HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-11-24SELECTMEN'S MEETING November 24, 1947 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room on Monday evening, November 24, 1947. There were present: Chairman Paxton, Messrs. Locke, Emery, Gay and Driscoll. The Clerk was also present. At 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Potter, Spencer and Steeves of the Committee on Tax Title Properties met with the Board. Mr. Alan Adams was also present. MIr. Potter Made d report to the Board stating that from 1939 to date his committee has looked at and made recommendat- ions on 442 pieces of tax title property. He also informed the Board that the Committee strongly recomm- ends interesting abutters to tax title property in purchasing it. He said that some of the tax title property has brought no revenue into the town fdr forty years, and some of it has been on tax title for as many as ten years without being presented to the Board. He asked if the Selectmen had any recommendations or quest- ions and suggested that the members of the Board look at tax title property with the committee at any time. The Chairman stated that the Committee has done an unusually good job and he hopes that they will continue to serve in their present capacity. He said that perhaps if some members of the committee would go around with members of the Board it might help. He expressed the Board's appreciation for the work the members of this committee has done. The group retired at 7:50 P.M., and Mr. Depoe and several other persons arrived at the meeting. Bids were received for the installation of a water main in Maple Street, as follows: R. A. Buccella & Sons, 20 Cedar Park, Roxbury Certified cheek for p1,000. Items #1-7 inclusive $ 25,375 John MacDonald Construction Co., 90 Rowe St., Auburndale Certified check for x;600 Amount of bid 9,700 Charles L. Shea, 235 Whiting Ave., East Dedham Certified check for $615 Amount of bid 111 Tax Title Proper- ty Comm. meet with Select- men 12,300 Bids for Water main on Maple Street 112 The group with the exception of Mr. DeFoe, retired at 7:55 P.M. Par. Emery said that in consideration of the Maple Street project he thought it would be prudent to have a test made before the final payment was made to the contractor. Mr. DeFoe said that he did not believe it was necessary but said he would conduct a test. The Board discussed the bids received this evening and decided to award the bid at the,next meeting on Dec- ember first. In the meantime the Supt. of Public Works is to check the financial standing of the three bidders. Mr. DeFoe informed the Board that early morning street lighting was put into effect November 15th. Mr. Locke suggested that early morning street light- ing become effective for 5;15 A.M., as soon as possible. Mr. DeFoe informed the Board that the following percentages of signatures have been obtained by Mr'. McIntosh for the construction of a water main in the Sunnyfield Development: Ivan Street 49% Calvin Street 40% Bernard Street 69% Donald Street 28% Eldredge Street58% or an average of 49.5%. The Chairman said that this was fairly close enough to 50%, and asked the Board if it was close enough to include an item in the 1948 Budget. He suggested that the Sup't. of Public Works advise Mr. McIntosh that an item will be included in the 1948 budget but he must have the signatures on regular assessment sheets ready before the Town Meeting in March. Mr. DeFoe informed the Board that Mr. Mc- Intosh has sent out postal cards to all property owners requesting them to sign the cards agreeing that they would pay $1.25 a foot and return them to him. The 49.5 % was received on postal cards and Mr. McIntosh objects to obtaining signatures on assessment sheets. The Chairman said that if this item is included in the bddget it is not necessary to install water in any of the streets until a demand is made by the residents on the particular streets, at which time assessment sheets can be prepared. He said, however, that he believed from the cards that have been signed he would be in favor of including an item in the badget. Mr. Locke agreed. 4.0 113 Drainage The Chairman read a report from the Metcalf and on en - Eddy Company relative to the drainage problem on the closed enclosed field, a copy of which report was mailed field to each member of the Board. The Clerk was instruct- ed to forward a copy of the report to Mr. Webster Thomas and Lr. Charles Davis. The Board felt that this should be discussed with the School Committee and the School Building Committee at some future time. The Chairman read a letter from Daniel J. for Q'Connell to which was attached a petition signed water on by Caywood & Edith Greening, 688 Marrett Road, req- Marrett uesting the installation of a water main. The petition Road was also signed by Biajio and Guiseppea Cacciola, 706 Marrett Road and Clinton A. Moore, 708 Marrett Road. Adam Grigor of 691-693 Marrett Road, is the owner of low land opposite the Cacciola property, and does not want to pay for the water because his property is unfit for building purposes. Mr. DeFoe