HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-04-04320 Mrs. Cooper 118 Burl- ington St. Child Care Centers Sullivan 314.1 Marret Road EisenbergL Conncord Ave. SPECIAL BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING April .1 , 1958 A spec.ial.mee.tingof_ the Board_ of Health.. waa_.he.ld on Friday, April .4,_at 3.P.M..with Chairman McQuillan, Dr.. Cosgrove,Mr. Cole, and Mr. Lurvey present. Mrs. Adeline.. Cooper. and Mrs. Merrill. Norlin..appeared .before the Board_in_connection..with_the Child__ Care Center. ..at..118..Burling- ton Street, which. does ..not comply with theregulations.. or the Board._ at the..present.... time. . After .discussing ...each violation and howbest to remedy them..,. Mrs,. Cooper and Mrs. Norlin_.agreed to correct them. ..starting., immediate.ly_. A partition must be. installed be.tween.theheater.. and .the. are.a....use.d fo.r the children, the. light- ing must be. improved., .the. cement floor covered, with- asphalt tile or similar flooring,. and. dangerous... steps correc.te.d.. The. Board auggeate.d..i.t mightbe.. leas -_ expensive to conduct_ the_ Center up- stairs .,..but the .ladies said. all equipment .- downstairs _is. scaled to the email.. children. and.. they.. would... rather. correct. the irregu- lations...d downstairs... The .Board.. approved.. a. license for . the Center with.. the. ..00ndit.ion,that ailetter with.. the .e.orre.ctions_to be made be included... with_. the... license_.. Mr. Lurvey will_. make , another in- spec.tionbefore. the. close of. t.he.. school. in. June.. Someoutside work . is to be. done,,, but. the..Board_ agree.d..to. give more_ time for this., _ and...ask._.t.hs.t,, it. be..done ..somet.ime after_ school_ starts in the.. f.all...(Nov. 1) . Itwas.. brought ...to...the.. attention. .of._the. Board ...that_ there are Child_ Care.., Centers._ ope.rat.ing_without .theproper permits from the Board. .of Appeals.. and. tbs.. Board. of .Health. . Permitsmust.. be... a,ecured from. b.oth.Boards_... Let.ters._have b.een...sent from the. Health.Depart- ment_. t.o. the.. Board. .of..Appeals bringing this _problem_ toits attention, and_ asking..its. cooperation in seeing..that people ,realize permits from both..B.oarda_.must be. .obtained .to conal, t._ a. Child Care. Center. Mr. Nickerson,- Chairman of the Board... of Appeals, reported to 14r. McQuillan_ .that ..the .-.B.oard...of..Appeals rule.. is to grant.. permits for . Child ..Care ..Centers in private homesfor not.,. over 12 children. Mr. John ..Sullivan, ...34....Marrett Road.,.. refused to attend the meeting ...as.,..requested, . Itwas f..eltthat a.. talk_with. the. Board t might.. straighten.. out . the f act that the:_ c e.sspool on Mr... Sullivan' s propertyis still ..a...nuisance .--and ..must be corrected. .The.. Board has beenadvised by Mr. Stevens, town counsel,._ tostartover ..again with an .order forcorrection..._ of thenuisance,and.. fallowthru with court _-action _.if._necessary. _. The. Board ..so._voted unanimously. Mr. Eisenberg, 470 Concord Avenue, met with. the .Board and Mr. Kraynick, the ..engineer .. from ..Whitman ...&_ Howard, .to discuss._ theseptic tankinstallation at his. home..._ Mr. Krayni.ck's_plan __for .the . instal- lation __was __not .complied _ with,the .tank .is..18-to_2O" lower than called for, and... not in the. location planned_. Mr. Eisenberg does not wantto go t.o_.the -_expense _ of a -.sewage ._.ejector pumpas recom- mended .by. Mr. Kraynick,_.. and..suggested.. an_ effluent pip. Mr. Kray- nick.asked.to haveit_ on record that he. "represents.. Whitman & Howard., .. and. they . require. that _ a _sewage ejector be_ installed. If the. Boardwished to have Mr. Eisenbergdo otherwise, it up to 1 -2 - the Shard". Mr. McQuillan explained to Mr. Eisenberg that the Board of..Health.never has gone against _the ...recommendations of .Whitman &-Howard.. Ifanythingeverhappened.to. .this. .house in thefuture, the Boardwould be... in .a. bad ...position ._.after ignoring theengineer's advice. The