HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-08-18509 SELECTMEN'S MEETING August 18, 1917 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building on Monday evening, August 18, 1947 at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Locke, Emery and Gay were present. The Clerk was also present. In the absence of Mr. Paxton, Mr. Locke acted as Chair- man. Upon the request of Mr. Carroll, the following jurors were drawn: Franklin E. Woodall, salesman, 22 Hancock Street for Jurors civil business 1st session: John T. McNeil, carpenter, 28 Fletcher Avenue for civil business 2nd session: John M. Ray, druggist, 55 Reed Street for criminal business, 1st session. At 7:35P.M. Mr. Lawrence Selig and John J. Kelley, applicants for Second ° Class Dealer's license, met with the Board. Mr. Selig said that they intended to handle used cars and, if the Board is in favor, operate from Hardy's Garage at the corner of Waltham Street and Concord Avenue. He explained that he and Mr. Kelley would act as brokers until such time as they are able to find a suitable loca- tion in a business area. He explained that both he and Mr. Kelley have two car garages where Bars may be kept, but that they would not sell from their homes. They intend to sell through telephone and newspapers. Mr. Locke asked if Mr. Selig had any experience in the used car business and he replied that he formerly operatedthe taxi business at the depot. Mr. Gay asked if there would be a repair depart- ment and Mr. Selig replied in the negative. Mr. Locke said that complaints have been made rela- tive to the conditions existing at this particular station and that any license granted now would expire the end of this year and would have to be renewed. If the business is not conducted in a satisfactory manner, there is the possibility that the license would not be renewed. Mr. Selig said that William Greer, one of the operator's of Hardy's garage is a friend of his and would have no objection to the proposition, providing the Board of Selectmen approve. Messrs. Selig and Kelley retired at 7:45 P.m. Upon motion of Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Gay, 510 Easement for water ext,in uckman Drive it was voted to approve the application and issue a Second Class Agent's License to Selig and Kelley. Mr. Joesph H. DeFoe, Supt. of Public Works, met with the Board at 7:45 p.m. Mr. DeFoe said that some discussion has been held relative to the proposed sewer construction adjacent to the Arlington Reservoir and he had conferred with the Town Counsel on the subject, who has also discussed it with the Town Counsel for the Town of Arlington. The land adjacent to the reservoir Dame under the jurisdiction of the Town of Arlington through a Legis- lative Act in 1872 which permitted the town to use the land, and before anything can be done with the land, it must be presented to a Town Meeting. He explained that the Arlington Town Counsel and the "powers to be" in Arlington are receptive to this. Mr. DeFoe stated that Lexington must go ahead on the assumption that no objection will be made and have a survey ready so that a description may be presented to Arlington Town Meeting, He explained that if anything should tapped whereby Arlington Town Meeting objects, the money for the survey will have been spent. Mr. Locke asked what would be done if Arlington objected, and Mr. DeFoe replied that the sewer would have to come up from the low land which means a cut of about twenty-five feet and additional expense. He recommended preceeding with the survey. He said that both Town Counsels do not anticipate any difficulty. Mr. Locke said that he felt the Town of Lexington has no choice but to take a chance on the survey to give Arl- ington sufficient information to properly present it to Town Meeting. Mr. Paxton arrived at the meeting at 8:00 p.m. Mr. Locke explained the subject under discussion and Mr. Paxton said that he thought the only thing to do was to proceed with the survey. Upon motion of Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Gay, it was voted to authorize the Superintendent of Public Works to proceed to have the survey made relative to the pro- posed sewer construction adjacent to the Arlington Reser- voir. Mr. DeFoe presented a sketch showing the three lots of land owned by Mr. Luongo and explained the location of the proposed water extension from Buckman Drive to Moreland Avenue. He said that he believes Mr. Luongo is receptive to an easement, but he is not interested in 511 the town taking the land for a future, roadway. The Chairman said that the town should have an easement for general municipal purposes. He stated that as he sees it, chance of the Town of Lexington construct- ing the street is away in the future and Mr. Luongo would be the only one to pay for it. He said that the only thing the Board is interested in is that nothing is built on the 50 feet and if the occasion requires, the street can be built. Mr. Luongo's son met with the Board. The Chairman explained that in the event of a fire in this particular area, the volume of water obtainable is very inadequate. He said that the Board would like to make a cross connection from the end -of Buckman Drive to Moreland Avenue. He explained that the Board of Selectmen, at the present time, has no idea at all of constructing a street, but would like an easement so that some time in the future, ten or fifteen years, if the occasion required, there would be a way through. He said that the Board would like to obtain