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19th of
February.28, 1949
A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was
held in the Selectmen's Room on Monday evening at 7:30
P.M. There were present: Chairman Paxton, Messrs.
Emery, Gay, Driscoll and Nickerson. The Clerk was also
The Chairman read a letter from the Minute Man
Chapter of United World Federalists to which was
attached a copy of a proclamation for the Board's
signature. Mr. Emery suggested that -Mr. Adams amend the
proclamation and submit it to the Chairman of the Board
before publishing it in the newspaper.
The Chairman read a letter from Viano Properties,
Inc. with reference to the town widerixg the brook, a
portion of which is located on the Viano property on
Bedford Street. The Chairman explained that this
lettetois the result of cleaning and widening of the
North Lexington Brook near the Fire Station. There
is a special Act accepted by the town which giyes the
town the right to enter on to provate property to clean
brooks. He explained that this is the first time to
his knowledge that sny -complaint has ever been made.
The Chairman said that if the brook is cleaned out it
will help the entire area. The Board was of the opinion
that Mr. DeFoe should contact Mr. Viano and possibly
discuss the matter with the Town Counsel.
The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Edwin B. Worthen
with reference to the sidewalks along both sides of
Depot Park. The Clerk was instructed to acknowledge
Mr. Worthen's letter and advise him that funds have been
included in the 1949 appropriations for the installation
of a sidewalk, and curbing on the westerly side of Depot
Mr. Emery stated that Mr. Winlock, Chairman of the
Appropriation Committee, had inquired as to whether or
not a compromise should be reached on the 19th of April
appropriation. The Appropriation Committee are recommend-
ing $800. Mr. Emery moved that the Board's approval of
4,500. be -revised to 4 1,250. -Mr. Nickerson seconded
the motion, and it was so voted.
The Chairman explained that there has been con-
flicting reports as to just how much money the 19th of
April Committee would need and suggested that Mr. Froth-
ingham and Mr. Seltzer be invited to meet with the Board
next Monday night, if they can act for the committee.
Mr. DeFoe met with the Board at 8:00 P.M.
He reported that he had talked with Doctor Adams today
who advised him that Mr. Gray, the administrator in
Washington, has approved the project for furnishing
water to the Veterans' Hospital in Bedford.
The agreement is now in the Bureau of the
Budget for funds. Doctor Adams told him that there
may be a few angles on the phrasing of the contract
but substantially it seems to be all right. He expects
to hear from Washington very shortly. Mr. DeFoe stated
that he explained to Doctor Adams how necessary it is
to have the contract signed before Town Meeting. Doctor
Adams seems to be eptimistic that the contract will be
signed and if he doesn't hear from Washington within
a few days he will contact Mr. Gray. The Chairman said
that if this does not come through before Town Meeting it
is difficult to explain what the Board's attitude may be
after it does come through. He thought a representative
of the Veterans* Administration should be at Town Meeting.
Mr. Emery said that he understood from Mr. DeFoe's dis-
cussion that he thought if a favorable bid were received
the government might renege. Mr. Emery said that on the
other hand if the town does not obtain bids before Town
Meeting the project will have to be sold to the Town as
a bargain. Mr. Emery asked Mr. DeFoe why he felt con-
cerned about asking for bids. Mr. DeFoe replied that if
he obtained a bid that was quite low and the contract
has not been signed the government might take the attitude
that the town should contribute on a percentage bads.
The Chairman asked if the Board wanted to let the
matter go along or authorize the Superintendent to obtain
bids. It was decided not to request bids until after the
contract has been signed.
Mr. DeFoe exPlained that the Board of Health was Connecting
desirous of having all sewers in the Manor connected by of sewers
January 1, 1950. He explained that the Public Works in Manor
Department is supposed to obtain a down payment and he Section
is not just sure how to handle it. The Chairman said that
he thought the Supt. of Public Works should arrange to
discuss this with the Town Counsel and the Chairman of
the Board of Health. Mr. DeFoe agreed.
Mr. DeFoe stated that a Mrs. Valihura of Valleyfield
Street would like to remove cinders from the schools and
put them on Valleyfield Street, at her own expense. The
Chairman said that as far as the Board of Selectmen is
concerned he dict-iot know why it would make any difference
but he thought it would be a problem that should have the
approval of the School Department. The Town does not
Water at
of ashes
New Hours
Approved for
Fire Dept.
Use of Hall
charge the schools and the removal of ashes is charged
to the Ashes and Dump Appropriation. He said he thought
if the School Department gave her permission to do
it she should write a letter absolving the Town of
any claims of damage. Mr: Emery suggested that the
Superintendent advise Mrs. Valihura that the Town
removes cinders from the -Schools as a public service
to the School Department, and ask her to contact
the School Committee.
The -Chairman informed 11A,DeFoe that the agree-
ment between Meadows and White and the Town of Lex-
ington would not be ready for another month. Mr.
Kelley, the present caretaker of the dump is, there-
Fore, to rem&inuntil such time as the contract has
been approved and signed. Mr. DeFoe retired at 9:00 P.M.
