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August 28, 1949
A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held
in the Selectmen's Room on Monday evening, August 28, 1949,
at 7:30 P. M. There were present: Chairman Emery, Messrs.
Gay, Nickerson and Hoyt. Mrs. Flaherty, Acting Clerk, was
also present.
The Chairman read a letter from the Boston & Maine
Railroad advising the Board of their intention to elim-
inate four trains on account of insufficient patronage.
The subject was generally discussed and it was felt that B & M
some publicity should be given to this announcement in R. R.
the local paper this week. The Chairman agreed to answer
the letter and advise the Boston & Maine that such public-
ity was being given and that the final reaction of the
Board would be based upon the reaction of the public.
The Chairman advised the Board it had been brought to
his attention that the appointment of the Committee on Town
the Advantages and Disadvantages of having a Town Manager Manager,
had never been incorporated in the Selectmen's records Committee
although the appointments had been made on June 27, 1949.
Upon motion of Mr. Hout, seconded by Mr. Nickerson, it
was voted to approve the action of the Board in appoint-
ing the follow ing members as of June 27, 1949:
Henry Brask Errol H. Locke Michael Hopkins
William Ballard Donald Hathaway
The Clerk was instructed to confirm these appointments
in a letter to the Town Clerk.
An application was read from the Beta Sigma Phi Rummage
Sorority for the use of the Barnes Property on September Sale
24th for`arummage sale. Upon motion of Mr. Hoyt, seconded
by Mr. Gay, it was voted to approve the application but
to advise the Sorority that the property would not be open
on Friday evening.
An application was received from the V. F. W. for the
use of. Estabrook Hall and a Conference Room on the even- Use of
ings of September 7th and 21st from 8:00 to 11:00 P. M. hall
for meetings. Upon motion of Mr. Gay, seconded by Mr.
Nickerson, it was voted to approve the application, the
use of the hall to be granted free of charge.
The Chairman read a letter from the National Citizens'
Committee for United Nations Day in reference to a proposal
for a celebration on United National Day, Monday, October
24, 1949. The Chairman agreed to contact Mr. William Roger
Greeley and request him to advise us as to what he thought
U. N. Day
would comstitute a proper program for Lexington to
on that date.
At 7:45 P. M. nineteen residents of Wright and
James Streets and Ridgeway Road met with the Board
to speak in favor of the petition which they had
filed that day for water in these respective streets.
The Chairman read the petition which had been
signed by every family and was informed that there
was a representative of every family present at
the meeting.
Mrs. Flora Martin, 7 Rangeway Road, said that
she had gone around with the petition and everyone
had signed it. At the present time several families
were out of water. Others have artesian wells and
there is no protection in case of a fire.
Mr. DeFoe, Supt. of Public Works, arrived
at the meeting at 7:50 P. M.
Mrs. Coulombe, 23 Rangeway Road, said she
Water had been out of water for five days. At that time
Request the Fire Department had given her 1,000 gallons.
She did not feel that she should continue calling
the Fire Department for assistance and at the
present time is going down to Winter Street with
buckets and carrying the water, which was more
than a quarter of a mile. She realizes that her
well will not be filled for possibly two months.
She cannot ask her neighbors for help for many
of them are also carrying water.
The Chairman said that the Board was very
sympathetic to their cause. He advised them that
the Fire Department will continue to fill their
wells whenever possible. Mrs.. Coulombe asked
if they would come as often as called and the
Chairman replied in the affirmative.
The Chairman said that water was considered
for these streets about two years ago but at
that time there was not sufficient response on
the part of the residents. However, there was
no doubt as to the enthusiasm this evening. He
explained that the Town intends to put water in
this vicinity late this fall and possibly some
relief could be assured. However, he did not
know what could be done until the subject was
given further study. He asked if they were familiar
with the cost of such a project.
The general opinion was that they were willing
to pay for it if they could have the water and
they had been under the impression that it might
cott as high as $5.00 per front foot.
The Chairman explained that the cost was $1.50
a front foot, one half of the cost, in theory, being
assumed by the Town, and the other half by the abutter.
If the water is put in on more than one street sim-
ultaneously the assessment is figured on the anger side. ✓
Mg. Emery asked if these prices were agreeable and
the group was unanimous in the opinion that there
would be no objection. Mr. Emery explained that
he wanted to understand how the betterment was figured
so that there would not be unwarranted requests for
abatement aftef the bills were sent out.
The Chairman asked if anyone wanted to speak a-
gainst the petition and there were none.
The Chairman asked fi they would be willing to
give the Board some time to consider the problem and go
over the situation with the Supt. of Public Works
to find out if the money is available for the work, and whether
or not anything can be done this year. He assured them that they
would receive a letter within two weeks stating just
what will be done.
