HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-11-18120 Roa d Machinery Account Reguest For Two Street Lights Williams Avenue Request For Street Light Lisbeth Street Denied SELECTMEN'S MEETING November 18, 194$ A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held Monday evening, November 18, 1946 at 7:30 p.m. in the Selectmen's Ropm, Town Office Building. Chairman Potter, Messrs. Locke, Rowse, Serrano and Paxton were present. The Clerk was also present. At 7:30 p.m. Mr. Joseph H. DeFoe, Supt. of Public Works, appeared before the Board. He said that he would need approximately $2,000 more in the Road Machinery Account, and informed the Board that in 1946 the expendi- tures from the Road Machinery Account amounted to $12,000, and up to the present time, the expenditures for 1946 amount to $9,756. Mr. Rowse asked if the shortage in the account was due to the purchase of new wquipment. Mr. DeFoe replied in the negative. He reminded the Board that he had requested a transfer of $2500 at the October Town Meeting, but he was given only $1500. Mr. Rowse stated that Mr. DeFoe should submit his request for a transfer in writing and give an explanation as to why he needs additional funds. Mr. Locke recommended that Mr. DeFoe detail his explanation as much asi possible for submission to hhe Appropriation Committee, when a transfer is requested. Mr. DeFoe stated that he had investigated the request for a street light on Williams Avenue and, in his opinion, it seemed comparable to locations for which street lights have been authorized. He said that Mr. Hitchcock of the Boston Edison Company suggests two lights for this area. Mr. Paxton moved that the Supt. of Public Works be authorized to request the installation of two street lights on Williams Avenue. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe stated that some time ago a street light was installed at the top of Lisbeth Street and he has now received ayrequest.for another light at the corner of Lisbeth Street and Massachusetts Avenue. Mr. DeFoe said that there are street lights on evegytwo poles and if another light were installed, there would be three poles in a row upon which there would be street lights.' Mr. Rowse moved that the request be denied. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. 1 1 121 Mr. DeFoe stated that he had estimated the cost of Manor the Manor Sewer Project within the appropriation and a Sewer contract had been let out. He stated that the con- Project tractor is having extreme difficulty in obtaining pipe. He said that the people in the Manor had signed up for the sewer project and it is not their fault that the work is not being done. Neither is it the fault oftthe Town. He informed the Board that the project will not be completed this year and he believes the sewer assessments should remain as they are now figured, even if the work is not completed until next year. He said this should also apply to Ellis Avenue, Taft Avenue, and Tarbell Street sewers. Mr. Paxton stated that there is nothing to be done about this at the present moment. Mr. De Foe said that it will take about five carloads Pipe of six-inch pipe to take care of the service connections Ordered in the Manor, and the pipe will not be delivered until spring. He said that he thought he should place an order now and the estimated cost is $3,000. Mr. Locke moved that Mr. DeFoe be authorized to place an order for five carloads of six-inch vitrified clay sewer pipe at an estimated cost of :3,000. Mr. Paxton seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe stated that he had placed an order for 170 Order regular 5/8 meters, and has received only 60. He said 100 that he believes another 100 meters should be ordered. Addthll.' Mr. Rowse moved that the Supt. of Public Works be authorized to place an order for an additional 100 meters. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe informed the Board that he has not had Position any success contacting anyone as an Assistant Super- of Ass't. intendent. He stated that Mr. Marr of Metcalf- & Eddy Supt. has applied for the position. He said that he is a young fellow who will have to start at the beginning and that he believes that it was the Board's intention for him to employnan older man. He said Mr. Marr is twenty- six years old, seems to be a manly type of fellow, and appeare to be keen, but has not had any experience except whatever contact he had in the Army, where he served as a captain. Mr. Rowse asked if he were the type of fellow Mr. DeFoe would like to have. Mr. DeFoe replied that he might eventually work in. The Chairman suggested that the Board approve hiring Mr. Marr if Mr. DeFoe, after further consideration, decides to employ him. 122 Mr. Rowse asked how much money Mr. Marr would expect. Mr. DeFoe said that he now received :200 a month plus Saturday afternoons, but he felt that he would hire him for $50 a week on a straight time basis. Mr. Locke suggested that Mr. DeFoe follow the matter through and obtain recommendations and references. High The Chairman stated that Mr. Warren, principal:>of .� School the Senior High School had telephoned him relative to Skating having snow removed from the skating rink this year. Rink The Chairman said that he had donferred with Mr. Garrity, Supt. of Parks & Playgrounds, and it is Mr. Garrity's opinion that during a snow storm the Town employees have all they can do to take care of the roads without clearing the skating rink. Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Paxton, it was voted not to remove snow from the high school skating rink until after the highways have been cleared. The Clerk was instructed to advise Mr. Warren that there is not sufficient manpower available to take care of both the streets and the skating rink, and the Board feels it is more important to clear the highways. Chapter -90 Contract in duplicate relative to Chapter 90 Grove St. Grove Street was received from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Mr. Paxton suggested that Mr. DeFoe cheek with the State Department of Public Works to find out whether or not the Town can do any small amount of work and keep the contract open in view of having the work done next year by contract rather than be Town employees. Mr. DeFoe agreed to find out about it and advise the Board next week. Use of Town Dump The Chairman read a letter from Crocker Snow, Direct- or of Aeronautics, requesting permission for the Bedford Airport to use the Lexington Town Dump. The Chairman said that he had talked with Mr. Albert L. Edson, manager of the airport, who informed him that there would be nothing objectionable brought down to the dump, and if the Town needs any assistance, Mr. Edson would be glad to send down a bulldozer for use at the dump. Mr. Sarano moved that the Bedford Airport be granted the privilege of using the Town dump. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. C 1 1 123 Mr. DeFoe retired at 8:15 p.ir:. and Colonel Barry, Chairman of the Board of Public Welfare, and James E. Rollins, Agent of the Board of Public Welfare, appeared before the Board. Colonel Barry stated that in January of 1942, the Commonwealth approved certain salaries for the employees of the Welfare Department of the Town. Colonel Barry said that there were certain maximums and certain minimums prescribed for those employees. He said that in 1945 the Town granted a 15% increase to all Town employees. This increasebrought the emplpyees,±n the Welfare Department within the maximum which had previously been prescribed. The recent 12i% increase has brought them above the maximum prescribed and inasmuch as this department New is under Civil Service, approval of the Dtivision of Welfar Civil Service must be obtained. Colonel Barry Compen- e presented data giving the minimums and makimums of the sation emplgyees in the Welfare Department under the old, or Plan original compensation plan, the present salaries and the minimums and maximums under a new Welfare com- pensation plan. Mr. Locke asked if the new schedule would make it possible for an employee to receive more than what they are now being paid. Colonel Barry replied in the negative, stating that any increase would be subject to Town Meeting approval. He said that if the Town decreases salaries, the Welfare salaries will also be decreased to the ranges prescribed. After further discussion on the Matter, upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was voted to adopt anWelfare compensation plan establishing the follow- ing minimums and maximums: Minimum Maximum Agent $2400.00 $2600.00 Social Worker 1500.00 1700.00 Senior Clerk 1400.00 1700.00 Junior Clerk 1200.00 1500.00 Colonel Barry and Mr. Collins retired at 8:45 p.m., and Mr. Alfred P. Tropeano and John O'Connor appeared before the Board. Mr. Tropeano explained that he and his client, Mr. Swan O'Connor, had requested an appointment with the Board Lane relative to the five foot st±pp of land on tax title along Swan Lane. Mr. Tropeano stated that he had examined the title for Mr. O'Connor and discovered that there is a five foot strip reserved on Swan Lane. He stated that the Town foreclosed it under a tax title. He stated that under the old tax title the Town sold a few lots and left 124 Insurance a five foot strip. Mr. Tropeano notified the former owner, Mrs. Leighton, and told her he could not accept title because he wanted clearance on Swan Lane for development purposes. Mrs. Leighton took the matter up with Mr. Spencer of the Assessort Office, who advised her that the Board of Selectmen had voted to retain the five foot strip, and for her to deed an additional ten foot strip. Mr. Tropeano said that he then wrote the Board of Selectmen and received a letter stating that no such vote had been passed. He then wrote to the Selectmen and offered $5 for the five foot strip under tax title, and said that the owner plans to widen the street to forty feet. He said that Mr. O'Connor and Mrs. Leighton came to the Town Office Building to check title on the five foot strip and she was told that the strip was not assessed and the Town had no interest in it. She then went ahead and purchased the five foot strip and received a deed to it. Mr. Tropeano said that Mrs. Leighton assumed that she had a good and sufficient title and has a deed to the strip. Mr. Tropeano raised the question as to how a street could be laid out by Mr. O'Connor on property which he does not own. Mr. Rowse replies that the Selectmen would simultaneously deed the five foot strip. Mr. O'Connor suggested that he might draw up a forty foot layout of Swan Lane, and as a Board of Survey plan, that would not be a Board of Survey,* plan showing Swan Lane as a forty foot way. He said that this forty feet would include the five feet to Which the Town now holds title and when that plan was brought to the Selectmen, acting as the Board of Survey to be recorded as a forty foot way, the Town could at the same time record a deed giving him title to the five foot strip which would be recorded simultaneous- ly. Mr. O'Connor said that he would have then widened Swan Lane from twenty-five feet to forty feet by making a fifteen foot giving. Mr. Rowse moved that Mr. Tropeano confer with the Town Counsel and work out some satisfactory agrangement. