HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-12-2749' SELECTMEN'S MEETING December 27, 1950 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building on Tuesday evening, December 27, 1949 at 7:00 P. M. Chairman Emery, Messrs. Gay, Driscoll and Hoyt were present. The Clerk was also present. At 7:00 P. M. Mr. Lloyd T. Baylis, an application for the position of patrolman, met with the Board and was introduced by Chief Rycroft. Baylis The Chairman said that he understood Mr. Baylis had disability preference and inquired as to what his dis- ability is. Mr. Baylis replied that he had Beck's Sarcoid but it is now cleared up. He explained that once an individual has a service connected disability, and it has been proven, it is retained. The Chairman asked if he had lived in Lexington long and he replied that he has lived here all his life. He graduated in 1943 and was with the Marines in the South Pacific. He was discharged in 1945 and has no commissions. The Chairrdan asked if he had any trace now of his disability and he replied in the negative. The Chairman asked if he was married and he replied in the affirmative. Mr. Hoyt -asked if he felt that he would like to remain on the police force and make it his career and he replied in the affirmative. ' Mr. Baylis retired at 7:06 P. M. Mr. William G. Dooley, 10 Lisbeth Street met with the Board and was introduced by Chief Rycroft. The Chairman Asked him if he lived in Lexington and he replied in the affirmative and said that he has lived here Dooley for twenty-six years. The Chairman asked if he intended to make police work his permanent career and he replied in the affirmative. The Chairman asked if he was married and he replied in the negative. The Chairman asked what branch of the service he was connected with and he said that he was with the Navy in the South Pacific and assigned to the Battleship South Dakota. Mr. Dooley retired at 7:09 P. M. Mr. William F. Stygles, 65 Oak Street, met with the Board and was introduced by Chief Rycroft. ' The Chairman asked about his age and he replied that he is twenty-seven years old. The Chairman asked if he had lived in Lexington long and he replied that he has lived here all his life. The Chairman asked if he intended to make police work his career and he replied in the affirmative. Stygles 498 Nutt The Chairman asked if he were a veteran and he replied in the affirmative. He said that he attended Lexington schools but did not graduate from High School. The Chairman asked if he, at one time, applied for a position with the Fire Department and he replied in the affirmative. The Chairman asked if he definitely felt that he wanted to be in municipal work and he replied in the affirmative. The Chairman asked if he had done any studying for the position. He replied that he went to school and took the test in Manch. The Chief explained that the applicants go to school and study from a handbook. ' The Chairman asked Mr. Stygles if he is now employed and he rap lied that he works for his father, but there is not enough work to keep two men busy all the time. gr. Stygles retired at 7:10°P. M. Mr. Kenneth E. Nutt, 55 Cary Avenue, met with the Board and was introduced by the Chief. The Chairman asked how long Mr. Nutt had lived in Lexington and he replied that he has lived here all his life with the exception of about six months. The Chairman asked if he attended school here and he replied in the affirmative. The Chairman asked if he intended to make police work his career and he replied in the affirmative. The Chairman asked if he was married and he replied in the affirmative. The Chairman asked if he was a veteran and he replied in the affirmative. Re said that he was with the 1st and 3rd Army Engineers in France. The Chairman asked if he had received training as an en*ineer and he"replied in the negative. He said that he was employed by Custance Brothers prior to entering the service. The Chairman asked how long he bias in the Army and he replied that he was in the service for three and one-half years. Mr. Nutt retired at 7:12 P. M. Mr. Gay inquired as to why Officer Thompson could not be considered under the same conditions as those of Mr. Baylis and the Chief explained that Officer Thompson's disability is not service connected. The Chairman explained that, according to Civil Service, the Board does not have too much choice in the matter and the Chief explained that a fourth appointment will follow as soon as Officer Harvey's retirement becomes effective. The Chairman asked about the applicants interviewed this evening and the Chief replied that they all seem like good men. The Chairman asked if the Chief was reasonably satisfied and he replied that these are all good boys and come from good families. He said that there is not a thing to be said against them. - Mogul0-11 1 1 1 Mr. Hoyt inquired as to how many more men are needed on the force. The Chief replied that three appointments now will take care of his compliment of twenty-four. The Chairman said that apparently the Board would have to pass over Mr. Nutt and appoint Mr. Baylis who has priority because of service connected disability, a ruling established by Civil Service. Upon motion of Mr. Gay, seconded by Mr. Driscoll, it was voted.. to appoint the following individuals, certified as eligible by the Division of Civil Service as permanent patrolmen in the Lexington Police Department, effective January 16, 1950: Lloyd T. Baylis, William F. Stygles and William. G. Dooley; Mr. Balis: being- appointed in preference to Mr. Nutt because of his service connected disability priority. Chief Rycroft retired at 7:20 P. M. The Chairi.an read a letter from W. H. Lyon inquiring as to whether or not the Board proposes to levy a side- walk betterment against his property on Waltham Street. The subject was discussed by the Board and;it was decided that no assessment would be charged. Letter was received from Charles Linehan requesting an abatement of water betterment assessments levied against his property on Westview Street, totalling $643.50. - The Board agreed to inspect the area in question on Saturday morning. Letter was received from Mr. Lunch, together with an original and -a copy of the agreement between the Town of Lexington and Herman MacKay and Margaret R. MacKay (Waltham St.). Mr. Lynch askedto have the Board sign the agreements and return the copy to him so that he could then forward it to Mr. Lamb, attorney for the MacKays. MacKay The Chairman explained that this is the agreement agreement Thereby the'Selectmen undertaketo recommend to the next Town Meeting the payment of $1632.50 to the MacKays in return for a slope casement and signing off of all damages by MacKay. He explained that if the Board signs the agreement it is then morally obliged to recommend to the Town Meeting that the sum of $1632.60 be appropriated. Mr. Hoyt moved that the agreement be signed after the members of the Board have had an opportunity to read it over carefully. Mr. Gay seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Selectmen agreed to arrange to stop at the Office -some day this week and read the proposed agreemtnt. