HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-06-16493 discussed by the Board. The Clerk was instructed to write Mr. Brucci and tell him the Board would approve the animal application for 8 horses (as requested in 1960) but would mot approve the request for 10 horses as requested in 1961. The Animal Application from Carroll Brothers, 31 Allen Street CARROLL was approved by the Board. The Clerk was instructed to send BROTHERS Carroll Brothers a Swine Permit also. The Rest Home Application for Dorothy Stedman's Rest Home REST HOME 8 Parker Street, was signed by the Board. The air -conditioner for the office was discussed by the OFFICE EQUIP Board. After much discussion it was agreed Mr. McQuillan would MENT inquire and see what the proper procedure would be to obtain permission to purchase such a unit for the Health Department. The Budget Standing of the Health Department was discussed by the Board. The Health Officer's Report for the Month of April and May was discussed by the Board. The School Cafeterias were inspected and all received a rating of 100%. B.L. Cumming's Milk was tested for Coli and Plate Count Mr. Lurvey said that other than the Coli count on regular milk it wasn't too bad. The inspections of septic tanks, lots and cesspools were reviewed. The meeting was adjourned at 5:30. The regular June 16, 1961 at Office Building. man, Dr. William BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING JUNE 16, 1961 )2‘ --ea meeting of the Board of Health was held Friday, 3:00 P.M. in the Selectmen's Room of the Town Members present were Mr. R.L. McQuillan,.Chair- Cosgrove and Health Officer, Mark D. Lurvey. Mr. Potter of Potter's Piggery came in to report on the ter- POTTER'S mination of his business and also to ask for another extension PIGGERY of time to complete this termination. Mr. Potter stated that all pig yards will be empty by the end of June but there will be one house left with about 250 pigs in it, these pigs will be sold as soon as they are marketable. Mr. Potter further stated that the farm will be developed by his sons. A preliminary sub -division plan has already been app- roved by the Planning Board. The Board assured Mr. Potter that his request for an extension of time would be taken under advisement. Mr. McQuillan explained that the Board would also like to talk to Harold Stevens, Town 494 Council, before any definite action is taken by the Board. The letter to Charles E. Jefferson, Office Manager, Public Works Department, stating the value, for insurance appraisal, of all moveable objects in the Health Department Office and the Lab- oratory was approved by the Board. ANIMAL The following applications for Animal Permits were acted on PERMITS by the Board as follows: Harry R, Mimno,.83 Pleasant Street, to keep 2 horses was approved. Mr. Mimno+s application was a renewal with the add- ition of two aorses. The application of Norman C. Dahl, 40 Fern Street, to keep one goat was approved. Mr. Lurvey reported that this was an old farm and there was no objection from any abbuttors also there was adequate space for one goat. The application of Mr. Lawrence Bode, 555 Marrett Road to keep two horses was reviewed by the Board. At the April meeting permission was given to Mr. Bode to keep one horse as the original permit stated. Mr. Bthde came into the office, after receiving the letter which stated permission for only one horse was granted, and talked to Mr. Lurvey. On May 19, 1961, at the regular meeting Mr. Lurvey discussed this problem with the Board again. At this meeting the Board suggested Mr. Lurvey check the abbuttors once more and investigate the area once again. Mr. Lurvey reported that he had checked the abbuttors again and had received no objections to Mr. Bode keeping a second horse. On the basis of Mr. Lurvey's report permission was granted by the Board of Health to Mr. Bode to keep two horses at 555 Marrett Rd. The Animal Application of Arthur N. Landry, Jr., 5 Minute Man Lane, was once again reviewed by the Board. At the regular meeting in March this application was denied because of the location of the proposed stable which was too close to the pro- perty line of the abbutors. Mr. Landry submitted a plot plan with the proposed new location of the stable marked in. On the basis of this new plan and if no objections are now re- ceived from the abuttors the Board agreed to grant permission to Mr. Landry to keep one horse at 5 Minute Man Lane. The Board instructed Mr. Lurvey to hold this application and check all abuttors once more. If no objection is received concerning this new location then the application may be sent. The application of G. Eliot Saunders, 20 Adams