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Mid. Cty.
March 21, 1958
The _. March meeting_ of the Board... of Health was held_ at.. 3 P.M.
on. Friday, March. 21, 1958, a.tthe. new, Office with . Chairman..McQuillan
and .Mr.. .Lurvey, the.. Health .Offieer.,.,present.
Mr. James ....Phillips_ appeared .before the Board .representing his
mothe.r,. Mrs. -Anna -_Phillips. ,_, and...discussed_. some... violations:.. with the
Board. in..connection ..with_.Mrs,. Phillips'. restaurant..._ It was. agreed
that. Mr. Phillips..would. ..talk _.with .his. . mother ..and report.; back._ to the
Board.. on.. Monday ._.befor_e_.. any .. further action _ of the. Board.. _ Thea Board
would_ like to .have .the restaurant kept, up to the.. s.tendards._. of the
Health_.. rules. and regulations _as.. expected_ of. all such. establishments.
The. Board agreed. to .wait. for. .ward_from.Mr. Phillips _before .writing
to Mrs. Phillips..,.diredtly.
Mrs.. Adelina Cooper.,.118._Burlington .Street, cancelled her
appointment ..wi.th.ths.Board_.fo.r_..3.30 P.M..because .of..the..storm and
the ._.fact...that. ..her .partner, .Mrs. Norlin,__was out of state. .at..present.
Mrs.. Cooper_w.ill...b.e. asked. to att.end.__a. specialmeeting .of. the Board
on,.FrinAy.,. April._.1 ,_ t.o..cont.inua.._a..hearing_ .on. the .Child. Care:Center
conducted_. in...har.. home.. which. isin.. violation_ of several ..counts. for a
Usti A Care ..Center . to.. be. _. License.d ..by the... Board_ of Health.
Mr. Lurvey presented.a._letter from. Mr. ..Rodenhiser,..the .Electric
Sewer. C.leaning..Comp.any,. in answer ..to a requestfrom the_. Board to
attend thia..meeting .,concerning, the Sullivan case 34.1_Marrett Road.
Mr.. Rodenhiser. stated..he_ expected . to ,be out of the state for the
next _ t*o weeks.,_. and. gave . his version of ,his connection with the
nuisance .at Mr... Sullivan.ts..home.. Mr._ Stevens,. town_counse.l, has
given Mr. Snl1Ivan's..lawyer...three. days .to. .contact him.. If the
Board does.. not have., ward_ from Mr. Sullivan.. by March 28,._the ..Board
agreed. to re.ques_t.Mr. Sullivan to.attend .the special meeting on
April!..,. 1958, to show cauae. why he should not be asked._ toconnect
to the. public. sewer.
k letter. has been _received from the .Middlesex County Sanatorium
director., .Miss_ Helen .Evart.s_, . M. D.-, asking. for suggestions_ from the
Health.. Departmentfor. using. the many. empty .beds.. Mr.. Lurvey sug-
gested. he. contact .Mr._ Mulcahy, Waltham. Health .Department,. f.or his
ideas on this problem.._as._ Mr.. Mulcahy .has. beeninclose_ contact with
the Sanatorium__ over the years.
Inconnection.. with a_.lette from. the Northeaster= District
Health Off.i.ca..in.regard to fluoridation, Mr. McQuillansuggested a
panel_ discussion. might ,be._. set.. up ..by the. Board of Health._t.o present
bothsides of this question. ques_tion..__ Mr. _McQuillan feels we have approached
the question. of .fluoridation in the correct way.. by _sounding.. out the
town. .people la opinions ...bef.ora.any.:a.etion...ts. taken in. the .town.any Some
towns. have. inaugurated. .a...fluoridation programwithoutinvestigating
the.. feeling. of theci.t.izens,_ and have created_. heated ..controversy.
Mr. Lurvey ..had _.a. letter .from _the .Superintendent . of Schools in
connection withthe_. hot_ .water faci]..ttiesat the Junior_ High._ School.
-2 -
Mr. Smith wanted to assure the Health Department that the. School
autivrities are aware of the conditions, and are anxious to coopera-
ate with the Board_fully in keeping conditions. up.to-_standard.
