HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-10-21443 The members of the Minute Man Highland Association thanked the Board of health for the kind consideration shown them and expressed their feeling that the Boardts decission was for the best interest of the people and the .Lown. The letter to J. Phillip bower, Health Department, Arlington Massachusetts calling his attention to the fact that the house at 18 Reed Street, Arlington, Massachusetts had an overflowing sewage system leaching into Summer & Lowell Street Brook was arproved by the Board. The Child Care Center at 29 Patterson Road was approved tenta- tively by the Board pending further investigation by Mr. Lurvey and the Fire Department. The draft of the letter in regard to the change in Dental Clinic policy was read and approved by the Board. Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 P.M. BOARD -OF HEALTH MEETING OCTOBER 21, 1960 The regular meeting of the Board of Health was held Friday, October 21, 1960 in the Selectments Room of the Town Office Build- ing. Members present were R.L. McQuillan, Chairman, Dr. William Cosgrove, Mr. Charles H. Cole and Health Officer, Mark D. Lurvey. The minutes of the Special Meeting held September 22, 1960 were approved as read. Mrs. Flynn, Chairman of the Posture Committee, and Mrs. Don- POSTURE nelly, physiotherapist, for the posture clinic met with the Board CLINIC in order to keep the Board informed of the Work being done by the posture clinic. The clinic will operate much the same as it did last year but it was suggested by the orthopedic doctor last spring that instead of taking posture pictures of each child in every grade 3 - 7 they now take pictures of alternate grades 3 through 7. This. will enable the physiotherapist more time to work with the children and also with the rapid growth of the town and the rapid growth of the school population it has become very difficult to cover all schools. The pupils have their picture taken in the fall. Miss Donn- elly then grades these pictures "A" to "D". The children are then called to posture clinic if their rating is "C" or "D". The chil- dren now have 6 or 7 weeks of posture classes before the orthopedic surgeon checks them at the posture clinic. This year the posture committee plans to have two clinics with fewer children and this will enable them to give more time to a follow-up program. The longer class should cut down on the fall -backs and the development of a serious posture problem among the pupils. 444 Mr. McQuillan asked.if these pictures -taken by Mrs: Don- nelly showed the bone structure and Mrs. Donnelly explained that only a silhouette -a -graph was taken which only showed poor posture and did not show the bone structure. More ser- ious problems were referred to a private orthopedic doctor. Mr. McQuillan assured Mrs. Flynn and Mrs. Donnelly that the Board of Health would do anything they could to help. CIVIL Mr. Burell of the Civil Defense of Lexington came before 'DEFENSE the Board to discuss the medical problem in regard to Civil Defense in Lexington. Mr. Lurvey said he didn't want to order a great deal of medical supplies and then store them in the basement. Mr. Burnell agreed and stated that the medical problem was a very big problem that could not be solved in one day. The Town has no plan for food and water in case of an emergency or enemy attack, medical supplies and any other aspect to do with Public Health would have to be frozen imm- ediately and rationing started. Mr. McQuillan asked if Mr. Burwell would send the Health Department any publications he might have on the Public Health aspect of Civil Defense. Mr. Burnell suggested that as a start a list of doctors available and also any supplies that are on hand might be given the Civil Defense Headquarters. He also stated he had set-up First -Aid Stations in the two fire stations. Mr. Burnell said a few of the problems that would have to be met in case of an enemy attack would be first aid, drug distribution, mortuary problem, food and water. Mr. McQuillan asked_if there were any plans for shelter in. Lexington or if any steps had been taken to utilize the exist- ing Town structures. Mr. Burnell explained that nothing had been done and that there were no immediate plans. Mr. Burnell said he would send any literature he might have on the Health Problem in Civil Defense to the health Department. Mr. McQuillan instructed Mr. Lurvey to discuss this pro- blem with other communities and see what type of program, if any, they had set up. Mr. McQuillan said the Board