HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-09-15SELECTMEN''S MEETING September 15,'1947 A regular meeting held in the Selectmen' 15, 1947, at 7:30 P.M. Paxton, Messrs. Locke, also present. of the Board of Selectmen was s Room, on Monday evening, Sept. There were present: Chairman Emery and Gay. The Clerk was The following jurors were drawn to serve on criminal business at Cambridge, beginning October 14, 1947: John F. Murphy, Branch Manager, 64 Marrett Road Donald M. Fifield, Insurance, 25 Adams Street At 7:35 P.M. Mr. Joseph H. DeFoe, Supt. of Public Works, met with the Board. He stated that according to the contractor's figures the total assessment against John Baskin for the construction of Pine Knoll Road will be $5,498., and deducting the unnassessable front- age and the drainage which amounts to $1,473.50 there will be a balance of 14,024.50. He said that last figube is the total amount to be assessed against Baskin. 547 Jurors Baskin Asse'mt Pine Knoll Road Mr. DeFoe said that a Mr. Hale and Mrs. Arch on Reed Street have requested that the sewer be extended Extended up Reed Street to Candlewick Close. This will involve Sewer on an additional 300 feet. Mr. Locke asked if there Reed St. were sufficient fund; available to take care of the extension and Mr. DeFoe replied that he should have enough money. Mr. Gay moved that the Sup't. of Public Works be authorized to extend the sewer up Reed Street for a distance of approximately 300 feet provided there are sufficient funds now available to cover the cost of the extension. Mr. Emery seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman informed the Board that the Town Treasurer should be authorized to request bids on a loan for street construction. Upon motion of Mr. Gay seconded by Mr. Locke, it was voted to request the Town Treasurer to obtain bids on a loan of $75,000 for street construction, said loan to be payable with- in a period not exceeding ten years. Authority for this loan was voted on at the Adjourned Town Meeting held on March 24, 1947, under Articles 51-61 inclusive. Request' Bids for Street Construct- ion r548 Fence on Cary Street Mr. DeFoe informed the Board that Cary Street is only thrity feet wide and there is a fence that may have to be moved back. The Chairman suggested that it might be less expensive to have the town men move the fence and let the contractor do his work on the street, and then have the town men replace the fence. Mr. Emery asked if this would involve any land taking and the Chairman replied in the negative. Proposed Mr. DeFoe retired at 8;05 P.M. and thirteen persons, School property owners of land which may be affected by the Discussion location of the proposed elementary school, met with the Board. The Chairman of the Planning Board was also Possible present. Sites and for one The Chairman explained that the School Committee the Planning Board had investigated possible sites a grammar school and have made two suggestions;. being the corner of Grant Street and Colony Road. Stsset and Colony Road. He explained thatthe second site runs from Adams Street to approximately Colony Road. He said the Board would like to have all those present look over the plans because they were the affected property owners. He said the Board would then like to talk to each properly owner individually. The Chair- man explained that a Town Meeting would he held September 29th and at that time the Board wants to make recommendations to the Town as to what the property may be purchased for. Blh explained that it is within the province of the town to take property by eminent domain but the Selectmen would prefer to make an agreement and purchase the land rather than take it be eminent domain. The group retired at 8:35 P.M. with the exception of Mr. & Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Burton and Mr. Worthen of the Planning Board. Burtot The Chairman explained the site °hosed as it affects the Burton property and stated that there is about 4/10 of an acre of their property which the town will need. He asked what price the Burtons would put on the 4/10 of an acre if the Town decided to purchase it. The Chairman explained that the Burton land is assessed for $200 or $300 an acre and he believed it to be assessed an an acreage basis. He