HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-10-01564 Army Recruiting Office Chapter 90 Requests for 1948 SELECTMEN'S MEETING October 1 1947 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on Thursday evening, October 1, 1947, at 7130 P.M. There were present: Chairman Paxton, Messrs. Emery, Gay and Driscoll. The Clerk was also present. At the request of the Town Clerk, who was unable to be present tt the meeting, the following jurors were drawn: David P. Wilson, Clerk, 91 Blake Road, Second Session, Criminal Business. Carl Nordstrom, Chemist, 28 Sherman Street, First Session, Criminal Business. Frank T. Stevens, Farmer, 11 Winthrop Road, Second Session, Civil Business. Elmer N. Funkhauser, Inc. Engineer, 1377 Massa- chusetts Avenue, First Session, Civil Business. At 7:33 P.M. Mr. Joseph H. DeFoe, Sup't. of Public Works, met with the Board. He said that the Army Rec- ruiting Service has been using a room on the first floor of the Barnes property and inasmuch as the room over the Welfare Department would be warmer, they would like to transfer their office. The Chairman explained that the Army Recruiting Officers are using this building on a temporary basis and asked if the Board had any obejctions. There were none. Mr. DeFoe informed the Board that he intends to ask for $12,000 Chapter 90 Maintenance in 1948. The Chair- man asked what he had planned to do for this amount and Mr. DeFoe replied that he intends to Beal Massa- chusetts Avenue, Woburn Street and several other Chapter 90 streets. The Chairman explained that if this amount were approved the town will have to appro- priate $4,000. Mr. DeFoe informed the Board that he intends to ask for $30,000 for Chapter 90 Constructioh. He explained it will be about three year before sufficient funds are available to complete Grove Street._ The Chairman suggested obtaining sufficient funds to finish the fill and complete the job on Grove Street as far as the present lay -out. The Board had no ob- jections to Mr. DeFoe's request for $12,000 for Chapter 90 Maintenance and $30,000 for Chapter 90 Construction. 40041 1 1 1 565 Mr. DeFoe stated that the Shell Oil Co. were the low bidders in 1947 and he recommends purchasing the Shell Oil town's supply of gasoline for 1948 inasmuch as he Bids feel confident it will not be possible to obtain a lower price. Mr. Driscoll inquired as to the quantity used and Mr. DeFoe replied that indications are that this year he will use between 40 and 50,000 gallons. Mr. Emery inquired as to the amount of the gasoline bill for 1947 and Mr. DeFoe replied that it was close to 45,000. Mr. Emery reminded Mr. DeFoe that accord- ing to Town By -Laws he will have to obtain bids. It was decided to have the Sup't. of Public Works obtain bids to supply the town with gasoline for 1948. Mr. DeFoe stated that he purchased 10,000""of copper tubing the first of the year and he now has less than 4,000' left. He said that he would like to purchase Prices 10,000' additional. He explained that he had received for the following prices from dealers: Copper Tubing Utilities Supply Corp. From 2,000 to 10,000' $ .2720 per foot Over 10,000) .254 One inch .317 Pierce -Perry Co. From 2,000 to 10,000' Over 10,000' One inch Red Head Mfg. Co. From 2,000 to 10,000' Over 10,000' One inch no quotation .255 .317 .2736 .2584 .3384 O'Connell Supply Corp. From 2,000 to 10,000' no quotation Over 10,000' .2584 One inch .3196 The Chairman explained to the Board that during the War when copper tubing was most difficult to obtain, Pierce- 566 Meters Purchase of Meters Perry Company supplied the Town's needs. Upon motion of Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Gay, it was voted to authorize the Sup't. of Public Works to place an order for 10,000' feet of copper tubing with the Pierce - Perry Company at their quotation, this amount to be charged to the Water Services Account. Mr. DeFoe informed the Board that the supply of meters is now down to about seventy (70). The Neptune Meter Company can make delivery in six mofiths. Tge Pittsburgh Equitable Meter Division can make delivery in three months. He submitted quotations as follows Neptune Meter Co. (Trident) 100 5/8 with couplings ,$ 13.65 each 15 5/8 with 3/4 couplings 13.98 10 3/4 with 3/4 couplings 20,48 1 2" 81.90 Pittsburgh Equitable Meter (Empire) 100 5/8 with couplings 15 5/8 with 3/4 couplings 10 3/4 with 3/4 couplings 1 2" 13.65 13.97 20.48 97.50 Mr. Emery asked if the prices submitted were firm and Mr. DeFoe replied in the affirmative. Mr. DeFoe said that he would like to purchase 150 5/8 meters and after discussing the matter at length it was agreed to authorize the Sup't. of Public Works to purchase 126 meters with the understanding that 50 will be purchased from the Pittsburgh Equitable. If this concen is not willing to reduce the price the entire order is to be placed with the Neptune Meter Company. The Chairman read a petition signed by residents Request for of Marrett Road requesting the installation of a sewer sewer from #211 Marrett Road go #294 Marrett Road. on Marrett The Chairman explained that there are not any sewers to Road take care of this section but indications are that