HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-01-15405 BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING January 15, 1960 The regular meeting of the Board of Health was held Friday, January 15, 1960 at 3:00 P.M. in the Selectmen's Room of the Town Office Building. Members present were Dr. William Cosgrove, Mr. Charles Cole and Health Officer, Mr. Mark Lurvey. Mr. Louis Greene, Attorney and Mr. James A. Carrig appeared WELLINGTOE before the Board to discuss the letter sent by the health Depart- LANE DUN/ ment to Mr. Carrig requesting the removal of a considerable am- ount of rubbish that has accumulated on the triangular piece of land owned by Mr. Carrig, 330 feet of which borders on the south- erly side of Wellington Lane, 350 feet of which borders on the northerly side of Route 2 and 120 feet that borders on property owned by Mr. '4omas Bettencourt. The nuisance exists along the Wellington Lane portion of this property. Mr. Greene stated that a notice had been received Friday, January 15, 1960 that another taking of land by the State had been done and he did not know at the present time if the land in Question was included in this taking. Mr. Greene said he would check on this land the first of next week and let the Board of Health know if the land in question was a part of that taken by the State. Mr. Greene and Mr. Carrig stated that .since the order from the Board of Health was received signs have been posted stating "No Dumping". Previous to this Mr. Carrig has posted signs and they have been pulled down. Mr. Lurvey stated that the Police have checked the rubbish and it is a very awkward situation because the fact remains that the owner is responsible for the land. The rubbish and debris is very unsightly and if it is allowed to remain it will attract rats and become a very serious Health problem. Mr. Greene read regulation No 6. Chapter IV and stated that as long as Mr. Carrig had posted this land with "No Dumping" signs he was not in violation with the regulation. Mr. Lurvey said possible some of the debris could be removed and then the rest filled in. Mr. Carrig and Mr. Greene felt it would cost quite a bit of money and they would rather wait and see if this land has been taken by the State. Mr. Cole suggested we hold off any further action until Mr. Greene found out if the State has taken this land for the High- way program. After a short discussion it was agreed to wait until the next Board of Health meeting before taking any further action. Mr. Lurvey reported that a letter had been written to the SCHAFFER Planning Board approving the Benjamin Schaffer Preliminary sub- SUBDIVISIO1 division on Woburn Street, bordering on the Woburn Line, with WOBURN ST. the conditions that Lots 10, 11, 18, 21, 28 and 29 will not be built upon without prior consent of the Board of Health. Board approved letter. 406 GREEN VALLEY Mr. Lurvey reported that a letter had been written to SUBDIVISION the Planning Board approving Green Valley Subdivision Sec SECTION V tion V with the_condition that Lots 14 and 15 cannot be built upon without the prior convent of the Board of Health. Mr. Kray - nick of Whitman and Howard stated in his report on this sub- division that before Lots 14 and 15 can be built upon -a grading clan shall be required. Board approved letter to the Planning Board. 152 WOBURN The letter from Mr..Harold Stevens, Town Council, concerning the McElman property at 152 Woburn Street was read and approved. Mr. Lurvey stated that to date (January 15, 1960) Mrs. McElman had not made the deposit to the Pub1L0 Works Department to have her property connected tb the Public Sewer. Permission was granted . by the Board to Mr. Lurvey to get a court order against Mrs. Mc- Elman in order to get this property connected to the ,Public Sewer. SUBDIVISION The letter to Mr. Harold Stevens stating the Health Depart- ments present policy on sub -divisions and asking if Mr. Stevens had any suggestions for a more ef'fecient policy was approved. F.M. TAYLOR The letter to Mr. Frederick M. Taylor, Jr. of 176 Woburn 176 WOBURN Street demanding he abate the nuisance of an over -flowing eess- STREET pool and also tighten the cover of this cesspool was read and approved. TOWN Letter to Mr. Edward Palmer, Town Accountant, stating that due to the Personnel changes in the Health Department this year the Personnel Services Account was over drawn and the Board of Health requested that the sum of $135.41 be transferred from the Reserve fund to the Health Department Personel Services Account was approved. 1 VALLEYFIELD Letter from Mr. Worthen H. Taylor, Director, Division of BRIDGE ST Sanitary Engineering stating that the examination of the parfiel of land, owned by Mr. Tocci in Lexington, located in the vicinity of Waltham, Valleyfield and Bridge Street as it now exists is unsuitable for the local sewage disposal facilities. Mr. Taylor further stated that he does not believe that the plan as proposed by Mr. Phalon will render the area suitable for the installation of local subsurface disposal works. The State Department of San- itary Engineering recommends that no building be permitted in this area until such a time as sanitary sewage can be discharged to the municipal sewage system which is located approximately * to it miles away from the area in question. This letter was read by the Board and placed on file. ANIMAL The animal application of J. Neil Morrissey of 25 Brandon APPLICATION Street was denied by the Board because Mr. Lurvey reported that the houses in this particular area were very close together and therefore there was really no place to keep ponies. ANTONIO The Board voted to order Mr. Antonio Busa, 46 Lowell Street BUSA 46 connect his dwelling at 46 Lowell Street to the Public Sewer LOWELL This order was first issued at the September 18, 1959 meeting but because of a mix up in the Assessors Office the wrong address was used in the first order and Mr. Harold Stevens has advised the Health Department that in order to correct this mistake pro- ceedings must start all over again. This connection to the Public Sewer must be made by April 1, 1960. 