HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-08-23SELECTME'T' S MEETING August 23, 1948 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday evening, August 23, 1948, at 7:30 p.m. Thema were present; Chairman Paxton, Messrs. Emery, Gay, Driscoll and Nickerson. The Clerk was also present. Mr. Carroll met with the Board for the draw- Juror ing of one juror. John J. Hosford, 55 Spring Street, was drawn to serve on civil business, First Session, at Cambridge beginning the f irpt Monday in October. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Carroll stating that Edward Johnson of Woburn, a member of the local draft board, which includes Woburn Draft and Lexington, has appointed Mr. Carroll in charge Board of registrations in Lexington. Registrations will begin on Monday, August 30, 1948, and will be held each day from 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 p.M. through Saturday, September 18, 1948. Mr. Emery moved that a conference room in Cary Memorial Building be made available for the Select- ive Service registration. Mr. Gay seconded the motion, and it was so voted. At 7:35 p.m. Mr. J. W. Greer met with the Board. Mr. Greer explained that he has been held up by this project because of the fact that he has not sufficient room to do even light manu- facturing - the cookie business or manufacturing business - he said that he intends to go ahead with his plans whether the change of zoning which he has requested is approved or not. He explained that he had already met with the Planning Board andrequested an enlargement of the area now zoned for light manufacturing. The Chairman explained that it would then have to be approved by Town Meeting. Mr. Greer explained that he has put the land which he purchased through the land court and is having it surveyed. He stated that he has gone at this in a business like way. 485. J. W. Greer Re: change of zoning 486 He said that he purchased a piece of property from Melanson for which he paid him cash and now has a deed. He asked the Board if there were any objections. The Chairman replied that the Board is just listening. Mr. Greer stated that he would like to take an option on all the low land. He said he could buy it outright but he would rather not. He explained that there are three retired men who have a little money and he thinks that if they went into business with him, he would be willing to under- take it. The Chairman explained that the piece of land which Mr. Greer has in mind is a fairly large tract and the Selectmen has made a verbal agreement with the Planning Board that on any large tract of land for which an offer is received they will submit it to the Planning Board for recommendations. The Chairman explained that it is the policy of the Board to have prospective purchasers submit an offer. If the Board feels that the offer is a fair one it then advertised so that the citizens interested may have an opportunity to submit a bid. The Chairman said that he has heard a rumor which he would like explained. Mr. Greer said that he has no secrets. The Chairman said that he heard Mr. Greens object in obtaining more land and having the manufacturing area enlarged is because he intends to manufacture pre- fabricated concrete houses. Mr. Greer very emphatically declared that this was not so. He said that in the first place he does not believe in houses like that. He said he has no idea of manufacturing prefabricated houses and that is a joke as far as he is concerned. The Chairman explained that if the Board sold him the land and he had a large manufacturing area whereby he could manufacture these homes, it would then appear that the Selectmen sanction the con- struction of the. type of house in and around Lexington, which would not be true. Mr. Greer said that he would not live in that type of a house and he certainly would not start out this late in life to construct houses for sale for children to be brought up in that type of residence. Mr. Greer said that he has applied for a patent on a machine that will handle concrete and mix it. This would not be practical for an office building such as they have in Boston 1 but it will build up to four .or five stories. It takes sand, gravel, cement, water -proofing or anything else and is all done mechanically. He. explained that he has another machine that mixes. plaster and puts the plaster on the walls and even on the ceilings. He said it is not right for people to have to pay so much money for plastering. The Chairman suggested that Mr. Greer write the Board a letter as to what he has in mind in so far as the land is concerned. He said that the land would be of no value to Mr. Greer unless the manufacturing zone is enlarged and Mr. Greer stated