HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-04-14285 SELECTMEN'S MEETING April ,14, 1947 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on Monday evening, April 14, 1947, The Chairman Paxton, Messrs. Locke, Emery and Gay were present. The Clerk was also present. At 7:30 p.m. Mr. Everett Brooks, Civil Engineer, and Iir. Joseph DeFoe met with the Board. The Chairman explained that Mr. Brooks had requested an appointment with the Board relative to a subdivision on the Concord Turnpike down to the Arlington -Lexington town line. He said that LIr. Brooks desired to d acuss the layout with the Board more or less as a preliminary Board of Survey hearing. Mr. Brooks explained that he has presented two layouts to the Planning Board and both have been approved. He stated that since that time ha has talked with Lir. Paxton who suggested a third alternate layout. The Chairman asked if the alternate layout would restrict the service of the lots from entering on the Turnpike and Mr. Brooks replied in the affirmative. Mr. Brooks asked if the town would require the service road to ba con- structed according to the Board of Survey regulations. The Chairman replied that he thought the town would run into difficulty if surfacing were not requared. He said that the people in town would feel that the gravel road would not be sufficient and that i£ the service road is put in it should be surfaced just as any other street similar to what Mr. Brooks has done in the Tower Development. Mr. Brooks retired at 7:50 p.m. Mr. DeFoe informed the Board that he had talked to the driver of the town truck who was involved in an accident with a car owned by Earl W. Garland, 83 South Eoad, Bedford Mass. He explained that George .trmstrong, the driver of the truck was coming up Massachusetts Avenue approaching Joseph Road, nd as he approached the road he put out his hand and beckoned to the car in the rear to come ahead. He then made the turn into Joseph Road. Apparently Mrs. Garland, who was driving the other car, thought the truck was going to make a left hand turn and she passed the truck on the right. Officer Day of the Police Department saw the accident bgt he did not see the signal given by Et. Armstrong. Mr. Emery said that he would be in favor of paying one-half of the cost of the damage, both parties possibly being at fault. Mr. Locke suggested that the Board offer to pay one half of the estimated cost but admitting no liability. Mr. Brooks Re: subdiv- ison Conn_' cord Turn- pike Accident Town Truck and Car Owndd by Earl Garland of Bed- ford 286 Relocation of Adams Street Purchase of Grader Applicants F.D. Walker and H. Whit- ing Re: Town Accountant Er. DeFoe presented a blueprint and explained the proposed relocation of Adams Street. He said that the trees on the property owned by Louis Kennedy, 55 Hancock Street, will not be affected by the relocation and it will not be necessary to construct a retaining wall. Mr. DeFoe requested authorization to purchase a new power grader and submitted bids as follows: Austen -Western Co. 99H Diesel Motor $10,464.74 This includes $170 for freight Austen -Western Co. 99H Gasoline Engine 9,563.34 Austen -Western Co. 99H Delivered 8,722.25 Perkins Eaton Machinery Co. Caterpillar 10,410.43 Diesel Engine Delivered E. W. eystrom Co. Galion Grader Delivered 9,400.00 Mr. Locke asked how much money Mr. DeFoe had available for purchase of this unit and he replied $10,000. The Chairman asked how much the snow plow would cost and Mr. DeFoe replied $754.96. The Chairman said that this would be a logical charge to the snow Removal Account. Upon motion of Mr. Locke, seconded by Mr. Gay, it was voted to authorize the Sup't. of Public Works to purchase a 99H Grader with a Diesel Engine and accessories at a net cost of $10,464.74 of which $754.96 is to be charged to the Snow Removal Account. Mr. DeFoe retired at 8:05 p.m. and Mr. Fran D. Walker, applicant for the position of Town Accountant, met with the Board. Mr. Emery asked Mr. Walker if he waa appointed to the position did he intend to make it his life work, and Mr. Walker replied in the affirmative. Mr. Emery asked him how much notice he would like to give his present employer and Mr. Walker said at least two weeks and preferably thirty days. The Chairman explained that the salary of $4,250 would include compensation paid as secretary to the Appropriation Committee, and is the maximum that has been paid. He explained very definitely that the Selectmen would -not know whether there would be any change in the salaries. Nothing could be promised for the future. Mr. Emery asked if that was agreeable and Mr. Walker replied in the affirmative. He retired at 8:25 p.m., and Mr. Harold Whiting, another applicant, met with the Board. Mr. Whiting 1 1 287 said that he was somewhat concerned about not -being able to locate nearer Lexington. The Chairman asked him how long it took him to drive from Merrimack and he replied about an hour and a half. Mr. Whiting asked