HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-12-1824 S1 T?CTMENIS MEETING December 18, 1948 A special meeting of the Board of. Selectmen was held on Saturday morning, December 1S, 1945. There were present: Chairman Paxton, Messrs. Emery,.Gay, Driscoll and Nickerson. The Clerk was also present. The Chairman read a letter from the Welfare Agent requeating.approval of an expenditure of $50.00 from the'Bridge Fund to purchase clothing for three Ferry children on Columbus'Street. Mr. Gay moved Transfer v, .that the Trustees of Public Trusts in the amount of $ 30.00. Mr. Driscoll seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Transfer The Clerk informed the Board that it is necessary to obtain a transfer of $ 300.00 for the Selectmen's Expenses Account.. The sum of $300.00 was charged to the Selectmen's account for a report on major street. and transportation plan, part of a town wide development studies for the Planning Board. The amount of $90.00 was also charged to this account for.medical panel charges relative to examinations of Officers Maguire and Knapp and Lieutenant. Neal, all applicants for retirement. These expenditures were not anticipated when the original budget was figured and as a result more funds are needed for the balance of the year. Mr. Driscoll moved that the Appropriation Committee be. requested to. transfer the sum of $300.00 from the Reserve Fund to the Select- men's Expenses Account. Mr. Gay seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Emery reported to the Board that he has checked with the Town Counsel relative to having a three man Board of Assessors instead of a five man Board. The Town Counsel thinks it would not be illegal to make the change but recommends that it be submitted to Town Meeting before any ahange in the number of the Board is made. He suggested that if the Board is so inclined that the Assessors might be advised that the Selectmen are considering reorganizing. He stated that the Town Counsel has gone into the matter very thoroughly and the change from the original three man Board to a five man Board may have been done illegally. © CLi 1 At 10:40 A.M. Messrs. Emery and Shanahan of the Board of Assessors met with the Selectmen. The Chair- man explained that the Selectmen would like some advise or opinion pertaining to the Board of Assessors. He said that the number of houses to be assessed appears to involve a substantial amount of work. He said that with their experience possibly they could suggest to the Board some way of making the operation of the Board better over a period of time. Mr. Shanahan said that he thought the Department should havemgood card system installed. He asked if the Board were contemplating reducing the Board of Assessors to three men. The Chairman replied that the Board has thought of the possibility but would like their opinion before any definite action is taken. Mr. Shanahan said he believed the Board could use part time men Who could give more time than the present Board. The Chairman explained that the subject has been discussed with Mr. Spencer and either the Board makes an appraisal, which was opposed by the Town Meeting, or else the problem may be approached from a maintenance angle with a certain appro- • priation each year over a period of dive years intended to handle the 700 new houses mentioned by Mr. Spencer. He suggested not mating�-the appointments for the time being and said that the Selectmen do not want anyone to feel hurt or disturbed about it. ler. Shanahan said that he thought that the two members involved, after serving fourteen years, .would feel that they were worthy of reappointment and that they should be either reappointed or taken off the Board. He suggested a letter to the Board of Assessors explaining , why the appointments were lapsing. Mr. Leland Emery said that the present Board of Assessors has been • together for a long time and it could be that the people would like new men. He said he has not heard anyone on the Board speak as if they felt that they -should stay on. He said he did not think the Selectmen would have any difficulty if they wanted to make a change.. Mr. Shanahan asked if Mr. Cronin would be appointed a full time Assessor and the Chairman replied that if he is working out well there is no reason why he should not be appointed a full time Assessor w1h.en Mr. Spencer retired. Mr Leland Emery said that he does notthinkthe number of houses to be visited gives any reason for concern. He said that as far as the Assessors Office is concerned he would think, leaving Mr. Spencer out, that the town could be given satisfactory work for the next five years. He said he does not believe the present expense will increase but remain stable for several years. He stated that he, personally, likes a five man Board and the town has had both a three man and s.five man Board. He stated that a three man Board cam very easily become a two man Board. He said that the five men cost 25 26 Assessors about so much. Some day the town will have full time paid assessors who will work hard for three months of the year only, for that is the nature of the business. He said that he would stay to the voluntary system if possible. He does not see where the town oeh look forward to a full time paid Board of three members. There is a lot of work this time of year but he did not think there would be ehough for them to do on a full time basis. He said that he 'thought that the town could do well to copy Newton's card system. The State House has expressed the opinion that the card system used by Newton is the best in the state and he thought Lexington should pay some attention to their opinion. He asked why all the cards would have to be installed at one time. He said that the office is not working full. 'speed all year and he thought that they could start in any time this year and put all new property on cards and take on whatever they can for the older property. He said that he thought that the Board could do the town in about three years without `: any expenditure of money except for the cards. Mr. Emery also stated that the work runs heavy.in the period from. December through March. The summer months are quiet with a little more activity in October and November, with a dull period just before December. He said there isn't much that can be done to even up the work. He said if the present Board cannot do it some other Board appointed by the Selectmen can. The Chairman said that there are about 700 houses to look at. Some are new, some are partially completed, etc. He asked how many they could do in a day. Mr. Emery replied that he thought they could do fourteen new houses in a day. The Chairman summed it up that the Assessors present felt that the immediate problem. is one that the Board of Assessors can solve; that they definitely feel a five man voluntary Board is a better set up than a three man Board; that there would be no