HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-04-26351 SELECTMEN'S MEETING April 26, 1948 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building on Monday evening, April 26, 1948 at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Paxton, Messrs. Etery, Gay, Driscoll and Nickerson were present. The Clerk was also present. Mr. James J. Carroll, Town Clerk, met with the Board for the drawing of one juror, Mr. Robert C. Lee, Juror insurance underwriter,.9 Jackson Court, was drawn to serve on Civil Business, 1st session. Mr. Carroll retired at 7:35 p.m. Mr. DeFoe, Supt. of Public Works, Dr. Winthrop Adorns, hr. Carlson and one other gentleman, all of the Veteran's Hospital in Bedford met with the Board relative to the possiblility of the Town of Lexington Water furnishing the hospital with water. for Mr. Carlson presented the Board with a statement Bedford in detail as to(A) Present water supply system Hospital (B) Emergency water supply (C) Present water consum tion and(D) Projected' water supply service. He also presented a certified statement from the Bedford Board of Water Commissionersstating that the Town of Bedford is unable to supply the hospital with water and has no objection to the supply being furnished by the Town of Lexington. Dr. Adams explained that since the hospital was opened in 1928 it has expanded five fold, and they obtain water from deep wells. The Town of Bedford also obtains water from deep wells which is just enough for the town. He explained that the hospital has had one or two sad experiences when the power was shut off for some time. He said that the hospital would like to tie up some way *ith fairly permanent and adequate water supply, and they would like to find ways and means of doing this to the mutual benefit of the hosplhtal and the town of Lexington. The Chairman asked if any outline hadb een made as to where the hospital would connect with Lexington and Mr. Carlson replied that they would connect wherever it is feasible or possible. The Chairman asked if the connection would be at Westview Street and Mr. Carlson replied that that is one possibility and thdother is to make a direct connection with the M.D.C. where they can. However, they prefer to make the connection with the town of Lexington. 352 The Chairman said that it appears to him that the Board would first have to check into Lexington's supply and what affect supplying the hospital would have on Lexington consumers. Secondly, Lexington would have to obtain definite approval of the M.D.C. and third would be to work out the most economical arrangement for getting the supply to the hospital. Mr. Ca%lson said that he thought the Chairman's statement sounded logical, and Dr. Adams said that they sound -ed first rate. The Chairman asked if, over a period of ten to fifteen years, the supply would be increased or decreased and Dr. Adams replied that he is sure there will not be any decrease. He said that there will be added facilities in the next ten years and there will be a slight increase in usage. The Chairman asked if the Board had any questions. Mr. Emery asked if the production of the hospital wells has fallen off. Mr. Carlson replied in the affir- mative and stated that in 1938 they produced about 300 gallons a minute. One of the wells still produces this amount but from the other they can set only about 150 gallons. He explained that the water table is decreasing continuously. He said that the Town of Bedford is planning on opening ditches in the Shawsheen River from where the town wells are supplied and this will probably lower the table four or five feet. Mr. Emery inquired as to the depth of the wells and Mr. Carlson said that one is forty-five feet and the other is fifty-five feet. He explained that it is not possible to dig them any deeper. Mr. Emery asked if these wells were on Westview Street, and Mr. Carlson replied in the affirmative. He stated that they have five wells on the reservation but the water from these has to be chlorinated. The Chairman a ked if it would be agreeable if the Board of Selectmen were to check with Metcalf & Eddy and the M.D.C. Dr. Adams replied in the affirmative and the hospital group retired at 8:00 p.m. Mr. DeFoe agreed to contact Mr. John Raymond, of Metcalf & Eddy. 1 1 Mr. DeFoe informed the Board that the Town Co Counsel has approved the contracts for Metcalf 64 Eddy engineering services relative to -supervision of construction of sewers. Mr. Driscoll moved that the contracts be signed. Mr. Gay seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe presented the members of the Board with a detailed explanation of the bids opened last week for street construction. The Chairman asked how the Board felt and there were no comments. The Chairman said that on the basis of the bids and the appropriation for the work he feels that the only thing the Board can do is to reject the bids received and request new bids. he suggested that the bids be opened the same evening as the bids on the sewers are to be opened. Mr. Driscoll moved that the two bids received be rejected and the Superintendent of Public Works advertise for new bids. Mr. Gay seconded the motion, and it was so voted. 