reminded the Board that last winter he came in with a request from Mr. Cacciola, who wanted the pipe extended up to his property, a total of 150 feet. However, in- asmuch as no percentage of signatures had been obtain- ed the Board did not approve the installation. Mr. DeFoe said that Mr. Cacciola also requested water last summer but there was no pipe available. At the present time 38% of the abutters have signed and pipe is avail- able. The Chairman stated that originally the policy of the Board was to obtain 75% of the signatures and that it would appear to him that before the main is installed an agreement should be signed by Mr. Grigor that an assessment will be paid if and when he sells any portion or all of his farm land. kr. Emery asked if such an agreement would run with the land. The Chairman replied in the affirmative and said that it would be filed at the Registry. Upon motion of Mr. Emery, seconded by kr. Driscoll, it was voted to authorize the Supt. of Public Works to install the water main in Marrett Road from the present end north- easterly and distant approximately 760 feet, providing an agreement is first obtained from Adam Grigor that the assessment will be paid if and when he sells any portion or all of his farm. Request The Chairman read a letter from the State Dep- Remw Ro artment of Public Works informing the Board that the teal State will remove the snow on Route #2A from the end Route of the state highway on Maple Street to Massachusetts Avenue. 114 The Chairman read a petition signed by the residents Temporary of Winter Street requesting temporary improvement of Winter Street certain sections of this street. The communication Improvement stated that present conditions will prevent a snow plow from clearing the snow which will result in the pre- vention of fire engines and doctors being able to get through the Street. The Chairman explained that this is similar to the situation that carne up in Grant Street and the section the people refer to in Winter Street is ledge. He suggested that the Sup't. of Public Works check and find out what he believes it will cost to put the street in passable condition and report next week. Arlington The Chairman read a letter from the Arlington Gas Gas In- Light Company requesting permission to install 108 stallation feet of 4" cast iron pipe in Dexter Road to serve approved house #162 which is now under construction. The plan showing the proposed location of the gas main was approved by the Town Engineer. Mr. Locko moved that Mr. Locke moved that the request be granted. Mr. Gay seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe retired at 9:00 P.M. Taxpayer's Association suggestions Messrs. Sheldon, Hederstedt and Fifield of the Taxpayer's Association met with the Board. Mr. Sheldon said that they requested an appointment with the Board to discuss very briefly the action of the Directors relative to re -assessment: of the town by an outside agency. Item #2 was a recommendation by the Association that a list of comparative values be published at the earliest possible date. Item #3 is what, if anything, should be done about personal property taxes. Item #4 refers to the rental of town equipment. He said that the Directors are anxious to obtain the Board's reaction, if it.is not premature, to ask for it, on the matter of re -assessing the town. He said the Directors would like very much to see an article in the warrant placing the matter before the town and they would like the Board to sponsor the article. The Chairman informed the group that the Board of Select- men has had a conference with the Board of Assessors and that they are not opposed to the idea at all. They are willing to co-operate in any way. The Assessors 115 are checking on the work done in Saugus and the Selectmen expect to have another meeting with them and receive a report within a few weeks. i\ir. Fifield presented a list of concerns who do this type of work and the Chairman said that he was glad to receive these names because there is reason to doubt that the figure of 020,000., mentioned at the Taxpayer's Meet- ing, would do the job properly. He said he believed that if the town is going into the problem of re -assessing and re -valuations it should be done properly. Mr. Sheldon said that possibly within thirty days the Board might be in a position to state whether or not it willing to sponsor an article. If not, the Taxpayer's Assoc- iation will request the insertion but they prefer to have it come from the Board. The Chairman stated that he does not know whether the Board is willing to sponsor the article but he does not think it will be necessary to obtain signatures on this ratter. He said that he believes the Board is satisfied that an article will be in the warrant. Lir. Emery asked if it would make any difference to the Directors if it were found to do the job adequately it would cost 075,000, or are they all out for this regardless of cost. ".sir. Sheldon explained that when the Directors voted, the vote was "if it could be done at a reasonable cost" but no one determined what a reasonable