HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-03-18414 BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING March 18, 1960 The regular meeting of the Board of Health was held Friday, March 18, 1960 at 3 P.M. in the Selectmen's Room of the Town Office Building. Members present were Mr. R. L. McQuillan, Chairman, Dr. William Cosgrove, Mr. Charles Cole and Health Officer, Mark D. Lurvey. CHILD Mr. Donald Nickerson, Chairman of the Board of Appeals came CARE before the Board to discuss the rules and regulations of Child CENTER Care Centers in Lexington. The Board of Health follows the State Health Department rules and regulations for Child Care Centers and are inspected periodically for cleanliness,' lighting and ad- equate protection from accident hazards due to stairways,windows, doors, pipes and radiation. The Board of ealth rules states that one toilet and one wash basin be provided for every 12 or fewer children 4 years of age or older, and the^e shall be 2 toilets and 2 wash basins for every 8 or fewer children under 4 years of age. Mr. Nickerson explained the Board of Appeals grants a permit for Child Care Centers which are to be run in private homes for 10 children and no more. The Board of Appeals can find no set laws governing the number of children for Child Care Centers and because of safety reasons the Board of Appealsfeels that no more than 10 can be handled properly in a private home. Some of the Child Care Centers in private homes have been operating with more than 10 children and will be reminded of that when their permits come up for renewal. The Churches and Nursery Schools that con- duct Child Care Centers on a weekday badis do not have toi renewh their permits annually and are not restricted: Mr. McQuillan stated that the Board of Health would cooperate with the Board of Appeals in anyway possible. Mr. Nickerson said that if Mr. Lurvey would send a copy of the report of his inspec- tions on Child Care Centers to the Board of Appeals it would help a great deal when renewals of the Child Care Center permits were due. BATTLE Mr. Zirpolo, manager of the Battle Green Inn restaurant, GREEN came before the Board at the request of Mr. Lurvey because of INN the continued violations to the Board of Health regulations at the Battle Green Inn restaurant. Mr. Lurvey explained that on February 9, 1960 an inspection was made and a letter sent to Mr. Zirpolo explaining the violations of the Health Department regulations. A re -inspection was made on March 14, 1960 and as the conditions noted. at the February 9, 1960 inspection had not been corrected Mr. Lurvey wrote to Mr. Zirpolo and asked him to appear before the Board. Mr. Lurvey also reported he had made a re -inspection of the Battle Green Inn Restaurant the morning of March 18, 1960 and most of the violations had been corrected. Mr. Zirpolo explained that the restaurant at Battle Geen Inn was run by him and his brother on concession and he would try to see that in the future the Health Department regulations were carried out. 1 1 1 415 The letter written by Mr. R. L. McQuillan, Chariman to Arch- deacon John E. Burgess asking him on what basis he made the IMMIGRANT statements concerning the living quarters of imigrant workers WORKERS in Lexington was read and the Board voted to send this letter. The letter to Mr. Glen H. Cram, Jr. 20 Coolidge Road, 12 MASS. Arlington stating that a complaint had been received of odors AVENUE coming from the laundry building he operates at 12 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington and as these odors are a definite health nuis- ance the Board of Health would like this condition corrected. at once was approved by the Board. The letter to Mr. Herbert Nickerson, Northern District YOUNG Health Office asking for the State Health Departments opinion STREET on the suitablity of the land bordering on Young Street com- prising of approximately 6 acres for the installation of pri- vate sewage disposal systems was approved. The letter to Dr. Frederick A. Dunham, District Health STATE Officer stating that the Board of Health would be very glad to SANITARY be of any assistance they can to bring about a proper State CODE Sanitary Code for the Boards of Health in Massachusetts was approved. . The letter to the