HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-06-171 42 BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING JUNE 17, 1960 The regular meeting of the Board of Health was held Friday, June 17, 1960 at 3 P.M. in the Selectmen's Room of the Town Office Building. Members present were R.L. McQuillan, Chairman, Mr. Charles Cole and Health Officer, Mark D. Lurvey. Mr. William Davis, proprietor of the Early Bird Doughnut EARLY BIRD Shop, came before the Board at the request of Mr. Lurvey in DOUGHNUT SHOP order to discuss the sanitary condition of his establishment. Mr. McQuillan reviewed the February and June inspection reports with Mr. Davis and explained that the Health Department could not and would not tolerate the continued violations of the Health Department regulations in this establishment. Mr. McQuillan explain- ed that the next time an inspection was made and Mr. Lurvey finds the same conditions existing the Health Department will go to the Board of Selectmen and have Mr. Davis' license to operate this establishment revoked. Mr. Davis agreed that he has been at fault in not keeping his establishment up to the Health Depart- ment standard but he said he had hired a High School boy to come in afternoons to just do the cleaning and washing up. Mr. Lurvey said he would re -inspect the Early Bird Doughnut Shop next week. Mr. John Carroll, Superintendent of Public Works, came before SUBDIVIS- the Board to discuss Subdivision policy approval regarding drain- ION DRAIE age problems. The case in point being; In the engineering report AGE POLIO from Whitman & Howard on Cedar Glen Subdivision the street drain was used as the point of elevation for the houses. Mr. Carroll said the Public Sewer was laid out to take care of the low area and if the contractor for the Public Sewer had not noticed the houses being raised to the street drain elevation the Public Sewer would have been put in too low. Mr. Carroll said he felt Whit- man & Howard Engineers should not use the storm drain in the Street as their markings or point of elevation because it is liable to be very confusing to the home owners. Mr. McQuillan said the Board would cooperate with Mr. Carroll in any way we could and in the future Mr. Lurvey and Mr. Carroll should discuss any sub -div- ision plan that was questionable. Mr. Lurvey said he would also contact Mr. Lucas of Whitman & Howard engineering firm and he could talk to Mr. Carroll before any decissions or approvals are given. The minutes of the May meeting were approved as read and also the minutes of the Special Meeting held June 2, 1960 were approved as read. Letter to Harold Stevens, Town Council, stating the facts WELLINGTON on the Wellington Lane, Route 2.Dump and requesting Mr. Stevens LANE.& to contact Mr. Louis Green, attorney for Mr. James Carrig, re- RTE 2 DUMP garding this matter was excepted by the Board. Mr. Lurvey reported that Harold Stevens, Town Council, had called to report that he had met with Mr. Green. Mr. Green after his talk with Mr. Stevens agreed to contact Mr. Carrig and have the dump filled in. Mr. Stevens said he pointed out to Mr. Green 428 that the law that Mr. Carrig was in violation of was•a good one and in his opinion Mr. Carrig had not done anything to abate the nuisance of this dump. The Board agreed to wait and see if Mr. Carrig did anything about this dump and if Mr. Carrig did anything about this dump and if not further action would be taken by the Board. CENTRAL The letter from Worthern H. Taylor, Division of Sanitary BLOCK Engineering, concerning the condition of the Central Blaock was read by the Board. The Board recommended that a letter be sent to the Building Department, Plumbing Inspector and the Fire Department stating the results of the inspection of this build- ing by the State Inspector. The Board felt it ivory important Mr. Lurvey inform the Fire Department abiut the space heater being used in one of the apartments in the Central Block. This space heater was not connected to the chimney flue in any way. 20 FREEMONT The letter to Mr Peter Grimes, 20 Freemont Street ordering STREET him to connect to the Public Sewer was accepted b;- the Board. Mr. Lurvey reported Mr. Grimes refused to accept the first order issued by the Health Department and so the order had to be sent by constable. Letter to Mr. William Davis, Early Bird Doughnut Shop, ordering him to appear before the Board was approve. Mr. Lurvey reported that the Arlington, Lexington, Bedford Jewish Community Center had made application for a Child Care Center. Mr. Lurvey has inspected this building and with the addition of a light on the stairway and a first aid kit it will meet the requirements of the Board of Health. Mr. Lurvey also reported that he had Chief Belcastro, Lexington Fire Department, inspect this building and if all classes are conducted on the first floor he will give his approval. The Board voted to grant this license pending the decision of the Board of Appeals. The Board also instructed Mr. Lurvey to write to the Board of Appeals stating the Board of Health's decision. RALPH The letter to Mr. Ralph Frissore stating a drawing was nec- FRISSORE essary to show where the proposed stable will be erected on his lot at 172 Middleby Road was approved by the Board. Mr. Lurvey reported that Mr. Frissore has not submitted this drawing_and until he does his permit to keep horses will not be granted. ROBERT HALL The engineer's plan for the Robert Hall Clothing Store to CLOTHING be erected on Waltham Street and Route 2 was approved by the STORE Board. Mr. Lurvey reported that Mr. Lucas of Whitman & Howard has approved the plans for the sanitary disposal system. Mr. Cole suggested Mr. Lurvey check with the State to see if their approval is necessary where this is to be a Public Building. HOSPITAL Letter from Mr. Levi G. Burnell, Chairman of the Planning SITE Board stating that no site had been set aside for a hospital in the future was read by the Board. 