HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-10-25566 Jurors Plowing SELECTMEN'S MEETING October 25, 1948 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Build- ing on Monday evening, October 25, 1948 at•7:30 p.m. Chairman Paxton, Messrs. Emery, Gay, Driscoll and Nickerson were present. The Clerk was also present. Mr. James J. Carroll, Town Clerk, met with the Board for the drawing of three jurors. Mr. Edward D. Duncan, 21 Leonard Road was drawn to serve on Civil Business. Mr. Harold C. Denhai, 8 Jackson Court was drawn to serve on Civil Business, and Mr. John P. Keyes, 3 Sunnyknoll Avenue was drawn to serve on 'Civil Business. Mr. Carroll retired at 7:32 p.m. The Chairman.informed the Board that Mr. John Rich telephoned him on behalf of the Lexington Community Nursery School, and inquired as to whether or not the Town would plow the driveway to the school. The Chairman asked Mr. Rich to submit his request in writing, but he wanted the Board to consider this before next Monday. The Chairman pointed out that if the Town once establishes the policy of plowing any private nursery school, all private schools should be given the same service. Mr. Gay asked if the Town has insurance coverage for private property and the Chairman replied in the negative. The Board felt that inasmuch as compliance with Mr. Rich's request would be establishing an undesirable precedent it should be denied. Mr. E. A. Lihdstrom, Building and Plumbing Inspector, met with the Board relative to alterations at 41 Grant Street in violation of the Town Building and Plumbing Laws. He explained that he and Deputy Chief Roy A. Cook inspected the premises as a result of complaint received from Mrs. Milt]red A. McMahon, R. N. of the State Division of Child Guardianship. He stated that there are two stairways going to the second floor terminating on the same landing, and gave a brief report similar to that outlined in his letter dated October 18, 1948. Zld 1 567 Violation Mr. Lindstrom said that Mr. Woodis, who of the Build - owns the property called at his office and wanted ing and Plumb- to know that he can do about obtaining the sanction ing Laws. of the town for the third floor apartment. Mr. Lind- strom referred him to the Board of Appeals but explained that a hearing would not exonerate him from the violations. Mr. Woodis informed Mr. Lindstrom that the sink was installed by a Mr. Cady who, according to the State Board, has no license to do plumbing. The Chairman stated that, according to Mr. Lindstrom, there have been violations of the Building, Plumbing and State Laws, and the plumbing has been installed by an unlicensed plumber. He reminded the Board that a similar case was brought to the Boards attention and the individual was taken to Court and fined. He asked what the Board desired to do in this case. Mr. Gay said that, in view of the fact, the Board has already taken one individual to Court on the same basis, he.thought the Board should be consistent. Mr. Lindstrom stated that Mr. Woodis is in violation for not obtaining a building permit. Mr. Nickerson explained that even with a Board of Appeals hearing it is not permiss.ble to have a sink or a stove on the third floor. He said that anyone may have an apartment on the second floor without a permit, providing no alterations are made to the exterior of the building. Mr. Nickerson asked if Mr. Lindstrom would be willing to prosecute on each count and Mr. Lindstrom said that he would if he had to. The. Board discussed the case further and upon motion of Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Driscoll, it was voted to authorize Mr. Lindstrom to discuss the problem verbally with Mr. Lynch. Mr. Lindstrom retired at 8:05 P.M. and Mr. Bertram P. Gustin, Chairman of the Recreation Committee met with the Board. Per.• Gustin informed the Board that his Committee Recreation has entered into a contract with Mr. Abell for a winter Committee spurts program as has been recommended by the Boosters' Club in the past. The Committee has met with the School Committee and obtained permission to use the gymnasium outside of school hours. He said that the Recreation Committee has interviewed other towns and it appears that a Saturday program would be very appropriate for the younger children. Such a program will cost 01 per Saturday for supervision and direction. Mr. Gustin said that the Committee will have no funds for such a program after January 1, 1949 and would like the Board to provide money. He said that Mr. Abell expects to have between 60 and 75 boys and between 40 and 50 girls. 