Chairman Thomas J. Donnelly and Harold Roeder
of the Board of Fire Engineers met with the Select-
men. Mr. Donnelly presented each member of the Board
with a plan whereby three new permanent men will be
added to the present permanent personnel; thus
enabling the men a work week of approximately •
seventy hours. Mr. Emery asked if this plan met
with the approval of the Board of Fire Engineers and
Mr. Donnelly replied in the affirmative: Mr. Emery
asked if they intended to put this new schedule in
operation the first of May. Mr. Donnelly replied
that the Fire Engineers would like to have the new
men and the schedule operating May First. Upon
motion of Mr. Gay, seconded by Mr. Driscoll, it was
voted to approve the plan submitted by the Engineers.
Mr. Donnelly explained that the Engineers had
also prepared revised regulations covering the use
of the Veterans' Memorial Ambulance. The uses are
more limited than those now in effect. The rates
have increased from the ones now being charged. The
underlying motive is to save man -power in the Fire
Department and to'have the --ambulance available for
emergencies. The Clerk was instructed to send a cppy
of the revised regulations to all the physicians in
town and explain why they are being charged and ask
if they have any suggestions to submit them before
next Monday night.' Messrs. Donnelly and Roeder
retired at 9:25 P.M.
Mr. Merrill Norlin met with the Board. He
stated that he was representing the Boosters Club
and it is the feeling of the Directors that because
the boys hockey team had performed so capably some
recognition should be made of the achievement with-
out giving over emphasis to athletics. The Boosters
plan to have a banquet and award sweaters to the boys
on the hockey squad. He explained that it will not be
a money making proposition but will be a catered supper
and will cost $ 2.50. The Boosters will make a charge of
50¢ to help defray the cost of the sweaters. They will
give 16 sqeaters at a cost of approximately $12.00.
The Boosters would like permission to hold a banquet in
Cary Hall free of charge. Mr. Gay moved that the Booster's
Club be granted the use of Cary Hall on the evening of
April 6th for a banquet for the Lexington Hockey squad,
free of charge. Mr. Emery seconded the motion, and it
was so voted. Mr. Norlin retired at 8;30 P.M.
A letter was received' from' the Lexington Drum Permit
Corps requesting permission' to conduct rehearsal's on Sun- Drum
days during March and April at the rear of the High School Corps
Mr. Emery moved that the Drum Corps be granted permission
to conduct rehearsals on Sundays provided no complaints
are received. Mr. Nickerson seconded the motion, and it
was so voted.
The Clerk was instructed to advise the organization 4th of
that in so far as the use of the school property is con- July
cerned it will.be necessary to contact the School Depart- Program
A letter was received from the American Legion stating
that the Post is making -plans for an annual Forth of July
event at the Parker Field. They would like to use the
field from July 2 to July 4, inclusive. The Post would
like the Board's tentative approval now as plans are
extensive and call for about the same program as last year,
a bonfire, fire works and midway. The Clerk was instruct-
ed to get an expression to opinion from Mr. Garrity.
An application was received from Ralph W. Cowdrey,
1055 Massachusetts Avenue, for Lot 3 on Hall Street.
Mr. Cowdrey lived in Lexington for twenty-one years
and was inducted from 21 Steadman Road, Lexington. Mr.
Driscoll moved that the application be approved. Mr.
Gay seconded theTnotion, and it was so voted.
The Chairman read a memorandum from Professor Russell
submitting five names of individuals who might serve on
the Board of Health. Further consideration is to be given
to this subject at the next meeting of the Board.
An application was received from the Battle Green
Chapter Order of DeMolay requesting permission to conduct
a plan in Cary Hall on April 9th and a rehearsal on
April 6th. Mr. Emery moved that the use of the hall
for the play be granted subject to a charge of $35.00.
Mr. Driscoll seconded the motion, and it was so voted.
Use of
An application was received from the V. F. W.
requesting permission to conduct a meeting in Esta-
brook Hall and a conference Room on the evenings
Use of March 2 and March 16th. Mr. Emery moved the uses
of be granted free of charge. Mr. Nickerson seconded the
Hall motion, and it was so voted.
Mr. Filipettits offer of $500 for Lot 5. Massachusetts
Tax Avenue, Lexington, was held over for another week.
Land The Clerk informed the Board that Mrs. Harold Wheeler,
representing the Red Cross, would like'permission to
erect a thermometer on Emery Park. Mr._Gay moved that
Red the request be approved. Mr. Driscoll seconded the
Cross mthtion, and it was so voted.
The Chairman informed the Board that bids on
garbage collection are to be received until Monday
Bids noon March first. It was decided to open the bids
next Monday evening.
The•Board discussed at length the analysis sub-
mitted by the Engineering Department of the streets
recently constructed.' Upon motion of Mr. Emery,
seconded by Mr. Nickerson, it was voted to establish
the following rates per foot:
Rhodes Street, Byron and Lockwood Avenues -
-Grant Street 4.75 1/2
Winter Street 4.60
The meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M.
A true record, Attest: