HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-06-01210 SELECTMEN'S MEETING June 1, 1949 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Wednesday evening, June 1, 1949, at 7:30 P. M. Chairman Emery, Messrs. Gay, Driscoll and Nickerson were present. The Clerk was also present. Further consideration was given to the appointment April 19th of the committee of fifteen, authorized by vote of the Committee Adjourned Town Meeting held on March 21, 1949, to pre- pare plans for the 175th Annivexrsary of the Battle of Lexington on April 19, 1950. Upon motion of Mr. Drisooll, seconded by Mr. Gay, it was voted to appoint the following individuals: Comic Books Mrs. Seldon M. Loring Cornelius P. Cronin Raymond E. Lewis Mrs. Jouz M. Cook A. Edward Rowse Carl G. Vienot. Tracy W. Ames Haskell W. John F. Dowd Winthrop H. Bowker Walker L. Chamberlin Richard R. Harding Ronald D. Brown Mrs. Edward H. Mara Vernon C. Page Reed The Board approved the Chairman's suggestion that a.:meeting be called, for the purpose of organization, to be held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Build- ing, on Thursday, June 9 at 8:00 P. M. At 8:00 P. M. Mrs. Andolina, Mrs. Buckley, Mrs. Morris and Mr. Gurnsey of the Lexington Parent-Teacher Association and the following merchants met with the Board to discuss the subject of comic books: Kenneth Blodgett, Mr. Winslow and George Smith. Letters were received from Mr. Thivierge and Mr. Martin who were unable to attend this meeting. The Chairman explained that in February Mrs. Buckley and Mrs. Andolina met with the Board and wanted something done about the sale of comic books in Lexington. He outlined what has been done up to this time, and said that he felt some approach to the problem could be made without necessitating legal measures. He asked if the list of comic books that the P. T. A. deem to be objectionable was complete and Mrs. Buckley replied that to the best of her knowledge it is complete. An informal but lengthy discussion was held on the subject and the Chairman stated that the Selectmen are. interested but he doubted very much if they had any jurisdiction or control in the matter. He suggested that the individuals present arrange to gettogether and sel- ect a committee to work out the problem to the satisfaction of both the P. T. A. and the merchants. frami 1 The group retired at 8:20 P. M. A hearing was declared open upon the petition of the Boston Edison Company and the New England Telephone & Telegraph Company for permission to place two poles on the Cambridge -Concord Highway between Blossom Street and Blossom Crest. Mr. Arthur C. Fletcher, 46 Blossom Crest was the only person present at the hearing. He said that he had no objection but just wanted to know what it is all about. Upon motion of Mr. Driscoll, seconded by Mr. Nickerson, it was voted that the petition be granted and the order signed. Mr. Fletcher stated that he is going to build three houses and intends to purchase three more lots and said that he would be needing water. The Chairman explained very definitely that Mr. Fletcher should not proceed believing that he w ill be able to have the water installed. He stated that the Selectmen cannot commit themselves in any way because of the very large program. He suggested that Mr. Fletcher contact the Superintendent of Public works and discuss this. with him. Mr. Fletcher retired at 8:25 P. M. Chairman Cromwell, Messrs. Johnson, Potter and Ripley of the Planning Board, Mr. Blackwell, Mr. De - Foe and Mr. Burns met with the Board. Mr. Cromwell explained that the Planning Board would like to discuss a parking area between Edison Way and Depot Square. He stated that parking meters are to be installed and some of the owners of the property have taken the attitude that the project would be more likely to go through if a road were built. He said that Mr. DeFoe has been working on the proposition and plans have been drawn up for such a road. The Chairman stated thatthe Selectmen were intri- gued when Mr. Johnson and Mr. Bateman first brought this to the Board's .attention. Mr. Cromwell said that in general the Planning Board is of the opinion that it will be desirable to have the circulation in and around the town in addition to parking meters. Unless the road is put in it may not be developed properly or developed at all.. Mr. Johnson said that from what Mr. Bateman has told him the back land was purchased by the owners of the block for the sole purpose of parking, and they are interested in developing it for that purpose. Mr. Bate- man has been in touch with the railroad officials and they are in agreement but the whole project rests on someone