HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-08-01BOARD OF HEALTH SPECIAL MEETING August 1, 1958 A special meeting of the Board of Health was held on Friday, - August 1, 1958, in the 5oard of Health Office at 3 P.M. Chairman McQuillan, Mr. Cole, and Mr. Lurvey were present. A Child Care Center License application from Mrs. Herbert Jacobs, Jr., 4 Diehl Road, was discussed. There is still work to be finished in the area to be used before the license can be approved; the heater to be partitioned off, better lighting, etc. Correction of an overflowing cesspool'has not been made as .... yet at 10 Utica Street. The Board asked that an order be sent to the owner, Mrs. Nannie French, in care of her lawyer, asking her to have connection made to the town sewer within seven days or further, action will be taken by the Board. Mr. Lurvey has sent a letter to Mr. William Setterlund, at 12 Utica Street, asking him to abate the nuisance of rubbish on the rear of his property within seven days. If the cesspool at 31 Patterson Road, owner, James B. Clark, is not fixed by August 18, the Board wishes an order sent. Mr. Clark's immediate neighbor, Mr. Miller, writes Mr. Lurvey that an estimate of the cost to fix the cesspool has been sent to Mr. Clark who is in Canada at present. Mr. Lurvey reported that there is a converted garage at 24 Cottage Street, owned by Ivarssonnwhich has no plumbing or septic tank. The board asked that this matter be turned over to the Building Inspector who should decide whether this should be classed as a dwelling. A letter has been sent to the Board from John Reardon & Sons assuring the Board that they intend to cooperate with the Health Department 100 per cent in keeping trucks covered while trans- porting thru Lexington. Mr. Lurvey reported that he noticed during inspections that 470 Concord Avenue is being occupied. No permit of approval of the sewage disposal system has been given by the Health Depart- ment, and no occupancy permit has been issued by the Building Department. Mr. Irwin, the building Inspector, investigated and found that Mr. Eisenberg is using a small sump pump as a temporary measure. He has been notified by the Building Department that he must comply with Board of Health regulations or get out of the house by July 31. Mr. Eisenberg asked for an extension of time as he is waiting shipment from New York of the special pump. (On August 4, Mr. Eisenberg telephoned to the Health Department that the pump has been installed and Mr. Irwin checked this and o.ked that it is connected on August 5.) Mr. Dennis Fullerton, 2400 Massachusetts Avenue, has asked the selectmen to have the sewer extended in front of his house so that he may connect. Mr. Gayer has been asked to make borings 341 Jacobs Child Care Center OFCP 10 Utica St. 12 Utica St. 31 Patterson Rd. 24 Cottage St. Reardon. Rubbish;! Disposal Permit Eisenberg' 470 Concoy Ave. Fullerton 2400 Mass. Ave. 342 Fullerton 2400 Mass. Ave. -2- and let the Selectmen know what the estimate would be. The cesspool is still overflowing at Mr. Fullerton's, and the Board suggested writing to the Selectmen asking when they might expect connection as the Board must have this nuisance cleared up as soon as possible. The Board agreed to be lenient in the tine given for Mr. Fullerton to correct as he brought his trouble to the Board's attention himself. Sacco- The nuisance of an overflowing cesspool has been corrected at 15 Lockwood/15 Lockwood Road, Arthur J. Sacco. He had it pumped out and a Rd. line inside the house was plugged tight. Mr. Lurvey had a conference at the State House with Mr. State- Greeley in connection with the rejected lots at Minute Man Minute Highlands owned by Carrig. Mr. Greeley is quite familiar with Man Hlds. this area and said the State would not go along with artificial leaching systems under any circumstances. Even though the sewer is planned for the area in the near future Mr. Greeley said the State cannot assume anything, it may be years before the sewer is put in. Mr. Gayer, Superintendent of Public Works will not allow a tie-in by pipe as this is contrary to his Bii-Laws. The Board of Health also has to consider that the brook might become contaminated and it runs down as far as Arlington. Mr. Carrig may be sued and he may have to refund the money for the lots sold which cannot be built on until the sewer is available. The Board of Health has tried to help all concerned, but will have to have the sewer available for approval. A letter has been received from Mrs. Caleb Warner, 546 Concord Avenue in Five Fields re an overflowing cesspool. She says that Mr. Warner is on vacation and will take care of this on his return on August 4. Mr. Lurvey reported he had written to Mr. Potter after an investigation of the piggery recently asking that uncovered manure be levelled and covered with fill immediately. Mr. Lurvey has had several complaints from the neighbors as to odors lately. Warner - 546 Concord Ave. Potter's Piggery Caouette Animal Permit 075 0-4 1 An animal permit application was approved for renewal for Mr. 4infield Caouette, Jr., Balfour Street, 12 chickens. T }e next regular Board meeting is scheduled for Friday, September 19, 1958. The Board adjourned at 4 P.M. &&o Clerk CORRECTED COPY BOARD OF HEALTH SPECIAL MEETING August 1, 1958 A special meeting of the Board of Health was held on Friday, August 1, 1956, in the Board of Health Office at 3 P.M. Chairman