said that he would guess the maximum assessment on the Burton farm land would be about $400 an acre. The Chairman explained that it has not been determined as to what site will be selected. meg 1 1 1 • 1 549 He asked if the Board makes a settlement of a price per acre would it be agreeable to the Burtons if the Board then checked with them and settle it with them on the same price per acre as agreed upon by the others. Mr. and Mrs. Burton both agreed. The Chairman said that the Board would settle with the Buttons on the same acreage basis as is agreed upon with the Porter Bors. and Wilsons. He explained, however, that any arrangement or settlement is subject to a vote of Town Meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Burton retired at 9:05 P.M. and Mr. Baskin met with the Board. The Chairman explained that Mr. Baskin's property is affected by site #2 which has an acreage of 2.2 acres. Mr. He asked how much Mr. Baskin wanted for this property. Baskin Mr. Baskin replied that his figure is $5,100 and explained - that there is one lot in the process of being sold. The Chairman said that this will then bring it down to about 2i acres. Mr. Gay asked Mr. Baskin upon what he based his price of $5,100. Mr. Baskin replied that he figures them as house lots prices and there are seven house lots. Mr. Emery asked if this was a firm offer subject to the approval of Town Meeting and Mr. Baskin replied in the affirmative stating that he is not looking to sell. Mr. Baskin retired at 9:13 P.M. The Chairman read a letter from Paul Bowser stating Paul that he wished to go on record as not being interested Bowser in selling his property at any price regardless of how much he would like to help the situation. Mr. and Mrs. Peterson of Belmont who own the lot on Woodlawn Road met with the Board. The Chairman explained the problem of selecting a site for a new grammar school and stated that the Board wants to present to the Town Mr. & Meeting the amount of money necessary to purchase the Peterson land. He stated that the Board thinks it is best to try to make an arrangement to purchase the property rather than to take it by eminent domain; thus, eliminating the difficulty of law suits. He said what the Board want- ed to know is how much Mr. and Mrs. Peterson want for their lot of land. Mrs. Peterson asked if the Town would replace the lot. The Chairman explained that the Board of Select- men is not in a position to find a lot of land for them. He suggested that the Petersons check with the local real estate agents. Mr. Peterson asked how much the town would be willing to pay for their lot and the Chairman replied that the Board has not discussed it. He suggested that the Petersons retire for7few minutes and they agreed to do so. Mr. Locke asked how large the parcel of land is and Mr. Worthen replied that it is 14,000 square feet. Mrs. 550 The Board felt that $2,000 would be a fair price. Mr. Emery asked how this would compare with the Burton property. The Chairman replied that the Burtons is farm land and ties in with Porter Bros. & Wilson's property. Mr. Locke aaid that this is an entirely different proposition. The Chair- man suggested that the entire situation be explained to Mrs. Burton. Mr. and Mrs. Peterson returned to the meet- ing and the C)iairman stated that the Board had discussed the matter and considered the fact that the street is unaccepted but are willing to recommend to the Town Meet- ing a price of $2,000. He asked if this was agreeable and Mr. Peterson replied in the affirmative. Mr. Peterson said that he would look around this week to see if he could possibly locate another parcel of land in Lexington. The Petersons retired at 9:40 P.M. and Mr. dames Wilson and William Porter met with the Board. The Chairman stated that Porter Bros. & Wilson's have quoted a price of $1,500 an acre for approximately 12 acres with the understanding thatthe price would be reduced if a small parcel on Adams Street is retained. He asked if approximately 2 acres on Adams Street was retained by them, how much they would want for the ramining acreage. Mr. Porter replied $1,250. The Chairman said that is about $12,500: Mr. Porter said that they also felt some arrangement should be made to enclose the school property. The Chairman replied that