a fifty foot easement for general municipal purposes. He explained that at the present time the Town would strip off ten feet of loam, store it on one side, dig a trench, run the main through and replace the loam. The Chairman explained that this would be done after Mr. Luongo's crops have been harvested. He said that next year the land could be planted again. Mr. Luongo said that his father would have no objection providing the land is restored to the same condition as it is now. The Chairman said the Board would like to know if Mr. Luongo will give the town an easement fifty feet wide and what it will cost, if anything. He said that the Board would like to have him discuss this subject with his father and explain to him what the Board wants, that it is primarily for additional fire protection and will not interfere with the crops. He said that as soon as Mr. Luongo decides whether or not his is willing to give the town an easement; the necessary papers will be prepared. Mr. Luongo retired at 8:15 p.m. Mr. DeFoe said that he has conferred with Mr. Lynch. and he is in accord with the way the assessments are now Bowser figured on Grant Street. He said any driveways or side ass'mt. streets that come in the footage is assessed against all other lots and prorated. At the corner of East Street he has deducted the East Street frontage and Bowser's frontage 512 Bowser ase'mt. on Grant Street. Carlson is the same way and both of them have the remaining distance that has to be completed. The part to be deducted, plus what is the street frontage is distributed among all the other lots. This means that the assessment against Mr. Bowser will be $1242 for the section toward East Street. earlson's assess- ment will be $1260. The Chairman said that at the time the bill is made up, it will be up to the Board whether to abate a portion or all of Bowser's assessment. He said that these new figures appear to be logical amounts and it does straighten out the assessments on Grant Street. He stated that there is nothing for the Board to do at present. Mr. DeFoe stated that he has made very good costs on the sewer jobs that have been done. There is now a balance of $26,000 in the Sewdr Construction -Sundry Streets Account and he needs $37,000 to do Banks, Chase, Tucker and Ledgelawn. The Chairman asked if the Board desired to request an additional $10,000 for sewer construction at the coming town meeting. Mr. Locke said that if it is needed, it might as well be requested now. Mr. DeFoe suggested $15,000. He said that 53.7% of the abutters on Ledgelawn and Liberty have signed petitions. He said he doubted very much if the sewer could be install- ed in Grant Street this year. Mr. Locke said that if there is no chance of doing Grant Street this year he would recommend not requesting money at this town meeting. It was decided not to include an article in the warrant for the Sept. Meeting requesting additional money for sewer construction. Mr. DeFoe retired at 8:40 p.m. Mr. Edwin B. Worthen, Jr., Chairman of the Planning School Board met with the Selectmen. Sites The Chairman explained that Mr. Worthen has drawn up exact plans of the proposed sites for an elementary School stating that site #1 would take some of Bowser's and Baskin's property. Site #2 would take some of the Burton's and Porter Bros. and Wilson's property. He said that he had a talk with William Porter and showed him the plan and explained what the Town might want. He said that Mr. Porter did n 1 ea Mr. Emery said that inasmuch as the Town Counsel has been excluded from tonight's meeting of the Board and Mr. Ryder, he thought no record of the discussion should be kept. The Clerk was requested to leave the meeting and Mr. Ryder met with the Board at 8:45 P. M. He retired at 10:35 and the Clerk returned to the meeting. 513 not appear to be too disturbed, and will discuss it with the co-owners. He also agreed to meet with the Board next Monday. It was decided to have the Chairman contact Mr. Bowser to obtain his reaction in the event the Town decides to take a portion of his property for school purposes. Mr. Worthen retired and Mr. Robert Hunter of the Lexington Choral Society, met with the Board. He said that the Board has for consideration an Lex. application from the Choral Society for the use of Choral Soc. Cary Memorial Hall in December. He stated that the use of hall Society has not paid fdr°the hall in the past, referring to the charge made by the Board for a concert scheduled to be held in October, and that the concerts are given for the benefit of the Town. He explained that the concert in October, while there will be an admission charge, is to raise funds to finance the Messiah, which is free to the public, and the balance of the coney received goes towards a scholarship. The Chairman informed Mr. Hunter that practically every applicant for the use of Cary Hall has about the same story; that is, they all feel that they are working for the good of the town. He explained that the Board has the problem of trying to determine fair rates. He said that the Board felt that before the dntire proceeds from the concerts were deposited in the scholarship fund, rental of the hall should be deducted. Mr. Hunter retired at 10:40 p.m. Upon motion of Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Gay, it was voted to grant the Lexington Choral Society the use of Cary Memorial Hall on the evening of December 11, 1947, for a rehearsal, free of charge and also on the evening of December 12, 1947 for a concert, free of charge. Mr. DeFoe returned to the meeting. He informed the Board that there is about 1800 feet of 8" pipe required for the Moon Hill development. The Chairman asked Mr. DeFoe if he thought he would be able to lay the pipe and he replied in the affirmative. Mr. Gay moved that the Superintendent of Public Works be authorized to place an order to purchase 2,0D0 feet of 8" water pipe, with the understanding that the xoneY is available. