HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-11-15SELECTMEN'S MEETING November 15, 1949 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on Tuesday evening, November 15, 1949, at 7:00 P. M. Chair- man Emery, Messrs. Gay and Nickerson were present. The Clerk was also present. Donald A. Burgess, Donald A. Linscott and one other representative from the Massachusetts National Guard, Com- pany H. 182nd Infantry, met with the Board. Mr. Linscott explained that his Company would like permission to set up a recruiting stand in Lexington on November 17-19. He said they would like to display weapons and equipment. He stated that the booth will be open from 10:00 A. M. until after the High School sessions. The members of the Board were of the opinion that there would be no objection to such a stand and display on the so-called Barnes property. The Chairman asked the group to submit their request in writing and confer with the Superintendent of Public Works who will make the neces- sary arrangements. The group retired at 7:15 P. M. The Chairman read a letter from Ester Nicoli with reference to water betterment assessments levied against property owned by her at 283 and 284 Cummings Staeet. Mrs. Nicoli stated that she had been advised by the Building In- spector that she does not have sufficient land upon which to build a house. Thibs subject was discussed at a meeting of the Board on April 26, 1948 and also on May 3, 1948, and excerpts from these meetings were read by the Chairman. It was decided to ask the Building Inspector whether or not Mrs. Nicoli has a buildable lot and refer further action until the next meeting. The Chairman read a letter from Edwin B. Worthen, Clerk of the Isaac Harris Cary Educational Fund, advising the Board that Major William H. Cary presented to the Turs- tees, oil portraits of Isaac Harris Cary and his wife Phoebe P. Cary. When the portraits are suitably marked they are to be hung in the room in Cary Memorial Building where the Trustees hold their meetins. A letter was received from the Board of Assessors ad- vising that Cornelius P. Cronin has been appointed to the position of Clerk to the Board to fill the vacancy caused by the retirement of Mr. Frederick J. Spencer. 437 Recruit- ing Booth Nicol± water better- ment assessment Portraits for Cary Bldg. Clerk Assessors 438 A letter was received from Harold A. Ledgard, 31 Parker Street, Maynard, requesting permission to sell coffee, etc., at the Thanksgiving Day football game. permit The Chairman also read a letter from Mr. Warren on the same subject. - It was agreed to grant the request and the Chair- man was authorized to write the Chairman of the School Committee on the matter. A letter was received from Charles D. Allen, 1786 Broad- Massachusetts Avenue, requesting permission to broadcast cast Christmas Carols from the roof of his tore. Carols Mr. Gay moved that the request be granted. Mr. Nickerson seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Chairman read a letter from the Veterans of V.F.W. Foreigh Wars inquiring as to whether or not it would Sewer bepossible to have the sewer installed at 2 Hayes Lane, on a deferred payment basis until the next Town Meeting. The Chairman agreed to confer with the Supt. of Public Works And find out how much the installation will cost and when it can be done. At 7:30 P. M. Mr. Paul J. McCormack met with the Request Board, at his request, relative to securing a suitable for position for one William J. Donnellan. He informed the job Board that Mr. Donnellan graduated from Lexington High School,took the commercial course, receives a pension of $60.00 per month non service connected. His physician has diagnosed his condition as disseminated sclerosis, the latter not a result of his service. The Chairman explained that the Superintendent of Public Works has interviewed Mr. Donnellan and apparantly there is no work available for him. He explained that the Board does not like to tell the Superintendent who to hire. He said that he could see no reason, however, why Mr. Mc- Cormack could not contact the Superintendent occasionally to find out Whether or not some work might be available. Mr. McCormack said that he would like to be considered Town for the position. He stated that the Selectmen have not Counsel discussed how they will replace the Town Counsel. He sug- Applica- gested that Mr. McCormack write a letter to the Board and tion apply formally for the position. Mr. McCormack retired at 7:55 P. M. The Chairman read a letter from Chief Rycroft to which was attached a traffic survey taken over an eight-hour period showing the flow of traffic both northerly and southerly on Follen Road. He suggested the erection of two "Go Mlow- Childred" Signs; one southerly of Smith Avenue and one northerly of Richard Road. 1 1 1 1 439 He informed the Board that a speed check will be Follen made in this area as frequently as possible and further Road stated that he does not recommend establishing any 20 mile- Traffic per -hour zone as suggested in the petition received from the residents of Folien Road. The Chief suggested that a white line be painted in the center of the street. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Lynch with refer - ence to the case of Morey, et als v. Lindstrom, et als. He explained that under the decision of the Board of Appeals, 'Morey permits may now issue for the erection of three single- Case family dwellings and attached garages on the property in question. He is filing today in the Middlesex Superior Court a stipulation duly executed by counsel for all parties bringing the litigation to a close. The Chairman reported that Mr. Tracy Ames of the Lex- Inform- ington Historical Society had telephoned him with reference ation to the proposed information booth requested by the Chamber Booth of Commerce. The Society has no objection providing the booth is properly designed. They do not object if it is located at the corner of Merriam Street and Massachusetts Avenue if the Chief of Police thinks it will not be a traffic hazard. The Chairman agreed to obtain an opinion from the Chief and suggested that Mr. Roger Greely b e'invited to decide upon the design, An application was received from the Sachem Council, Inc. for permission to conduct a course of training in Estabrook Hall on the evening of November 28 from 7:30 P. M. until 10:00 P. M. Mr. Nickerson moved that the use of the hall be granted free of charge. Mr. Gay seconded the motion and'it was so voted. Decision relative to Officer Russell's request for ap- pointment as Sergeant was held over until all members of the Board are present. The Clet'k reminded the Board that applications for Liquor License must be filed and advertised this month and asked if any change is to be made in the fee. Upon motion of Mr. Gay, seconded by Mr. Nickerson, it was voted not to make any change at this time. The Chairman reported that Mr. Scott had telephoned Mr. Ballard and is willing to start talking about signing an agreement. He said that, with all the problems the Board has, now might be the time to turn this matter back to the Planning Board and let Mr. Ballard discuss it with that Board. r Use of hall Liquor License Fee 440 !Edison Way proposed street Mr. Nickerson said he thought the Selectmen should go over the data and arrive at some definite decision be- fore referring it to the Planning Board, and give Mr. Ballard the Board's approbation or otherwise. It was decided to hold a special meeting on Saturday morning, November 26, 1949, at 9:00 o'clock and invite Mr. Ballard, Mr. DeFoe and Mr. Burns to be present. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P. M. The next regular meeting will be on Monday, November 21, 1949, at 7:00 P. M. in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building. 1