shhool property usually is en- closed but that is something which will not be entered into at the present moment. Mr. Emery asked if they would take $1,000 an acre the way it is laid out now with a 300 foot frontage on Adams Street and a depth of 275 feet. Mr. Porter replied in the negative. The Chairman asked if Mr. Porter was putting a price of $12,500 for approximately 10 acres eliminating the rectangular piece on the corner of Adams Street and Eaat Street, and Mr. Porter replied that is correct. The Chairman said that as he understood it their price is $1,500. an acre and $1,250 if they retain approx- imately two acres on Adams Street. Messrs. Porter and Wilson retired at 10:02 P.M. The Chairman met with the Appropriation Committee and returned to the Selectmen's Meeting at 10:30 P.M., at which time Mr. Worthen retired. The Chairman read a letter from the County Commissioners advising that the Commissioners of the State Department of Public Works will meet at the County Commissioner's Office on October 16th for a discussion of matters pertaining to public roads. The Clerk was instru@ted to request Mr. C? agg 1 551 DeFoe to submit his Chapter 90 maintenance and const- County ruction program to the Board not later than October 13tlaComm'rs. Chapter 90 program The Chairman read a letter from Wilson E. Leighton, 25 Tower Road, stating that the tree locat- ed at the corner of Locust Avenue and Tower Road is certain to be blown dowi in case of a severe storm. The Chairman informed the Board that Mr. Garrity recommends that the tree be removed. Mr. Emery moved that Mr. Garrity be instructed to post the tree for removal. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Remove Tree The Board gave further consideration to Elbert Fisher's Sell lots 58 and 59 Rangeway Road to E.Fisher offer of #150 for lots 58-59 Rangeway Road. A proposal to sell these lots was advertised in the Spetember llth issue of the Lexington Minute Man. No persons contacted the Selectmen's Office as the result of this advertisement. Mr. Emery moved that the offer be accepted and that lots 58-59 Rangeway Road be sold and conveyed to Mr. Elbert Fisher. Mr. Gay seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman read a letter from John A. May applying Veteran h for the position of Veteran's Agent. No action was taken Agent Applic- ation Waive item #8 Bd. of Survey Agreement Ryder on the matter. Upon motion of Mr. -Gay, seconded by Mr. Locke, it was voted to sign a statement agreeing that Item #8 of the Agreement dated June 30, 1947, by and between the Town of Lexington and Lexington Estates Trust, be waived. A letter was received from Father MadDonald re -- questing permission to conduct a paper drive November 9th for the Archbishop Cushing Charity Fund. Mr. Emery moved that the request be granted. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received from Mrs. Stephen T. Herr on behalf of the Women's Association of the Congregational Church requesting permission to conduct a rummage sale in the Barnes property garage on October 18th. Mr. Locke moved that the request be approved. Mr. Gay sec- onded the motion, and it was so voted. Upon motion of Mr. Locke, seconded by Mr. Emery, itwas voted to adopt the following regulations for of Cary Memorial Hall. Paper Drive Rummage S&le at Barnes Property Cary Hall Regulat- ions 552 Application Lex. Fire Ass'h. for Cary Hall Lex. Athleti Boosters Req: Con- ference room Minute Men Crafts Soc. Cary Hall FREE 1. Official or customary events of any Town Department 2. Elections or emergencies. 3. Such occasions as are authorized by Town Meeting Vote. 4. Events to which no admission is charged and/or no goods are offered for sale, sponsored by a Lex- ington organization or group of residents of Lex- ington -- all subject to approval of the Board of Selectmen. 5. One rehearsal for any event for which the hall is engaged. $35.00 Maintenance Fee All events not showing th:the above catagories. An application was received from the Lexington Firemen's Benefit Association for permission to conduct a dance and entertainment in Cary Hall on Friday evening, November 28th. Mr. Emery moved that the request be granted subject to a charge of $35.00 in compliance with the regulations adopted this evening. