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May 2, 1949
A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was
held in the Selectmen's Room on Monday evening, May 2,
1949. There were present: Chairman Emery, Messrs. Gay,
Dirscoll and Nickerson. The Clerk was also present.
At 7:30 P. M. Mr. Bertram P. Gustin, Chairman of
the Recreation Committee, and Mr. Bramhall, Director
of Recreation Activities, met with the Board. Mr. Gustin
explained that his committee has received a request for
aid in making the park at Kineen's Pond available for a Kineen's
play area. He said it would mean that they would have Pond
to have funds for a bulldozer but the group of men in Rec. Comm.
the vicinity have offered to do the labor free of charge
so that the children in that area will have a ball field.
The Chairman read a petition aigned by ten residents of
Simonds Road and Burlington Street stating that is was
their proposal to level off the hump in the Kineen Park
and use the fill for the low spots. Mr. Garrity has been
advised of the project and suggested that a letter be
written to the Board. Mr. Gustin said he thought this job
could be done for $50 or $100 and he would say that his
committee is in favor of it. The Chairman explained that
the Selectmen are in favor of anything within reason along
these lines. He asked if the Board could discuss this
matter with Mr. Garrity, inspect the area some evening, and
have an answer for Mr. Gustin next Monday. Mr. Gustin agreed.
Mr. Gustin informed the Board that the Committee has
discussed the enclosed field and decided to go on the policy
to make the suggestion to those using the field that the
Recreation Committee will be glad to receive a contribution
of 30% or $150., which ever. is the lesser. The Chairman Enclosed
said that it must be understood that there is nothing com- Field
pulsory and any contribution is voluntary. He said that
if anyone passes the hat they should wear the sign that
all contributions are voluntary. Mr. Gustin said that Mr.
Hanna would like to know if the Selectmen have any objection
to their writing the Scott Heirs explaining the situation
on the enclosed field and asking for a release. The Chair-
man said he did not know how the Board felt about this but,
personally, he thought Mr. Hanna should not do it. He said
if anyone is going to contact the heirs and ask for a release
it should be the Town Counsel. He said that in fact the
Town Laws infer this. Mr. Gustin said that he would like
to make this suggestion and agreed that it should be brought
up by the Town Counsel. The Chairman asked Mr. Gustin to
have his committee submit this request in writing.
Mr. Gustin and Mr. Bramhall retired at 7:55 P. M.
A letter was received from the State Department of
Public Works advising the Board that the Commissioners
have alloted, under the provisions of -Section 34 Chapter
Chapter 90 90 of the General Laws the sum of $10,000 for the improve-
ment of Waltham Street on condition that at least $5,000
shall be contributed by the Town and $5,000 by the County.
A letter was received from the State Department of
Public Works advising the Board of Selectmen that the
Chapter 90 Commissioners have allotted under provision of Section 34,
Chapter 90 of the General Laws,the sum of $1,000 for the
maintenance of Chapter 90 roads in Lexington on condition
that at least $1,000 shall be contributed by the Town of
Lexington and $1,000 by the County.
Traffic A petition was received requesting the installation
Lights of traffic lights at the intersection of Bedford, Hill and
Revere Stiieets. The Chairman gave the petition to the Super-
intendent of Public Works.
A letter was received from the School Committee advising
the Board that Mr. Robert Person has been appointed a member
of the Recreation Committee for a three year term. Mr. Person
will replace Tracey W. Ames who is unable to accept reappoint-
The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Lynch regarding
payment for sewer connections. It is Mr. Lynch's opinion
Sewer that
Connections it would be hazardous to depart from the established policy
of requiring land owners to pay to the town the total cost
of connection a private estate with a common sewer before
such connection is made.
Mr. DeFoe, Supt. of Public Works, met with the Board
at 8:10 P. M. The Chairman bought up the subject of the
drainage complaint received from A. J. Kochis, 468 Marrett
Road, which involves Lot #'77 owned by the Town. The Chair -
Drainage man explained that the Board had viewed this area and asked
Mr. DeFoe is it would cost too much to pipe along the open
broo} within the boundary of the low owned by the town.