Mr. Lurvey had_ a. report from. Mr. Kenneth.Lucas_.of.. Whitman &
Howard, Engineers,on the land of Ralph Frissore, Young..Street.
A letter. was. written to.Mr. Robert Johnson, .!}O.Bridge...Street.
He has a pipe.. running out. ont.o. the. .driveway discharging..l.aundry
waste. He was. notified. that he.must. have .the _c.orrect_.underground
disposal.facilit.ies._by..April.1.., in._or_der_to correct..the...nuisance.
A letter has, been.sent_to_Mr. and_Mrs.. Stanley Gruber.,....32 Pea-
eock .Farm. Road., asking...their...cooperation_.in.correct.ing_the_ nuisance
of anoverflowing septic.. t.ank._ Mr. Lurvey recommended cleaning the
septic .t.ank..and_ a.. stone trench to carry off .surface _.and_.ground wa#er
above .the system.
In_dis.cussing_.the._appli.cation..of-.Mrs. Wilda. Ward,.. 233. East. Street,
for a Child Care..Licen.se, the. Board...decided to .check .with the Board Mrs.
of Appeals_ by .letter on.the_.question of. approval..of..the number of Ward
children allowed..in.the.Cent.er. Mrs. Ward .should also_be...netified 233 Easd
Iffy the Board. of He.alth. that. .she. mus.t. have.. appr.oval of the Board of St.
Appeals and__the. Board. of Health each year for. her Center - she must
not think that under_ any . circumst.ances would. the Board..af Health
grant the present licenseunless she.. is. approved..for the ,number of
children first by the Board of Appeals.. Mr. McQuillan... felt that
the Board of Appeals. might not approve the number_. of 211.. children
for. which Mrs. Wardnow wouldlike to. be_ approved.
Mr. McQuillan_.asked._that a list_ of the.. Child Care _Center._ appli-
cations.with the.. number -of children asked for be _sent in a_..le tte r
to the Board..of Appeals.., in order to be sure that.. the Board of
Health. is.only.granting_Child_.Care..Cent.er..Licenses..from.. the Health
Department for the... approved..numbe.r granted.by..the.Board of Appeals.
The Board was notified.by the Symme.s .Arlington Hospital that Prem.
Mrs. Lillian .Veasey., .23 .Oaklan.d Avenue,.with.a.premature.baby born Baby
FBbruary.13., 19584. may need,.financial_ aid..thru._.the..Lexingt.on Board Vessey
of Health..- No application_ hasbeen made., so Mr. Vessey was, contacted
by telephone_. He agreed.to.come.in the -next day for.. tilling.. out the
necessary forms., but. did not. keep..the app.ointment.. The clerk con-
tacted the.. hosp.ital._and. found that ..people areasked_ to fill. -out
forms.. if theyfeel_they need..financ.ial__help, butare..not..told to
contact. their local -Board of Health.- As.Mr. .Vessey .has_nct been
in touch_wi.th us after notification, we thin.he... may have.. decided
he can..take_ care. of..payment_without help.
Three._Animal._Permi.t..applications. were reviewed. Mr.. David Haydon,_
34i Homestead Street,_ had. applied _to. keep .12 . chickens.,..but...ob jections
were received_ from both abutt.ors.. Denied... Mr.. Walter.O'Brien, of Animal
33 Homestead:_.Street,_requested .a permit for a horse...or_pony. The Permits
area isnot. iarge.. enough, the houses are. too close, and_Mr. Lurvey
did not ..recommend t.he_. granting..of this._perm t. Denied. Mrs.. Margaret
Breslin. asked..p.ermission.to...keep. a horse at...1.7 Hayward..Avenue,
After Mr. Lurvey's investigption,he recommended_ approval_ of the
permit af.ter..a..s.table. and._corral have been.. finished..._ ._Granted.
Pine Hill..Turkey Farm and_. the Wilson Farmwere approved for permits
as_ renewals. Granted.
. Mr. McQuillan._haa._.received .__a report from. the Hospital
Hospital Needs. Study.. Committee which recommends thata. site for a
Committee hospital be acquired for the. future by. the Town whileland is
is still available. The .Committee doesnot ..recommend. .a.hospital
at .this time_ as the. ..surroaanding.hospitals _..have adequate_ .f acili-
. ties_ for Lexington. to use atthe present time.