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. - 514 Increase for Ass't. Supt. Blake Road Mr. DeFoe told the Board that when he hired Mr. Burns he wanted more money, but Mr. DeFoe explained to him that he could not start him for more than the Town Engineer was receiving. He explained to the Board that the amount of $3600 was appropriated and set up in the budget for an Assistant Superintendent and/or a clerk. Mr. Locke asked if Mr. Burns has made good and Mr. DeFoe replied in the affirmative. Mr. Locke said that he did not think $3500 was too much for an engineer. Mr. Locke moved that Mr. William Burns' be paid at the rate of $3600 a year, effective immediately. Mr. Emery seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe informed the Board that Alfred I. Thibeault, Inc. will not be able to supply him with re- inforced cross chains and he would like permission to place an order with Hunt -Marquardt. Mr. Emery moved that the request be approved. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe said that a delegation from Blake Road has requested that something be done to the street, claim- ing that the street is in bad condition as a result of laying the sewer pipe. He said that how much worse the street is now than it would be if the sewer were not built is problematiele. The Chairman explained that whenever the town goes into an unaccepted street it also results in having to put it in better condition than it was before entry. He said that as he sees it, the only thing to do is to put in the grader and level a little bit of gravel and use a half gallon of 45 road oil on it which will lay the dust and have a tendency to bind. Mr. DeFoe retired at 11:05 p.m. The Chairman read a letter from the Town Counsel relative to the iugust Schumacher v. Lexington Zoning Board of Appealsrhe entered an appearance for the Town at a hearing held before the Rmergency Housing Commission on August 8, 1947. Mr. Lynch stated that he is of the opinion the Commission will grant Mr. Schumacher's request for permission to convert an "L" on the rear of his house at 148 Wood Street into a separate apartment. His petition before the Lexington Board of Appeals was denied. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Carroll, Town Clerk and Treasurer, advising that it will not be possible * At the request of the Chairman of the Board of Appeals 1 1 515. for him to comply with the Board's request to have three copies of his 1946 Town Report typed by October 1, 1947. The Chairman agreed to discuss the matter with Mr. Carroll. Letter was received from Wollrath & Sons, Inc. requesting permission to erect a sign 6" x 20" on a pole at the triangle at Reed and Bedford Streets for the purpose of giving directions to the greenhouses on Read Street,. According to the Assessors' records this property Sign is owned by the town. Mr. Locke moved that the request be denied. Mr. Gay seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Board gave further consideration to Mr. Domenick L. Torci's offer of $300 for Lots 178, 179 and 180 on Arcola Street. A proposal to sell was Tax advertised in the Lexington Minute -Man. No persons Title contacted the Selectmen's Office as a result of the advertisement. Mr. Locke moved that the offer be accepted and that lots 178, 179 and 180 on Arcola Street, Lexington be sold and conveyed to Mr. Domenick L. Torci. Application was received from Alan G. Adams for Use of permission to conduct a meeting in Estabrook Hall on hall the evening of September 9, 1947 for a discussion of the proposed relocation of Route 128. Mr. Locke moved that the use of the hall be granted free of charge. Mr. Gay seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Application was received from Mr. J. Garrity, Sup't. of Parks and Playgrounds for permission to conduct a meeting in one of the conference rooms in Cary Memorial Building on the morning of September 17, 1947 for the purpose of discussing tree and insect problems of the State. Mr. Locke moved that the use of the hall be grant- ed free of charge. Mr. Gay seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Upon motion of Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Gay, it was voted to sign the deed, prepared by Town Counsel, conveying lots 16, 17 and 18 Park Street to Wallace C. Weisinger. 516 The Chairman asked if it is the intent of the Board to file all Board of Survey agreements at the Registry. Board of It was agreed by all present, that the Board of Survey Survey agreements are not be be filed at the Registry. Agreements The Chairman asked the Board what hours the polls should be open for the Special Election, September 22, 1947. It was decided to open the polls from 1:00 P.M. until 8:00 P.M. It was decided to call a special meeting for Thursday evening, September 21, 1947.at 7:30 p.m. at which time the Planning Board and School Committee would be invited to be present to discuss the Ryder claim for damages as a result of land taking for school purposes. •The meeting adjourned at 11:55 p.m. A true record, Attest: ler electmen.