Mr. DeFoe said he would not suggest this because he does
not see any advantage to laying the pipe. The Chairman
asked if the drain would flow freely if the town l,nd were
cleaned out. Mr. DeFoe replied that the most the town
could do would be to take up the lest two or three lengths
of pipe and then lay pipe in there and clean out the ditch
up to the adjacent property. He explained thrt this would
not take care of all the water but he believed it would be
all that the town should be called upon to do. The Chair-
man agreed and asked what it would cost. Mr. DeFoe replied
that he thought it would be less than $100. The Chairman
asked that the Town Counsel would agree end prepare a lease
to be signed by the property owners, would the Board like
to have Mr. DeFoe do the work.
Upon motion of Mr. Driscoll, seconded by Mr. Nickerson,
it was voted to authorize Mr. DeFoe to take out the last two
or three lengths of pipe, clean out the ditch to the adjacent
property -providing a release prepared by the Town Counsel
is signed by the property owners, the cost not to exceel
The Chairman brought up the subject of the complaint
submitted by Mr. Scott about water on Middle Street. The
Board of Selectmen went over this area last Saturday morn-
ing. Mr. DeFoe stated very emphatically that there was only
one solution and that is drainage which would cost about
$7,500. The Chairman asked whit could be done other than
the installation of drainage.
Mr. DeFoe replied that there is nothing else that can
be done. Ie explained that the water spills on the low tide
and it can't be run down the street because it would be too
deep for traffic going through and then it would begin to
flow into the yard across the street. He stated that Mr.
Scott wants the town to drain it locally; put in a couple
of catch basins and run a pipe through his land. He ex-
plained that once the town begins to dump the water into
the brook the town will be responsible for the entire
length of the brook. He further stated that if the town
g00* into Mr. Scott's land tt will be reclaiming his land.
The Chairman asked if Mr. DeFoe could lower the cut
that Mr. Scott made so that the water would be directed out
of the area and diverted into the brook. Mr. DeFoe again
stated that if this procedure is followed the town will be
responsible for the entire length of the brook. The Chair-
man asked what difference this would make of the town acquired
the responsibility of the brook. Mr. DeFoerepliedthat
there would be no end to what it would cost the town and
that other property owners.would then look for relief. Mr.
DeFoe said he did not think the town should put in local
catch basins for one individual and become responsible
for a brook a mile and a half long. He explained that even
if the drainage is installed Mr. Scott will still have water
in his back yard. Mr. Nickerson stated that Mr. Scott com-
plained about the water rushing down the road into his drive-
way and stated that it was getting increasingly worse each
year. Mr. DeFoe said he could not understand why. The
Chairman asked if Mr. DeFoe had any alternative in mind and
he replied in the negative. The Chairman asked what it would
cost to raise the street. Mr. DeFoe replied it would be
subject to study to see where the gutter would be, taking
grades, the effect on adjacent property, etc. The Chairman
asked if he would take off the two rims. Mr. DeFoe said
that he would have to take out a quarter of a mile of road
altogether and build it over again and that would be quite
expensive. The chances are that the water would then go
on to some one elses driveway and the drainage still would
not be installed. Mr. Nickerson asked if it would be expen-
sive to keep the brook supposing the town deepens the cut,
reclaims the land and directs the water down to the brook.
Mr. DeFoe replied that it is difficult to get equip-
ment in to clean out any brook. He said he did not know
what they would run into but to him it would appear to be
an expensive proposition. He suggested that Mr. Scott be
told that this would have to be acted on at a town meeting
at which time the town could vote on the annual budget.
Mr. Driscoll said he would rather see an expenditure of
$7,500 for a drainage project. The Chairman suggested
that Mr. DeFoe contact Mr. Scott and tell him that the town
has no money for the drainage and see what kind of a set-
tlement can be made.
The Chairman read a letter from the Leeland Con-
struction Co. requesting the water service to ten lots
in Lexington Manor. The Chairman asked if Mr. McConchie
knew that there was no wrter when he started construction
in this area. Mr. DeFoe replied that the Town Engineer
told him and he understands the situation. He said that
Mr. McConchie had been advised that it was very probable
that nothing could be done this year. The Chairman informed
the Board that he would answer Mr. McConchie's request and
advise him that the Board can make no commitments of any
kind at this time.