568 Manor Sewer No. Branch Vine Brook Construction Award UDMr. Nickerson asked when the Committee would like to start and Mr. Gustin replied about the first of December. Mr. Nickerson moved that the Recreation Committee be authorized to expend the sum of $21 per Saturday, commencing the first Saturday:'in December, for a supervisor and assistant in connection with a winter sports program to be conducted at the Lexington High School; this amount to be charged to the Selectmen's Expenses Account and paid from the $500 allocated for the Recreation Committee. Mr. Emery seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Gustin retired at 8:15 p.m. and Mr. DeFoe met with theBoard. Mr. DeFoe informed the Board that it was two years ago last February when the assessments were figured on the Manor Sewer Project and the average .cost of the preceding five years was us.ed. The question came before the Board about the possibility of this job not being completed in that year, thus a change would be made in the assessment. It was, therefore, decided to double the assessments for filing at the Registry. However, the property .owners signed for the first figure which was lower than the amounts filed. Mr. DeFoe stated that the average cost for the years preceding 1946 was $1.22 per front foot. For this year, five years preceding 1948, the cost will be $2.00 per front foot. In 1946 the figure filed at the Registry was $2.44 per front foot. The Chairman explained the betterment assess- ments and asked the Board for a decision. No motion was made and he therefore requested Mr. Driscoll to take the Chair, to which he agreed. Mr. Paxton then moved that the Selectmen determine the betterment: assessments for the so-called Manor Sewer Project to be at the rate of $2.00 per front foot. Mr. Emery seconded the motion, and it was so voted.. Mr. DeFoe informed the Board that he has tried to check A. D. Daddario. $e also checked with Tracy Ames to determine how the Town is covered by the con- struction bond, and has been advised that the Town is covered for the whole face of the bond. No matter when the contractor steps out, there is still the 100% entire cost of the job. Upon motion of Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Nicker- son it was voted to award the contract for the constr- uction of the North Branch of Vine Brook Sewer to A. D. Daddario, the low bidder. 1 1 569 Mr. DeFoe reported on the cost of a temporary surface for Winter Street from the existing pavement to Wright Street. He said, without having quantities and knowing how long the shovel would be used, he figures approximately $640 for the job. It was the Winter opinion of the Board that no digging should be done, Street and upon motion of Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Driscoll, it was voted to authorize Mr. DeFoe to put a temporary surface on Winter Street from the existing pavement to Wright Street at a minimum cost. Request was received from C. E. Hall & Sons, Inc. permit for permission to move a building 22+ wide, 281 long to move and 121 high through Lexington en route from the Bed- bldg. ford Airport to Wilmington. Mr. Gay moved that permission be granted subject to the usual requirements. Mr. Driscoll seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe said that he has an opportunity to employ a young fellow for two months who might be very helpful in getting the sewer and streets surveyed. He is twenty-eight years old and will come to work for $40 a week. Mr. DeFoe said this fellow can figure, run an instrument, compute and do minor lines and grades. Mr. Driscoll moved that Mr. DeFoe be authorized to engage this individual for the Engineering Department at 040 a week. Mr. Gay seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman read a letter from the American Legion requesting the Board to grant, to all veteran employees of the Town, a full holiday on Armistice Day, without loss of pay. It was decided to hold this over until the next meeting of the Board. The Chairman brought up the question of early morn- ing street lighting and upon motion made by Mr. Driscoll, Early seconded by Mr. Gay, it was voted to authorize the Super- morning] intendent of Public Works to make the necessary arrange- street ' ments for early morning street lighting, following the light - same schedule that was set up last year. ing l Mr. DeFoe reported that Mr. Cataldo is very much disturbed about paying interest on his sewer betterment assessment. The Chairman asked how the Board felt and Mr. Emery Cataldo stated that the only alternative is to abate it. Assessment 570 Transfer Tax Title Property Permit to parade band The Chairman asked if Mr. Cataldofs only complaint was on the interest and Mr. DeFoe repliedWn the negative stating that Mr. Cataldo does not believe he can use the service. Mr. Emery asked if he could claim damages and Mr. DeFoe replied in the negative. Mr. Emery