in 1948 the trunk line sewer will be started: The Clerk was instructed to acknowledge the petition and advise the petitioners that a sum of money will be requested in the 1948 Budget for the construction of a trunk line sewer which will serve this area. 567 The Chairman read a letter from the East Lexington Men's Club requesting that the skating rink at the Adams School Playground be cleaned and flooded so that skating may be available for all the residents in that section of the town. They suggested that the request work of cleaning the area be accomplished before cold for weather. The Chairman suggested that Mr. Defoe Skating discuss the matter with Mr. Garrity, Sup't. of Parks Rink and Playgrounds, and submit a report. The Chairman read a letter from C. E. Hall & Sons, Inc. requesting permission to move a wooden building, approximately 16' wide x 16' long x 12' high over Route #2 to Route #128 to Lexington Center, then to Route #4 to Bedford. Mr. Emery moved that the permit be issued and no bond required. Mr. Gay se w nded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe retired at 8:40 P.M. and Mr. John R. Sloane, President of the Minute Man Crafts Society, met with the Board. The Chairman explained to Mr. Sloane that the Board had received a complaint relative to the Minute Man Crafts Society conducting a fair in Cary Memorial Building. The complainant alleged that sales made in connection with the fair Mr. were in competition to the local merchants. Mr. Sloane Sloane explained that the Lexington Arts and Crafts re: Society is definitely a Lexington organization. The Minute- MinuteMan Crafts Society is essentially Middlesex Man County although they do have members from all over Crafts the state. Re said that they hope to have a fair every Society six months, one in the spring and one in the fell. He Use of stated that the basic purpose of the organization is Hall to aid and help the rural craftsman; both in instru- cion and also in the sale of his merchandise. The merchandise is made by the members of the organization and sold at their price with 20% going back to the organization to cover expenses. He stated that it is a nonprofit organization. The Chairman stated that it has been contended that there are aritcles for sale in the fair which are in direct competition with the local merchants. Mr. Sloane said that it would be against the policy of the Society to have anything of that sort. In order to defray expenses they have sub- let space in the lobby to supply houses. He stated that there is no store in Lexington which carries craft supplies. The Chairman said if by any chance there is any mass prod- uction merchandise on sale the rental price for another Permit t o move Building 568 Approve Postage Stamp Vending Machine Locations Request Transfer Police Deportment Expenses Account Proposal to sell Tax Title Property year will be definitely affected. Mr. Sloane assured the Board that he, personally, would see that no member dis- played any mass production merchandise. He retired at 8:55 P.M. The Chairman Bead a letter from John D. Caldwell relative to the installation of postage stamp vending machines. Mr. Caldwell advised the Board that he wished to install one machine adjacent to the mail box at the corner of Massachusetts Avenue and Muzzey Street, and one machine adjacent to the stbre at 1715 Massachusetts Avenue. Mr. Cioldwell explained in detail the method of mounting these machines. Mr. Emery moved that the two locations be approved. Mr. Gay seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman read a letter from the Chief of Police requesting a transfer in the amount of $784.33 from the Reserve Fund to the Police Department Expenses Account. This amount covers the bills fbr,the repains to the Police Car and the Ford Sedan owned and operated by Lawrence Rusted which was damaged by the police car. Mr. Emery suggested the Town Counsel be instructed to obtain a release from Lawrence Rusted before the checks covering the repair work by Johnson's Garage and Child's Garage are paid. Mr. Emery moved that the Appropriation Committee be requested to transfer the sum of $784.33 from the Reserve Fund to Police Department Expenses Account. Mr. Gay second- ed the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received from the Department of Civcil Service with a new certification of names to fill four permanent positions for patrolmen in the Police Department. Pending receipt of appointments from this list authority is given for the provisional appointment of Officers Morelli and Janusas for a period of fourteen days for September 30th. The Chairman informed the Board that he has checked with the Chidf of Police who is very much satisfied with the work of these two patrolmen and is also satisfied with the top men on the list,= Mr. Emery preferred to have the appointments held up for one week. The Boated gave further consideration to Mr. John Collin's offer to purchase Lots 66-73 Fairland Street, Lots 74-77 Eastern Avenue, Lots 78-85 Deering Avenue. Mr. Gay moved that a proposal to sell these lots be advertised in the Lex- ington Minute -Man and that further consideration be given 1 