taking the responsibility. The only advisable angle from which to approach it seems to be from the town. The Chairman asked if the Board's understanding that all the owners are willing to go along is correct and Mr. Johnson replied that -they are waiting for the town to assume the responsiblility. ::The railroad is willing to turn the property over tot"%.e town but not 211 Pole Location Proposed Road Ed- ison Way to Depot Square 212 to anyone else. The Chairman asked what the Planning Board pro- posed and Mr. Cromwell said that the Planning Board would lend support to the Selectmen or anyone else who wants to put the road through. Mr. Potter said that it is just a question of the Planning Board recommending that an article be inserted in the warrant requesting the amount of money necessary to construct the road, and in the meantime have an agree- ment between the owners of the property to have the road go through. Mr. Cromwell said that the Planning Board would be very glad to carry this project to the Town Meeting. Mr. Johnson questioned if the Planning Board would have the authority to enter into agreenort.q with the p operty Ovms-'s . icke'"3o . r.:021'_'Pd 13 to th. -crt `a.1(2 .TT'. Do7oe replied that he thinks $7,000 will be sufficient. Mr. Burns stated that most of the grading is really a case of filling and that it will not be necessary to bisect any land. He said that he would expect, and in fact insist, that the Boston Edison Company give the Town the right of way. If it is a public way the Town will then have complete authority to work on it. He stated that the Boston Edison Company is very willing to go ahead with it. The Chairman asked if this project has the endorse- ment of the Board and all members were im accord. Mr. Cromwell stated that the Planning Board would also like to discuss the possible development of a park - Parking ing area on the vacant land fronting on Clark Street, Area now owned by the Town, and adjoining the Cary Memorial Clark Library. Street The chairman asked if the Planning Board has any plans to put a street through to Muzzey Street at any time, and Mr. Potter replied that the Parking Committee recommednded it. Mr. Cromwell said that even though the area is used for parking it could still be used for street purposes at some later date. The Chairman felt thpt this should be discussed with the Library Trustees. Mr. Cromwell asked if, subject to discussing it with the Library Trustees and certain otherthings, the Board of Selectmen would be in favor. The Chairman said that personally he felt before the Board could indicate approval or disapproval of the project it should be referred to the Trustees. Mr. Nickerson inquired as to the cost and fir. Cromwell said that it would cost about $1,000. Mr. Cromwell said that the Planning Board would discuss this project with the Board at some later date. A short discussion was held relative to the possiblility of ti14, Town acquiring a parcel of land which might enable the town to extend Outlook Drive 1 1 to Marrett Road. The rlanning Board agreed to have Mr. Potter endeavor to obtain an option. The group retired at 8:50 P. M. Mr. DeFoe and Mr. Fitzgerald of the Veteran's Hospital in Bedford met with the Board, to obtain the Board's signatures on the contract for supply- ing water to the V. A. The chairman explained that the Twon Counsel wanted the Selectmen to hold the contract until credentials had been exchanged between the Town and the g overnment. Mr. DeFoe presented credentials, signed by the Town Clerk, for the Town and Mr. Fitzgeral presented his credentials. The Lhairman asked if the Selectmen were ready to sign the contract on the recommendations of the Town Counsel and Mr. DeFoe. Mr. Gay moved that the contract be signed and Mr. Driscoll seconded the motion. The Superintendent of Public Works did not leave a copy for the Selectmen's Files. Mr. Fitzgerald retired at 9:25 P. M. Mr. DeFoe presented a suggested list of bidders with reference to the proposed water main in Bedford Street. After considerable discussion a list of fif- teen anmes was decided upon and the Chairman agreed to obtain reports on the group from Dun and Bradstreet. Further consideration will be given the subject at the next meeting of the Board. 