HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-06-01400 SELECTMEN'S MEETING June 1, 1948 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's -Room, Town Office Building on Tuesday evening, June 1, 1948. The meeting was held on Tuesday because Monday was a holiday. Chairman Paxton, Messrs. Emery, Gay, Driscoll and Nickerson were present. The Clerk was also present. At 7:30 p.m. bids were opened for the construction .of sanitary sewers. Mr. DeFoe, Supt. of Public Works and Mr. William Burns, Toin'Engineer and thirty one other persons:_ were present. Bids were received as follows: (See "bids", Selectmen's Files, 1948). At 8:00 p.m. bids were opened for the construction of various streets and a water main in Winter Street. Bids received were as follows: (See "Bids", Select- men's Files, 1948). Opening of the bids was closed at 9:07 p.m. An analysis will be made and further consideration given to awarding the contracts at the next meeting of the Board on June 7th. Chairman, Steeves, Messrs. Burnham and Spencer of the Board of Assessors met with the Selectmen relative to the $40,000 transfer voted at the annual Town Meet- ing in March. Mr. Spencer submitted the Assessors' work sheet and said that he would not go to see Commissioner Long and suggested that the Selectmen contact him. The Chairman'explained that he personally, and he thought the Board, has no interest what the Assessors establish as a tax rate but he would like to seeing misunderstanding cleared up. The matter was discussed and at 9:25 p.m. Mr. Leland Emery of the Board of Assessors arrived at the meeting. He reported to the Board that Mr. Giroux, who originally requested the $40,000 transfer at Town Meet- ing, had been to the State House this morning and admitted to the Commissioner's Office that he had made a mistake.- The Commissioner would not change his decision and Mr. Giroux left satisfied with the decision. The Assessors retired at 9:35 p.m. 1 401 Chief Rycroft intoduced Mr. Robdrt Martin, an applicant for the position of patrohaat,to the Board of Selectmen and then retired. Mr. Martin passed the State Police exam with a mark of 96, and was sixth on the list. The Chairman asked Mr. Martin how long he attended law school and he replied that he went for five or six months and then took a business course at Northeastern. He took up a pre -legal course, psychology, sociology, English history, French and basic English. The pre legal course was two years. Mr. Martin went to day school at Northeastern for six months. He said that he was with the air force, as an aerial gunner with the Eighth Air Force and flew thirty missions. Mr. Martin is now working for the Fuelite Natural Gas Company and has been there for ten months. He is to report for training with the State Police on .Jiffy: 6. He explained that if he does not receive an appointment to the Lexington Police Department he will be with either the State Police or the M.D.C. as he definitely wants to make police work his career. Mr. Martin retired at 9:45 p.m. Chief Rycroft introduced James J. Burdick, another applicant, to the Board and then retired. Mr. Burdick, in answer to the Chairman's questions, said that he graduated from Lexington High School in 1942, worked at the Watertown Arsenal until March of 1943, was overseas for twenty-two and a half months. The Chairman asked his rating and he replied that he was a TTchni:cal . Corporal. He stated that when he returned from the service he took a position at Raytheon and is still working there. The Chairman asked why he wanted to be a police officer and he replied that he was a Military Police in the Army for almost three years and he likes the work. Mr. Emery asked what kind of a position he now has and he replied that he is a draftsman. Mr. Emery asked if it were a permanent job and Mr. Burdick said that it was not necessarily permanent. The Chairman asked if he had taken any courses and he replied that he went three months to Lincoln Tech and then to Police School. The Chairman asked how long he went to police school. Mr. Burdick said that he has been going since January 1, and has signed up for a year, three nights a week, totalling six hours. The Chairman asked if the Board'had any questions and there were none. Mr. Burdick retired at 9:50 p.m. 402 Police Appoint- ments Permit for night baseball Upon motion of Mr. Driscoll, seconded by Mr. beery, it was voted to appoint Robert Martin, 33 Follen Road and James J. Burdick, 12 Theresa Avenue to the position of pptrolmen pending the establishment of eligible list and certification and appointment therefrom under the provisions of Ch. 13, Sec. 5, Acts of 1942; said appolnt- ments to become effective June 18, 1948. Mr. Harold Costello met with the Board and requested permission to move a small building 15' x 20' through the Town from Lincoln, through Lexington Center, down Woburn Street and down Lowell Street. He explained that the insurance man for the rigger, who is going to move the building, informed him that the mover's insurance will cover moving the building and whatever papers are.necessary the foreman will have with him the day the building is moved. He said that John J. Shaughnessy of Woburn is bhe mover and he would like to move the building on Thursday and Friday in two sections. . The Chairman said that Friday is a busy day in Lex- ington Center. He also explained that the usual pro-, cedure is for the mover to obtain a bond in the sum of $1,000 and when the bond is left at the Selectmen's Office he then picks up his permit. The Chairman suggested, and the Board had no objections, that.the building would not be moving through Lexington Center on Friday after twelve o'clock noon. Mr. FYnery moved that a permit be granted, providing a bond is filed. Mr. Gay seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Costello retired at 10:00 p.m. Mr. Thomas Moon met with the Board. He said that he would like permission to conduct a night baseball game with lights on,June 23. He called Mr. Garrity, and as far as heris concerned he will grant permission to use the field, but he thought Mr. Moon should discuss it with the Board. He explained that the expenses will amount to about $325 and he•would like to raffle off $50 or 60 worth of merchandise. The tickets will be 50¢. The Chairman asked how the Board felt and Mr. Emery asked if there was any reason why the requests should not be granted. Upon motion of Mr. Driscoll, seconded by Mr. Hillery, it was voted to grant Mr. Moon's'request for permission to conduct a night baseball game, at the center playground, on the evening of June 23, 1948. 