HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-11-18105 SELECTMEN'S MEETING November 18, 1947 A special meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building on Tuesday evening, November 18, 1947 at 7:30 P.M. The meeting was called for the purpose of interviewing applicants for the position of Director of Veterans' Services and Veterans' Agent, as authorized by Chapter 599 of the Acts of 1946. Chairman Paxton, Messrs. Locke, Emery, Gay and Driscoll were present. The Clerk was also present. At 7:40 P.M. Mr. John Alden May, 77 Valley Road, Lexington met with the Board. The Chairman stated that the Board read his appli- cation and that the Act states definitely that the Board shall appoint a veteran. He said that the quest- ion arose in his mind as to whether or not Mr. May having been a member of the R. 0. T. C. would qualify. He said that being a member of the National Guard would not constitute being a veteran. Mr. May said that he has received his victory medal and American decoration and he is recognized as a veteran. He explained that he was just discharged as a patient at the Marine Hospital Saturday and to have been a patient there, one must be a veteran. The Chairman asked if he had any physical disability and Mr. May replied in the negative. Mr. Emery asked if the position was equally attract- ive to Mr. May on a part-time basis as it would be on a full-time basis and Mr. May replied in the affirmative', stating that he does not work anyway. The Chairman asked if he had any idea what the position would pay and Mr. May said that he would want enough to drive his car around. Mr. Rmery asked how long he has lived in Lexington and he replied since 1935. The Chairman asked if Mr. May knew the duties connected with the position, and Mr. May replied in the negative. Mr. Emery asked if he graduated from Noble & Green- ough and Mr. May replied in the negative. He said he left to attend Exeter Academy and left for the National Guard. Ur. Emery asked if Mr. May could take the position any time, if he were appointed, and he replied in the affirmative. Mr. May retired at 7:55 P.M. 106. Mr. Edward F. Chapin, 17 Columbus Street, Lex- ington met with the Board. The Chairman explained that the Board had read Mr. Chapin's application and would like to ask him a few questions. He said that the Board would like to know more about the filing clerk and typist position he held. Mr. Chapin said that he uses the touch system, but is not a rapid.. typist. He stated that he worked in an architect's office and took care of all filing of blueprints, correspondence and typed correspon- dence. He explained that it was a small office with no stenographers and he did practically all of the office work. The Chairman asked Mr. Chapin if he was familiar with photostatic equipment at all and IZr. Chapin rep- lied in the negative. He said that he is more familiar with blueprints. The Chairman asked what theaters he served in and he replied that he was in the Pacific. The Chairman asked how long he was overseas and he repliedfburteen months. Mr. Emery asked if he were in the Navy and he said that he was in the Infantry. Mr. Gay asked if he would be willing to take the position on a full or part-time basis and he said he would be interested in either one. The Chairman asked if he is now Commander of the V. F. W. and he replied in the affirmative The Chairman said that whoever is appointed must be friendly with all veteran organizations. The Chairman asked if he had a partial disability and he replied in the affirmative, stating that he has a 50% hearing loss. The Chairman asked if he lost his hearing in both ears, and he replied in the affirmative stating that his left ear is worse than his right ear. Mr. Gay asked him if he had any idea as to what he might expect for salary and he replied in the neg- ative. He said that he does not know what the pro- vision for salary is. The Chairman said that the amount of $750 has been appropriated, but the Board does not know whether or not the position will be full or part-time. He ex- plained that the salary will not be very high. av- Cad 1 The Chairman asked where Mr. Chapin is now employed and he replied that he is doing painting and paper hanging. Mr. Driscoll asked what was the most a veteran would receive on 1005 disability and he replied 1138. Mr. Emery asked how he was disabled and he said that he had a slight hearing loss when he went into the service which became worse by the day when he arrived in the tropics. Mr. Locke asked if his hearing was getting worse and he replied that the doctor has told him that it will be worse, but that he will not be totally deaf. Mr. Chapin retired at 8:06 P.E. Mr. Clifford L. Day, Jr., 86 Oak Street, Lexington, met with the Board. The Chairman asked him to tell the Board what his occupation is and he replied that he is a salesman for Grover Cronin. The Chairman asked if he were applying for the position on a part-time basis and he replied in the affirmative. The Chairman explained that the Board has not decided whether or not the position will be full or part-time and neither has any decision been made as to the salary. The Chairman asked him what theater he was in and he replied that he was in the South Pacific. The Chairman asked what his physical disability is and he replied thE.t he has malaria and undulent fever. The Chairman asked him what his education was prior to entering the service and he replied that he graduated from Arlington High School in 1936. He also went to Lowell Institute three nights a week. Mr. Emery asked how long he has lived in Lex- ington and he replied five years. Mr. Emery asked him how old he is and he replied 27 years. Mr. Driscoll asked if he were receiving dis- ability compensation and he replied that he receives P55.20, 40% a month. Mr. Gay asked if malaria or undulent fever bothered him and he said that it does occassi©nally. Mr. Emery asked if he were an applicant for either a full or