The Chairman told them to call the Fire De-
partment if they needed water and if they encountered
any difficulties to contact the Selectmen's Office.
The group retired at 8:05 P. M. and Messrs. Jensen
and Munch of East Street met with the Board.
The Chairman read a petition which had been
presented by a group of residents on East Street, re-
questing that shade trees be planted in this section.
Mr. Jensen explained that they were new resident.
of Lexington having purchased new homes on East Street.
He said that he was speaking for the petitioners in
requesting that, if possible, some trees be planted
along the street lines of their properties on East
Street between Ridge Road and Lowell Street. He said
he hdd been advised to ask the Board if this could
be done.
The Chairman asked if he was speaking for both
sides of the street and he replied in the negative.
He said he felt the whole area would benefit by the
trees being planted.
The Chairman explained that he had been unable
to obtain information from the Superintendent of
Parks as to just what, if anything, could be done
and he would like to consult him before any decision
could be r eached. Hee xplained that he did not know
if there was sufficient money in the budget to do
anything at this time but would be glad to look in-
to the matter, and would let him know within a few
days. Heasked if this was agreeable to Mr. Jensen
and both he and Mr. Munch agreed. They retired at
8:15 P. M.
Shade Trees
The Chairman asked Mr. DeFoe if he would speak
briefly on the petition which had been presented for
water this evening.
Mr. DeFoe said that he intended to have a survey
made and water would be put in as far as Grove Street
this fall. It will go over Hillcrest, out Winter to
Grove Street. He presented a sketch showing the pro-
posed location and also the position of the:streets
for which water had been requested. He estimated
that the cost for water in Wright, James and Range-
way would be approximately $7,600.
The Chairman explained that it would be pretty
hard to overlook a petition such as presented this
evening and asked if the money was available and if
the work could be done by possibly delaying for a
week or two some other project.
Mr. DeFoe said that he was anxious to complete
the Bedford Street water job and make the connection
but the Board felt that the town was not required
to supply the water to the hospital this fall.
There was a discussion of the various jobs
planned for the balance of the year and of the money
available. Mr. DeFoe stated that he would have
the money but there was a question of time.
The Chairman asked how the other members of the
Board felt about approving water for these streets.
Mr. finery asked Mr. DeFoe if he thought they
should hold up this installation until after the 12"
main was completed. Mr. DeFoe said that he could .do
Water it sooner and they would get water but he would
Request question the fire protection. He said they would
get water out of their faucets and after the com-
pletion of the other job, or within a few months,
the pressure would be greater. He felt that after
the demonstration by the group at the meeting this
evening that something should be done. He considered
it one of the most enthusiastic groups ever request-
ing such a service.
Mr. Nickerson said he was definitely in favor of
inatalljng the water main.
The Chairman said that he felt this should be
explained to the Appropriation Committee inasmuch as
this group of streets was not on the list submitted
to them when the Budget was approved. It could also.
be explained that some of the work approved was not
to be done this year.
Mr. DeFoe agreed to look into the matter and let
the Board know just what could be done.
The Chairman read a letter from Mrs. Hargrove,
Water 3058 Massachusetts Avenue, requesting the Board to
Massachusettsgive further consideration to the installation of a
Avenue water main in this distriot. Mr. DeFoe agreed to .see
Mrs. Hargrove and advise her that sufficient signatures
had not been obtained from abutters.
Upon motion of Mr. Nickerson, seconded by Mr. Gay,
it was voted to authorizd Mr. Burns to make the nec- Survey
ess:/ry survey for the acceptance of Liberty, Ledgelawn,. At.thorized
Hamilton and Braemore Terrace.
Upon motion of Mr. Nickerson, seconded by Mr. Gay,
it was voted to accept the bid of Robert Fawcett &
Son, Inc. of $12.49 a ton to supply the coal for the Bid for
Cary Memorial and Town Office Building; and to accept Coal
the bid of the Lexington Coal Company of $12.48 a ton
to supply the coal for the Public Works Building.
After a lengthy discussion by Mr. DeFoe with
reference to the guard rail on Grove Street it was
decided that he should contact the State Department
of Public Works and ascertain whether or not he could
obtain an exact amount to match the funds available
in his account.
Chapter 90
Grove Street
Mr. DeFoe reported that he had gone over the
location on Cedar Street owned by Max H. Straw, who Cedar St.
had requested drainage work. He feels that this can Drainage
be put over until the spring and the funds included
in the 1950 budget. He said he would contact Mr.
Straw and explain this to him.
The Chairman requested Mr. DeFoe to advise the Town
Board as soon as possible whether or not he had any Meeting_
items which might be presented if the Board decided projects
it was necessary to call a special town meeting.