that is right. The Chairman suggested that Mr. Greer write the Board a letter stating that if and when the Selectmen decide to sell this particular property he would like an opportunity to submit a price. He said that if the Planning Board has studied the subject and after it has been acted on by Town Meeting, Mr. Greer could then make a definite offer for the property he wants. The Chairman asked if the company moved out here in a period of five years how many em- ployees there would be. He said there would be about one hundred. He now has three hundred, but they would not all move out to Lexington. Mr. Greer retired at 7:50 p.m. and Mr. DeFoe met with the Board. Mr. DeFoe requested authorization to increase Robert McGlone's salary. He explained that Mr. McGlone applied for the position of chief of party. Mr. DeFoe told him he would try him out as a transitman but he has developed as a chief of party. He stetted at a salary of 02,500 and was raised 0300 some time ago. Thirty two hundred (03,200) has been appro- priated for this position. Mr. McGlone is a night school man with eight or nine years practical experience and is filling the position very well. Mr. DeFoe Said that he would like to increase his salary 0200 and make it .an even 03,000 per year. Mr. DeFoe said he would like to give him the 0200 now and save the balance for some later time. Upon motion of Mr. Nickerson, seconded by Mr. Gay, it was voted to increase the salary of Robert McGlone of the Engineering Department to 03,000 per year, effective as of Friday, August 27, 1948. Mr. DeFoe requested additional funds for the Road Machinery Account. He said that the appro- priation was $20,000. He has spent $15,163 and has outstandin bills in the amount of $1,200., leaving about 3,700 in the account. He said 487 Increase salary of Robert McGlone Road Machy. Account 488 Blades for snow trucks Purchase 11+ mold Board Request for new body for service truck denied. that et the rate he -is going now he believes he will need $4 -*5;000: The Chairman said that Mr. DeFoe has money enough for September and October and inasmuch as the Board has called a Special Town Meeting for October he should submit the request to the Board in writing. Mr. DeFoe stated that he has checked on the blades for the snow trucks and the 91 blade is the one recommended for the Ford. He said he would like, permission to purchase a 111 mold board at a cost of $210 delivered,. Mr. Gay moved that the Sup+t. of Public Works be authorized to purchase one 111 mold board at a cost not to exceed $210. Mr. Nickerson seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe requested consideration of the pur- chase of a special body for the Water Departments service truck. James Kiley Company of Somerville makes these bodies and the one he has in mind would be 84" long and 50" wide. They have cabinets on both sides, small or large, which ever is pre- ferred. The price with cover is $715., subject to any raise in cost. The Chairman asked what happens to the body on the truck. Mr. DeFoe. explained that the town keeps that; it is only worth $60. The Chairman asked if he intended to put any extra equipment on the truck. Mr. DeFoe replied that he would take the little generating plant and keep that on the truck which would be more or less of a service truck and not an emergency truck. The Chairman asked him how many service calls he has in the course of a year and Mr. DeFoe replied approximately 2,500 to 3,000. Mr. Gay asked him if he has the money for. purchasing this unit. Mr. DeFoe replied that he has made such savings in the Road Machinery Account he thought it would be in order to purchase this truck. The Chairman said that this would be a legitimate charge against Road Machinery, New Equipment Account, because this is a part of the service truck. Mr. Emery asked if this were an emergency and Mr. DeFoe replied in the negative. Mr. Emery asked why it wouldn't be a normal item to bring up at the annual town meeting. Mr. DeFoe said that the truck is new now. Mr. finery said he thought things like this should be brought up at the annual meeting. Mr. DeFoe presented five copies of the contract for the construction of water mains in Burlington and North Streets and explained that they have been approved by Town Counsel. The Board signed the five copies. The Chairman read a letter from Robert L. Ryder offering 0100 for Lots 97, 98, 99, 100-A and 104 on Grandview Avenue. TheCommittee on Tax Title Property thinks this should be given to the Engineers or the Planning Board to determine what the relation of this property is to the other land in the area. The Clerk was instructed to refer the communication to the Planning Board and ask them for any suggestions