would start trying to find a likely spot for a hospital. Mr. Cole suggested the basement of the Maria Hastings School which has a minimum of windows and several rooms that go back into the hillside. Mr. Burnell and the Board both agreed that a start had been made and by working together a good plan for emergency relief could be worked out. COTTER'S Mr. McQuillan brought Dr. Cosgrove and Mr. Cole up to PIGGERY date on the meeting he had with Harold. Stevens, Town Council, Mr. William Potter and Mr. Shaw, attorney for Mr. Potter in • the Selectmen's Rooms Thursday afternoon. The Board agreed to 1 1 1 445 f meet Monday noon and go out and view the piles of manure on Mr. Potter's Farm. The letters from Harold Stevens, Town Council, regarding Potters Piggery were read by the Board. The first letter stated that Mr. Stevens had received a letter from Mr. James E. Shaw, attorney for Mr. Potter, advising Mr. Stevens that petitions for jury trial against members of the Board of Health had been filed in Middlesex County Superior Court. The second letter from Mr. Stevens was a request that copies of the communications sent to Walnut Farm Trust advising of the Boards actions be sent to him. The letters to Mr. Harold Stevens stating the action of the Board at the regular meeting of the Board of Health on September 16, 1960 and also the action taken by the Board at a special meeting on September 22, 1960 were approved by the Board. ,k copy of a letter sent to Mr. Harold Stevens, Town Council, from Philip M. Cronin, Attorney for Minute Man Highland area, asking that he be notiried of any action is taken by Mr. William Potter in respect to revoking his permit to keep pigs was read by the Board and placed on file. The letter to Philip P. Spencer, 41 Asbury Street, stating 75 ALLEN that the septic system at 75 Allen Street must be uncovered and STREET the necessary corrections made before this system can be approved was approved by the Board. Mr. Lurvey explained that originally this Lot was rejected by Mr. Kraynick of Whitman & Howard, Inc., because it was a low Lot, but the owner had Miller & Nylander redesign a whole new system. Mr. Kraynick checked this lot again and approved it providing the specifications set forth by Mr. Nylander was strictly adhered to. Mr. Lurvey checked this system when they started to put it in and when two weeks had passed and he had not been called for a final inspection he went out to 75 Allen Street and found the system all installed and all back filled. When the system was uncovered Mr. Lurvey found it too low and not according to the original plan, he informed Mr. Spencer of this and the whole system was taken out and raised according to the original plan. Mr. Lurvey reported he was able to approve this system when these corrections were made. Letter from Kenneth A. Lucas of Whitman & Howard, Inc., stat- MIDDLE ing that Mr. Eugene Roberts, Middle Ridge -Section 4, Lexington RIDGE Massachusetts, had informed him that Lot 45 is to have a 4 bed- SECTION room house and due to that the leaching a^ea for this lot will 4 have to be increased to 600 square feet. Also Lot 55 is to have a 5 bedroom house and the leaching area will have to be increased to 850 square feet was read by the Board. The letter to Eino Koski, owner of Lot "B" on Burlington Street ordering him to abate the nuisance of sand blowing from the fine fill he is using on the Lot was approved. Lurvey reported that this matter is all taken care of.. Board instructed Mr. Lurvey, as the original complanit Mrs. George Morey, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, so notify her that this matter had been taken care of. LOT "B" BURLINGTON S Mr. The came from we should 446 POTTER'S The letters to -Mrs. -George -Morey, -Chairman of -the -Board PIGGERY of -Selectmen, stating the action taken by the Board on Potter's Piggery was approved, also the letter informing Mrs. Morey that Walnut Farm Trust had filed for Superior Court jury trial to appeal the Board of Health's action was approved by the Board. BARN ON The letter to Mrs. Morey, Chairman of Board of Selectmen, NORTH ST. stating that the old barn at 78 North Street was a Safety Hazard and the Board of Health had received complaints about this hazard was approved. The letter from the Board of Selectmen stating they were aware of the old barn on North Street was read by the Board and placed on file. POTTER'S The letter to Arthur J. Hurley, Jr., Minute Man Highland PIGGERY Association stating that the Hoard of Health will do every- thing they can to see that Mr. Potter of Walnut Farm Trust corrects any of the conditions which are contrary to -the Health laws during the interval while the piggery is still in business was approved by the Board. 