HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-10-17398 SELECTMEN'S MEETING October 17, 1949 A regular meeting of the Board was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on Monday, October 17, 1949, at 7:30 P. M. Chairman Emery, Messrs. Gay, Nickerson, Driscoll and Hoyt were.present. The Clerk was also present. At 7:40 P. M. a hearing was declared open upon Pole the petition of the Boston Edison Company and the New Location England Telephone Company for permission to locate two poles on North Street, southeasterly from a point approx- imately 285 feet southeast of Burlington Street. Notice of the hearing was read by the Chairman. The plan had been submitted to and approved by the Town Engineer. Mrs. Williams was the only person present and said that she is interested to find out how the proposed location will affect lots 13 -and 14. She stated that if the two poles are to be'located between the existing poles they will be in the middle of her driveway. She said that she did not want them.in from of the driveway or at the front door._. DeFoe came into the meeting and explained that Mr. Williams had conferred with a representative of the telephone company and agreed to the proposed location. The Chairman asked if Mrs. Williams could be assured that there will be no poles in front of hertproperty without giving heran opportunity to protest. Mr. DeFoe replied in the affirmative. Mrs. Williams retired at 7:50 P. M. Upon motion of Mr. Driscoll, seconded by Mr. Gay, it was voted to grant the petition and sign the order. Mrs. Rose Whitney Smith, 282 Bedford Street, and her Street daughter, met with the Board to request a street light on the Light pole now located at the corner of Harding Road and Bedford Street. She stated that it is very dark at this intersection and not safe. The Chairman explained that the request would be referred to the Suptt. of Bailie Works with -instructions to investigate and submit a report to the Board. Mrs. Smith and her daughter retired at 7:55 P. M. Mr. Silk of Arlington and Mr. Burgess met with the Board Mr. Silk said that he would like a permit to burn boxes on Lowell Street. Mr. Burgess said that Mr. Silk owns about fifteen acres of land which used to be a sand pit and it is located across the street from a pond, about one mile from Countryside. He said that the request had been discussed with the Chief of the Fire Department who referred them to the _Board of Selectmen. L 0.4 1 1 1 399 Mr. Burgess said that he would like to burn boxes twice a week and there would be no danger of fire as the pit is twenty-five feet deep and there is a fire hydrant at the end of the street. The Chairman inquired as to where the boxes came Permit to from and Mr. Burgess replied that he will haul them in Burn Boxes from various places. He said that he understands Lex- ington dump is for residents only. The Chairman asked if Mr. Burgess lives in Lexington and he said that he lived in Arlington. Mr. Silk informed the Board that he lives at 43 Broad- way, Arlington, and has owned the land for thirty years. The Chairman stated that the Board is not anxious to encourage dumping by people that do not live in Lexington, but that the request would be considered and Mr. Silk ad- vised of whatever decision is made. Mr. Burgess and Mr. Silk retired at 9:00 P. M. The Chairman reviewed -the complaints received relative Lincoln to the Lincoln Street Dump, and said that he had requested Street Mr. DeFoe and Mr. Burns to come to some conclusion as to a Bump program to make existing conditions better. He explained that the first step was to procure some fill to start a second dumping area and fill in around the trees to protect then. He reported that they wanted to put in some fill and he took the responsibility of tellingthem to go ahead. He stated that Mr. DeFoe had prepared some estimates as to what the program will add to the dump budget for this -year and it is obvious that a transfer will be needed or a request made at a Special Town Meeting in November for additional funds. He said that he had invited the Appropriation Com- mittee to meet with the Board this evening to listen to what Mr. DeFoe has to say on the -subject. At 8:10 P. M. the following members of the Appropriation Committee met with -the Board: Chairman Patterson, Messrs. Bateman,'Cleveland, Donnelly, Fawcett, Hall, Tucker, and Vade- boncouer. Mr. Walker, Town Accountant, was also present. The Chairman of the Board of Selectmen explained why the Appropriation Committee had been invited to meet with the Selectmen and explained that Mr. DeFoe and Mr. Burns