Mr. DeFoe requested permission to purchase a supply
of copper tubing and submitted quotations received from
Bids four concerns. Upon motion of Mr. Gay, seconded by Mr.
Copper Driscoll, it was voted to authorize the Suptt. of Public
Tubing Works to purchase 10,020 feet of 3/4" and 2,040 feet of
1" copper tubing from the Red Hed Mfg. Co. at their quo-
tations of $.2410 per foot on 3/4" and 4.2971 per foot on
Mr. DeFoe presented a sketch showing the property
on Carville Avenue owned by Mr. Erwin. Mr. Erwin intends
to construct a house but there is a brook running through
the lot and he wants the town to do something about it.
The Chairman questioned why the town should tie anything
Drainage if he wants to build a house over a water course. Mr.
DeFoe said he had discussed this with the Town Counsel
who stated that the town dumps into the brook and Mr.
Erwin has a right to build a house because it is his
land. The Chairman suggested that Mr. DeFoe contact
Mr. Erwin and tell him that he would advise him later on
in the serson rs to the status of his drainage budget.
Mr. DeFoe requested permission for the construction
of a water main in Williams Road. He reported that this
Water was approved in his 1949 Budget end he has 100% of the
Order signatures. Mr. Gay moved that the order be prepared.
Mr. Nickerson seconded the motion and it was so voted.
Mr. DeFoe presented each member of the Board with
a detailed summary relative to the Bow Street district
Sewer sewers. Upon motion of Mr. Gay, seconded by Mr. Nickerson,
it was voted to authorize the construction of sewer laterals
in Bow Street, Albermarle Averjae, Rindge and Rawson Avenue. ✓
Mr. DeFoe said that Mr. Lindstrom, Plumbing Inspector,
had asked permission to purchase the typewriter now being
used in that Department, for the turn n price of $20.00. Sell
Mr. Driscoll moved that Mr. Lindstrom s request be granted. typewriter
Mr. Nickerson seconded the motion and it was so voted.
Mr. DeFoe retired at 9:35 P. M.
The Chairman informed the Clerk that Mr. Hugh C.
Tupper, 20 Wood Street, Lexington, verbally ^agreed
to pay $200 for Lots 31, 32, 33 and 34, Block 3, Earle Tax
Street. Mr. Nickerson moved that the offer to purchase Title
these lots be advertised in the Lexington Minute -Man.
Mr. Driscoll seconded the motion and it was so noted.
The Chairman read a letter signed by Mr. and Mrs.
Berglund, 1 Ames Avenue, registering a complaint about
a vicious dog owned by Richard Tracey, 5 Butler Avenue.
The Report was also received from the Dog Officer.
The Chairman asked if the Board wanted to clear this
with the Town Counsel and then ask Mr. Tracey to meet with Dog
the Board. Mr. Driscoll moved that the dog be permanently Complaint
restrained. Mr. Nickerson seconded the motion and it was
so Voted. The Chairman suggested that a letter be written
to Mr. Tracey advising him that the Board had received a
complaint and voted to restrain the dog permanently; how-
ever, if he feels the order is unjust the Board would be
glad to discuss it with him. It was decided to have the
Chairman discuss this with the Town Counsel.
A petition was received from residents of Curve
Street requesting the restraint of a dog owned by Eleanor
M. Boyle, 3 Curve Street. Mr. Driscoll moved that the Dog
dog be temporarily restrained pending a report from Complaint
the Dog Officer. Mr. Gay seconded the motion and it
was so voted. (Both communications given to Town Counsel
by the Chairman.)
A letter was received from the Board of Fire Engineers
together with a bill in the amount of $37.50 received from
L. W. Bills for replacing fire alarm wires after moving the Fire
old fire house. The Chairman felt it would be more logical Dept.
to pay this bill from the Fire Department Account than from
the Selectments Account. Mr. Nickerson moved that the
Chairman be authorized to discuss this with the Chair-
man of the Board of Fire Engineers. Mr. Gay seconded the
motion and it was so voted.
A letter was received from the Board of Fire
Engineers together with a letter from Frederick A.