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Tropeano and Mr. O'Connor retired at 8:55 p.m. A letter was received from Rev. Harold T. Handley with reference"to insurance on the East Lexington Branch Library. Mr. Paxton moved that the Supt. of Public Works 0 as we know there, but it would be a land allotting 1 1 be authorized to notify the insurance company relative to any adjustment which may ;be necessary as <a result of the 'renovation of the East'"Lexington' Branch' Library. "' Mr. Rowse -seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Application for the installation of a water main in Hillcrest Avenue was received and referred to the Supt. of Public Works. Application for the installation of a water main in Robinson Road was received and referred to the Supt. of Public Works. Petition was received for the installation of a sewerage system on Prospect Hill Road. The Clerk was instructed to inform the petitioner that due to the number of requests for the installation of water mains and sewerage systems, it will be necessary to place this petition on file until such time as major sewer work may be undertaken. 12$ Appl. For Water Mains Sewer System The Chairman read a letter from Cornelius P. Stevens Cronin, regarding the so-called Stevens Gravel Pit. Gravel Mr. Cronin said that the legal opinion expressed in Pit the Board's letter does not agree with the Lexington Zoning By-law as he understands it, and he therefore would like to know the section of the By-law the opinion is passe; on. The Clerk was instructed to advise Mr. Cronin that the decision was not passed on the Zoning By-law, but is a matter of law and is the opinion which was rendered to the Board of Selectmen by the Town Counsel. Letter was received from the Office of the Commi of Veterans Services, bringing the Board's attention to Section 12 of Chapter 599 of the Acts of 1946, which require the appointment of an Advisory Board. The Clerk was instructed to write to the Town Counsel and ask him to advise the Board of Selectmen whether or' not the appointment is compulsory. A letter was received from Richard G. McCormack, stating that since his discharge from the Navy he has been employed as a postal clerk, and has decided to remain in the postal service. He said that he was, therefore, submitting his resignation as a member of the Lexington Police Department. Application was received from John H. Reardon, U.S.O. Director, requesting permission to use Cary Memorial Hall on the evening of December 20, 1946 for a Veterans Christmas Party. ssioner Veterans' Advisory Board McCormack Resigna'n Police Dept. Uses Of Halls 1126 Mr. Rowse moved that the use be granted free of charge. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Application was received from the Veterans of Foreign Wars requesting the use of Estabrook Hall and a Conference Room on the evening of December 18,1946 for a meeting. Mr. Rowse moved that the use be granted free of charge. Mr. Paxton seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Application was received from the Veterans of Foreign Wars requesting the use of Cary Memorial Hall on the evening of February 15, 1947 for a Memorial Service and dance. Upon motion of Mr. Locke, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was voted to grant the use free of charge. Application was received from the Lexington Choral Society requesting permission to use Cary Hall. on Sunday afternoon, December 8, 1947 for a concert rehearsal. Mr. Locke moved that the use be granted free of charge. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Precinct At the Adjourned Town Meeting held on March 25, 1946 Revision the Selectmen were directed to review and revise if necessary, in their discretion, the boundaries or the number of voting precincts in the Town in December, 1944. The dwellings in each precinct, plus the number of building permits taken out as of October 14, 1946 are as follows: Precinct I 909 Precinct II 813 Precinct III 802 Precinct IV 924 The number of registered voters in each precinct according to the last registration held in October, 1946 are as follows: Precinct I 1859 Precinct II 1510 Precinct III 1646 Precinct IV 1868 1 1 L � Precinct II is proportionally smaller on account of the large number 0 dwellings under construction. When these are occupied it will bring this precinct up comparatively close to Precincts III and IV. In view of the apparent equal distribution in each precinct at the present time, the Board of Selectmen are of the opinion that it is not advisable to revise the precincts this year. The Clerk informed the Board that the Franklin School P.T.A. had requested permission to have a coke bar in connection with the Nickelodeon Night. Trhhy intend to sell coke in paper cups: Mr. Rowse moved that the request be granted. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Use of conference room in Cary Memorial Hall by USO Director and Veterans' Administrator, was again discussed by the Board, and it was decided to advise them both that they are using the building on a temporary basis only and that some attempt should be made on their part to find some other office space. 127 Nickelodeon to Sell Coke USO t% of Conf. Room Budgets were acted upon and approved as follows: Budgets Department Election Department -Expenses Dog Clinic -Expenses Health Department -Expenses -Personal Ser- vices Milk Inspection- Personal Services Animal Inspection- Personal Services A true copy, Attest: A regula held next Ma day eveni' �o "Selectmen Room, To Office Buil Requested Approved $893.00 452.00 5:936.00. 500.00 400.00 500.00 Clerk f e Board of $893.00 452.00 5,936.00 562.50 ($500 % 450,00 ($400 562,50 ($500 12'i% eotmen 946 in ng at plus inc.) plus, inc.) plus inc.)