Street, to keep one pony was again discussed by the Boa -d. Although Mr. Saunders has had this pony for some time and the Health Depart- ment has received no complaints the Board has given this pro- blem much study. Mr. Lurvey reported at a previous meeting that the pony was being stabled in a garage which was not 25 feet away from the neighbors property line, also the corral was very close to the neighbors back yard and only a few feet away from the kitchen windows. Upon speaking to this neigh- bor, Mr. Lurvey reported to the Board, he had the feeling that this gentleman hesitated to complain. The gentleman did say :L7 1 495 that odors came from the corral and• stable -in the warm weather and the pony was fairly close to his property. Mr. McQuillan said he had been out to view this situation and in his opinion it was not suitable for a pony. After further discussion it was agreed by the Board that this application be denied, but a letter should go with this denial suggesting other quarters be found for this pony. Application of Bernard J. Belcastro, 22 Muzzey Street, to keep one pony was reviewed by the Board. Mr. Lurvey explained he had checked the abuttors and although this is rather a con- gested area, the pony is kept in a barn on the property. All abuttors were checked and there were no objections to this pony. Permission was granted to Bernard Belcastro, 22 Muzzey Street, to keep one pony as long as no complaints were received by the Health Department Office. A letter is to be sent to Mr. Bel- castro stating this condition. The Letter to Charles F. Mistretta, District Highway Eng- 472 MARRETT ineer, State of Massachusetts, was read and approved by the ROAD Board. This letter was sent upon receipt of a complaint of an inadequate culvert at 472 Marrett Road. Mr. Lurvey reported that Mr. King of the State Public Works Department had called to tell him that funds have been requested from the main office to correct the condition of the culvert at 472 Marrett Road. The letter from Walter C. Birchler, 472 Marrett Road, stating that although the State was going to fix the culvert he felt that the area should be sprayed for mosquitos. Mr. Lurvey reported that the Mosquito Control had been con- tacted on June 6, 1961 and this area reported. The Board felt nothing more could be done about this matter. The letter to Mr. Austin Fisher, Jr., Standing School Build- DENTAL ing Committee, stating the problem or re -locating the Dental Clinic CLINIC and asking that this clinic be considered in the plans for any new school building was approved. The letter from Mr. Fisher, Standing School Building Committee stating they would be glad to provide a space for the Dental Clinic if it is to be on school property was read by the Board. The letter to Mr. Sanborn C. Brown, Chairman of the School Committee, requesting an appointment to discuss the re -location of the Dental Clinic was approved by the Board. The letter from Mr. Sanborn Brown making an appointment for 8:00 P.M., June 21, 1961, was read by the Board. Mr. McQuillan explained that a letter had been sent to Mr. Brown explaining that due to the very important meeting of the Noreastern District Board of Health Association meeting to be held on June 21, 1961 a new appointment date would have to be set up. Mr. McQuillan further stated Mr. Harold Steven, Town Attorney, Stevens said as long as treatment is bound by law to come under the that he had a discussion with on the Dental Clinic and Mr. work is carried on the Clinic Health Department but+if the 496 BRUCCHI 63 PAUL REVERE RD. GLAUCOMA CLINIC RULES & REGULATIONS 38 FLETCHER AVENUE SUBDIVISION INFORMATION 241 EAST ST. OFFICE EQUIP- MENT POTTER'S PIGGERY Clinic work is dropped and only dental examinations and dental education is carried on by the Hygenist then it would be under the Department of Education. Mr. Stevens further stated that if the treatment of the Dental Clinic was handled through the local dentists then the Health Department would be responsible for pay- ment of this treatment, of course, this would mean only those el- igible for dental clinic work. After some discussion b the Board it was agreed to wait and see what the outcome of the meeting to be held with the School Committee was. The letter to by the Board. The was granted by the 1 John Brucchi, 63 Paul Revere Road, was approved letter stated that permission for 8 horses only Board at the regular meeting in May. The letter to Dr. Gordan Donaldson, Lincoln Health Deparment, Lincoln, Mass., referring the result of the screening test of a Lincoln resident at the Glaucoma Clinic was approved b;,,- the Board. The letter from the Hampshire Press with a