Hoxie requesting retirement udder Chapter 32, Section
Fire Dept. 85E, paragraph A, of General Laws. Mr. Gay moved that
Retirement Dr. Harold J. Crumb be appointed to serve on the med-
ical panel on behalf of the Town of Lexington. Mr.
Nickerson seconded the motion and it was so voted.
A letter was received from Mr. Garrity stating that
tie Field & Garden Club would like to use the space at
vthe rear of Buckman Tavel between the kitchen and the
shed door for the proposed herb garden. He stated that
the Field and Garden Club will maintain the garden and
Herb the proposed location is within the Historical Society's
Garden lease. Personally Mr. Garrity could see no objection.
Mr. Nickerson moved that the request submitted by the
Field & Garden Club for permission to maintain a herb
garden on the Buckman Tavern property in memory of Mrs.
Helen Webster be granted. Mr. Driscoll seconded the
motion and it was so voted.
A letter was received from the Town Counsel relative
to the application of T. J. Morrisson for a Sunday Sales
license to do business at 139 Spring Street. Mr. Lynch
expressed the opinion that the application should be
License denied on the grounds that the property in question is
located in an R1 residential zone where such a commercial
activity is forbidden under the provisions of the Zoning
Law of the Town of Lexington. Mr. Driscoll moved that
the application be denied. Mr. Nickerson seconded the
motion and it was so voted.
Mr. Lynch also referred to the application of Law-
rence Trebino for a license to peddle. He explained
that the only restriction on the power of the Director
of Standards, who is authorized to grant Peddler's Lic-
enses, is that a person applying for such a license
must file a certificate signed by a majority of the Sel-
ectmen stating that to the best of their knowledge and
belief the applicant is of good reputation and morals
and is, or has declared his intention to become a citizen
License of the United States. If the Director issues such a
license the licensee needs no further permission from any
city or town in which he acts as peddler. Upon motion
of Mr. Nickerson, seconded by Mr. Gay, it was voted to
sign Lawrence Trebino+s application for a peddler's license
providing the Chief of Police is able to find out that
he is a citizen of the United States. It was further
decided that a letter be written to the Director of Stan-
dards calling his attention to the fact that the appli-
cant is only 14 years old and it is the opinion of the
Board of Selectmen that a boy of this age has not the
judgment or experience to properly handle a horse or pony
or children who might be running into streets to buy ice
Mr. Garrityts communication relative to the old
cellar hole on the Aldrich property was held over.
The membersof the Board of Selectmen inspected the
area and are of the opinion that the cellar hole was
not worth saving and should be bulldozed off. The Aldrich
Clerk was instructed to write the Recreation Committee Property
that the Selectmen are of the opinion that it is not
worth keeping this cellar hole and as a safety measure
feel that it thcld be levelled off. .Unless the Com-
mittee feels that this is not a sound move or has any
other objection the Board will proceed with this plan.
An application was received from the 4-H Club for
permission to use the Conference Room May 12th from Use of
7:30 to 9:30 P. M. Mr. Gay moved that this application Hall
be approved and the use granted free of charge. Mr.
Nickerson seconded the motion and it was so voted.
Upon motion of Mr. Driscoll, seconded by Mr. Nick- Licenses
erson, it was voted to grant the following licenses:
Enrico Sanseverino
Lexington Bowladrome
h tt
Robert D. Cann
Shoppers' Haven
Village Variety
Countryside Associates
William Viano
11 Lisbeth Street
1698 Mass. Avenue
It It n
4 Stetson Street
314 Marrett Road
93 Mass. Avenue
Lowell Street
1794 Mass. Avenue
Public Carriage
Bowling Alley
Sunday Bowling
Sunday Sales
n n
Sunday Golf
Sunday Movies
The appointment of the committee relative to Town
Manager and a committee for the 1950 celebration were
held over.
The ChariMan informed the Board that a representative
of the Planning Board, Mr. F. K. Johnson, had inspected
the proposed parking meter location. Mr. Bateman, of
the Chamber of Commerce, had also inspected the layout.
Both individuals agreed that there should be no meters.
in front of the Post Office.
The meeting adjourned at 10:45 P. M.
The next regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen will
be held on Monday evening, May 9, 1949, at 7:30 P. M.