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September 16, 1960
The regular meeting of the Board of Health was held Friday,
September 16, 1960 at 3:00 P.M. in Estebrook Hall. Members pre-
sent were Mr. R.L. McQuillan, Chairman, Dr. William Cosgrove,
Mr. Charles H. Cole and Health Officer, -Mark D. Lurvey.
JULY The minutes of the July meeting were approved as read.
Due to the interest and the number of people present on
the hearing of Potter's Piggery Mr. McQuillan explained that
POTTER'S this was a regular Board of Health meeting and that the Public'
PIGGERY was always welcome to attend these meetings of the Board of
Health but the Board must take what action they deemed necessary
first and then the Board would be glad to answer any questions,
from interested people on the action taken by the Board.
A motion was made by Mr. Charles H. Cole as follows:
The Walnut Farm Trust must take action at once
to correct all conditions at the Piggery which
do not conform to the laws regarding the con-
ducting of the piggery in the Town of Lexington.
This includes first, the immediate removal of
the piles of manure and garbage which are now
present and the removal weekly as long as the .
piggery is in operation; or second the trenching
of the existing piles of manure and properly
covering with dirt and this procedure be carried
on during any further operation of the piggery.
If these conditions are not carried out within
30 days by the Walnut Farm Trust the license
for operating a piggery will be revoked.
Motion moved and seconded by Dr. William Cosgrove. Motion
passed by the Board.
Mr. R.L. McQuillan made the following statement:
A conference was held by the Board of Health
with Mr. William Potter and other members of
the Walnut Farm Trust. Mr. Harold Stevens,
Lexington Town Attorney, was present at this
meeting. We were unable to hold this meeting
until Thursday night, September 15, 1960. After
much discussion and legal opinion from the town
attorney Mr. Potter was asked by the Board to
write a letter to the Board stating in this
letter all complications that would be met in
removing his business from Lexington which has
been conducted for 40 years and stating in this
letter a definite date he would agree to remove
his piggery from Lexington with the understand-
ing that the Board will make their own decision
as to when this removal must take place. This
letter must be in the hands of the Board before
next Tuesday, September 20, 1960 by 5:00 P.M.
A special meeting will be held by the Board and
a definite time fixed by the Board for the ter-
mination of the Walnut Farm Trust Piggery on
Thursday evening, September 22, 1960 at 8:00
The Board will welcome a discussion with a com-
mittee of three from the Minute Man Highland
Association before next Thursday.
It was agreed that the Board of wealth members would met with
three members of the Minute Man Highland Association Tuesday, Sept-
ember 20 at 7:30 P.M. in the Health Department Offices.
Mr. Tom Osborne, 37 Webster Road, asked if the Town would do
anything about the rat situation in the Minute Man Highland area?
Mr. McQuillan replied that he asked Mr. Stevens, Town Council,
about that and Mr. Stevens stated that legally the Board had no
right to go onto private property to exterminate the rats but Mr.
McQui±lan stated further the Board: was• ready -=and willing -to help
relieve this rat situation in everyway they legally can.
Mr. Lurvey explained that because of the number of complaints
of rats in the Minute Man Highland area he had called in Mr. Patterson,
Rodent expert of the Waltham Chemical Co., and Mr. Lurvey and Mr.
Patterson made a house to house survey of the homes from which com-
plaints had been received. Mr. Lurvey submitted Mr. Patterson's
report to the Board. Mr. McQuillan read this report aloud to the
Board and the group present at this meeting.
Mr. McQuillan stressed the sentence in the rat survey report
which stated that empty lots could be a harborage for rats. A
question was asked by a member of the Minute Man Highland area
who was responsible for the empty lots. Mr. McQuillan stated the
land owner is still responsible because the Health Department
annot legally go onto private property to exterminate rats.
Mr. Mairson, Minute Man Highland Member, asked who determined
where the rat survey was made. Mr. Lurvey stressed the fact that
he at the expense of the health Department called in Mr. Patterson
to make this survey and only at the homes where complaints had been
received by the Health Department Office.
