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December 27, 1948
A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen
was held in the Selectmen's Room on Monday evening,
December 27, 1948, at 7:30 P.M. There were present:
Chairman Paxton, Messrs. Emery, Gay, Driscoll and
Nickerson. The Clerk was also present.
Chairman Clyde E. Steeves and Mr. Burnham of the
Board of Assessors met with the Selectmen. The Chair-
man explained that the Selectmen had invited the two
Assessors to meet with the Board this evening because
the Board would like some advice. He explained that
the Selectmen are thinking somewhat of reorganizing the Assessors
Board of Assessors. He explained that as a Board the
members have not made up their mind as to exactly
what is to be done and would like any suggestions that
the Assessors may have. Mr. Steeves stated that he does
not believe the town is large enough yet for a permanent
three man Board. He said he believed the peak has been
reached and the town will not see much more building.
The Chairman said that he does not know where the idea
of the three man Board originated and the Selectmen
realize that the Board of Assessors may be busy some
seasons of the year, but during other periods are not as
busy. Mr. Steeves explained that the statute requires three
men to look at property. The Chairman asked if it must be
not less than three. Mr. Burnham explained that under the
present system of a five man Board there are usually at
least three who can go out at one time. Some times the
entire Board is in a position to go. The Chairman asked
how long it would take to go over the 700 new houses and
Mr. Burnham said that it would take about a month but would
'depend somewhat on the weather. Mr. Steeves stated that
of the 3,000 or 4,000 pieces the Assessors have had to tax
they have had only 35 applications for abatement. The
Chairman asked if there were any suggestions that would
make the work in the Assessor's Department any easier.
Mr. Burnham said that the Assessors used Mr. Steeves' car
last year and they have never gone out in Mr. Spencer's
car because it is too small. He thought some arrangement
should be made to compensate Mr. Steeves. The Chairman
explained that there is a car allowance of $200 in the
AssessorAB-.Department Budget. The Chairman asked if from
the Board of Assessor's point of view, Mr. Spencer needed
the money for his car. Mr. Burnham replied that he does
use his car to some extent. The Chairman asked if they had
any ideas pertaining to the installation of a card system.
Mr. Steeves replied that it would be quite a job and the
Board would have to do over the entire town. Mr. Burnham
said they would have to obtain new office equip-
ment if the same type of c avd is used as that now
being used in Newton. He said they would need larger
files. The Chairman asked what they thought of the
Newton system and they both replied that they thought
it was very good and would be an improvement over
the present system.
The Chairman asked if .it were enog'gh in advance
of the system now being used by Lexington to copy. Mr.
Burnham said that Mr. Spencer was quite proud of the
system now being used and he did not think he would
be too much in favor of a change. Mr. Steeves said
that he had advocated the system two years ago but
could not get any co-operation. The Chairman asked
if these two Assessors would be willing to go along
without being reappointed. Mr. Steeves stated that
he has done this before and as far as he is concerned
he is willing to go along until the Board of Select-
men have come to some decision. Mr. Burnham said he
has been here a long time, perhaps long enough, and
he would be willing to continue without being re-
appointed. The Chairman said that if the Town of
Lexington attempts to set up a system it can be done
all in one year which would mean hiring outside
individuals. If, however, the Assessors do .the work
it will probably go over .a period of five years. He
said the Board had thought it might be possible that
the man in the office, either Mr. Spencer or Mr.
Crohin, could supervise the work, set up the right
card system and supervise the outside work. He
asked if the work were done by the town over a period
of five years would the Assessors be available to do some
of this work. He said they would either be a member of
the Board or a part time employee. Mr. Burnham said
.he would be willing to help all he could. The Chair-
man said that he would not expect them to do it for
nothing or for what they are receiving at the present
time. Mr. Gay asked if they felt there was a lot
of land in Lexington not assessed or not properly
assessed. Mr. Steeves replied in the negative. Mr.
Burnham.said that he did not believe there would be
much picked up on the land but Mr. Spencer does not
agree with him. The Chairman asked if the Assessors
did not hear from the Board relative to re -appointment
would they be willing.to continue in their present
capacity and they both agreed. They retired at 8115 P.M.
Mr. Gustin and Ames of the Recreation Committee
and Mr. Garrity, Supit. of Parks and Playgrounds,
met with the Board to discuss the Recreation Committee's
During the discussion of persona, services Mr. Gustin
explained that the Committee has not talked to any
individual and the salary of $5,000 per year for a full
time Director is an estimate. He said they thought the
man would actually start at $4,000 a year with the
opportunity of going up. He said they have found that
Recreation Directors are paid salaries comparable to
the salaries received by Junior High Shhool Principals.