1 the matter. Mr. Emery seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Board gave further consideration to Mr. Charles H. Miller's offer to purchase Lots 98-107•Deering Avenue, 108-111 Eastern Avenue, 112-120 Oak Avenue. Mr. Emery moved that a proposal to sell the lots be advertised in the Lexington Minute -Man and that further consideration be given the matter. Mr. Gay seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received from Father Desmond requesting permission to conduct a carnival and penny sale on Nov- ember 7th in Cary Hall. The Chairman explained that some time ago the Board passed a vote whereby no carnivals or penny sales would be permitted in Cary Memorial Building. The Clerk was instructed to so advise Father Desmond. A request was received from the Community Nursery School for permission to conduct a rummage sale in the Barnes property on Friday, October 24th. Mr. Emery moved that the request be granted free of.charge. Mr. Gay seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received from the Town Counsel relative to the repponsibilities and limitations of the Board of Selectmen regarding the application of Forest Khapp for retirement effective February 1, 1948. Mr. Lynch advised the Board that before Officer Knapp can be retired he must be examined by a medical panel; a panel consisting of three physicians and a majority of the physicians of such medical panel must, after examination and after re- viewing all pertinent facts of the case, certify in meriting that such police officer is physically incapacitated for further duty and that such incapacity is likely to be per- manent. Under provisions of Section 6 (3) (a) of Chapter 32 of the General Laws, the medical panel must consist of three registered physicians, one of whom shall be desig- nated by the State Surgeon and who shall serve as Chair- man of the panel; a second physician who shall be desig- nated by the Board of Selectmen, and a third physician who shall be designated by the applicant for retirement. Upon motion of Mr. Gay, seconded by Mr. Emery, it was voted to designate Dr. Howard W. Newell to serve on the panel. Upon motion of Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Gay, it was voted to approve the following uses of halls: 569 Deny re- quest for carnival and penny sale Rummage Sale at Barnes Property Medical Panel chosen for Officer Kanpp Uses of Halls 570 Upon motion of Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Gay, it was voted to approve the following uses of halls: John J. Garrity, Conference Room, Meeting of Tree Wardens, Free of charge. Alan G. Adams, Estabrook Hall, meeting relative to Route # 128 subject to charge of $10,00. Cary Lecture Committee, Cary Hall, November 10th, Free of charge The Board gave further consideration to Frank T. Advertise Neal's offer to purchase Lot 53 Kendall Road. Mr. Emery Lot 53 moved that a proposal to sell the lot be advertised in the Kendall Road Lexington Minute -Man and further consideration given the offer. Mr. Gay seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Upon motion of Mr. Gay, seconded by Mr. Emery, it was voted to approve the following licenses: Licenses #6 Mooh Hill Chock Checks Paid on Veterans Lots. William Viano Couhtryside Assoc. Albert F. Hegy (transfer from business.) 1794 Mass. Ave. Sunday Movies Lowell Street Sunday Golf 856 Mass. Ave. Common Vict- Cannuli who formerly owned ualler The Chairman reminded the Board that the Town of Lex- ington still has a certified check in the amount of $19,000., deposited by #6 Moon Hill, Inc. He explained that this is required in making the Board of Survey lay- out because of the fact that the corporation, being newly organized, was unable to obtain a performance bond. However, they have now been able to procure a bond which they wish to file in lieu of the check. Mr. Emery moved that the Clerk be authorized to return the check subject to the approval of the Town Counsel. Mr. Gay seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Clerk informed the Board that 19 veterans have deposited $100 each with the Board of Selectmen in connect- ion with the veterans lots on Hill and Cedar Streets. The Chairman asked the Board whether the deposits are to be retained until the balance of 000 is paid or should they be deposited with the Town. The Board was of the opinion that the checks should be deposited. 1 The Clerk informed the Board that inquiries had been received in the Selectmen's Office as to whether or not the town offices are to be closed Monday, October 13th inasmuch as Columbus Day, October 12th, comes on Sunday. Mr. Gay moved that the town offices be closed all day Monday, October 13th, and that the regular meeting be held on Tuesday, October 14th. Mr. Emery seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Clerk informed the Board that the Army Recruiting Division would like permission to garage an army jeep in the garage at the Barnes property. The Board had no objection to such an arrangement prov- ided it does not interfere with municipal business. The meeting adjourned at 10:05 P.M. A true record, Attest: e , lectmen. 571 Close Town Office' Bldg. on October 13