had pre- pared a recommended program to help conditions at the dump. He explained that the fill, which he authorized the Superin- tendent to have dumped over the weekend cost 0300 and to fol- low out the proposed program it will be necessary;,to have additional funds. Mr. DeFoe Said that every year the budget for the dump has been prepared in the same manner. He has figured the time for the attendant money necessary to remove ashes from the schools and very little time for bulldozing. Now there seems to be more material taken to the dump and to eliminate complaints it will be necessary to cover the dump with fill. He informed the group that a study of the situation has been made and eaa estimate of the cost to improve conditions. 400 He reported that 413 tons of fill had been put in over the weekend at a cost of $125.90, plus the cost of the grader, truck, bulldozer and labor totalling $395.20. He said that if he brings in 100 tons a week for ten weeks it will cost $750. The fill was brought from the Highland Sand & Gravel in Burlington, and he believes he can obtain enough'. at this Trice of $75.00 for 100 tons. The bulldozer or grader will coat $37.00 for one day a week. The additional cost for the operation of the dump for gravel and equipment will be *2,122.,, The attendant will receive $965.00 for the balance of the year. It will cost $350 for removing,ashes. He stated that altogether his requirement for, the balance of the year is *??,.440. and he has on hand $445. Mr. Cleveland asked if what Mr.. Woe proposes to do is a step toward keeping the people in the area of the dump happy. The Chairman said that he thought more labor and more fill will definitely reduce the justifiable.complaints. He said that every possibility should be explored in an effort to give the people in the Lincoln Street dump area more relief. 8e explained that the fill will not reduce the burning but it will make the edge of the dump accessible,. It is also pre, posed to fill in around the dual') near the group of trees. Mr. Tucker, as well as some other members of the Appro.. priation Committee, were concerned about the smoke and smadge, that, in their opinion, 'will still be a nuisance. The subject was discussed at -length and Mr. Patterson stated his Committee feels that it is necessary to spend more money if it corrects the situation. The only questionis, will the spend- ing of this money clear the air.. He suggested that a limited amount of money be made available for a trial period of thirty days. Mr. DeFoe stated that if the Appropriation Committee would trasfer $1,600. it will take care of thed ump for one-half of the balance of the year. The Appropriation Committee retired at.e:55 P. M Mr.. DeFoe explained that Mr.. Leonard Jellis, Jr.,, had Jellis requested an abatement of the sewer betterment assessment Sewer levied against property owned by him on Rindge Avenue., He Assessment stated that the sewer goes by the Jeilis house.. He also owns five lots of land across. the street which are more or less covered with water which is sometimes thirty feet deep. He said that in his opinion Mr. Jeans has a legitimate claim in asking for abatement insofar as these lots are concerned, but he would not recommend abaging the assessment for the sewer in front of the house. The Board studied the property in question by us.e of a map presented by Mr.'DeFoe and it was unanimously agreed to abate the assessment levied against lots 211-215 in the amount of $448.09. 1 1 401 ?4r.. DeFoe reported further on the request for a street light in Patriots Drive. Mr. Wentworth of the Boston Street Edison Company advised him that the cost for the light Light (underground cable) will be $54. This is a figure which can be used for all similar installations unless some un- usual condition exists. The Chairman said that it was not the understanding of anyone who voted on the Street Light Budget that the town was going to pay for underground cables for street, lights. Most people believe that the budget is for current. It Was agreed that Mr. DeFoe should contact Mr. Pratt, who requested the light, and explain the situation to_him. Mr. DeFoe stated that Mrs. Belcher, who lives at 85 NO Hill Street, has requested the erection of "NO HUNTING" signs HUNTING on the so-called Poor Farm property. He mentioned this to Signs the Town Counsel and he is in sympathy with the request. Upon motion of Mr. Driscoll, seconded by Mr. Gay, it was. voted to authorize the Suptt. of Public Works to post "NO HUNTING" signs on the Poor Farm property which is owned by the town. Mr. DeFoe reported on