The Chairman explained that the salary they have figured
is somewhat higher than is now being received by the Tax
Collector and the proposed Health Sanitarian. Mr. Garrity
stated that Arlington has paid a director $4,200 a year
and is increasing it to $ 4,900 this year. Wellesley pays
$4,600 plus a bonus. He explained that boyd'from Boston
University will expect to receive $4,200 a year. Ar.
Gustin said that the Committee has come to the conclusion
that a full time man would be less expensive 'in the long
run. •
After a length, discussion of the budget submitted
by the Recreation Committee Mr. Gustin agreed to submit
a revised budget not later than January 17th. The group
retired at 14);05 P.M.
License -
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Reidy met with the Board. 2nd Class
Mr. Reidy had called the Selectmen's office and requested Agent
an appointment because of the fact that the Selectmen had
denied his request for a Second Class Agent's license.
Mr. Reidy said that he was wondering why he was unable to
obtain a license. The Chairman explained that the Board
had made an investigation and felt that the facts did not
warrant one. Mr. Reidy explained that he had worked eight-
een years for the Atlantic & Pacific and obtained a license
in Cambridge to sell second hand motor vehicles. He ex-
plained that he purchased the property at the corner of
Bow Street and Massachusetts Avenue and had anticipated
making a living here. The Chairman asked if Mr. Reidy still
had a license in Cambridge and he replied in the affirmative
but said there isn't sufficient room for more than two or
three cars. Mr. Finery asked him how long he owned the
property in Lexington and he replied he purchased it four
or five months ago. Mr. Emery asked if he were living there and
he replied in the affirmative. Mr. Reidy explained that the
reason he left the A. & P. work was because of a nerve condition.
The Chairman said that the Board would take it under consider-
ation and let him know. M. and Mrs. Reidy retired at 9:45
.P.M.• Mr. Driscoll agreed to obtain further information about
this individual and report to the Board next week.
The Chairman read a letter from Mr. DeFoe with
reference to the petition'for abatement on the water
betterment assessment levied against Everett Kourian,
109 Grove Street. Mr. DeFoe stated that he has had a
conference with Mr. Rourian,and indications are that
it is a routine matter that will be adjusted this
week without further action by the Board of Select-
A notice was received from the Office of the
Secretary of State advising that John P. Whalen,
11 Harrington Road, and others not residents of Lex-
ington, have filed en application for the issuance
of a certificate of incorporation. Satisfactory
character reference was received from the Chief of
Police. Mr. Emery moved that the application be
approved and returned to the Secretary. Mr. Dris
coli seconded the motion, and it was so voted.
Upon motion of Mr. Emery seconded by Mr. Gay,
it was voted to grant the following licenses:
Bradford Motor Co. 34
Old Coffee House 1775
Ye Olde Countryside 400
Minute Man Restaurant1715
Ye Towne Diner 1722
John J. Rudd 1849
Berman's Market Inc. 12
Joseph Trani, Inc. 1757
William Viano 1794
Bedford Street lst Class Agent, (ren.)
Mass. Avenue Common Victualler "
Lowell Street
Mass. Avenue
Mass. Avenue n n n
Mass. Avenue Padkage Goods^Store "
Mass. Avenue n n n n
Mass. Avenue n n II n
Mass. Avenue Sunday Movies
A memordandam was received from the Town
Accountant to which was attached abatement sheets for
the Boards consideration. They included charges
committed for the use of ambulance from 1942 up to
1947, totalling $ 319.98; 1946 water rates $9.12;
1947 water house connections $30.37; 1947 sewer
house connections $61.31.
Mr. Nickerson moved that the 1946 water rates
in the amount of4 9.12 be abated. Mr. Emery seconded
the motion, and it was so voted.
Mr. Nickerson moved that the 1947 water house
connections in the amount of $ 30.37 be abated. Mr.
Gay seconded the motion, and it was so voted.
Mr. Driscoll moved that the 1941 sewer house
connections in the, amount of $ 61.31 be abated. Mr.
Nickerson seconded the motion, and it was so voted.
The Clerk was instructed to request the Collector
of Taxes to make another effort to collect the outstand-
ing ambulance bilis.
The meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M.
A true record, Attest:
Clerk, Selectmen.