Mr. Lurvey reported._ that he had -.found .swap .pumps -being dis-
Sump Pumps, charged directly into ._the _..sewage disposal .installations.....in three
homes. It was _decided to... include inthe_ minut.ea, of the..meeting
sent.. to the paper __a__str.ong..warning .._to, homeowners_ that. this is
contrary to, the Board of Health.... regulations, _and. ...Plumbing .-laws, and
can_ only- result in trouble_ for the-. community-.. The. sewage in-
stallations_are not. e.quipped..t.o.take .care of sump pumps, and this
practice must be _ .discontinued.
;: Zitso
A letter.. has. _bean ..aent...from _the. ..He.al.th. Officer ta. the Com-
mander ..of. the, _. Veterans of Foreign.. Wars_.concerning. rubbish and
garbage...st.rewn..in baek...of._.the ._.V.F.W.. building-, Vine Street.
A letter was.. received from Mrs. Peyton, . 40. Freemont_. Street,
in, regard to her wet basement., broken driveway, and.. drainage
into . the... street, ._ from her ..home. .. Mr. Irwin.,.. the building . inspector,
and Mr. Lurveyhave..._ investigated the ...situation .together, and this
letter from.. Mrs_.. Peyton.. asks_ that.: help ..:be._given ..her ill her trouble.
It was.. found ....that ...a...sump ._ pump had been_ connected directly to her
septic. tank.
Mr. Lurvey_..had..some_pictures..taken_by Zitso.at Ralph .Frissore+s
land.. (swamp) on. Webb_ Street.. Mr. Lurvey asked for three prints,
andreceived..a bill tor seven prints.,even_. before.receiving the
pictures.__ He reported. the bill was sent...back.to Mr.Zitso.
We.. havea..request_ for financial aid. for a premature baby bill
from Mrs.. Jean ..Brenchick,...72.Winter Street.. Mr. Collins., Welfare
Department, feels. this i.s..a.. cage. where _ help.. is , needed. . Mr.. Lurvey
and Mr. McQuillandecided to bring the matterbefore the rest of
the.. Board_ before. making..a_d.ecis.ion.._. A. budget. from Mr.: Collins
willhelp_. in_ ...making..a._decision.
Mr. .McQuillan .asked .the clerk.. toputthrough.. the Public Health
Education appropriation for Mr. Lurvey as.. soon_ as it ..is .authorized
to do s o.
Mr. McQuillan. and. Mr.._ Lurvey..diacussed .the... Health... Officer's
Report for . the. period. This.. included,.. inspections. of _f.00ci..estab-
liahments.,..school lunchrooms,. building.. lots, septictank.. and cess•
poolina.tallations,child care centers, and investigations of
nuisance complaints and animal .permit _.applications, ..sewage per-
mits ..issued, _.and ..meetings. . and.. conferences.. attended.
Mr.. Lurvey was. .approved ..as.._ Slaughter ..Inspector .and ..not,,ifica-
tinn...will . be... sentto. the State.
.4 -
Four Child Care Centers were approved. .Mrs. iris Howard, Child
of 15 Ewell Avenue, Beaver Brooke Academy, 114 Concord Turn- Care
pike, the Lexington Academy of the Holy Family, 13 Pelham Road, Centers
and. Hancock Church Weekday Kindergarten.
In regard .to a.rubbish disposal. permit _application made by Rubbish
the City and Town Disposal. Company of_ Cambridge, it_ was. agreed Disposal
to wait for the. full_. Board's. decision. Permit
Mr.. McQuillan.. -said hewould_ like the minutes of the meeting
with the deeisions.made...by_him and. Mr. Lurvey sent to_.Dr. Cosgrove Minutes
and Mr. Coleforthei.r...approval.or disapproval... Also a. notice is
to be sentof. the... apecial..meeting-on. Friday, April _4, 1958, 3 PQM.,
when the .Bo.ard.. has. . .requested Mr. Sullivan.'8 presence, andthat of
Mrs. Adeline .Cooper.,_ 11.8. -.Burlington.. Street .
The meeting. adjourned_ at. 5.30 P.M.