McQuillan, Mr. Cole, and Mr. Lurvey were present. A. Child Care Center License application from Mrs. Herber Jacobs, Jr., 4 Diehl Road, was discussed. There is still work to be finished in the area to be used before the license can be approved - the heater to be partitioned off, better light- ing, etc. Connection to the public sewer has not been made as yet at 10 Utica Street. The Board asked that an order be sent to the owner, Mrs. Nannie French, in care of her lawyer, asking her to have connection made to the town sewer within seven days or further action will be taken by the Board. This order is to be sent upon Mr. Lurvey's return from his vacation if the connection has not been made. Mr. Lurvey has sent a letter to Mr. William Setterlund at 12 Utica Street asking him to abate the nuisance of rubbish on the rear of his property within seven days. If the cesspool at 31 Patterson Road, owner, James B. Clark, is not fixed by August 18, the Board wishes an order sent. Mr. Clark's immediate neighbor, Mr. Miller, writes Mr. Lurvey that an estimate of the cost to fix the cesspool has been sent to Mr. Clark who is in Canada at present. Mr. Miller is a lawyer representing Mr. Clark. Mr. Lurvey reported that there is a converted garage at 24 Cottage Street owned by Ivarsson which has no plumbing or septic tank. The Board asked that this matter be turned over to the Building Inspector who should decide whether this should be classed as a dwelling. A letter has been sent to the Board from John Reardon & Sons assuring the Board that they intend to cooperate with the Health Department 100 per cent in keeping trucks dovered while trans- porting thru Lexington. Mr. Lurvey reported that he noticed during inspections that 470 Concord Avenue was occupied. No permit of approval of the sewage disposal system has been given by the Health Department, and no occupancy permit has been issued by the Building Depart- ment. Mr. Irwin, the Building Inspector, investigated and found that Mr. Eisenberg is using a small pump pump as a tempo- rary measure. He has been notified by the Building Department that he must comply with Board of Health regulations or get out of the house by July 31, 1958. Mr. Eisenberg asked for an extension of time as he is waiting shipment from New York of the special pump. (On August 4, Mr. Eisenberg telephoned to the Health Department that the pump has been installed). 343 Jacobs Child Care Center OFCP 10 Utica St. Rubbish 12 tit Lean' 31 Patter- son Rd*, �4 Cottage St. Reardon' Rubbish' Dispose] Permit Eisenbeifj 470 Con - Cord Ave; 344 -2- Mr. Irwin checked on this for Mr. Lurvey who is on vacation, and approved the installation. Upon consultation with Mr. Stevens, Town Counsel, Mr. Lurvey was advised that as this was an open violation of the Building By -Laws he should inform Mr. Irwin, Building Inspector, who would follow this case up. ;Fullerton Mr. Dennis Fullerton, 2400 Massachaaetts Avenue, has asked ;2400 Mass. the selectmen to have the sewer extended in front of his house Ave. so that he may connect. Mr. Gayer has been asked by the Select- men to make borings, and let the Selectmen know what the estimate would be. The desspool is still overflowing at Mr. Fullerton's, and the Board suggested writing to the Selectmen asking when they might expect connection as the Board must have this nuisance cleared up as soon as possible. The Board agreed to be lenient in the time given for Mr. Fullerton to correct as he brought his trouble to the Board's attention himself. 0-4 1 Romeo The nuisance of an overflowing cesspool. has been corrected 15 Lockwood at 15 Lockwood Road, Arthur J. Sacco. He had it pumped out. Road The trouble was that a line inside the house was plugged tight. Mr. Lurvey had a conference at the State House with Mr. State- Greeley in connection with the rejected lots at Minute Man Minute Highlands owned by Carrig. Mr. Greeley is quite familiar Man Hlds. with this area, and said the State would not go along with artificial leaching systems under any circumstances., Even though the sewer is planned for the area in the near future Mr. Greeley said the State cannot assume anything, it may be years before the sewer is put in. Mr. Gayer, Superintendent of Public Works, will not allow a tie-in by pipe as this is contrary to his By -Laws. The Board of Health also has to consider that the brook might become contaminated, and it runs down as far as Arlington. Mr. Carrig may be sued, and he may have to refund the money for the lots sold which cannot be built on until the sewer is available. The Board of Health has tried to help all concerned, but will have to have the sewer available for approval. Warner A letter has been received from Mrs. Caleb Warner, 546 546 Concord Concord Avenue in Five Fields, re an overflowing cesspool. Ave. She says that Mr. Warner is on vacation, and will take care of this on his return on August 4. Mr. Lurvey reported he had written to Mr. Potter after an investigation of the piggery recently, asking that uncovered manure be levelled and covered with fill immediately. Mr. Lurvey has had several complaints from the neighbors as to odors lately. An animal permit application was approved for renewal for Mr. Winfield Caouette, Jr., Balfour Street, 12 chickens. The next regular Board Meeting is scheduled for Friday, September 19, 1958. The Board adjourned at 4. P.M. Potter's Piggery Caouatte Animal Permit LZ)d " teato4 ' Clerk 1 1