cost might be. He said that he felt it was the sense of the meeting that if it would not exceed $50,030 it would be reasonable. N:r. Hederstedt said that he thought between $10,000 and ;50,000 would be reasonable. Lar. Fifield stated that Iiontclair,;lens Falls and South Orange have had outside concerns r-e-asses:,ing the property. Sr. Fifield said that he would be glad to contact these towns and check with them and ask them how long ago the work was done, how much it cost and if it proved satisfactory. The Chairman said that he .did not know how the Board felt about the matter but he would be very glad to have the Directors contact the towns and.then submit a copy of whatever information they may get to the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Sheldon said that the Directors would recommend the publication of assessments and valuations and asked if it were a fair question to inquire as to the Board's opinion. The Chairman said that the Board of Selectmen does not care to make any decision and in fact cannot make any decision. He explained that the Board would 116 proceed with the usual Town Report and anticipates that the Town Meeting will appropriate the money. It will then be necessary to have an article for a sure of money to publish the list of comparative values. Lir. Hederstedt said that he wanted the years 1946 and 1947 and 1948, and inasmuch as the next Town Meeting'will be in March, 1947, it will be many months before the assessed valuation could be published. By that time the 1946 list will be quite far back. He said that he believes some of the members or directors thought there was some way that 1946 assessments could be published. The Chairman explained that there was a possibility of trying to Fret a transfer from the Reserve Fund and the question arises as to whether or not this would be an emercency. He said he really believes the only way the money could be made available was by calling a special town meeting. lir. Locke said he thought the Town Meeting should pass on this. Mr. Fiery stated that as a matter of law the Board of Selectmen had no control over it. Money transferred from the Reserve Fund should be cla&sified as an ex- traordinary emergency or an unforseen expenditure and he said he did not believe the Appropriation Comm- ittee would approve a transfer even if the Board req- uested Ie. Sheldon asked how soon they could expect a report if the money is made available. The Chairman said that he thought one girl could type it up in two weeks. !Ir. Adams said it would take two months to print it. Mr. Emery asked if the present assessments are published wouldn't they do everything that the Directors hoped to accomplish. ''ur. Sheldon said it would be put to the town meeting to decide what they wanted done. Er. Sheldon said that his Directors did not get a favorable vote relative to the personal property taxes. However, many of them are asking for an opinion on this whole subject. The Chairman explained that the Board of Selectmen has not discussed personal property taxes at all. He said he believes that the Board would like to ret some ideas of the real estate problem before they went into the personal property. Mr. Locke said that the members of the Board may have individual feelings but he questioned whether the Board of Selectmen should dictate to the Assessors. He said he thought it should be done as individuals and to recor:uaendation made by the Board. Mr. Emery asked 1.171 Cad 1 1 if the Directors thought from their investigation that the manner in which the Town of Lexington handles personal property tax is drastically different from other towns and L,ir. Hederstedt replied in the negative. Mr. Sheldon said at the last meeting the Directors suggested that there might be tines when the rental of town equipment would be justified. They thought the action in refusing the equipment might work hard- ship on some very desirable cases. Ir. Sheldon stated that this was merely a suggestion and the Directors are not attempting to dictate a policy to the Select- men. Pis. Emery asked if he thought it would be pract- ical to draw a line where the equipment should and should not be rented. Lr. Sheldon said that he thought it could be done. Er. Hederstedt said that he wanted the Board to. know that no one individual represents the Taxpayer's Association unless by authority of the Directors. The group retired at 9:30 P.F. A letter was received from the Town Accountant together with a copy of a letter to Mr. Frank L. Stevens in answer to his inquiry as to how bills are paid by the town and rendered to individuals for work or services rendered by the town. The Chairman said that the explanation seemed to be a statement of facts. The Board thought, however, that the letter should be sent to the Town Counsel for his approval before mailing it to Mr. Stevens. 