proposed Chapter 90 construction Chapter and maintenance for 1950. He explained that, with reference 90 to Johnson Road which will connect Winchester and Lexington, the Wheeler estate has been sold to William Spires who oper- ates the Sunoco station on the Concord Turnpike. Mr. DeFoe asked him how he would feel about a road going through and he was most receptive. He is willing to give the land without damages but wants to have something to say as to where the road is to be located. Possible Chapter 90 work was discussed and it was finally agreed that Mr. DeFoe should ask for $9,000 for maintenance and Grove Street is to be done in preference to the Waltham Street cut-off, and•the amount is to be decided next week. Mr. DeFoe said that Mr. Chester Lidberg has requested an abatement of the sewer betterment assessment levied against his property on Adams Street. He presented a sketch to the Lidberg Board showing the trunk sewer with a twenty-five foot easement assess - through the Lidberg property. went Mr. Driscoll suggested that Mr. DeFoe discuss this with Mr. Lidberg to determine how he would feel if the Board were to assess him for only 100 feet. The Board was receptive to the suggestion and Mr. DeFoe agreed. Mr. DeFoe reported that on October 13 bids for the con- struction of sidewalks were opened publicly. The three quo- tations received were as follows: Sidewalk Bids P. J. Joyce & Son S. Rotondi & Son George Brox, Inc. $3,334.00 3,496.00 3,802.50 402 Upon motion of Mr. Gay, seconded by Mr. Driscoll, it was voted to accept the bid submitted by p. 3. Joyce and sign the contract. Mr. DeFoe requested the Board to consider. the con- Farmareat struction of Farmcrest sewer laterals with town labor and :sewer equipment. He said that if his Department continues to re - laterals ceive numerous odd jobs to do he wilI"not be able to do this project with town labor until the middle of November. He said that he did not know whether there would-be any criti- cism if the work is not let out on contract. Mr. Nickerson questioned whether any time could be saved inasmuch as bids would have to be advertised, awarded and the contract prepared if the work is to be done by con- tract. Mr. DeFoe said that he believed the town would save between 40% and 50% of the cost by doing the work with town labor. The Board agreed that the installation of the sewer laterals in Farmcrest should be done by town labor. Mr. DeFoe retired at 10:15 P. M. • Deferment The Chairman read a letter from Miss Edith W. Willard of Assess- requesting deferment of the water assessment levied against ment her property on both the east and west sides of North Street until such times as building is permitted thereon. It was agreed that the Chairman should discuss this with the Town Counsel before any acknowledgment is made of the letter, The -Chairmen conferred on October lath with Mr. Fayton and Mr. Johnson of the Lovell Bus Lines with reference to the petition for a license to operate buses over Pleasant Lovell and Watertown Streets and the possibility of a route in the Bus Manor. A copy of the conversation was mailed to each member 'License of the Board. The Chairman read a letter from the Lovell Bus Lines dated October 15th stating that they are prepared to make. a sixty day trial loop line from Five Forks to Lexington Cen- ter to the Lexington Manor Section. Application was also sub- mitted for a license to operate over the following routes: 1. From the intersection of Mass. Aven. and Grant Street over Grant Street to East Street,'over East to Adams, over Adams to North, over North to Burlington to Simonds, over Simonds to Gleason in both • directions. 2. Over Dexter Road to Fuller Road, over Fuller Road to Gleason Road, over Gleason Road to Simonds Road in one direction. The Board discussed the subject in detail and upon motion of Mr. Hoyt, seconded -by Mr. Gay,. it was voted to grant the Lovell Bus Lines Inc., a license to operate motor vehicles for passenger hire over the following route: cc 1 1 From the intersection of Massachusetts Avenue and Pleasant Street over Pleasant Street to Watertown Street, over Watertown Street to the intersection of Watertown Street and the Cambridge -Concord Highway in both direct- ions. The Chairman. said that some decision would have to be made relative to the installation of water in Oak Street. Mr. Driscoll said that he thought water should be put in Oak Street for Mr. Larson. The Chairman asked if it were to he put in with town labor or let out on contract. If the town does it, it may not be installed this year and if it is let out on