9 WARREN Letter to Mr. Charles Clerkins, 9 Warren Street, stating STREET that this dwelling must be connected to the Public Sewer was CCHILD CARE ?CENTER 1 1 1 1 1 1 429 approved by the Board. Mr. Luvey reported that Mr. Clerkins ob- jected to the high cost of connecting this dwelling to the Public Sewer but according to John Carroll, Public Works Superintendent, the Selectmen at the June 13, 1960 meeting told Mr. Clerkins he could pay $1,200.00 to connect to the Public Sewer. Mr. Clerkins paid this amount on June 16, 1960 according to John Carroll, and work will begin on June 20, 1960. Letter to Mrs. Ruth Morey, Chairman of Board of Selectmen, IMMIGRANT enclosing copies of two letters, one sent by the Board of Health WORKERS to Archdeacon John M. Burgess requesting information as tohis statement on housing Immigrant Workers and a eopy of the letter the Archdeacon sent in reply to the Health Department. Mr. Lurvey reported that Mrs. Morey gave these letters to the person who made the complaint to her about the housing of immigrant workers in Lexington. Mrs. Morey was very pleased withthe action of the Health Department in this matter. The letter to B.L. Cummings stating the results of the May CUMMINGS 10, 1960 inspections and warning him that the coliform count was MILK CO. high was read and approved_by the Board. Letter to Mr. Phillip Silva, 7 kern Street stating that his ANIMAL permit to keep chickens at 7 Fern Street had been denied and ord- PERMIT ering him to getrid of the poultry he now had was approved. Mr. Lurvey reported that as of June 17, 1960 all the poultry was gone. Letter to Mr. Ernest DeVincent calling to his attention DEVINCENT'9 that a complaint had „been received concerning the debris in the STAND RT 2 rear of the vegetable stand he operates on the corner of Route 2 and Pleasant Street was approved by the board. Letter to Thomas a Bartley, 27 Hill Street, stating that 27 HILL ST. a complaint had been received of odors coming from the homes on Hill Street and an investigation revealed that the odors were coming from 27 Hill Street. As it now is possible for.this dwell- ing to connect to the Public Sewer it was suggested that he make arrangements as soon as possible was approved by the Board. Mr. Lurvey reported an estimate had been sent June 9, 1960. Letter from Todd Realty, Inc. 3 Diehl Road, stating that BURNHAM FARM the definitive plans for subdivision entitled Burnham Farm, Sec SECTION V tion V had been filed with the Planning Board was approved by the Board. Mr. Lurvey reported that this sub -division will have all back yard systems and Mr. Lucas of Whitman & Howard has been working on the report for this subdivision. Letter to Mrs. Gertrude E. Cochran, 8 Stratham Road, stating 8 STRATHAM that a complaint had been received of an overflowing cesspool at ROAD 8 Stratham Road was approved b: the Board. Mr. Lurvey reported that he spoke to "Doc" Royal who handles all of Mrs. Cochran's bus- iness problems and this matter will be attended to. Letter to Dr. Charles E. Ellicott thanking him for taking DOCTOR'S over the task of making up the lists for the Dr. Emergency Ser- EMERGENCY vice was approved by the Board. SERVICE 430 NOTIFICATION Letter from the School Health Services concerning the `COMMUNICABLEmeeting that was held in regard to the letter received by the DISEASES IN Health Department from Mrs. Caleb Warner concerning the not - SCHOOLS ification of Communicable Diseases in the Schools was read and approved by the Board. The Board agreed that a letter should be written to Mrs. Warner telling her we have turned this {{ matter over to the School Health Department and also stating the various departments we now notify of Communicable Diseases. MR. MCQUILLAN The Board voted to re-elect Mr. R. L. McQuillan Chairman RE-ELECTED of the Board for the coming year. POLIO REPORT Mr. McQuillan reported that the Polio posters have been placed in various places around town and that at the Metropolitan Health meeting on June 16, 1960 an announcement was made that the Free Polio Vaccine will be available for an indefinite time. Mr. McQuillan said around the first of July a letter will be sent to the Doctors stating that Polio Vaccine will be available for an indefinite time. ENGINEER'S BILL POSTURE CLINIC DENTAL BUDGET REPORT The Board approved the Whitman & Howard Engineering Bill for payment. Mr. Lurvey reported he attended a meeting of the Posture Clinic Committee and found it very interesting. The posture clinic will continue next year with possible a few changes. The Posture Committee would like to extend its operation to include the teen-agers, at present the Clinic works only with the Elementary School Children. CLINIC ARLINGTON SANITARY LAND FILL The Dental Clinic report was approved for May and June. The Budget Report for the Health Department was approved by the Board. Mr. Lurvey reported that upon receiptof several complaints he investigated the brook that runs from King Street, Arlington under Summer Street and Lowell Street, Lexington, in back of Buse farm and empties into the Arlington Reserviour. Upon his first inspection he had the Fire Department flush out the brook and the he put lime and B.K. powder into the brook. This helped for awhile. Recently more complaints were received concerning odors coming from this brook. A re -investigation was made and it was discovered that the odor was coming from the Arlington Sanitary Land fill program on Route 2A. This land was once a farm and is filled with soil treated with swine manure. This land drains into the brook. The Board voted to write to Mr. Edward Monahan, Town Manager of Arlington and ask for his assistance in abating this nuisance. The Board also voted to offer the assistance of Mr. Lurvey to Mr. Monahan because he is f amilar with this problem. Meeting was adjourned. at 5:15 P.M. 4 1 1 s