Planning Board approving the subdivi- CEDAR GLEN sion entitled "Cedar Glen; Lexington, Massachusetts" subject to the condition that no building or structure shall be built or placed on Lots 3, 4 and 5 without pohsent of the_Lexington Board of Health was approved. Letter from the Lexington Planning Board stating that the GREEN definitive subdivision plan entitled Green Valley, Section 5 VALLEY Lexington was approved subject to the conditions that no build- SECTION 5 ing or structure will be placed on Lots 14 or 15 without con- sent of the Lexington Board of health was read and placed on file. Letter from the Lexington Planning Board stating that the CEDAR GLEN definitive subdivision plan entitled Cedar Glen, Lexington Massachusetts was approved subject to the condition that no building or structure shall be built or placed on Lots 3, 4, and 5 without consent of the Lexington Board of Health was read and placed on file. Letter from Mr. Worthern Taylor of the State health Depart- 280 & 282 ment stating the results of the analyses of water samples .toll- MARRETT RD. ected from 280 and 282 Marrett Road, Lexington was read. Mr. Lurvey explained, that a complaint had been. received from the owner at 280 Marrett Road claiming the water was dirty. Mr. Lurvey tested the water and also sent samples of this water to the Lawrence Experimental Station for both bacteriological and chemical analyses. The analyses of this water proved it was suitable for all domestic purposes. Mr. Lurvey also stated that Mr. Wentworth of 280 Marrett Road called and thanked him for the interest and the work done on this problem by the Health Department. Letter to Dr. Harry Blotner, 416 Marlboro Street, Boston DIABETIC stating our interest in a Diabetic Detection Clinic for our CLINIC local area was read and aprroved. 916 ATHLETE'S Letter to Mr. Edward E. Abel, Senior High School, Lexing- FOOT ton stating that not much work had been done on Athlete's Foot by the State Health Department but that a pamphlet was enclosed which might help Mr. Abel with this problem was approved. METROPOLITAN Mr. Lurvey reported that he had been asked if Lexington HEALTH would be hosts to the Metropolitan health Officers Meeting. OFFICERSThis is a luncheon meeting and the Board could plan on about MEETING 50 members being present. The Board voted to act as hosts for the Metropolitan Health Officers Meeting and the expenses for this meeting will be paid for out of our expense budget. YOUNG ST. The letter from the residents of Young Street was presented & to the Board. In this letter it was stated that a health has - MR. FRISard exists on Young Street because of lack of proper drainage. SORE A petition for installation of drains and street was submitted to the Board of Selectmen but this petition was rejected. The residents of Young Street in reviewing the Town Warrent feel there are certain articles which would cover this emergency. Mr. Lurvey explained that when these lots were okayed in 1956 there was no question that there was proper drainage' but, since 1956 we have had extremely wet weather. Due to this wet weather the ground water has risen sharply and also a small dam of dirt has been placed so that it blockes the swamp area and prevents any ground water or surface water running into that area.getting out. Mr. Frissore might cooperate in trying to relieve the pre- sent situation. Mr. Frissore had started to clean out a drain he had installed on Young Street but the snow storm stopped work on that. Mr. Cole and Mr. Lurvey both feel that regular storm drains must be installed to correct the situation. The Board voted to send a letter to the Board of Selectmen stating that as a health problem exists in the Young Street area the Board of Health would like to recommend that storm drains be • installed to relieve this condition. The Board also agreed that Mr. Frissore should not build any more houses in this area except the three on Webb Street for the time being. The Board also voted permission to Mr. Lurvey that if necessary he could issue an order to the resident and Mr. Frissore to abate the nuisance that now exists on Young Street. 