contract it will cost considerably more that if it is down by the town. Mr. Nickerson asked if the Planning Board has arrived at any agreement with Mr. Larson. Mr. Adams replied that he thought Mr. Peters, attorney for Mr. Larson, was going to contact the Town Counsel. Mr. Nickerson suggested that the water be installed in Oak Street with Town labor, contingent upon the Board receiving, before the. work is started, an agreement from Larson to accept the layout of the new street and ten feet on Oak Street. The Chairman asked if all members of the Board were in favor of putting the water in with town labor and no one objected. It was agreed that the Chairman would dis- cuss this matter further with the Town Counsel. A letter was received from the Appropriation Commi- ttee stating that the matter of the Visiting Nurse Asso- ciation has been laid on the table until such time -as the Board of Health makes some definite recommendation. Application for a Certificate of Incorporation was received from the Secretary of the Commonwealth on behalf of Genevieve and Robert S. McMillan, 38 Moon Hill. The Chairman read a satisfactory character reference from the Chief of Police. 'Upon motion of Mr. Hoyt, seconded by Mr. Driscoll, it was voted to sign the certificate of incorporation. Application for a Certificate of Incorporation was received from the Secretary of the Commonwealth on behalf of Alfred P. Tropeano,25 Vine Brook Road. The Chairman read a satisfactory character reference from the Chief of Police. Upon motion of Mr. Nickerson, seconded by W. Gay, it was voted to sign the Certificate of Incorporation. Notice was received from the Department of Public Works advising'that a public hearing will be held on November 15, 1949, at 10:00 A. M.% Room 166 State House, with reference to the installation of flashing light signals at the Woburn Street Grade crossing. 403 Water in Oak Street V.N.A. Cert. of Inc. Cert. of Inc. Grade Cross- ing Woburn St. 404 The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Lynch with Harmon reference to the communication received by the Board Case from Pierre A. Northrup regarding the recent trial of the Harmon case. Upon motion of Mr. Nickerson, seconded by Mr. Gay, it was voted to refer Mr. Northrup's letter to the Town Counsel. Further consideration was given to Mrs. Ivusic's Tax offer to purchase Lot #55 Hillside Avenue. The Chairman Title informed the Board that she has acquired a lot on either side as she agreed to do with the understanding that the three lots are to be consolidated. Mr. Hoyt moved that Lot #55 Hillside Avenue be sold and conveyed to Mrs. Margaret Ivusic. Mr. Gay seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Clerk informed the Board that Mrs. Ivusic came into the office and said that she would also like to purchase lots 52 and 53 for a garden. The Chairman agreed to advise Mrs. Ivusic that the Selectmen are not interested in disposing of these lots. A letter was received from Edmund Morelli with !Vet's. reference to Veterans Lot #6 on Hill Street. Mr. Morelli Lots stated that Lot #7 appears to be a better lot inasmuch as the land is much drier and he would like to exchange lot #6 for lot #7.. Mr. Gay moved that Mr. Morelli's request be granted. Mr. Nickerson seconded the motion and it was so voted. A letter was received from the Planning Board, a Class B. copy of which was mailed to each Selectman, with reference Streets to the acceptance of Class B streets. The Clerk was instructed to place this on the agenda for next week. An application was received from the Simmons Club of Use of Lexington requesting permission to conduct a puppet show - Hall in Estabrook Hall on Saturday morning November 19 and 26. The purpose of the show is to raise money for the Simmons College scholarship. Mr. Nickerson moved that the use of the hall be granted subject to a charge of $10., Mr. Gay seconded the motion and it was so voted. Use of Hall An application was received from the Lexington Taxpayers' Association requesting permission to conduct a business meet- ing in Cary Hall on October 27th. Mr. Hoyt moved the use of the hall be granted free of charge. Mr. Nickerson seconded the motion and it was so voted. 0.4 1 The Chairman irtor ed the Board that Mr. Grindle has suggested'Mrs. John F. Rich as a member of the Dental Clinic. Mr. Gay moved that Mrs. Rioh be appointed to serve as a member of the Dental Clinic to 1111 the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mrs. Philippart. Mr. Hoyt seconded the motion and it was so voted. The meeting adjourned at 11:50 P. M. ZSA ectmen 405 Apptt.