The Chairman read a letter from Daniel O'Connell,
attorney for John Sullivan of 2407 Massachusetts Avenue,
in the amount of $225.00 against his property on Paul
Revere Road for the installation of a water main.
After carefully considering this assessment the Board
agreed that this petition should be denied and Mr.
O'Connell so advised.
The Chairman read a letter from Daniel O'Connell,
attorney for Irma King, 44 Paul Revere Road, requesting
an abatement of $187.50., the amount of the betterment ,Abatement
assessed against her property as the result of the in-
stallation of the water main. Careful consideration
was given to the request and the Board agreed this..
abatement should be denied and Mr. O'Connell so advised.
Mr. DeFoe retired at 8:10 P. M.
At 9:15 P. M. Chief John W. Rycroft of the Police
Department met with the Board for a general discussion
of his Department.
The-Gha4rPA� a i etter.frol Arthur -F$ e,
The Chairman read a letter from Arthur B. Pike,
128 Burlington Street, requesting permission to move
a small building from his property to another part of
his property at 137 Burlington Street. John Shaughnessy
of Woburn is to move the building and will furnish a
bond. The Clerk was instructed to check this with the
Chief of Police and also Mr. Garrity before issuing the
The subject of the Sunday Sales License was die -
cussed and it was explained that the law governing
Sunday these licenses comes under Chapter 136, Section 7 of
Sales the General Laws. This law is subject to enforcement
License by the Chief of Police
The Chiu' of Pol#pe retired at 8:30 P. M.
The Chairman read a letter from Joseph L. Bres-
nahan requesting permission to conduct a pony ring
on Massachusetts Avenue, between #89 and 93, where the
fairs and carnivals are usually conducted. A letter
was also read from the Chiefof Police recommending
a temporary license. After some discussion the Clerk
was instructed to check with the Board of Appeals as
to the zoning law in this district and whether or
not it would be necessary to have a hearing. Mr.
Bresnahan appeared before the Board at this time
and was advised of this action.
A letter received from Henry M. Sanger, 9 Pat-
ricia Terrace, Arlington, was read by the Chairman.
He complained that there was considerable shooting
on the "Whipple Estate" and he asked to have it checked.
The Chairman read a letter from the Chief of
Police in which he stated that he had checked this
report and that this general area is under close ob-
Complaint servance and is patrolled more than any other placd
in Lexington. He said guns have been taken away from
violators in this section but that it is possible
that some of the shooting occurs in.Winchester inas-
much as the dividing line is at the top of the hill
on this Estate. The Chairman agreed to write Mr.
Sanger and advise him of this report.
The Chairman read a letter from Herbert V.
Jones &Company of Kansas City in which a request.
Lex. Hist. was made for a historical object from this community
Society to be placed in Lexington Court in a housing project
in that city. The Chairman agreed to contact the
Lexington Historical Society and ask for their sug--.:
A letter was received from Daniel A. Lynch, Town
Counsel, recommending the adoption of rules and re-
gulations for hawkers and pedlers in the Town of Lex- Legal
ington. The Clerk was requested to send a copy to each
member and to hold it over for discussion at the next
An offer was recived from Walter Cunha, 139 Reed
Street, of $30.00 for lot 3, Block 95, Reed Street. Tax Title
The Clerk was instructed to advise Mr. Cunha that the Property
Board would entertain an offer of $50.00 for this lot.
An offer was received from Anthony Iodice of $150
for the purchases of lots 57, 58 and 59 Morris Street,
Lexington. It was agreed that the members of the
Board would look at these lots during the week and Tax Title
further consideration given the offer at the next meet- Property
The Chairman read a letter from the Lovell Bus
Lines, Inc. stating their reasons for wanting the pro-
posed bus line over Watertown Street. It w as agreed
to delay the decision for one week and to advise the
Company that they would be advised of the Board's action
after September 10th.
Upon motion of Mr.
it was voted to approve
Kenneth Blodgett
Countryside Associated
Lexington Theatre
Gay, seconded by Mr. Nickerson,
and sign the following licenses:
269 Bedford St. Sunday Sales
Lowell St. Sunday Golf
Mass. Ave. Sunday Movies
Bus Permit
The Chairman explained that he had a call from
Peter Helburn which had been followed up with a letter
complaining about the conditions at the Lincoln Street Dump
Dump. The Chairman with Mr. burns, had inspected the
dump on Saturday and he agreed to acknowledge Mr. Hel-
burn's letter advising him that Mr. DeFoe, Sup't of
Public Works, will make an investigation.
A general discussion was held with reference to
the Board of Assessors and the possibility of an article
for the warrant if a special t own meeting is called.
The Chairman asked the other members of the Board
if there were any articles which should be in the
warrant for town meeting and after some discussion
it was decided to hold this over until the next
The meeting adjourned at 10:50 P. M.
Actitfg Clerk