HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948-02-24SELL. CTI: u' S MEETING February 24, 1948 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was field in the Selectmen's Room on Tuesday evenine7, February 24, 1948. Thee were present: Chairman Paxton, Messrs. Locke, Driscoll, Emery and Oay. The Clerk: was also present. An application was received fro. the U. S. Array Zecruttint' Service for permission to occupy one rpom in the Barnes Property for an indefinite period from February 24, 1948. i:r. Driscoll moved that the'use of the rood in the T,rnes Property for :.ecruitirr purposes be continuer on an Indefinite basis. ,r. Locke seconded the Motion, and it was so voted. At 7:30 P.M. the Board of Selectmen, actin as a Board of Survey, declared the hearing open upon the petition of Edgard ,",:. Hi itcins and Henry S. Hopper for approval of a plan and profile of ,j . nr' ., r<1—� Ingleside Road. lir. u . Henry Duffy ,, and Mr. Luke Ilay were the only persons present at the hearinp7. A notice of the hearing was read by the Chairman. The Chairman explained the purpose of tiie hearinrr and informed those present that the plan and profile has been approved by the Planning Board. I:r. Duffy asked if this particular road is an interval of the general plan and Mr. Locke replied in the affirmative. The Chairman asked if the Board had any questions and there were none. Upon motion of Mr. Locke seconded by I.:r. Driscoll, it was voted to approve the plan and profile of Ingleside Roan, Lexington, Mass., Scales Horizontal 1" = 40', Verticle 1" - 41, Feb- ruary 6, 1948, Albert A. tiller, Wilbur C. .Hylander, Civil Engineers and Su.rveyors, Lexington, ,.Mass. It - vas voted to sign an areeraent whereby Anna L. 5tyord of Arlin -_.ton will cause her a peal in equity #14536 to be dismissed. The hearin:-.was declared closed at 7:45 P.i.. and Lr. Duffy retired. 271 Use of Barnes Property for Recruiting to be continued 272 Luke May re: proposed layout and agreement Paper Drive Easement for trans- mission line to be granted P:Ir. Lai asked the Board if the Board of Survey would ap_:rove a proposed layout of his tract of land adjacent to the ITurseries and sign an agree- ment even though he doesn't intend to go ahead with dhis development for probably ten years. The Chair- man informed Mr. MAY that the Board would check with the Town Counsel. i:r. Lay retired at 7:50 P.M. The Chairman read a letter from American Legion Stanley Hill Post reque::ting permission to conduct a paper drive on Sunday, March 7th, the proceeds of which are to ba used to purchase equipment for the Lexington Drum and Bugle Corps. The Clerk was instructed to advise the Legion that unfortunately an application has been received from a paper drive on April llth and the Board is of the opinion that drives should be separated by a period of. two months. However, if they desire a permit for a drive the first of June or some later date the Board would be glad to consider it. At 8:05 P.M. P.r. James McDonald of the Boston Edison Company met with the Board. Er. McDonald presented a letter signed by John T. Ward, Vice President, requesting permission for the clearance of brush and trees in the street at the wire crossing to a width of 250 Feet but at present they will only clear such brush and trees over a width of 130 feet. Stumps will be cleared on this 130' width as the Board has requested. The letter further stated that after the line has been constructed shrubbery and evergreens, other than pine, will be planted on private property in the crossings vahere the owner wishes, approximately 15 to 20 feet from the inner edge of the sidewalk on both sides and on such wire crossings where the company has per- mission from owners from whore they have obtained easements for the line. The Chairman asked the .Board if there were any questions and there were none. Upon motion of Mir. Emery, seconded by Mr. Gay, it was voted to grant the Boston Edison Co. petitions for permission to erect or construct a line for the transmission of electricity for lighting, hearing or power under and across the following public way or v:ays of the town: MA 4 Cad 1 273 Lowell Street, at a location approximately'805 feet south of North Street. North Street, at a location approximately 250 feet west of Lowell Street. Cambridge -Concord Lighway, et a location approximately 95 feet west of '.Weston Street. Lincoln Street, at a location approximately 1790 feet west of Weston Street. Wood Street, at a location approximately 2210 feet northwest of Massachusetts Avenue. At the junction of Massachusetts Avenue, Larrett Street and Marrett Road. Bedford Street, at a location approximately 920 ;et southeast of Winter Street. Grove Street, at a location approximately 3430 feet southeast of the Lexington -Bedford Line. These petitions were approved subject to the terms of bur. ;';ard's letter dated February 24, 1948. Mr. McDonald retired at 8:10 P.I. • The Chairman read a letter from the Planning Board stating that they could see no valid objection to granting the Boston & Maine petition for a license to operate buses on the Concord Turnpike between the Lexington and Arlington line. Mr. Driscoll moved that the petition be granted and a license issued to the Boston & MaineTransportation Company to operate Bus permit motor vehicles for the carriage of passengers for granted hire beginning at the Lexington -Lincoln town line via Route #2 (Concord Turnpike) to the Lexington - Arlington line in either direction. Mr. Emery seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman read a