HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-02-07SELECTMEN'S MEETING February 7, 1949 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room on Monday, February 7, 1949, at 7:30 P.M. There were present: Chairman Paxton, Messrs. Emery, Gay, Driscoll and Nickerson. The Clerk was also present. At 7:30 P.M. a hearing was declared open upon the application of Prlex Oil Corporation for permission to maintain one underground tank for the storage of 1,500 gallons of gasoline on premises located at 275 Massachusetts Avenue. No persons appeared in fevor or in opposition. The Chairman explained to the Board that the gasoline was not for public sale but was to be used in the operation of the business. Mr. Gay moved that the application be approved and the license granted. Mr. Driscoll seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman read a letter from Charles B. Hall re- ferring to the sewer betterment assessment levied against his property on Bertwell Road. Mr. Hall stated that he would like to go over this subject with the Board and be shown just how the assessment was figured. The Chairman suggested that the communication be referred to Mr. DeFoe and that he instruct the Town Engineer to contact Mr. Hall and explain the assessment. The Board agreed. The Chairman read a letter from Pearson Hunt asking if it would possible to change the sign now located at the junction of ivIt. Tabor Road and Route #2. The Chairman said that he thought there was a metal sign at this location now and that it might be well to contact the own of Lincoln before any change was made. He agreed to di cuss the matter with Mr. DeFor. A letter was received from C. Rinaldo requesting the installation of a water main on Marrett Road for the purpose of servicing a house which he intends to erect this summer. The Clerk was instructed to request Mr. DeFoe to find out whether or not the other abbtters in this area are interested in having the water main laid. The Chairman read a 43 Hayes Avenue, stated she fell on the steps of her wrist watch and her letter that if there had building and the steps s letter from Mrs. Edmund A. Webb, that on Tuesday evening, January 31, the Town Office Building, breaking left wrist. Mrs. Webb said in the been a light on the outside of the anded she feels the accident would 81 82 never have happened. The Chairman agreed to discuss this with Mr. Lynch and to ask his advice as to the best method of answering Mrs. Webb's letter. The Chairman read a letter from the Lexington Trust Company stating that the Executive Committee is not Legal opposed to the dismissal without prejudice of the case Issue now pending against the Horseshoe Forge. At 7:45 P.M. Mr. Jesse Meadows and Mr. White met with the Board. Mr. Meadows explained that he and Mr. White are in the junk business but their license in Lex- ington doesnot allow them to enter any dumps in the sur- rounding towns. He said that as it is now any one can pick the Lexington dump and he did not think it was fair to the local junk dealers. He said he thought the dump should be limited to local junk men or citizens of the town. The Chairman explained that there is a large van stationed at the Lexington Street dump. The owner picks the dump and then hauls it away. Mr. Meadows said that the owner of this van comes from Billerica and Lexington junk dealers are not allowed to enter Billerica. Mr. White stated that the dump attendant picks the dump him- self; sells the material and hires a truck to haul it away. Mr. Meadows said that he had made an offer of $1.00 a year to.take over the dump. He said that he would guarantee to keep it clean but he never heard any thing from the offer. Mr. Driscoll asked to whom he made the offer and he replied that he had discussed it with. Mr. Weisinger. Mr. Gay asked if he took over the dump would it be his intention to have another man there. Mr. Meadows said he would have a man there at all times and would do anything that the Board suggested or requested. The Chair- man suggested that Mr. Meadows write a letter to the Board of Selectmen stating that he would be willing to take charge of the dump for x;1.00 per year. Mr. Meadows and Mr. White retired at 8:05 p.1[. Mr. William H. Ballard met with the Board relative to the Central Block. He stated that on looking over the recommendations he has learned that Mr. Scott has had conference after conference with past Boards but he has always left the meetings to "think it over". He said that the question now comes up as to whether or not after tonightls meeting Mr. Ballard would continue further dis- cussions with Mr. Scott and perhpps wobk out a plan that he could recommend in whole or in part to the Board. He asked if the Board wanted him to bring up the question of Dump 83 widening of Massachusetts Avenue. The Chairman replied that Mr. Scott knows that the Board is thinking about widening Massachusetts Avenue in the Cert er. Mr. Ballard asked if the Board had formed any ppinion as to what wqs to be done with the old fire station site. Mr. Ballard suggested some time ago that the Board seek authority from the Town Meeting to dispose of this land. The Chairman stated that the Board has not discussed this at any length. He said that there is some feeling that for years Central the citizens of the town had felt that the town was re - Block taining the property until such time as it would be needed. He said that even if an article were inserted