or recommendations. She was also instructed to have the Engineers prepare a sketch showing these parcels. Mr. DeFoe brought up the subject of widening Massachusetts Avenue and it was the opinion of the Board that Mr. DeFoe should obtain one bid other than that of Brox for this widening. He was instructed to have two separate bids, one with 'sidewalk and one without sidewalk. The Chairman read a letter from Paul C. and Gladys E. Folsom requesting deferment of the water betterment assessment. The Folsoms claim that Route 128 will be located through their property. Mr. DeFoe was requested to have a report on this for the Board at the next meeting of the Board. He retired at 8:35 p.m. Mr. Clyde A. Steeves, Chairman of the Board of Assessors, met with the Board. Mr. Steeves informed the Board that at a meeting of the Assessors held this evenjng, at which all members were present with the excq tion of Mr. Emery, they voted to appoint Cornelius Cronin as Assistant to Mr. Spencer. He said that there are a number of applications for abatement in the office now and the Assessors would like to have Mr. Cronin come in as soon as possible. The Chairman said that Mr. Cronin would undoubtedly have to give his present employer from four to six weeks.notice. 489 Sign Water main Contracts Offer for Tax Title Land Widening of. Mass. Avenue Folsoms re: Betterment Apptt Cronin Ass i t. Assessor 490 Authorize sale of Fire Service Truck Grading at rear of Fire Station Change of hours for Fire Dept. discussed Mr. Steeves said that at the present time Mr. Spencer has ime to instruct him. It was the sense of thi meeting that the Board of Selectmen is in favor f the appointment made by the Assessors. Mr. Steeves retired at 8:40 p.m. Mr. Thomas Donnelly, Chairman of the Board of Fire Engineers, and Deputy Chief Cook met with the Board. Mr. Donnelly reported that the new truck is ready for use. It has 300' of booster hose, a 500 gallon wpter tank and the total cost, includ- ing the chassis was $2,100. Mr. Donnelly said that the Department has a 1929 Dodge service truck, Model DA which is of no value to the Department and the Engineers would like authority to sell it. He said that they have received an offer of 825.00. Upon motion of Mr. Nickerson, seconded by Mr. Gay, it was voted to authorize the Board of Fire Engineers to sell for junk a 1929 Dodge.:service,truck Model DA Mr. Donnelly informed the Board that Mr. Emery had met with the Fire Engineers the other night at which time the proposed grading at the new fire station was discussed. Mr. Donnelly presented a sketch and explained what the Fire Engineers would like to do. Mr. Emery suggested that they decide how they want the back area developed because Gordon Richards has offerred to give loam to the town from his adjacent land if the town will give him fill as it becomes available. He said that before this can be done he presumed it should be approved by the Board of Selectmen and he suggested that the Chairman look it over, and that the work be done while there is an opportunity to obtain the loam free of charge. The Chairman said that basically the plan presented met with the approval. of, the Board of Selectmen, and Mr. Emery said that it would be subject to the Chairman's approval after he and Mr. Stevens had looked over the area. Mr. Ddnnelly informed the Board that he has heard a rumor that the members of the Fire Department want their working hours decreased. They are now working 84 hours and the Board of Fire Engineers are working on a plan for a 70 hour week. The Chairman asked if this could be worked out with the present personnel. Deputy Chief Cook replied that it could be done by cutting down the coverage which at the present time is too low. Mr. Emery asked how many more men would be needed on a 70 hour week. Mr. Donnelly said that to maintain the same coverage that they now have they would needsix additional men. 1 Messrs. Donnelly and Cook retired at 9:10 p.m. The Chairman read a letter from S. T. Cobb requesting the removal of an elm tree located on a grass plot between the sidewalk and the street at 40 Bloomfield Street. The Chairman reported that Mr. Garrity informed him that this is a 20" elm between two maples and he recommends that it be taken down, the cost of Which will be approximately 05. Mr. Emery moved that Mr. Garrity be authorized to post for removal the elm tree located on a grass plot between the sidewalk and the street at 40 Bloomfield Street. Mr. Gay seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman read a letter from Mrs. Floyd Roby; 48 Valley Road, Lexington, offering $40.00 for Lots 39-40, Block B, Acorn Street. The Com- mittee on Tax Title property reported that these lots are in the area where