1 1 1 403 The Chairman. read a letter from Dorothy Day, Inc. Sidewalk relative to the sidewalk at the Ribok business block Constr. in Lexington Center. The Chairman explained that this has been c ailed to the Town's attention a number of times over a period of years. If the Board does not want to reconstruct the sidewalk and assess the owner, the Supt. of Public Works may put on a hot top. Upon motion ,of Mr. Driscoll, seconded by Mr. Gay, it was voted to authorize the reconstruction of the side- walk along the--Ribok business block; said construction to be of a material of more permanent character than that Stich was used in the original construction. The Chairman read a letter from the County Commissioners advising that no maintenance funds would be allowed for cities and so-called larger towns in the metropolitan Chap.90 vicinity. No monies were set up in their budget, there- fore, for the larger towns. The letter stated that Lex- ington falls within the category and they doubt that sufficient funds will remain from other projects to permit an allotment for maintenance this season. Notice was received from the Division of Civil Service that an examination for the position of sergeant would Sergeant be held on Friday, July 30, 1948. exam Letter was received from the Planning Board in reply to the Selectmen's communication relative to Tax Harold Michelson's offer to purchase land on Winthrop Title Road._ The Planning Board unanimously voted that no Prop - portion of this land be sold to anyone at the present erty. time. Mr. Emery moved that_Mr. Michelson be advised that' the Board of Selectmen prefer to follow the recommend- ations of the -Planning Board anstain title to the property. Mr. Driscoll seconde4the motion, and it was so voted. A second letter was received from Dr. Howard W. Foley Foley claiming damages, no amount stated, for injuries alleged to have been sustained at the dump on Lincoln Street. The Clerk was instructed to refer the matter to Mr. Lynch and ask him whether or not the town has any liability. Another letter was received from Leonard Jellis, Sr. Tax 70 Reed Street, offering $25 for lots 26-29 inclusive Title on Earl Street. Prop - Mr. Gay moved that he be advised that the Board is erty still of the opinion that no change should be made in the price previously entertained, namely $75. Mr. Driscoll seconded the motion, and it was so voted. 404 Upon motion of Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Driscoll, it -:was voted to approve William Viano's application for Sunday Movies and Countryside Associates application for Sunday Golf. The Clerk informed. the Board that Converse Hill telephoned relative to the insurance on the old fire Insurance station on Meriam Street. The present policy will expire on July 1 and inasmuch as the building is being used by the V. F. W. as a clubhouse should be insured for a club house. The Clerk was instructed to request Mr. Hill to place the correct coverage and when the bill is received notify Mr. Fitzgerald of the V. F. W. that the organ- ization will be billed. Veterans' Lots Ass't. Treasurer Bond Borrowing Letter was received from Donald Andrews stating that it is impossible for him to build at this time and therefore he does not want to take his option for lot #5 on the Veterans' tract on Hill Street. He requested the return of his $100 deposit. Letter was received from Joseph E. Belcher asking if he could exchange his present lot #6 for Andrews' lot #5 on Hill Street. The Clerk was instructed to submit all letters requesting veterans' lots and any requests for changes for consideration at the next Board meeting. Letter was received from Mr. Carroll, to which was attached Surety Bond #5802 in the amount of $5,000 on behalf of Mary R. McDonough as Assistant Town Treasurer. Mr. Carroll stated in his letter that the bond has been approved by Commissioner Long. Mr. IEMery moved that the bond be approved. Mr. Gay seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from the Town Treasurer advising that on Wednesday, May 26, 1948ibids were opened for a total of 41,110,000 in bonds. A list of the bids received wag attached, with the highest bidder -being Sheilds & Company and Blair Company, Inc. of New York, jointly with a rate of 101.436 at 1 3/4% per annum. Mr. Emery moved that the bid of Sheilds & Company and Blair Company, Inc. of New York, jointly, rate of 101.436 at 1 3/4% per annum be approved, as outlined in Mr. Carroll's letter received June 1, 1948. Mr. Gay seconded the motion, and it was so voted. 1 At 10:45 p.m. Chairman Donnelly of the Board of Fire Engineers and Deputy Chief Roy A. Cook met with the Board. Mr. Donnelly submitted a copy of a letter received by him from the Peter Pirsch & Sons Co. relative to the charge covering recent repairs to the aerial ladder truck. Mr. Donnelly gave th oard a brief outline as to some of the items which wi 1 make up the Fire Department budget for 1949. The meeting adjourned at 11:15 p.m.' A true record, Attest: • r- c "`',e. 405