in a warrant he thought it would be doubtful if the citizens would grant theBoard permission to sell it. Many people think that this parcel of land would be useful in making a trade with Mr. Scott. Mr. Ballard stated that the Board could not negotiate with Mr. Scott until authority had been obtained and he had always supposed that this was surplus property. Mr. Ballard asked if the Board would like him to conduct the dis- cussion this evening with Mr. Scott and theBoard agreed. At 8:20 P.M. Mr. George Scott and his attorney'M . Miller met with the Board. The Chairman stated that some time in October the Board had a meeting at which time Mr. Scott agreed to contact the Board about the first of November. Nothing was done and about the first of January Mr. Scott unfortunately had an accident which prevented him from meet- ing with the Board. The Chairman explained that Mr. Ballard, a real estate man, is advising the Board of Selectmen on this problem. He said that he wants Mr. Scott to know that the Board of Selectmen in anxious to co-operate with him. This is the meeting at which Mr. Scott was to tell the Board what he intended to do with regard to the Central Block. Mr. Scott stated that he had two builders look at the build- ing and they both advised him against taking down the third story. They said it would cost him a lot of money and would not make the building look any better. One of the builders had an engineer with him who said that there is a good found- ation, almost as good as any in Lexington, and enough to carry five stories. The builders felt it would be better to leave the top alone and comply with the laws. He said that the town has a lot of land in the rear which would straighten out his land and he would like to put a fence around it. He said the lot he now has is too small. The Chairman said that as•he understands it this is a maintenance job on the build- ing•and Mr. Scott would like to obtain the fire station lot and Mr. Scott replied in the affirmative. 84 Central Block Mr. Ballard suggested that the quemtion of the fire house lot be left out for the present time. In so far as he knows the Selectmen have not come to any conclusion as to what they want to recommend to the Town. He said that what is now being approached is the fact that there was a fire there and because of an extra good Fire Department the town was saved from what might have been a disaster. He said that instead of obtaining the Inspector's report and talking about details he would suggest that this be approached from the point of view as to what Mr. Scott would voluntarily do to comply in whole or in part with the laws of the Town of Lexington and the Massachusetts Statutes. He said, on the other hand, if Mr. Scott wants to voluntarily come forward and and do the things that are practical to do, to have a greater compliance than he has at the present time, it would seem like a co-operative plan. Mr. Ballard said that from the Building Inspector's report it is evident that Mr. Scott's housekeeping has been bad. He stated that there was a lot of broken plaster all over the place which is a bad fire hazard. Mr. Scott said that the' foundation was put in about 22 years ago and cost him $12,000. Mr. Scott said he did not like to spend very much money because the build- ing may be good for only about five years. Mr. Ballard asked if Mr. Scott would like to consider doing the things that would be practical to do assuming that the building has a useful life of about five years. Mr. Scott replied that he would like to spend as little as possible and still comply with the laws. Mr. Ballard said that if it could be ggreed that the useful life of the building is probably five years and not more, it would help. Mr. Ballard said that Mr. Scott had mentioned removing the top floor and asked if anyone had every reported to him that the attic is full of matresses, etc. Mr. Scott replied that he never knew it was there. Mr. Ballard said that there is an attic 4 1/2M high. Mr. Scott said that if it is there he never saw it. Mr. Ballard stated that no purposely has not been in the building because he did not want to be prejudiced. He asked if Mr. Scott could vacate the third floor instead of taking it off. He said he would like to but didn't know how he could get rid of the tenants. He stated that it took him a year and a half to get one woman out and cost him 1175. Mr. Ballard asked what Mr. Scott has in mind for the second floor if the third floor was closed. Mr. Miller stated that the fire escapes were put there six or seven years ago to comply with the State. Mr. Ballard asked if Mr. Scott had a plan of the upper part of the building and he replied in the negative. Mr. Ballard said that it looked as if the third floor tommil Mel 1. 