'Mr. DeFoe reported that he has checked with the abutters on Colony Road with reference to the install- ation of the proposed sewer. Mr. Baskin has no object- ion. Mr. Day is living in a new house and does not feel that he can afford to pay any assessment. Mr. Sears, who is building a house to be completed in two months, will not say if he can finish in time to connect. The Burtons who own three parcels of land are unableto pay the assessments as well as for the construction of the road. After giving the matter serious consideration Mr. Gay moved t at the Board not authorize the install- ation of the proposed sewer lateral in Colony Road. Mr. Nickers.n seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe stated that he had received a request from a group on •olony Road to hire the sweeper to clean the road. Mr. DeFoe was advised that the Board is of the opinion 213 V. A. Water Contract Signed d Colony Road Sewer that no depa of not autho or unaccepte Mr. DeF struction fo require an e some 8" pipe looks more 1 ture should be made from the Board's policy, izing work or equipment rental on private streets. E reported on the proposed water main con - Grandview Avenue. He stated that it will Water tension of approximately 240 feet. He had Main left over that he can use, and said that it ke a boulder.,consition then ledge. The Equip- ment Rent- al 214 Calculating Chairman suggested that he contact the abutters across the street and report to the Board next week. Mr. DeFoe requested permission to purchase a new calculating machine. He explained that the Munroe mach- ine now being used is 27 years old, manually operated and worn out. He obtained bids on both Munroe and Mar- chant machines. The Munroe will cost $500 less 10% less a trade-in of $60. The Marchant will cost $500 Machine less $25 less a trade-in of $40. Mr. Nickerson moved that the Supt. of Public Works be authorized tourchase a Munroe calculating machine at a net cost of 6390. Mr. Gay seconded the motion and it was s o voted. Mr. DeFoe reported that the County has no money available for guard rail, Chapter 90 Construction on Grove Street. The State, however, has 1/3 or $900 Chapt. available. The State is willing to contribute $900 90 together with $900 from the town and do as much work Grove St. as can be done for that amount of money. The Chairman suggested the pbssibility of using any money which might be left over from the Waltham Street Chapter 90 construction. Mr. DeFoe agreed to obtain more information for the next meeting of the Board. Mr. DeFoe informed the Board that some individual is building_a house on Bertwell Road which was started some time during the winter. He said that if the water main in installed he would recommend that it be put in only half way down the street. The only abutter involved is the petitioner. Mr. DeFoe stated that he would only put in sixty feet of six inch main at a cost of $300. Upon motion of Mr. Nickerson, seconded by Mr. Driscoll, it was voted to grant Mr. DeFoe's request for permission to install approximately sixty feet of six-inch main at a cost not to exceed $300. The Chairman read a letter from Margaret A. McKearney, Claim 125 Grant Street, claiming damages in the amount of $95.55 as a result of the construction of Grant Street. Miss McKearney has written to the contractor, George Brox, Inc. but received no reply. The Chairman asked the Supt. of Public Works for a report for the next meeting of the Board. Bertwell Road Water Main Betterment The Chairman read a letter from Daniel J. with reference to water betterment assessment against property at 2407 Massachusetts Avenue John Sullivan. Upon motion of Mr. Nickerson, by Mr. Driscoll, it was voted to advise Mr. 0' that there is a betterment to the property and it may be handled on a deferred basis. Mr. DeFoe retired at 10:59 P. M. O'Connell levied owned by seconded Connell explain that 1 1 Letter was received from the Boston Edison Company requesting permission to locate five poles on Home- stead Street, a private way. The proposed locations were approved by the Town Engineer. Upon motion of Mr. Nickerson, seconded by Mr. Gay, it was voted to grant the request. A claim was received from John LaRose for reim- bursement to the Town from the County for board and care of five dogs. The Board authorized the Chair- man to sign the form. A letter was received from Mr. Lynch together with petition for the passage of a bill authorizing the Town of Lexington to appropriate money for the celebration of the 175th anniversary of the Battle of Lexington. Mr. Nickerson moved that the petition and proposed act be signed and returned to the Town Counsel. Mr. Gay seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Chairman read a letter from Mrs. Jeanette Fountain, 23 Farmcrest Avenue with reference to restraining her dog. She stated that if there is any more trouble she will restrain the dog herself. The Board reviewed the evidence and upon motion of Mr. Nickerson, seconded by Mr. Gay, it was voted to order the dog restrained. A petition was received from