A member asked if a copy of the report of Mr. Patterson, Waltham
Chemical Co. expert, could be made so that the members of the Minute
Man Highland Association could read it and digest this report at a
later date? Mr. McQuillan said the health Department would be glad
to see that a copy of this report was sent to the Minute Man Highland
Mrs. Tom Osborn, Webster Road, asked if they called other people
in the Minute Man Highland area and those people called in to complain
about the rats in their area would Mr. Lurvey make an investigation
Mr. Lurvsy assured Mrs. Osborn that every complaint would be thourghly
Mr. McQuillan called to the attention of the people,
that were present from the Minute Man Highland area, that in
this report it was stated that the source of the rats could
be controlled.
A request was made by the Minute Man Highland Association
that a copy of the motion made by Mr. Charles H. Cole and also
a copy of the statement made by Mr. n.L.Mcquillan be given to
the three representatives on Tuesday evening, September 20, 1960.
Mr. McQuillan assured the Minute Man Highland Association
that copies would be ready for their representatives on Tuesday
evening. He also assured the association members that the
Board of Health would do everything possible to help relieve
this situation without getting involved in a long law suit.
The Association members assured Mr. McQuillan that they did
not want a long court case either but they did want a definite
understanding and a letter from the Board of Health stating
their final decision and the assurance from the Board of Health
that this decision would be carried out.
The Board voted to send Mr. William G. Potter a letter
asking for his letter in regard to the complications involved
in moving his piggery from Lexington this letter to be deliv-
ered to the Health Department Office by Tuesday, September
20, 1960. A copy of the motion made by Mr. Charles H. Cole
and also a copy of the statement made by Mr. McQuillan will
also be sent to Mr. William u. Potter.
MR. Mr. Mairson a member of the Minute Man Highland Association
MAIRSON had asked to talk to Mr. Lurvey after the meeting. Mr. Lurvey
asked Mr. Mairson to stay after the hearing on Potter's Piggery
was finished. Mr. Mairson said that now that the main sewer
lines were coming through the Minute Man Highland Section he
was questioning whether he should petition now for sewer lines
on Lawrence Lane and other streets in that area. He also asked
how permanent the present systems were.
Mr. Cole explained the sewage system and leaching beds to
Mr. Mairson and explained that Septic Tanks and Leaching Beds
were only temporary systems.
Mr. Mairson asked that where all the systems go out the
back of the houses would the Town consider taking an easment from
the backs of the homes.
Mr. Lurvey and Mr. Cole explained that all of the questions
on sewer easement and sewer lines would have to be answered by
John Carroll, Superintendent of Public Works.
178 CONCORD The letter to Mrs. R. Russell, 178 Concord Avenue, in re -
AVENUE gard to the complaint of rats on her property was accepted by the
Board. Mr. Lurvey in this letter recommended the gassing and seal
ing of the wall along the property line on Chadbourne Road.
The letter from Alfred L. Frechette, M.D., Commissioner LABORATORY
of Public Health, stating that a certificate of Laboratory APPROVAL
Approval was sent to the Lexington Health Department was
accepted by the Board.
Letter to Mr. Donald Nickerson, Chairman Board of Appeals CHILD CARE;
stating that a prelininary inspection of two new Child Care CENTERS
Centers had been made, namely, Countryside Kindergabten, 296
Woburn Street and Mrs. Broughall's Kindergarten at 922 Mass-
achusetts Avenue was approved. Mr. Lurvey reported both these
kindergartens were very good and he would recommend issuing
the licenses for these kindergartens. The Board signed the
licenses for these two kindergartens and also the license for
the Arlington, Lexington Bedford newish Center Kindergarten
which had been approved at the July meeting.
The letters to Frederick J. Muldoon, Esq., 10 State Street, 43A THOREA
Boston, Mass, certifying that according to the records of the ROAD & 42A
Lexington Health Department consent was given to erect a build -WHITMAN CR.
ing on Lot 43A Thoreau Hoad and Lot 42A 1 Whitman Circle on
July 24, 1959. The date of the approval of the Septic Tank
and Leaching Bed was stated. These letters were approved by
the Board.