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. An application was received from Lexington Athletic Roosters Club for permission to hold a Director's Meeting cjin the Conference Room on the first Thursday of each month from September 11, 1947 to May, 1948. The Clerk was in- structed to advise the Club that inasmuch as t his will involve opening the building and heating it during the winter months togetherwith the fact that janitor services are available, for a comparatively small group of in- dividuals, the Selectmen prefer not to make the room avail- able unless it is ab3eautely necessary. It was suggested that the Club arrange to hold their meetings elsewhere if possible. An application was received from the Minute Men Crafts Society for permission to conduct a fair in Cary Hall the week of December 1- 6 inclusive. Mr. Emery moved that the request be granted subject to a chagge of $150. Upon motion of Mr. Locke, seconded by Mr. Emery, it was voted to grant the following licenses. 1 William Viano Countryside Associates Bessie Withrow The Board discussed relative to the property school purposes. It was be recommended; 553 1794 Mass. Avenue Sunday Movies Lowell Street " Golf 73 Waltham Street Lodging house the amounts to be recommended to betaken or purchased for decided the following amounts Amounts recommend- ed Burton Property Porter Bros. & Wilson Jennie Porter Peterson Property Total $ 1,000 12,500 400 2,000 $ 15,900 use $16,000 If the entire property of Porter Bros. & Wilson is to be taken the figures will be as follows: Burton Property Porter Bros. & Wilson Jennie Porter Peterson Property Total 1,000 18,000 400 2,000 $ 21,400 The. meeting adjourned at 11:40 P.M. A true record, Attest: er , S 'lectmen. 554 SELECTMEN'S MEETING September 18, 1947 A special meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room on Wednesday evening Sept- ember 18, 1947. Chairman Paxton, Messrs. Locke, Emery and Gay were present. The Clerk was also present. This meeting was called for the specific purpose of holding a public drawing relative to the veteran's lots on the so-called poor -farm tract located on Cedar and Hill Streets. Mr. Edwin B. Worthen and Mr. W. S. Couette,members of the Committee on Veterans' Lots were present at the drawing. There were also fourteen other persons present. The names of all applicants were placed in a box and the drawing made by Mr. Couette. The names were drawn in the following numbPieal order: 1 James A. Colin$ 10 Independence Ave., Lex. 2 Kenneth S. Rymal, 12 Merriam Street, Lex. 3 Roy L. Hutt 43 Adams Street, Lex. 4 Donald W. Andrews, 1 Hill Street, Lex. 5 Richard W. Hyde, 22 Forest Street, Lex. 6 Richard H. Martin, 67 Farmcrest Ave., Lex. 7 Harry C. Wyman, 73 Central St., Waltham 8 Harry B. Seymour, 36 Simonds Road, Lex. 9 Ronald J. White, R.F.D. Spring Road, Bedford 10 Albert D. Evans, 49 Outlook Drive, Lex. 11 Wilbur E. Neal, 12 Lexington St., Waltham 12 John F. McCullough, Jr., 20 No. Hancock St., Lex. 13 Joseph E. Belcher, 72 Waltham St., Lex. 14 Philip S. Gilman, 16 crescent Hill Ave., Lex. 15 Carl R. Petterson, 8 Hill Street, Lex. 16 Richard R. Harding, 14 Highland Ave., Lex. 17 Joseph A. Connolly, 7 Lake Street, Lex. 18 David G. Govan, 1834 Mass. Ave., Lex. 19 John C. Howland, 15 Independence Ave., Lex. 20 Melvin H. Turner, 8 Dalton St., Boston The Chairman invited all present to look over the plan of the lots, and the group felt that they should be given time to view the location and decide which lot each veteran desired. .54 The that the over the ember 24 the lots drawn. Chairman suggested, and the Board agreed, applicants be given an opportunity to look lots between now and next Wednesday, Sept - at 8:00 p.m. They will then meet and choose in the numerical order in which the names are 555 The Chairman stated that if it is not possible for the applicant to be present next Wednesday evening, he should make arrangements to have a representative present to select his lot. If neither the applicant or his representative is present, his name will then be placed at the end of the list. The Chairman informed the group that the lots will be staked out with a lath, giving the lot number, to assist veterans in making their choice. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. A true record, Attest: /24I Celectmen.