85 fire escapes were entirely inadequate. He said that he has heard the opinion expressed that they are inadequate. Central Mr. Miller said that Mr. Scott is willing if he can order the tenants out, to vacate the third floor. Mr. Scott said Blbck he would be willing to do that. Mr. Miller said that there would be. only one floor above the stores. He said Mr. Scott (don't will do the plastering and anything the Building Inspector wants. Mr. Miller said he hoped some one would go along and tell Mr. Scott what was to be done. Mr. Ballard stated that there are doors in the basement from one store to another that are constructed of wood and Mr. Miller agreed that they should be metal. Mr. Scott said that a builder told him that it would not cost very much to install metal doors. Mr. Ballard asked to whom Mr. Scott looked for advice and he said he had a builder from Boston and one from Lexington, and Mr. Miller said that Mr. Scott would carry out the decisions and wants to know what it is that the town wants. Mr. Ballard said that it was up to Mr. Miller to tell Mr. Scott what the town laws require. Mr. Miller said if Mr. Scott could go over the property with the Building Inspector and secure a list of What is to be done he would then comply. Mr. Ballard suggested that he and Mr. Scott inspect the building Saturday morning. Mr. Scott agreed and Mr. B allard suggested that he bring his contractor along if he so desired-. Mr. Miller asked if the third floor should be taken off or fixed up for a few more years. Mr. Ballard said that as to the mechanics of determining what should be done and what amtion should be taken he suggested that the Selectmen introduce the Town Counsel. Mr. Miller asked if Mr. Scott would agree to vacate the third floor. Mr. Scott said he did not know. Mr. Ballard asked if it were operated as a lodging house and Mr. Scott replied in the negative. Mr. Ballard inquired as to who the janitor was and Mr. Scott admitted that the janitor's name is David Cavanaugh, and he pays him $ 25.00 a month, although he does not live in the building. Mr. Scott and Mr. Miller agreed to contact Mr. Ballard and male arrangements to go through the Central Block Build- ing either Thursday or Friday of this week. Mr. Scott and Mr. Miller retired at 8:45 P.M. Mr. Ballard said that with the Board's approval he would contact the Town Counsel to find out whether or not he would have any objection as to taking appropriate action with reference to the third floor. The Chairman suggested that Mr. Emery call Mr. Ballard Friday and report to the Board as to what thakes place. Mr. Ballard retired at 9;00 P.M. Mr. Willard Smith met with the Board relative to his application for a second class agent's license. The Chair- man said that the Board is somewhat hesitant about granting the application because there are now a number of licensed License 86 Comic Books Easement Abatement used car dealers operating in Lexington. The Chairman asked why he could not use the plates belonging to the dealer for whom he was going to work. Mr. Smith said he is not employed by any dealer and, therefore, the plates cannot be used by him. He said the:dealers through whom he does the work would not be covered if he had their plates and should become involved in an accident. Mr. Emery said that the license for which he is applying would authorize him to deal in second hand cars. Mr. Smith explained thatall he wants is a set of R. plates. The Chair- man asked if Mr. Reidy would be operating in the same building and Mr. Smith replied that the garage is in two sections. He is using the back section and Mr. Reidy conducts his business in the front section. The door is blocked off and Mr. Smith has nothing to do with Mr. Reidy. Mr. Driscoll asked if he rented space from Mr. Reidy and he replied in the affirmative. The Chair- man said that the Board understands what Mr. Smith means and they will try to co-operate as much as possible. However, if it is not necessary to grant a second class license the Board would prefer not to do so. If it is found that this is the only why that Mr. Smith can obtain the plates there will have to be a moral understanding that he will not sell used cars. Mr. Smith retired at 9:05 P.M. Mrs. Andolinq, Vice -President of the P. T. A., and Mrs. Buckley met with t heBoard relative to the P. T. A. request that the Selectmen ban the sale of "objectionable" comic books in Lexington. TheChair- man explained that the Board of Selectmen is anxious to co-operate with the P. T. A. and suggested that representatives of that organization go around to the different dealers or the stores where thos books are sold and then submit a list cbf names of the dealers to the Board. Mrs. Buckley said it is not the intention of the p. T. A. to enforce this but to do it in a co- operative manner. Mrs. Andolina agreed that some one from the P. T. A. would have a list of the books the organ- ization deemed to be objectionable, and then subift a list of the stores where these may be obtained to the Selectmen. The Chairman said that the Board would then contact the dealers and see if satisfactory settlement could be arrived at whereby they would agree tot to sell these comic books. Mrs. Andolina and Mrs. Buckley retired at 9:25 P.M. and Mr. DeFoe met with the Board. Mr. DeFoe reported further on the easement which he has been trying to have Mr. Crandall of Middleby Road sign. He explained to the Board that Mr. Crandall will sign the easement providing the Selectmen will abate that portion of the water betterment assessment in front of the easement which is 50 feet. 1 87 Mr. Emery asked if he would pay the betterment on the remaining 210 feet. Mr. DeFoe replied that the Board of Assessors will deduct the easement and it is his under- standing that this is the usual procedure followed by the Board of Assessors. The Chairman agreed to put through an abatement in Mr. Crandall's favor in the amount of $ 62.60. Mr. DeFoe presented the Board with a letter signed by him and addressed to the Veteran's administration with reference to the proposed water main and water supply for the Veteran's