letter. from Paul Gifford Anglim asking the Board to give further consideration to his request for the possible use of Cary Memorial Building for a supper stock theatre. Mr. Emery moved that Mr. Anglira be advised that after careful considerationn the Board decided not to take any different action than was taken at a previous meeting. Mr. Gay seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A report was received from Mr. DeFoe relative to a communication to theBoard from Alfred P. Tropeano, attorney for Emanuele Cosica, who slipped 274 on the sidewalk at 1775 Massachusetts Avenue. The Clerk was instructed to forward Mr. Tropeano's letter and Mr. DeFoe's report to the Town Counsel. A letter was received from the Town Counsel - relative to the widening of Waltham Street from Massachusetts Avenue to Vine Brock Road. In the order of taking damages were awarded by the County Commissioners to the following persons and in the following amounts: Harry, M. Aldrich Ellen E. Locke Liinnie B; Stevenson Emily Franks Charles H. Franks CatholicClub $3,000.00 382.50 250.00 103.70 103.70 175.00 Mr. Lynch said in his letter that at an Adjourned Town Meeting held on March 26, 1928, the sum of $3,910.00 was appropriated to compromise the petition of Harry M. Aldrich, and on May 1, 1928, a check in that amount was issued and forwarded to him. Mr. Lynch said that there is no record of any other damages having been paid and presumably the awards of the County Commissioners are still outstanding. The Chairman called r;Ir. Lynch who advised him that on these particular damages the individuals cannot go to court and collect, but the Town has a moral obligation to pay the present owners. He said they could go to court and base their claim on the lack of entry made in 1928 which might give theca more money in the long run. Mr. Locke asked if the awards would go to the present owners and the Chairman replied in the affirmative, that the damages go to the land instead of the owners. The Chairman said that a sum of money must be included to equal the claims when the Town votes the money for widening Waltham Street. He suggested changing the amount to $13,400. It was decided to add $1,000 to the appropriation and to so advise the Appropriation Committee. The Chairman read a letter from the Navy Club of U. S. A. requesting permission to place on exhibition a mobile war exhibit which is mounted on a large truck and trailer. The Clerk was in- structed to write the Commandant of the First Naval District to determine whether or not this organization is sponsored by the Navy and request any information that niay be available on the subject. An application was received from the Lexington Field & Garden Club requesting permission to conduct a meeting in Fstabrook Hall on Lionday evening, April 5, 1948, from 8;00. to 9:30 P.M. Lir. Gay moved that the use of the hall be granted free of char,;e. Mr. Driscoll seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Upon motion of Mr. Emery, seconded by 1r. Locke, it was voted to grant the• following licenses: 275 Licenses Johnson Pontiac Co. 1st Class Agent's License 7 Mass. Avenue (?Moved from 97 Mass. Avenue) L:aran Motor Sales Co. 2nd Class Agent's License 97 Mass. Avenue William Viano Sunday Movies The Chairman informed the Board that Mr. DeFoe and Mr. Walker have received a request from the Taxpayer's Association to appear at the President's home Wednesday evening to discuss budgets. He asked if it was the wish of the Board of Selectmen that these employees attend. Mir. Gay said that if budgets were to be discussed he thought that they should be discussed with theBoard of.Selectmen. Mr. Driscoll said he thought the Selectmen's 400_: was the place for such a meeting. Mr. Locke questioned the reason for inviting the Town Accountant and what his interest might be. The Chair- man said that the Association is not too gracious or they would have contacted the Board of Selectmen first. Mr. Emery said that he and the Chairman thought the Association should see Mr. DeFoe during working hours and with the Board of Selectmen. The Chairman telephoned Mr. Sheldon who agreed to hold the meeting in the Selectmen's Room on Thursday evening, February 26th, at which time the Board of Selectmen would be present. The Chairman reported that he had a conference with Mr. Lynch and based on this conference Er. Lynch is wi•llin to withdraw his resignation as Town Counsel. The Chairman said that he feels that it is assumed that the Board will go along with an appointment for 1948 up to March, 1949. The Chairman said that he also Town advised Mr. Wrightington of this chancre. Counsel Withdraws Resigna- tion 2'76 At 9:00 P.M. the following members of the Patriots' Day Committee met with the Board: PIessts. Bashian, Bruedi, Foley, Frothingham, I3cCormack and Seltzer. A lengthy discussion was held and members of the 19th of April Committee presented the argument that it would be impossible to have an afternoon parade unless more money were appropriated. The Chairman informed the group that the Board would discuss the budget a=gain and he also advised him that the Selectmen and the Appropriation Committee do not make the final decision; that Town Meeting can either raise or lower the amounts recoruaended. The group retired at 10:05 P.P. The Board considered the matter and upon motion of Er. Driscoll, seconded by Mr.• Gay, it was voted that the 19th of April Patriots' Day budget be revised to the amount of "1,500. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. true record, Attest: 77)4/4r4 , electmen. s Zld 1