difficulty if the Selectmen made no appointments by January first providing a letter of explanation was written; that a card system should be installed and that a period of from three to five years would be adequate and that the Newton system is the one which should be followed. The Chairman said that if there is a voluntary Board he did not think it would be right to give them a tape and expect them to measure property. Mr. Emery said he did not think tie tape as it is used in Newton is nearly as complicated as it sounds. They do not measure every house. The card indicates the type Fes, Pmrl of heating system, hardwood or soft wood finish, and also gives the value of the interior. He said that he does not believe that they carry the tape measure to the extreme. The Chairman said that the Engineering Department has the exterior measurements up to 1940 and the Building Inspector has a complete set of plans for every house since he was appointed Inspector. Mr. Emery said that he still believed that the Assessors could take care of the work. Messrs. Shanahan and Emery retired at 11:20 P.M. The following members of the Board of Fire Engineers met with the Selectmen to discuss the 1949 budget: Chair- man Thomas J. Donnelly, Messrs. Andrews, Cook, Fawcett, Hinds and Roeder. The Chairman explained that the Board of Selectmen is recommending a 10% increase. Mr. Donnelly said that if the 70 hour week is adopted the minimum men the Department can work with will require an additional six men. Mr. Andrews said he was under the impression that the men were promised a 70 hour week about two years ago. Mr. Emery and Mr. Driscoll both stated that no such promise was made while they were members of the Board of Fire Engineers. Mr. Driscoll said that the hours were reduced from 112 to 84 but he believes the Depart- ment is too small for a 48 hour week. Mr. Emery asked if it were Mr. Donnelly's opinion that the men were over /^-' worked but there is the matter of looking at other towns and finding that Lexington is away out of line. Mr. Emery asked if there was any reason from the point of view of being over worked and Mr. Donnelly re- plied in the negative. Mr. Andrews stated that by in- creasing the Department to the extent of six men the town will have a better coverage. Mr. Driscoll asked if any thought has been given to the possibility of using auxiliary or call men. Mr. Donnelly said that they did not think this would work out. He explained that the auxiliary and call man are not subject to the same restrictions as the regular men. The Engineers retired at 12;30. The Board discussed the subject and they returned to the meeting at 12:35. The Chairman explained that the Board discussed the subject briefly and all the members are sympatheticwith the prob- lem of the Fire Department and the problem of shorter hours. He explained because of the Townts growth there are a number of other problems. The bonded debt has been increased over a million dollars with the possibility of a new high school. here is also the problem of water and sewer extensions. The Board is sympathetic to the Idea of shorter hours in the Department and recognizes the increased cost of living. He explained that it was the Selectmen who inveAtigated the general increase which as yet has not been discussed with 27. 28 Sewer in No. Han- cock Street the Appropriation Committee. He said it will be difficult to try and sell a 10% increase in salary and at the same time reduce the hours of one Depart- ment. He said that the Board would like the Engineers to reconsider their budget on the basis of thinking of using call men and auxiliary men. He asked if they would try to develop something whereby the permanent men will have.a reduction in hours by using the call or auxiliary men. He said that.the Board is not saying "No" to a 70 hour week but is trying to cor- relate the Engineer's ideas with the problems of the Town. Mr. Donnelly said that the Engineers would attempt to see what can be done and report to.the Board. Mr. Roeder stated that by using call men theyr_will still need more men. The Chairman said that even so the town will still save several thousands of dollars on an annual basis. Mr. Roeder asked if the Board of Selectmen would be in favor of 70 hours providing something can be worked out that will not cost as much money. The Chairman said that he thought the Board was more or less in favor. The Chairman suggested that when they have a report to submit to the Board that they contact the Clerk and make an appointment. The group retired, and the Chairman read a report from the Health Inspector relative to the proposed contract of a sewer in North Hancock Street. The Inspector checked the cesspools from ____ Hamilton Road westerly to North Hancock Street where the present sewer ends. He•stated that the cesspools at No. 79-83-87-91-95-101 and 105 were all working satisfactorily and in good condition. The cesspool at #91 is now working but nearly full and indications are that it will overflow as it has in the past. The one at #95 is in very bad condition and over flows most of the time. Mr. Emery suggested that the order berresiinded temporarily or invite Mr. Morey and Mr. Burgoyne to meet with the Board. The Chair- man stated that the chances are that neither of these individuals will be selling their property and the fact that the order is recorded places a lien on their property. He suggested that Mr. DeFoe hold the work in abeyance until 1949 and have another inspection made in the Spring. The Board had no objection. Upon motion of Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Driscoll, it was voted to grant the following licenses: earl 1 Innkeeper - Bessie Withrow Renewals Daisy MacAlpine Common Victualler - 1st Class Agent - Sidney B. Heywood Shoppers Haven Frederick R. Childs Colonial Garage, Inc. An application was receivsed.from the Senior Class of the Lexington High School requesting per- mission to conduct a dance in Cary Hall on December 28th from 7:30 to 12:00 P.M. Mr. Every moved that the use of the hall be granted subject to a charge of $ 35.00. Mr. Gay seconded the motion, and it was so voted. 29. Licenses Cary Hall Use The Chairman explained that an authorization had been received from the Division. of Civil Service Police pending the establishment of an eligible list. Appts. The Division submitted a list of sixteen veterans as ,applicants. He said that the Chief of Police had suggested that the Board request an extension of time whereby he would have an opportunity to interview the applicants, and those who showed the most promise should then be interviewed by the Board of Selectmen. The Clerk was instructed to write the Division of Civil Service and request one month extension of time. Upon motion of Mr. Finery, seconded by Mr. Gay, Sign it was voted to sign the order for the construction Order of a water main in Colony Road. A true record, Attest; ectm Z