The letter to John Carroll, "uperintendent of Public Works 20 FREEMONT
stating the dates and action taken by the board of health in re- STREET
gard to an overflowing sewage system at 20 kreemont St. was app-
roved by the board. This letter was in answer toa request from
Mr. Carroll, Superintendent of Public Works for their records as
the owner at 20 Freemont Street was not satisfied with the grading
and landscaping after the home was connected to the Public Sewer.
The letter to Mr. L.P. Collins asking him to bring in his RUBBISH
truck for inspection in order that a permit might be issued to PERMIT
him to collect rubbish in Lexington was approved. Mr. Lurvey
reported the truck was okay and the permit had been signed and
The letter from Arthur E. Burrell, Lirector of Lexington CIVIL
Civil Defence was read by the Board in this letter Mr. Burrell DEFENSE
asked for the specific items of equipment or service which the
Health Officer will need in relation to the Civil Defense org-
anization for next year. The Board agreed that it would be
better to ask Mr. Burell to attend the next regular meeting
of the Board of Health in order that the Board could discuss the
matter of Health equipment for Civil Defense more fully.
The letter from Levi G. Burnell, `chairman of the Lexington
Planning Board stating that the definitive subdivision plan COUNTRY
entitled Country Club Manor, Section One, Lexington, Massachu- CLUB MANOR
setts dated June 21, 1960 accompanied by an application for SECTION I
aprroval of definitive plan Form C dated June 24, 1960 be
approved subject to the condition that no building or structure
be built or placed upon any lot without prioe consent of the
Lexington Board of Health was read by the board.
The letter to Mr. Burnell, Chairman of the Planning Board,
stating that the Board of Health approved the Uountry Club
Manor Section I subdivision but because of the stipulations
set forth in the Whitman & Howard report the Health Department
requests that this subdivision be approved with the restrictions
that no building or structure be built without prior consent
of the Board of Health was approved by the board.
The letter from Herbe't D. Nickerson, District Engineer,`
on the results of the water samples one from 16 Downing Road and
the other from 546 Concord Pike was read by the Board.
The application of Joseph P. Kelley, 32 Middle Street, to
keep one goat was approved by the Board pending the results of
Mr. Lurvey's investigation.
The letter to Thomas A. Bartley, 27 Hill Street, ordering
him to connect his home to the Public Sewer was approved. Mr.
Lurvey reported that this house was all connected now.
The Board of Health gave Mr. Lurvey permission to order
Mrs. Phyllis L. Coe, 80 Hill Street, Lexington to abate the nuis-
ance of overflowing sewage on her property.
Dr. Cosgrove reported that he had met with Mrs. Frances Porter
Dental Hygenist, and the records show a great deal of work
incomplete and Mrs. Porter explained this was due to the fact
that a great deal of time is now being spent on the children in
the Junior High and High School. The Doctors and Mrs. Porter
would like to cut down on this age group and work on the elemen-
tary children and only take Junior High and HighSchool children
who have been cleared through the Welfare Department or in case
of emergency. Dr. Cosgrove said he would recommend that.we
adopt that as our policy. The Board so agreed. Dr. Cosgrove
suggested that the Health Department contact firs. Porter and
ask her to draft a letter to be sent to the school Department
and the Superintendent of Schools stating the change in policy
and also the reasons for it.
Dr. Cosgrove also told the board that two new dentists
have been appointed to replace Dr. Asarkof and Dr. Frim who
have resigned. The new dentists are both local men, new in
Town, they are Dr. John N. Reichheld and Dr. Thomas R. Bane.
Mr. Lurvey asked for permission to send an order to Mr.
Koski, Woburn Massachusetts ordering him to abate the nuisance
of the fine sand blowing from the fill he has placed on Lot B
Burlington Street. Permission was granted. Mr. Lurvey ex-
plained we had written to Mr. Koski on August 1, 1960 calling
this nuisance to his attention but nothing has been done.
Mr. Lurvey reported that while investigating a rat com-
plaint at 11 Winchester Drive he discovered a pile of brush,
owned by the DeVries Construction Company on the lot line,
which was conductive to the rats and he would like permission
to order DeVries to burn this pile of brush. Permission