40 Letter approved to Mr. Ralph Frissore, 16 Webb Street 20 YOUNG telling him that a complaint had been received by the Health STREET Office from a resident at 20 Young Street of water backing up into the basement and sewage system. Upon investigation Mr. Lurvey found the drainage trench outlet, installed by Mr. Fris- sore for ground water, was completly plugged. Mr. Lurvey re- ported that Mr. Frissore had been in and as this drainage trench was on private property -the Town could not touch it so Mr. Fris- sore said he would take care of it. Letter to Miss Ethel L. Wright, School Lunch Program Sup- SCHOOL ervisor stating the results of the inspections of the cafeterias LUNCH R0O) was approved. Mr. Lurvey also sent a. copy of this letter to Mr. Mitchell Spiris, Director of Administrative Services, because of the numerous complaints from the various schools concerning the dirty milk cases. Letter to Glop H. Cram, Jr. stating that a complaint had 12MASS. AVE been received about the vapors coming from the dryers of his Launderette at 12 Massachusetts Avenue was approved. In this letter Mr. Lurvey recommended that a proper ventillation duct be installed in order to avoid a health nuisance. Letter approved to Howard M. Payne, M. D. Middlesex County WM. O'NE11 Sanatorium stating that as Mr. William F. O'Neil is being dis- charged from one institution to another the Board of Health can- not assume the responsibility of payment for drugs needed by Mr. O'Neil. Letter to Board of Seleotmen calling to their attention LONGFEliOW the serious sewage problem on Longfellow and Hawthorne Road HAWTHORNE RD was approved. Letter from the Board of Selectmen asking for a more de- tailed report concerning the sewage problem in the Longfellow and Hawthorne. Road area was read and placed on file. The Board in- structed Mr. Lurvey to make a complete survey of this area and report his findings to the Board of Selectmen and the Board of Health. Letter approved to the Board of Appeals requesting that when Mr. Ernest DeVincent's hearing is held, to reissue the permit ERNEST to operate a vegetable stand at the corner of Route 2 and Plea- DEVINCENT sant Street, he be reminded that the grounds around this stand must be kept free of garbage and debris. Mr. Lurvey reported to the Board that a complaint had been 9 WARREN received from Mr. Galt Parsons, 12 Warren Street concerning an STREET over -flowing cesspool at Mr. Charles Clerkins, 9 Warren Street. Mr. Kraynick has looked at this system and will make a report later. Mr. Clerkins has written to the Selectmen requesting that the Public Sewer be extended. The Board gave Mr. Lurvey permission to issue the regular order to Mr. Clerkins request- ing he abate this nuisance of an over -flowing cesspool. Mr. Lurvey reported that there has been some misunderstanding about the regulation concerning Streptococcal Sore Throat and STREP THROA9 Scarlet Fever cases and Dr. Pearlman has requested a meeting SCARLET FEW with the board. It was agreed to postpone any discussion on this matter until the whole Board was present. 408 ANIMAL Permission for renewal of an Animal Permit was granted to PERMIT Dr. Vincent A. McCrossen by the Board. LICENSE Renewal of licenses to conduct the following Child Care RENEWALS Centers were signed by'the Board. Beaverbrooke Academy, Inc., 114 Concord Ave. Tom Thumb Nursery, 759 Waltham St. Kindergarten, 8 Marrett Rd. Unitarian Cooperative Nursery School, 7 Harrington Rd. Arlex Nursery School, 21 Butler Ave. Iris Howard's Nursery & Kindergarten, 15 Ewell Ave. The Kinder Group, 233 East St. Miss Lothrop's Kindergarten, 83 Bloomfield St. Community Nursery School, Inc. 2325 Mass Ave. Lexington Academy of the Holy Family, 13 Pelham Rd. The Hancock Church Weekday Kindergarten, Mass. Ave. Kindergarten, 118 Burlington St. Renewal of licenses to conduct the following Garbage Removal Service was signed by the Board: Bay State Tallow Co. Capello Brothers John J. Sliney Co., Inc. Lowell Rendering Co. Jas. A. Morse & Co. Harold H. Shaw Renewal of licenses to conduct Rubbish Removal Service was signed by the Board: James A. Freaney, Inc. John J. Gardini Joseph Yntas, Jr. Frederick Miller Richard L. Wilkins, Jr. Sullivan's Trucking Co., Inc. Thomas C. Buckley & David T. Savage Paone+s Disposal Greenberg Bros., Disposal, Inc. Renewal of licenses to collect Sewage was signed by the Board: A.A. Cesspool Co. Verner Aall Co. Suburbanite Cesspool Service, Inc. Electric Sewer Cleaning Co. Joseph H. App, Inc. The annual report of the Board of Health was approved by the Board. The annual report of the Executive Health Officer was approved by the Board. The December report of the Dental Clinic and the Lexington Visiting Nurse Association was read and placed on file. Dr. Cosgrove suggested that Mr. Lurvey keep a s.perate list of the numerous complaints that come into the office for next years annual report. Meeting was adjourned at 4:45 P.M. 1 1 1