bid on the printing of the book of Rules and Regulations was reviewed by the Board. After a discussion the Board voted to grant this priniting contract to Hampshire Press as their bid was the lowest of the three re- ceived. Mr. Lurvey was instructed to check these rules and reg- ulations and then as soon as he was satisfied and Harold Stevens, Town Attorney, had checked them they could be sent to Mr. Clayton Sullivan of the Hampshire Press, Inc., for printing. Mr. Lurvey reported to the Board that he had received a phone call from John Carroll, Superintendent of Public Works, stating that Robert F. Millar, 38 Fletcher Avenue, had paid his deposit to be connected to Public Sewer. The letter to Harold Stevens, Town Councel, requesting information concerning the responsibilities of the Board of Health regarding the drainage of subdivisions and the Boards approval of subdivisions was read and approved by the Board. The letter to Dryden Snow, 2L1.1 East Street, was approved by the Board. This letter stated that the problem of the drainage ditch he referred to in his letter received by the Health Department, April 20, 1961, had been investigated and property owners on Cooke Road have asked for their cooperation in keeping this ditch open. The letter to the Board of Selectmen asking permission to to purchase an air -conditioner for the secretary's office was approved. Mr. McQuillan stated that as this permisaion was refused by the Selectmen a fan had been purchased for the secretary's office. The letter to William Potter, Walnut Farm Trust, was approve by the Board. This letter stated that at the termination of his extension on June 30, 1961, to operate a piggery at 32 Walnut Street all nuisances in the form of uncovered manure, garbage, rubbish or anything else detrimental to the Public Health must be removed at this time. 1 497 The letter to the Division of Planning, Massachusetts Depart- SUBDIVI- ment of Commerce requesting the Rules and Regulations governing SIONS the control of subdivisions was approved by the Board. The letter to the Doctors of Lexington with the lateset Polio POLIO ihnoculation information was approved b;' the Board. The Board voted to elect Mr. McQuillan as Chairman of the ELECTION Board for the coming year. OF CHAIRMAN' The letter from Miss Delia Frsythe, 119 Grant Street, 119 GRANT ST'. complaining of leaves and paper blowing from the area across the street onto her property was read by the Board. Mr. Lurvey reported he had investigated this complaint twice and also showed the Board a picture he had taken of the area. Thereis no Public Health Nuisance there. The new site for the Town Dump was also reviewed and Mr. Mc- TOWN Quillan reported that on the day he talked to Mr. Stevens, Town DUMP Council, he also asked about the responsibilities of the Health Department concerning the Town Dump. Mr. Stevens stated that in his opinion before such a Town Dump is opened it must be assigned and approved by the Board of Health. In this assignment the Board of Health must state how the dump must be operated to meet the approval of ,he Board of Health. Mr. Lurvey reported he had been out with Sohn Carroll, Super- intendent of Public Works, and viewed this site for the new dump. Mr. Carroll told Mr. Lurvey it will be another 10 months before the Lincoln Street dump is used up. The requisition of the land for the new site will take time. Mr. L„rvey also said the only thing that bothe__^ed him about this new site was the brook which runs through the center of the land. Dr. Cosgrove said he under- stood this brook was to be piped in order to avoid any contamina- tion. RAports of the Dental Clinic and Posture Clinic were reviewed by the Board. A license for the sale of mythel alcohol was signed by the Board. The Health Officer's report was reviewed by the Board. Miss Murray delivered a letter to Mr. McQuillan, Chairman, APPOINTMEN at this time. This letter advised the Board that Mr. James D4. MR. WEST West, 135 Simmonds Road, had been appointed to the Board of Health for a three year term by the Board of Selectmen to replace Mr. Charles Cole whose term expifred June 1, 1961. The letter from Nicholas J. Fiumara, M.D., Director, Division SANI of Communicable Diseases, was read by the Board. This letter con- MIST cerned the use of "Sani Mist'Spray” for the use in the public schools SPRAT of Lexington for the prevention and treatment of athlete's foot. Mr. Lurvey explained that a Mr. Bloomfield came into the office and left a broucher on this "Sani Mist Spray" and he sent this broucher to the State Health Department for their opinion regarding this treatment before he gave his opinion to the school depart-