353`. ntract for sewer engineer- ing services Commander John F. Fitzgerald and Wendell Irvine of the V. F. W. met with the Board. Mr. Fitzgerald said that at the present time the organisation has not sufficient funds to put in the foundation for the old fire station and asked if the Board would grant the V. F. W. permission to use the building at its present location as temporary quarters for a few months. They would like to run whist parties and penny sales to raise money. He explained that it wL11 cost *1100 to move the building. The Chairman asked if the members of the Board had any questions and there were none. The Chairman said that the Board would give the request consideration and advise Mr. Fitzgerald. Messrs. Fitzgerald and Irvine retired at 8:35 p.m. The Board discussed the request and felt that it would be all right for the V. F. W. to use the old Fire Central Fire Station for whist parties and penny sales between now and Labor Day, 1948. Mr., Mrs. and Miss Nicoli of Cummings Road met with the Board relative to the water betterment assessment on Cummings Road. V.F.W. use Fire. Station on Me r i am Street 354 Porter Assess- ment Miss Nicoli questioned the percentage of signatures required and the Chairman explained that it is the policy of the Board that if 50% of the people, or more, want water, it may be installed and then there is an assessment against those individuals who did not sign for the water. He explained that Mr. Nicoli was charged on Hillcrest Avenue but he has two lots fronting on Cummings Avenue. At any time Mr. Nicoli, or whoever may own the property, can build there and tap into the water main and therefore there is a betterment to the lots. Mr. Nicoli said that the main does not go by his lots. The Chairman said that the Suptt. of Public Works would check ihto the matter and get in touch with Mr. Nicoli. The group, with 'the exception of Mr. DeFoe, retired at 8:40 p.m. Mr. William Porter met with the Board relative to the possiblility of using the land on .Admas Streets , purchased for an elementary school. The Chairman explained that the Board of Selectmen has no control over the land now and he should contact the School Committee. Mr. Porter said that he is building a house at the corneraof Adams and East Street. His father con- ferred with Mr. DeFoe who told him that he would have to pay betterment assessment on both sides of the street. The Chairman explained that there is a limit of assessment that goes on every lot and his assessment would break down just about the same as though he had a frontage on only one street. He explained that Mr. Porter would pay on an area basis and not on a front- age basis and inasmuch as he owns both sides of the street, he will be assessed for both sides. Mr. DeFoe agreed to meet Mr. Porter and look the area over. Mr. Porter retired at 8:55 p.m. Mr. DeFoe said that the dump hasbeen open from 9:00 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. and the fence has been broken and material dumped outside. He said that the Chief of Police assigned an officer there for awhile. People were quite disturbed because the dump was not open before nine in the morning. He said that apparently it is not going to work out very well, unless the dump is open at all times. 1 355. The Chairman said that there would then be burning at all times. Mr. Emery said that he does not know the answer but he believes the people in the vicinity of the dump are entitled to some relief. He said that apparently the dump is not being handled properly and can't be without an appropriation. He said that Dump it seems to him the question is what it will cost. He said that it may mean keeping a man there all night until the people are properly educated. The Chairman asked how the Board wanted to handle the problem and Mr. Driscoll suggested removing the present attendant and replacing him with a more intelligent individual. Mr. Emery suggested that Mr. Adams write some- thing in the local paper, to be signed by the Chair- man, acquainting the public with rules and regulations and the possibility of penalty. He further suggested that the Chief of Police and Fire Departments be asked for recommendations. He said that after publicity has been 'given, ;the Board will then be justified in imposing fines on individuals who do not obey the rules. The Chairman said that he would go along on warning the public, but he thought, a group of citizens should be appointed to serve as a committee to study the entire dump question. The Chairman asked what was to be done about the smoke condition and Mr. Emery said that the Fire Depart- ment could be requested to go up there every night and see that every fire is put out. He said that he is not adverse to changing the present dump attendant. The Chairman suggested that the Supt. of Public Works advise the Secretary of the Board of Retirement that the Selectmen under stand Mr. Palladino has petitioned for retirement. They would like the Board of Retirement to consider the fact that if he is not retired, the Selectmen will discharge him. Mr. DeFoe agreed to report on Palladinots retire- ment next Monday. Mr. Emery suggested that a postal card be mailed to every house in Lexington asking for co-operation in the interest of good neighbors to abide by the rules made necessary for the health and well being of the town as a whole. The Chairman said that he would like to have a study made of the problem. 