117, Rental of Town Equip- ment Letter from Town Acctt. to F. L. Stevens A letter was received from the Torun Counsel together with a copy of a letter from the attorneys for the Boston Edison Company relative to a proposed transmission line Edismn over Butterfield's Pond. Er. Lynch explained that a Trans - representative of the Boston Edison Company will req- mission. uest a.:hearing on this matter. The Clerk was instruct- Line ed to request Er. Lynch to advise the attorneys for the Boston Edison Company that the Board of Selectmen will take no action until they have a complete plan of the entire lay -out and know definitely what the Edison Company intends to do. The Board €•;ave further consideration to Mr. Thomas Walsh's offer of $55.00 for Lot 482 Ames Avenue. A Sale of Lot 482 Anes Avenue 118 proposal to sell this lot was advertised in the Nov- ember 20th issue of the Lexington Minute -Pian. No persons contacted the Selectmen's Office as the result of the advertising. Mr. Emery moved that the offer be accepted and that Lot 482 Ames Avenue be sold and conveyed to Thomas Walsh. 1r. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received from the Secretary of the Commonwealth requesting a certificate of incorpor- ation signed by Kenneth R. Fox, 12 Bertwell Road, Lexington. A letter was received from the Chief of Police advising that Mr. Fox has no record with the Police Department and in so far as the Chief is able to determine he is an individual of good • character and reputation. Mr. Locke moved that the application be signed. Mr. Gay seconded the motion, and it was so voted. An application was received from the V. F. W. requesting the use of Estabrook Hall and a Con- ference Room on the evenings of December 3 and 17. Mr. Emery moved that the use of the hall be granted free of charge.. Mr. Driscoll seconded the motion, and it was so voted. An application was received from the Lexington Community Nursery School requesting permission to use Estabrook Hall for a lecture on December first. Mr. Emery moved that the use of the hall be granted free of charge. Mr. Loc',e seconded the motion, and it was so voted. An application was.received from the Lexington Club, Inc., for the use of Cary i.emorial Hall for a Christmas party on December 20th. Lir. Emery moved that the use of tha hall be granted free of charge. Lr. Gay seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Upon motions duly made and seconded it was voted to grant. the following licenses: (renewals) Edgar J. Thivierge 1752 Mass. Ave. Common Viet. +► Countryside, Inc. 400 Lowell St. K & S 396 Marrett Rd. . o sad1 Mawhinney Motors Sales Bradford Motor Company Berman's Market Joseph Trani, Inc. William Viano Theron H. Gough John J. Rudd 581 34 12 Barrett Road Bedford St. Mass. Avenue 1757 Mass. Avenue 1794 451 1849 Mass. Avenue Concord Ave. Mass. Avenue 119 1st Class Agent(re:) 1st Class Agent " Package Goods Store Package Goods Store Sunday Movies " Peddler's (new) Package Goods (re:) Store 11 The Clerk was instructed to request Mr. Lawrence Selig to meet with the Board relative to his application for the renewal of a second class agents license. No action was taken on the applications of ren- ewal of liquor licenses, the Board preferring to hold them over.. Selig re re- newal of license Liquor licenses held over Upon motion of lir. Emery, seconded by Mr. Locke, Sign deeds it was voted to sign the deeds prepared by the Town Counsel conveying Lots 486-491 Balfour Street, Lot 8 Spring Street and Lots on Deering Avenue and Oak Avenue. Upon motion of Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Driscoll, it was voted to sign the water order for Maple Street in the following form: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS (Maple Street) Middlesex, ss. Town of Lexington WHEREAS, the Town of Lexington at a town meeting duly called and held on March 24,, 1947, duly adopted under Article 10 of the warrant the following votes: "Voted: That the Selectmen be and they hereby are authorized to install water mains not less than 6" but less than 16" in diameter in such accepted or unaccepted streets as may be applied for during the year 1947, subject to the assessment of betterments, and to take by purchase or eminent domain any ee.sements.nec- Sign Water order - Maple Street 120 essary therefor and to appropriate therefor the sum of $170,000 which said sum shall be raised by the issue of bonds or notes of the Town, and that the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen be and he hereby is authorized to borrow the sura of .3170,000 and to issue bonds or notes of the Town to be payable in accordance -with the provisions of General Laws Chapter 44, within a period not exceeding fifteen years. Voted: That the Selectmen be and they hereby are authorized to install water mains of 16" or more in diameter in such accepted or unaccepted streets as may be applied for during the year 1947, subject to the assessment of betterments, and to take by purchase or eminent domain any easements necessary therefor and to appropriate therefor the sura of $100.,000 which said sum shall be raised by the issue of bonds or notes of the Town, and that the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, be and he hereby is authorized to borrow the sum of $100,000 and to issue bonds or notes of the Town to be payable in accordance with the prov- isions of General Laws Chapter 44, within a period not exceeding twenty-five years." VOTED: By the Selectmen acting as a Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners under the authority of the foregoing votes and of every other power them thereto enabling, that a water main be constructed in Maple Street from Lowell Street southwesterly and distant approximately 2,000 feet, substantially in accordance with a plan entitled, "Plan of Proposed Water Lain in Maple St. Lexington, Mass. Scale 1 in.