80 HILL ST. Letter to Mrs. Phyllis L. Coe, 80 Hill Street ordering her to correct the nuisance of over -flowing sewage on her property was approved by the Board. Mr. Lurvey reported that this has been all taken care of. LEXINGTON CLEANERS & DYERS DENTAL SOCIETY Letter from Russell E. Carroll, Lexington Cleansers & Dyers requesting a letter from the Board of Health stating that the Health Department had never received any complaints concerning odors or unsanitary conditions about his premises at 275 Bedford Street was read by the Board. The Board agreed that they would like to know more about this request before such a letter was written. Letter from James M. Dunning, D.D.S. of the Massachusetts Dental Society, stating that a resolution had been passed at the Society's meeting last May recommending at least 3 types of examination be used in the school dental clinics (mouth mirror, explorer, adequate illumination) was read by the Board and placed on file. SUN VALLEY Letter to George DeVries calling to his attention the pile SECTION of brush in the Sun Valley Section in the rear of 11 Winchester Drive being a harborage for rats and also the old house on this property being a Safety Hazard and requesting his cooperation in correcting these conditions was approved by the Board. Mr. Lurvey requested permission to send an order to have these things taken care of. Permission granted by the Board. DENTAL The letter to Medill Bair, Superintendent of Schools, r CLINIC stating the change in policy of the dental clinic was approved by the Board. HEALTH BOARDS OF Letter to the various chairmen of the Boards of Health .stating that a desire to initiate the action to form a Boards of Health Association for the Northeastern Health District was approved. Mr. McQuillan stated that eight towns out of the L_ 1 1 1 eighteen who were -notified -responded to this meeting and a Steer- ing Committee had been formed with Mr. McQuillan as Acting Chair- man. A Questionnaire is to be sent to every member of the 65 Boards of Health and another meeting will be held in November of the Steering Committee. Letter to Mr. Benjamin A. Greene, 750 Concord Highway, stating that a complaint had been received concerning the rooster on his property and requested that this rooster be disposed of within 3 days was approved by ;the Board. Mr. Lurvey reported that the rooster was gone. The Sanitary Code on housing that was adopted by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on September 13, 1960, was placed on file by the Board. The license for the Home for Aged, 2027 Massachusetts Avenue was signed by the Board. The Board voted to appoint Dr. McLaughlin, Metropolitan State Hospital as special agent to sign buriel permits. The Whitman & Howard, Inc., engineering bills were app- roved for payment. The case of the premature infant of Charles Gibbons was discussed by the Board. This case has been investigated by Mr. Collins, Director of Welfare, and has been verified as a Lexington Settlement. The hospital bill from the City of Boston for John Cox who has since been transferred to Middleseg County Sanatorium was approved for payment by the Board. The phone call from Mrs. Day, Social Worker at Middlesex Sanatorium, stating that Mr. Cox had no clothes, pajamas, robe slippers or money for haircuts was discussed by the Board. Mr. Lurvey will check with the State Department of Tuberculosis to see what we should do about it. 447 750 CONCORD HIGHWAY SANITARY CODE LICENSE SIGNED SPECIAL AGENT ENGINEER BILLS PREMATURE INFANT GIBBONS JOHN COX Mr. Lurvey reported that he had just left Battle Green Inn BATTLE and he is still not satisfied with the sanitary condition of thatGREEN INN restaurant. It seemed to him that a little more organizing would help some of the critical problems. Letter to Silva Brothers, Great Road, Lincoln, was approved SILVA by the Board. This letter called to Mr. Silvans attention to BROTHERS the fact he needed a license to collect garbage in Lexington. Mr. Lurvey reported to the Board that he had tested Cummings CUMMINGS Milk twice last week and he was going to run another test on it MILK and if it continued to have such high plate counts he would have to do something about it. Mr. McQuillan stated that as Milk Inspector, Mr. Lurvey, could do as he saw fit regarding Cummings Milk Company. The Dental Clinic report was accepted by the Board.