part-time Agent and he replied in the affir- mative. Mr. Driscoll asked if he could type and he said that he was not very fast. 107 108 Mr. Locke said that he assumes there must be some day time contacts with the Boston office and he asked how much day time work Mr. Day could give. He said that he could give one full morning and one full afternoon. Mr. Emery asked what his rank was at the time of discharge and he said that he was a First Sergeant. The Chairman asked if he belongs to any veterans organizations and he replied that he is a member of the American Legion in Lexington and the V. F. W. of Somerville. Mr. Gay asked what he would expect to receive for a salary and he replied that whatever the position calls for. He said that he is interested in helping veterans. Mr. Locke asked if he has an automobile and he replied in the affirmative. Mr. Day retired at 8:15 P.M. Mr. Wendell H. Irvine, 183 Woburn Street met with the Board. The Chairman asked him his age and he replied that he is twenty-one. The Chairman inquired about his education and he said that he graduated from High School in Houlton, Maine in 1943. The Chairman asked when he entered the service and he said in 1945. The Chairman asked how long he was in the service and he said that he was in for two years. The Chairman asked if he has any disability and he replied in the negative. The Chairman asked if he did any typing and he said that he worked in an office most of the time. When he first went over seas he was bookkeeper for the Pott Exchange and then transferred to the Security Division. The Chairman asked for whom he is now working and he said that he is employed by Stone €: Downer, custom brokers. Mr. Driscoll asked if there was a chance for advance- ment and he replied in the affirmative providing he stays there long enough. Mr. Driscoll asked why he was interested in the position of Veterans' Agent which has no future. He replied that he has discussed this with his employer who asked the same question. He said that he thought, 4,0 Sag 109 through this position, he would acquire a fair know- ledge of working with personnel, banks and people. Then perhaps in five or ten years he could apply to a large company for a position as personnel manager. Mr. Driscoll asked if he has taken advantage of schooling offered to veterans and he replied that he plans to go to night school. Mr. Emery advised him that he would be better off to go to school nights than to take this position. He said that this job would give him more time to go to: school. The Chairman said that the Board has not decided on the salary and Mr. Irvine said that he would not take the position for less than $40 a week because he would not have anything to gain. He retired at 8:30 P.M. Mr Maurice Healy, 763 Marrett Road met with the Board. The Chairman inquired as to Mr. Healy's education and he said that he graduated from high school in 1916 and has no further education. The Chairman asked about his business experience and he said that he handled incoming mail for the Irving Trust Co., New York and the First National Bank of Boston. The Chairman asked when he moved to Lexington and he replied in January of 1946. The Chairman asked if he went into the service from some other municipality and he replied that he went from New Jersey. He was in the service from February'1942 until May 31, 1945. The Chairman asked him if he went overseas and he replied in the negative. The Chairman asked what his occupation is now and he replied that he was with the Lovell Bus Company but had to relinquish the position do to his eye :sight. The Chairman explained that the Board does not know at the present time whether this will be a full or part-time position. He asked if Mr. Healy would be interested on a part-time basis and he replied in the affirmative. He asked what the renumeration would be and the Chairman explained that the board has not set the salary. He stated that the Welfare Agent is a veteran of World War II, has had experience in this 110 type of work and receives about $2800 a year, and that the salary for this position would be less than that even on a full-time basis. Mr. Gay asked if he would be interested in the position for less than $2800 and he said .that he would consider $2,000 for full-time and $1,800 for part- time. Mr. Healy retired at 8:45 P.M. 'Mr. F. Stanely Love, 3 Wallis Court met with the Board. The Chairman said that Mr. Love had given a com- plete outline in his application and asked if he had studied the Act at all. He replied that he is not too familiar with the Act itself. TheChairman asked if he knew the requirements of the position and he replied in the affirmative. The Chairman explained that the Board has not decided whether or not this position is to be full or part-time and asked if he would be interested on a part-time basis. Mr. Love replied in the affirmative and said that he believed it should be on a full-time basis regardless of who was appointed. Mr. Emery asked where he is now employed and he replied that he is unemployed. Mr. Gay asked what salary he would expect and he said that he has told the Chairman that if he were appointed, the salary would not matter. He said that he is very much interested in people. He would like $35 a week, but that is incidental. The Chairman asked if he received any disability allowance from the army and he replied in the neg- ative. Mr. Love retired at 8:55 P.M. No decision was made relative to appointing a director this evening inasmuch as the members of the Board preferred to give the matter some thought. Mr. Gay and Mr. Driscoll reported to the Board that they had gone to the H. H. Maguire Company in Malden and slip #2535 carries the same. notation of 700 gallons to Lynch that appears on the Public Works Department yellow copy. The original slip in Mag- uire's office shows no reference to 1200 gallons and no erasures. The meeting adjourned at 9:25 P.M. A true record, Attest : ti") Clerk, Selectmen.