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Walker, Town Account- ant, recommending abagement of accounts receivable; totalling $5.25 in the Highway Department and 08.00 in the Selectmen's Department. Mr. Gay moved that the recommended abatement be approved and signed. Mr. Driscoll seconded the motion, and it was so voted. 499 Appoint - went: to Police! Dept. Lyon side- walk Linehan water better ment assessment 500 Licenses Use of Halls Associate Member to Board of Appeals Legal work Upon motion of Mr. Driscoll, seconded by. Mr. Hoyt, it was.voted to grant the following licenses: (New) Common Victualler " (Renewals) Regent Delicatessen Co. Harvey J. Comrie Mary & Ernest Rowland , Margaret & Sidney Heywood F. K. Johnson, Inc. Hardy's Garage Colonial Garage, Inc Morris Motors. Fred N. Viano 1729 Mass. Avenue 93 Mass. Avenue 150 Lowell Street " 271 Marrett Road 39 Bedford Street ist 915 Waltham Street " " Class Agent 1668 Mass. Avenue " 400 WalthamStreet " " 1794 Mass. Avenue Sunday Movies Application was received from the Lexington Field and Garden Club for permission to conduct a meeting in Estabrook Hall on the evening of January 9, 1950. Mr. Gay moved that the use of the hall be granted free of charge. Mr. Driscoll seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Application was received from Marcia Dane for per- mission to conduct a meeting in a conference room on January 12 and 19, 1950. Mr. Gay moved that the uses be granted free of charge.. Mr. Driscoll seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Application was received from the Tandem Club of the Hancock Church requesting.permission to conduct a symphony concert in Cary Hall on Marhh 10, 1950. Mr. Gay. moved that the use of the hall be granted subject to a charge of $35.00. Mr. Hoyt seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Further consideration was given to the appointment of a fourth Associate Member to the Board of Appeals. Upon motion of Mr. Driscoll, seconded by Mr. Gay, it was voted to appoint Edwin B. Worthen, Jr. an Associate Member for an unexpired term ending March 31, 1950. ,The Chairman explained that last week Mr. DeFoe, Supt. of Public Works, told him that he had'eighty-one easements to be written up in connection with the Liberty- Ledgelawn project. The Chairman told blm tp send them in to Mr. Lynch which he did. Mr. Lynch called the Chairman and explained that his girls have worked hard, were tired and had been given a couple of extra days off at Christmas. He would not, therefore, be able to do anything about the easements or for the Grove and Eaxt Street easements. Mr. Lynch told the Chairman that he would be glad to do whatever the Board wants him to do, or whatever Mr. Stevens wants him to do insofar as keeping them until after the 1st of January. The Chairman reminded the Board that the arrangement with Mr. Stevens had been that he would not be paid anything extda for easements. If Mr. Lynch wants to handle these three items it will be all right with him. " " tt ft " " 1 The Chairman said that Mr. Lynch would be willing to keep this work and ti„ i after January. -He has been charging $20 an easemeriVIM1d amount to $1600. However, Mr. Lynch told the Chairman that such a fee would not be reasonable and he would be glad_ to make an arrangement satisfactory to the Chairman and the Board. Whatever the Board thinks is reasonable will be agreeable to him. The Chairman said that he assumed it might be a fair charge against the Liberty-Ledgelawn construction job. He said that the question is whether Mr. Lynch is to prepare the easements after January 1st or whether they are to be referred to Mr. Stevens. He said that if Mr. Stevens is to prepare all the easements an ex- ception should be made in the financial arrangement the Board has made with him whereby there was to be no fees for extra work. Mr. Hoyt asked how the Chairman planned to pay for this work. The Chairman said that he had discussed this with Mr. Walker, Town Accountant, who stated that it has not been customaryto charge legal fees to a project but it can be handled that way if the Board so decided. The Chairman explained that Mr. Stevens is willing to let Mr. Lynch take care of the easements, but regard- less of who prepares them, they will cost the Town money. Mr. Gay asked if there would be any question raised by the Appropriation Committee if this expense were charged to the project. The Chairman replied that someone has to be paid and there is just a question as to where the money is coming from. He said he thought he would contact Mr. Patterson, Chairman of the Appropriation Committee,. and see if some arrangement could be made with Mr. Lynch whereby he would submit a bill before the first of the year and possibly pay it by a transfer from the Reserve Fund. However, if the Appropriation Committee prefer to include this item in the 1950 budget, it would be all right with him. The Chairman asked if the Board would ratify the arrangement he made with Mr. Lynch whereby he is to pre- pare the easements in January and be paid on a reasonable badi9,but not at $20 an easement. Upon motion of Mr. Gay, seconded by Mr. Hoyt, it was voted to approve the arrangements, with reference to the Liberty-Ledgelawn easements, as outlined by the Chairman. Mr. DeFoe, Supt. of Public Works, and Mr. Burns, Town Engineer, met with the Board at 7:50 P. M. to discuss proposed long range planning program. The Chairman explained that it would not be necessary for the Clerk to remain inasmuch as the discussion was to be general and it was not necessary to have it recorded. 501 502 The next regular meeting of the Board will be held on Tuesday evening, January 3, 1950. A true record, attest. 1