15 SYLVIA Letter to Patsy Palladino, 15 Sylvia Street, Lexington STREET stating that a complaint had been received about a consider- able amount of rubbish in his yard. Mr. Lurvey recommended that Mr. Palladino clean up around the rubbish barrels and haul in sufficient fill to cover the rubbish on the embankment. The Board a -proved this letter. COMMUN- Letter to Mrs. Paul W. Yarin, 34 Webster Street, stating ICABLE the rules and regulations of the State Health Department on DISEASE Communicable Diseases was approved. OPEN WELL Letter to John A. Cadario, Trustee of Drummer Boy Estate, ON WIN- 27 Watertown Street, stating that a complaint had been rec eived TER ST. concerning an open well on property owned by him on Winter Str- eet was approved. This well is extremely hazardous as there are young children playing in this area. Mr. Lurvey reported 1 417 Mr. Cadario called and told him that as soon as the weather permits he would see that this condition was taken care of. At the February meeting Mr. Manuel Souza, 12 Eastern Ave., 12 EASTERN had applied for an animal permit to keep 2 ducks. As a com- AVENUE plaint had been received concerning these 2 ducks the Board asked Mr. Lurvey to investigate further before this permit was granted. Mr. Lurvey reported that the complainant stated that the ducks not only woke them very early in the morning but on warm days they also created a very obnoxious oder. The Board voted to deny Mr. Souza the animal permit to keep 2 ducks at 12 Eastern Avenue and Mr. Souza must see that the ducks are disposed of by April 21, 1960. The bill from St. John's Hospital, 14 Bartlett Street, PREMATURE Lowell for premature baby girl Bjorken for $249.35 was app- BJORKEN roved for payment by the Board. Mr. Lurvey explained that Dr. Pearlman called him and STREPTOCOCCAL would like the Board to ask all the Doctors in Lexington to THROAT & attend a meeting to discuss the Streptococcal Throat and SCARLET FEVER Scarlet Fever regulation. The Board after a short discussion agreed that as we are now following the State Health Department Rules and Regulations for Streptococcal Sore Throat we could not change without good cause. It was agreed, however, that a letter be sent to Dr. Pearlman and suggest that if any further changes of the Streptococcal Sore Throat and Scarlet Fever reg- ulations are to be made that the Lexington physicians get to- gether and submit their recommendations to the Board of health for consideration. It was voted that a letter be sent to Mr. Louis L..Green, JAMES A. lawzper for Mr. James A. Carrig advising him that as the Board CARRIG of ealth is very much concerned about the dump on Mr. Carrig's property on Route 2 and Wellington Lane we would appreciate being contacted immediately upon Mr. Carrig's return from Florida. Mr. Lurvey reported that a man had applied for a massure MASSURE license. The Board suggested that we send him a application LICENSE form to fill out and get all other data necessary so it could be acted upon at the next regular Board meeting. Mr. Lurvey reported that a survey had been made of Newton, FOURTH Arlington, Belmont, Watertown, Winchester, Needham, Hingham and Wellesley concerning a 4th Polio Clinic. Watertown is the only town which has had a Fourth Clinic. After a short discussion it was agreed that Mr. Lurvey contact the School Nurses to see if they felt • kourth Clinic was necessary at this time. Mr. Lurvey reported that the Glaucoma Clinic was shaping up fine. The Dental Clinic report was accepted. Applications of Mark D. Lurvey for Slaughtering Inspector was signed by the Board. APPOINTMENT Applications for Dr. Carl R. Benton as Animal Inspector and Mark D. Lurvey as Assistant Animal Inspector was signed by the Board. 418 FUNERAL The license of Arthur F. Dougleass for funeral director was DIRECTORsigned by the Board. The following aprointments were made by the Board and the clerk was instructed to notify each person that they were to call at the Town Clerk's Office to be sworn in for their term of office which will expire March 31, 1961. Mark D. Lurvey Mark D. Lurvey Mark D. Lurvey Dr. Carl R. Benton Miss Hazel J. Murray Paul F. O'Leary Francis J. DeGuglielmo Dorothy Jones Executive health Officer Inspector of Slaughtering Asst. Animal Inspector Animal Inspector Agent Special Agent -Metropolitan State Hospital Special Agent -Metropolitan State Hospital Clerk Meeting was adjourned at 5:45 P.M. ,c2 PIC ong 1