Board ..spends .tax .payers, money to get this advice.. for .thegood of the. _present homeowner and the community:. The .Bo.ard moved... to.take ..this....case... under advisement. Mr. Cole.. asked_ that. Mr. E.ts.enbe.rg.t s.plana... be left. so. that the Board could ._go...into . the problem, more fully, and suggested the Board. give... Mr. Eisenberg ..an_answer by Wednesday.,_ April9. Mr. Lurvey reported that he. had. ..checked _Mrs. Anna. Phillips' Anna restaurant_ again., and._ nosink has been.. installedor work done. Phillips Mr. Alan Adams.. reported. to. Mr. McQuillan.. that Mr. Philips, the 29 Depot son, has told__ him ._ that the... sink_. was arriving Friday, April 4, Square andthat the _linoleum .and ...work on.. the ..ceiling .would _.be..done ...probably within.. a week. 821. Eisenberg 470 Concord Ave. A.small subdivision, "Part of Liberty Heights", off Taft Liberty Avenue., was approved by the .._Board ..with _ the .reservation .that it Hts. dould be Bewared. Mr. _ Gayer, Public Works_ Superintendent, is looking_. intoit for ..the ._Board. ._ There are two lots_ involved, 1 and. 6. There... is a converted.. garage.. on Lot. 6 with one._ occupant at present., and. a...question ...as, to -whetherc.onne.ction_,to- the public sewer can be made. Mr.. Robert .Johnson1..1.O Bridge... Street.., has. not.. o.orree.ted the Johnson nuisanceof laundry .wast.e, flowing_. onto the street from.. his... property !}O asasked_. back_ in February. _ He was_. given until. April._1 to correct. Bridge The _ Board made a .motion _ to give._ him._ until_. Mayl_ to. build _another St. cesspool .to.corr.ect_the ._condition, and will send him an_ order to this effect. The Board reviewed. the_Brenchick Premature Baby case. concerning financial aid. _ The _Board agreedhelp will be_.neede.d.,_..but . will wait until there is a. final.. billfromthe hospital. Mr. Lurvey brought_ .outthefact that he felt Mr. John... Harvey of 1. Constitution Road, who is opposed ..to...the..building...of two houses on.. Herball.. Street.... in the rear . of _. his.. home, _might_:. feel that the__ Boardhasrejected_ the two lots for building_ purposes. In order to clearup. any such m.isunderistanding, Mr. Lurvey felt the Board should write. to..Mr. .Harvey stating _our ..position .at the present time. concerning ..the..matter. The. Board. itove.d ...to write him a_. letter._ stating,_ that. the Board has not. refused _anyone per- missi.on.. asyet to_ build on that land.. If_ and when the _.builder applies for a...permit ..to_.construct . dwellingson these lots, the Board.. of Health will at that time eitherapprove or .disapprove on the basis_ of_.plans. _submitted. Miss.. Florence McKinnon ofthe Division of. Hospital.. Facilities in. the ..Statereported to. the Board that._ she... found ..no...violation in the dwelling ..at..31..Maple ._Street ._(Mrs.. Edith.. Tyler) which was thought... to be_an.Old Age Home. Brenchici Premature Baby Harvey 1 Consti4 tion Rd... 31 Maple St. 322 Rubbish Disposal permit, etc. Middle Ridge -3- A new Rubbish Disposal. Permit was approved for the, City & Town Disposal Company, Cambridge.. Funeral'Directors renewal.applica tions_ were.. approved for..Montague.,_. 21- Bedford- Street, and..McCarthy, 80 Bedf oral. Street.. Child..Care . Center...Licenses _. were approved for the_Han.cock..Church Weekday..Kindergarten, Lexington_. Academy.of the Holy Family,.. and Mrs..C_ooper's_.Manor Kindergarten, 118._Burlington Street. Mr. Brownell_.of. Techbuilt_, Middle.. Ridge.,. Section Section, met with_.the. Board_ t.o. discu.ss _a...system....putin. last_ fall.. which now, owing to ground.:wate.r.condit.ion,..cannot.be__expeeted_to function properly. Mr. Kraynick..has proposed_.another.leaching .bed to be installed .and.. use a,. sewage_.e.. jector. pumpif. the... garb.age...gri..nder is used.,. or a. sump_ pump ....if...the.._.garbage.grinder _is.removed. The ne.xt..Board..Me.eting__c.omes_an Friday, April 18, 1958. The meeting.adjourned.at..5.30 Clerk &°i 1