356 Mr. Emery' moved that the Chairman be authorized to contact Professor Russell to determine whether or not he would be willing to make a study of the dump problem. Mr. Gay seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe requested permission to extend sewer laterals on Ledgelawn Avenueand stated that he has obtained 79% of the signatures of the property owners. Mr. Gay moved that the request be granted, and the orders prepared. Mr. Driscoll seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe requested permission to extend water on Homestead Street. He explained that the Town of Lex- ington owns considerable property here and he has obtained 46.6% of the signatures not including the Town. Including the Town, the precentage is 79.3%. Mr. Driscoll moved that the request be granted and the order prppared. Mr. Gay seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from W. J. Irving, 5 Taft Avenue requesting an estimate for the cost of installing a. sidewalk at the Cherry Street side of his property. The Clerk was instructed to request Mr. Irving Sidewalk to obtain a petition signed by the abutters on that side of the street, from Taft ,Avenue to Sutherland Road. The Chairman read a letter from John F. & Catherine V. O'Connell, who have built a house at 52 Adams Street, requesting the extension of the sewer. The land is so wet a cesspool is of no use to them and they cannot occupy the house. Sewer Mr. DeFoe explained that it would be necessary to extend the main from Adams Street to the manhole. Mr. Driscoll moved that the request be gpproved. Mr. Gay seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A copy of the final extimate, giving the final quantities and total value of work done under Chapter 90 Contract 10064 in the amount of $12,764.45 was received. Mr. DeFoe retired at -10:00 p.m. 1 Letter was received from Mr. Carroll informing the Board that the Moderator has appointed the following individuals to serve on the Committee to supervise the construction, furnishing and equipment of the new elementary school building: George P. Wadsworth, Ruth Morey, Ralph H. Tucker, Russell H. Kettell and Gaynor K. Rutherford. Request was received from School, Inc. for permission to sale at the Barnes property on 15, 1948. Mr. Emery moved that the request be granted free of charge. Mr. Gay seconded the motion, and it was so voted. the Community Nursery conduct a ruumage Saturday morning, May Letter was received from the Town Counsel, a copy of which was mailed to each member of the Board, relative to the case of Chesley W. Teele v. Town of Lexington. The Clerk was instructed to advise Mr. Lynch that the Board prefers to take no action unless Mr. Teele decided to initiate action against Officer Franks. Upon motion of Mr. Gay, seconded by Mr. Emery, it was voted to appoint the following playground instructors recommended by Mr. Garrity, Sup't. of Parks and Playgrounds: Thomas Moon Ellen Fuller Patricia Whalen Maureen Cronin Virginia Furdon Dom Ross, Jr. 10 weeks 10 weeks 9 weeks 8 weeks 10 weeks 8 weeks East Lexington Playground Lloyd Baylis 8 weeks $20 25 25 20 35 ,20 $35 per $200 " X5250. ;225 160 350 160 n '1 n 11 If $280 357: Committee Elemen- tary School Bldg. Rumm- age Sal e Claim Playground', Instr- uctors 3.58 Licenses Barry- meade Bond Upon motion of Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Driscoll, it was voted to grant the following licenses: George R. Reed t Son Inc. Heggyts Spa Anthony DePaolo Enrico Sanseverino Countyside Associates William Viano 1721 Mass. Avenue 856 Mass. Avenue 1804 Mass. Avenue 11 Lisbeth-Street Lowell Street 1794 Mass. Avenue bawl 1 Sunday Sales (ren.) It rr ft Bowling tr Public Carriage Sunday Golf Sunday Movies The Chairman read a letter from the Mass. Bonding and Insurance Company with r eferende to subdivision bond relative to the Barrymeade Farm development. Mr. Emery moved that the insurance company be advised that it is not necedsary to renew the bond and their files may be closed. Mr. Driscoll seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Board gave further consideration relative to the Bus petition for bus service in the Hancock and Burlington Permit Street area. Mr. Driscoll said that he would like to be recorded in favor of granting the petition, but he would like to have an oppoiiiity,; to go over the proposed route. The Clerk was instructed to invite John T. Blackwell, a municipal and planning engineer to meet with the Board next Monday evening. No decision was made on granting the,permit. The meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. A true record, ,Attest: le , lectmen. (%