= 100 Ft. Nov. 17, 1947, John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer." Betterments will be assessed for this improvement in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 80 of the General Laws. The area which it is expected will receive benefit or advantage other than the general advantage to the community from such improvement is described as follows: That portion of those properties on each side of Maple Street from Lowell Street southwesterly and distant approximately 2,000 feet. 1 121 The said area comprises the several lots shown upon the plan of John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer, hereinbefore referred to which are designated in the schedule hereto annexed and made a part hereof. We estimate the betterments that will be assess- ed upon each parcel of land to be as shown in the schedule hereto annexed and made a part hereof. Witness our hands at Lexington aforesaid this 24th day of November, 1947. Selectmen /s/ Errol H. Locke /s/ George W. Emery of /s/ Frederick M. Gav /s/ William H. _,_ _Lexington Driscoll COI. '.:ONWE LTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, as. Lexington 73, Mass. November 24, 1947 Then personally appeared the above named Errol H. Locke, George W. Emery, Frederick 14. Gay and William H. Driscoll and severally acknowledged the foregoing instrument and statement by them subscribed to be their free act and deed and the free act and deed of the Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners of the Town of Lexington, before me, /s/ Hazel J. Murray Notary Public 122 SCHEDULE OF ESTIMATED BETTERMENTS REFERRED TO IN THE FOREGOING ODER MAPLE STREET From Lowell Street southwesterly and distant approximately 2,000 feet Owner as of January 1 194 Assessment Howard Munroe Howard and Elmina Munroe Gail W. & Helen M. Smith Albert R. & Gertrude E. Kaufmann Body to lay in state 2,000.00 1,450.00 850.00 287.50 The Clerk informed the Board that she rec- eived a telephone call from the Lexington Chamber of Commerce requesting permission to use an amplifier on the Common for the purpose of broadcasting Christman Carols to be sung`by`the Lexington Choral Society. Mr. Locke moved that permission be granted. Mr. Driscoll seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman informed the Board that the Commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars had telephoned him stating that Albert J. Moretti, first of Lexington war dead, will arrive in New York to -morrow. The V. F. W. would like to have the body lay in state in Cary Hall for 24 or 48 hours. However, the Arts and Crafts Society has engaged the hall for the entire week of December 1-6 for an exhibition and fair. ,The Chairman suggested as an alternative the use of the Masonic Hall. In the event the body Pram 1 arrives during the time Cary Hall is being used and the Masonic Hall is being used the Chairman suggested the use of Marshall's Chapel. He telephoned to the Commander but was unable to obtain any further information and asked him to contact the Clerk of the Board as soon as he knew any more details. Mr. Driscoll said he had talked with the Chief of Police relative to the applicants for the position of Veteran's Director and the Chief is going to have a report on the applicants. The appointment of a director was held over for another week pending this information. Mr. Driscoll reported to the Board that there is only one street light at the corner of Waltham Street and Concord Avenue. It was decided to :request the Sup't. of Public Works to contact the Boston Edison Co. and request them to make an investigation of the intersection and submit a report. The Chairman spoke about the lighting in Lexington Center and said it was particularly difficult to see a police officer on a dark night. ±ie stated that there are two possibil- ities remedying the situation: (1) the install- ation of a spot light similar to the one at Martin's Drug Store, and (2) improvement of lighting throughout the entire center. The Clerk was instructed to request the Sup't. of Public Works to contact the Boston Edison Co. and ask for a report of the lighting in Lexington Center, and also to inquire as to whether or not they have any information avail- able relative to the lighting of Massachusetts Avenue from the High School to the Arlington line. The meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.P.. A true record, Attest: 123 Veterans appoint- ment held over Street Light at corner of Waltham Street Street Lighting in Center Lighting at High School to Arl- ington Line