Kendall Johnson, attorney for Elmira Munroe, requesting an abatement of the water betterment assessment levied against the Munroe property on Maple Street. The petition and correspondence was given to the Superintendent of Public lrorks and the Chairman agreed to discuss this with him. 215 Pole Location Dog Officer Act re; 175th Celebration Restraining Order --Dogs Munroe Water Betterment Assessment A bill for $1.00 was received from the Town Clerk for a poll listing book given to Mr. Charles Ferguson. Mr. Nickerson moved that the bill be paid from the Selectmen's Expenses Account. Mr. Driscoll seconded the motion and it was so voted. A letter was received from Frank L. Stevens, 11 Winthrop Road, with reference to the Town Dump on Lincoln Street. The Board authorized the Chariman to send a copy of this communication to the Town Counsel. A letter was received from the Town Counsel in reply to inquiries made by the Selectmen, as a result of communication from Appropriation Committee, re- garding special fees charged by the Town Counsel. The Clerk was instructed to send a copy of Mr. Lynch's letter to the Appropriation Committee. Dump Law Department Account 216 Further consideration was given to the request of citizens in the Burlington Street area relative to the Kinneen Pond area being prepared for softball. The Chairman said that he has c,iven this matter considerable thought and he does not feel that the Board has any authority to embark on a project which will eventually cost the town $2,000 or 43,000. He said he felt that the Board would b e criticised if such Kinneen a project were started without discussing it with Pond the Appropriation Committee or Town Meeting. He informed the Board that he went over the area with Jack Garrity on Saturday morning. Mr. Garrity feels that when the Town comes to do the work rocks, boulders, etc, will be encountered, and it would be a bad condition for children. He also felt that there would have to be a backstop. Mr. Garrity believes a drain should be run from Kinneen's Pond down through the proposed soft- ball area to drain the pond, clean it up and have it made usable the year round. The Chairman agreed to write to Mr. Ferguson and explain the Board's postion. The Board gave further consideration to Mr. Maurice Ginzler's offer of $200 for lots 492 and 493 on .Balfour Tax Street.. A proposal to sell these lots was advertised Title in the May 26, 1949, issue of the Lexington Minute Man. Property No persons contacted the Selectmen's Office as a result of the F1d1=crtisement. Mr. Gay moved that the offer be accepted and that Lots 492 and 493 Balfour Street be sold and conveyed to Mr. Ginzler. Mr. Nickerson seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Baskin's request to have all betterments levied against property owned by him deferred was held over from last week. The Chairman agreed to write Mr. Baskin and convey the Selectmen's opinion that under t he circum- stances they would not be warranted in agreeing to have the town finance the betterments pending the sale of the properties involved. Further consideration was given to Mr. Baskin's re- quest for the abatement of the entire betterment assess- ment levied against his property for the construction of Assess- Grant Street. The Board, having inspected the property ment again, decided that the betterments assessed against lots 146, 147 and 14R should not be abated or rOdUCed, the kosteg1pant or Is L.n'7 on lot Itz' 151 111)1•3 Q)(10 to $450.00. A An application was received from the Veterans of Foreign Wars requesting permission to conduct meetings in Estabrook Hall and a conference room on the evening of June 15, 1949. Mr. Gay moved that the used be granted free of charge. Mr. Nickerson seconded the motion and it was so voted. Use of hall Pwri 1 217 An application was received.from the Lexington Junior High School requesting permission to use Cary Use of Hall on June 15 for rehearsal and June 16 for graduation. hall Mr. Nickerson moved that the used be granted free of charge. Mr. Gay seconded the motion and it was so voted. The 'hairman read a letter from the Chief of Police advising that a check was made on several occasions over the week -end to detebmine, whether or not work was being Zoar done on a house located on Zoar Avenue. No violation Ave. was noted. Upon motion of Mr. Gay, seconded by Mr. Nickerson, it was voted to grant the following licenses: Lex. Service Station 329 Mass. Ave. 2nd Class Agent (renewal) The 1775 House, Inc. ' 130 Pleasant St. Common Victualler (new) William Viano 1794 Mass. Ave. Sunday Movies Countryside Associates Lowell St. It Golf The meeting adjourned at 11:40 P. M.