Waltham Street, thanking
him for his yea:'s of service on the Board was arproved.
The letter to Mr. Lawrence Bode, 555 Marrett Road, granting
him permission to keep two horses instead of one was approved.
The letter to G. 1=aliott Saunders, 20 Adams Street, denying
him permission to keep a pony at 20 Adams Street because of the
congested area was annroved.
Mr. Lurvey reported that the pony was gone.
The letter to Mr. Bernard J. Belcastro, 22 Muzzey Street
granting permission to keep a pony but with the condition that
if any complaint is received this permit will be cancelled.
SEWAGE. Mr. Lurvey explained that Mr. Bruce Dayton, 9 Rockville Ave.
PERMITS came into the office to check on the sewage license for R.E. And-
RODENHISER rews Co. Mr. Dayton felt the fee charged by this company very
high for putting chemicals into a dry well and had reported it
to the Boston Better Business Bureau, who in turn told him to
check with the Health Department on the license. Upon checking
we found that the Electric Sewer Company, Verner Aall Co.,
and the R. E. Andrews Co. were all operating under one license.
They are all runby the Rodenhiser Family, bather 8c Son. Mr.
Lurvey reported he checked with Mr. Stevens, 'Town Councel, who
advised that we have each company obtain an individual license.
A letter regarding this matter was sent to Yr. R. S. Roden-
hiser requesting the applications for sewage licenses be filled out
and returned.
A letter was also sent to Mr. Dayton on July 25, 1961 stating
that no license had been issued to R.E. Andrews Co. but a license
had been issued to the Electric Sewer Cleaning Co. or Verner Aall
& Co. of the same address as R.E. Andrews Co.
The Board approved Mr. Lurvey's action in this matter.
The animal.permit for A. Clifford Fletcher, 112 Spring Street ANIMAL
to keep a horse was approved. Mr. Lurvey reported conditions for PERMITS
housing this animal and adequate space was available.
The permit to keep a horse at 10 Diana Lane was set aside
pending further investigation of the abuttors by Mr. Lurvey.
The following licenses were signed by the Board:
Weside Sanatation Co., Woburn, Mass. Sewage
R.E. Andrews Co., Watertown, Mass. Sewage
Verner Aall & Co., Watertown, Mass. Sewage
Stanley Roketenetz Inc., Woburn, Mass. Garbage
Dr. Cosgrove questioned the mark of 89-B for Geoffroy's SEOFFROY'S'
Pharmacy and Mr. Lurvey explained that he went in one morning PHARMACY
and found a new girl at the counter, this girl was washing the
cups and saucers and had not been instructed to use the saniti-
zer in the rinse water. Mr. Lurvey said he spoke to the woman
in charge at this time and tried to impress upon her she must
use the sanitizer at all times. When he did his inspection,
later in the month, he found once again they were neglecting
to use the sanitizes which would account for the low mark. Both
times this occured the owner was not there so a letter is to be
sent bo the owner calling this situation to his attention.
The Board voted to change the regular meeting date to the MEETING
fourth Thursday of every month in the evening. The clerk was TIME
instructed to check with Miss Murray in the Selectmen's Office
to see if the Selectmen's Room would be available at that time.
The Health Officer's report eas reviewed by the Board.
Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.