Administration in Bedford. He explained that Mr. Lynch has checked the communication and agreed that it is all right. The Chairman said that as he understands the situation the contract submitted is the V. A's base form which has been gone over by Mr. Lynch and Mr. DeFoe. Water Suggested changes have been made which have been discussed with Mr. Carlson of Bedford. Mr. DeFoe is printing this letter notifying the Veteran's Administration of the official changes and wants the Board's approval of this invitation to bid. The Chairman stated that the town should receive the $225,000., by the first of December. Mr. Emery said that the work should be done by the first of November. Mr. DeFoe stated that he has no reason to believe that it won't be done. The Chairman said that if there is any possibility of getting the plans ready and having the bids opened the afternoon of the Town Meeting it would help. The Chairman asked if generally speaking the letter presented by Mr. DeFoe met with the approval of the Board. Mr. Emery said that Mr. Lynch has passed on it and it was all right with him. The other members of the Board had no objection. Mr. DeFoe informed the Board that he was unable to convince the Sachem Council of Boy Scouts to pay one half of the cost.for circulator to heat the rooms that they are renting from the town in the Barnes property. Mr. Emery asked if Mr. DeFoe was sure the circulator would Barnes accomplish what he wants and he replied that he isnot Property sure but Mr. Lindstrom believes that it will. Mr. Nickerson moved that Mr. DeFoe be authorized to install the circulator and the town pay the entire cost. Mr. Gay seconded theimotion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe submitted itemized bids for the purchase of hydrants, valves and cast iron fitting. The items were discussed at length and the Chairman expressed the opinion that he thought it would be to the best interest of the town not to purchase a different type of hydrant than what is now being used. • Mr. Emery suggested that Mr. DeFoe contact 88 Coasting Use of Hall Use of Hall Use of Hall Use of Hall the A. P. Smith Company and ask whether or not they want the order at a firm price. Mr. Nickerson asked if the Board would be committing itself if an order were placed.and Mr. DeFoe replied that any order will be contingent upon the town meeting vote. Mr. Emery said he would be in favor of purchasing the hydrants from Public WorksSupply (Darling) but he would like Mr. DeFoe to call A. P. Smith and tell them that the Board would consider placing the order with him at the pride he quotes providing it is a firm price and he entirely understands that it is contingent upon the town meeting vote. The Chairman read a letter from. the Chief of Police stating that at the Board's request he had investigated the possibility of coasting on Fottler Avenue. The Chief stated that it appears to him that this street would be reasonably safe if the Board decides to act favorably upon the petition received for posting the street. The members of the Board agreed to drive over this area before making any decision. An application was received from the Lexington School Department requesting permission to conduct a concert in Cary Hall on Friday evening, May 13th. Mr. Emery moved that the use of the hall be granted free of charge. Mr. Gay seconded the motion, and it was so voted. An application was received from the Lexington Aists & Crafts requesting permission to conduct an ex- hibition in Cary and Estabrook Halls on Sunday April 24th. Mr. Emery moved that the use of the hall be granted subject to a charge of $ 35.00. Mr. Driscoll seconded the motion, and it was so voted. An application was received from Mr. Grindle, Supt. of Schools, retuestirig permission to conduct band practice in Cary Hall during the week when the school auditorium is being used for operetta rehearsals. Mr. Nickerson moved that the use of the hall be granted free of charge. Mr. Gay seconded the motion, and it was so voted. An application was received from Robert C. Merriam requesting permission to conduct a precinct meeting in Estabrook Hall on Tuesday, March 15th. Mr. Nickerson moved that the use of the hall be granted free of charge. Mr. Driscoll seconded the motion and it was so voted. 1 1 89 An application was received from Robert W. Watsoh, 11 Middleby Road, for a public carriage license. The License Chairman read a 3e tter from the Chief of Police stating that this individual has a juvenile record and served one year in the Shirley School for delinquent boys. From in- formation received the Chief recom:ended that this application be denied. Mr. Gay said he would like more detailed in- formation and the Chairman agreed to contact the Chief. The Chairman read a letter from the Somerville Prang- ing Company stating that they felt that a so- called "limit" Bid bid in unbusinesslike end unfair to both the sell and the Town buyer and, therefore, they prefer not to submit one. Report Mr. Nickerson moved that the bid for printing the 1948 Town Report be awarded to. the Adams Press with the stipulation that the Adams Press shall try to make the report contain not more than 256 pages. Mr. Gay seconded the motion. Mr. Emery and Mr. Driscoll both *ibhed to be recorded as Apposed. The Chairman cast his vote in favor of awarding the contract to the Adams press. The meeting adjourned at 12:10 A.M. A true record, Attest: Z‘dc, lectrnen. tlts