said that he did not know whether or not the Board can legally waive the interest payments. The Chairman suggested that Mr. DeFoe check the Sullivan agreement relative to interest payment and also check with the Town Counsel, and advise him that the Board would like to settle this without charging interest if that is possible. The Chairman said that it is his understanding that the subject of widening Waltham Street is to be brought up again at the next Annual Town Meeting. He suggested that Mr. DeFoe advise the State Department of Public Works that the Town has requested 830,000 and ask them to consider the widening of Waltham Street. ,/He thought Mr. DeFoe should ask for an estimate on the widening and an estimate on the proposed island. Mr. DeFoe retired at 9:15 p.m. The Chairman read a letter from the Veterans' Agent advising the Board that the expenses in his Department for the months of September and October totalled 8468, leaving a balance for the remainder of the year of only $41.46. He requested an additional $500. Mr. finery moved that the Appropriation Committee be requested to transfer the sum of $500 from the Reserve Fund to the Veterans' Benefits Account. Mr. Nickerson seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Board gave further consideration to Mr. Joseph A. Moretti's offer of $25 each for lots 197 and 198 Rindge Avenue. A proposal to sell these lots was advertised in the October 21, 1948 issue of the Lex- ington Minute -Man. No persons contacted the Select- men's Office as a result of the advertisement. Mr. Emery moved that the offer be accepted and that lots 197 and 198 Rindge Avenue be sold and conveyed to Mr. Moretti. Mr. Nickerson seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman read a letter from Donald J. Gillespie, Jr. requesting permission to parade the High School Band on November 2, 1948 at 2:30 and 6:45 p.m. from the High School via Massachusetts Avenue, around Depot Square and return, stopping to perform a few numbers on front of Cary Hall. 1 1 571 The Clerk was instructed to advise Mr. Gillespie that the Board has no objection to the band parading at 2:30 p.m. on November 2, but prefer not to grant permission for the 6:45 p.m. parade because of traffic. The Board suggested playing on the lawn of the Town Office Building and not on•the lawn of Cary Memorial Building. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Lynch relative of Officer Maguirevs request for retirement. Mr. Lynch stated that the procedure to be followed is exactly the same as outlined in his letter of July 9, 1947. It was decided to ask Dr. Harold J. Crumb to serve on the Medical Panel to examine Officer Maguire. Special Police The Chairman read a letter from the Chief of Police submitting the name of povi Bang, 110 Shade Street for appointment as a Special Police Officer. Mr. Bang is employed by J. Willard Hayden and lives on the Hayden property. Mr. Emery moved that Povl Bang, 110 Shade Street be appointed a Special Police Officer in the Town of Lexington for a term expiring March 31, 1949. Mr. Gay seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Application was received from the Lexington Allied Veterans for permission to conduct Armistice Day Exercises in Cary Hall on Thursday morning, November ll, 1948 from 9:00 a.m. until noon. Mr. Gay moved that the use of the hall be granted Use of free of charge. Mr. Driscoll seconded the motion, and Hall it was so voted. The Clerk informed the Board that a telephone call had been received relative to payment of ambulance charges when the Arlington ambulance is used covering Lexington. Mr. Nickerson moved that the;Town pay for the use of the Arlington Ambulance; this amount to be charged to the Unclassified Account. Mr. Driscoll seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Request from the New England Telephone and Telegraph Company and the Boston Edison Company for permission to place and maintain four poles and one anchor guy with necessary wires to provide services to the new Fiske School was held over. Pole Loca- tion 572 Mr. Grindle, Supt. of Schools, checked with the architect who prefers to have the wires undergound, but no money has been provided. Mr. emery moved •that the request be approved and permission granted. Mr. Gay seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Collins, Wel- fare Agent, requesting approval of an expenditure of $25 from the Bridge Fund to purchase winter clothing for the Burton Children on Ridge Road. Mr. Driscoll moved that the Trustees of Public Trusts be requested to approve an expenditure of $25 from the Bridge Fund for clothing for the Burton children. Mr. Gay seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. A true record, Attest erk, ‘lectmen.