Route 128 may be located and the Committee does not recommend selling them. Mr. Emery moved that Mrs. Roby be 'so advised. Mr. Nickerson seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman informed the Board that Officer John Russell had requested a copy of the letter written to the Chief of Police by Clarence Walker, a copy of which was mailed to the Board of Select • - men. Officer Russell has asked the Chief of Police for a copy of this letter and has been refused. The Clerk was instructed to contact the Town Counsel for advice. A letter was received from Alan Adams sub- mitting a list of names of individuals to make-up the committee for the 175th celebration of the incorporation of the Town of Lexington. The Chaitthan suggested that the appointment of this committee be held over for one week during which time this list of names may be studied by Mr. Emery, who could then submit a report to the Board. At 9:25 p.m. Mr. Robert L. Ryder met with the Board. Mr. Ryder said that Mr. Milton Shaw of Grant Street undertook to retain him over the week -end. He asked why the Board would not build 491 Remove Elm Tree Tax Title Property Held Request of Officer Russell Comm. For 175th Anniver- sary 492 a retaining wall for Mr. Shaw. He said that Mr. Shaw wanted him to meet with the Board and undertake to do something for him. He said that he found out Mr. Shaw's time has expired for filing a petition. Mr. Ryder said he went down Sunday morning and looked at the situation and it seemed to him that the town should do some- thing for him. The Chairman said he didn't know whether or not the Board should say much; first, because they had a conference last week with Mr. Shaw and at that time he had not consulted any legal advisor. The Board told him he should get in touch with a lawyer and talk this matter over with him. The Board then authorized the Town Counsel to straighten this matter out with Mr. Shaw's lawyer, whoever that might be. Mr. Ryder stated that Mi... Shaw is in a bad position. He has lost his rights so far as the law is con- cerned because the year has expired. The Chairman explained that there is no money available to construct the wall and that at the original hearing held on Grant Street, at which Mr. Shaw has agreed, the Board very definitely said that there would be no walls and all slopes would be done on private property. The Chairman said that he understood since the meeting of last week that Mr. Shaw had agreed to a slopirng of the property and sodding the slope. He stated that there just isn't any money to construct a wall, and he believes when the work is completed Mr. Shaw will have a slope that will be less than 2i+ horizontal to 1+ vertical. The Chairman explained that the Engineers were told to decrease the slope as much as possible and to raise the grade of the sidewalk, because the Board wants to satisfy Mr. Shaw as far as can be done without a stonewall. The Chairman said that Mr. Lynch has the complete story and suggested Mr. Ryder contact him and he will be very glad to discuss it with him. Mr. Ryder said that Mr. Shaw told him one of the town men dug a hold for a cesspool without ever asking him for a location. The Chairman said he did not know if thiswere so. He explained that the present cesspool was too close to the street line so that when the shoulders are sloped it has to be put back, and if the men have disturbed the cesspool they should build a new one for him. He explained that it would have PIC 1 493 been finished right away except for the fact that last week the Board did not know whether Mr. Shaw intended to take legal action. Mr. Ryder retired at 9:35 P.M. Mr. George V. Morse met with the Board. He Tennis explained that the Lexington Tennis Association Finals would like to have a representative from the Board of Selectmen at the finals next Sunday after- noon. He explained that he has tried without success to contact the Chairman of the Recreation Committee and the Association would like to have one of the Selectmen present the awards. Mr. Morse retired at 9:45 P.M. The members of the Board worked on betterment Betterments assessments and after a careful study the Select- men determined the betterments on Pine Knoll Road to be at the rate of $4.2672 per assessable front foot to be applied on the easterly side of the street. Due to the lack of depth on the left hand side of Pine Knoll Road the assessments were determined to be $3.4138 per assessable front foot. The Chairman agreed to discuss betterments with the Engineering Department and instruct them to have the assessments figured out on all streets con- structed under the betterment assessments. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M. A true record, Attest.