if the appointment would be for three years and the Chairman explained that it would be for an unexpired term to December 31st. The Chairman said that the salary of $3,800 is for the Town Accountant and $450 is for Secretary to the Appropriation Committee. He said that the Board makes no commitments that this rate will ever be increased. Mr. Whiting asked if the Board felt that this would be the salary for the coming year. Mr. Locke said he did not believe that there would be a reduction in the town employee's salaries for some time and the only way the Accountant's salary would be changed would be by a general decrease in salaries. Mr. Gay asked if the salary as outlined would be satisfactory and Mr. Whiting replied in the affirmative. He said, however, that he would not be interested in anything less. Mr. Whiting retired at $:45 p.m. Mr. Lindstrom met with the Board. Mr. Lindstrom Mr. Lindstra] said that he would like to discuss the property at 53 Re: 53 Harding Road owned by Doctor Morrill. He said that Mr. Harding Rd. Black, the builder, came in with an application to builDr. Morril: two dormer windows, finish two rooms and install a bath on the second floor. Mr. Lindstrom informed Mr. Black that he should present a sketch relative to what be intended to do and on March 25th a permit was issued. In the meantime Mr. Lindstrom had inspected the property and noticed that 1- 1r. Black had cut the dormers and rein- forced the floors. There was a ladder going up to the second . floor and no stairway. In other words th�se rooms were being ` made out of an attic. Mr. Rourke of the . P. A. questioned Mr. Black and was told that he was finishing a couple of rooms and putting in a bathroom. Mr. Black admitted, however, that he was putting in a kitchenette, Louis Bills, the Wire Inspector, stated to -day that Mr. Black had taken a permit out two weeks ago to install twenty (20) outlets. The Chairman asked if the construction was all right and if the problem was converting a single family dwelling in an R-1 Zone. Mr. Lindstrom said that he has already received two complaints and understands that a petition will be submitted to the Board. Mr. Locke said that there was no question but that this was a matter for the Board of Appeals; that he felt that under the present housing conditions, especially with a veteran going to occupy the apartment, the Court would not find for the Town. Mr. Lindstrom said 288 that at the suggestion of Mr. Lynch he had written to Doctor Morrill. Er. Locke said that apparently Mr. Lindstrom was interested in covering himself on this problem and in his opinion he is completely covered and from here on any action is up to the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Locke further said that if the Board of Selectmen decide to take any legal action on the matter it is up to them to refer it to the Town Counsel. It was decided to have the Chairman contact Doctor Morrill and suggest that he apply for a B oard of Appeals hearing. Mir. Lindstrom retired at 9:10 p.m. Mr. Gillt and Mr. Murphy, Veteran's Benefits repre- sentatives, and the following members of the Veteran's Ser- vices Committee met with the Board: Doctor Short, Messrs. Merriam, Watt, Sachetti, Collins and Trim. Mr. Gilli said that the Director of Veteran's Services under the State Law is responsible for administering all the laws that have to do with veterans and their dependents. In 1945 the Recess 'Commission recommended to the State Legislature that an Act be put on the books requiting all cities and towns to establish a Veteran's Services locally or in a district set-up. Too many communities were failing to establish the type of services required and in June, 1946, the Act went on the books. He said that there are two facts, -- One concerned with the administration of Chapter 115 which has to do with Veteran's benefits formerly called Soldier's Relief, Military Aid and State Aid. They have all been classified as Veteran's Benefits. They have another section which is Chapter #599. There are in the State 210 communities providing full time services to veterans of all wars and their.dependents. The standard of service, however, varies. The purpose of this is to prevent communities from allowing the veterans and their families to shift for themselved. There are over eighty agencies concerning veterans and to be able to follow all the laws it is really a full time job. Directors of Veteran's Services are not expected to know every law but they are expected to know what agencies exist and for what purpose and who is eligible for assistance. The Chairman said that after reading the law the Board of Selectmen felt that the Committee which they had appointed would be more or less of an advisory committee and although Lexington may have had 1500 veterans in the service, the problems would be somewhat different than in larger communities. Mr. Gillis said that under Chapter 599 the Advisory Board is provided to assist the Director. The 00 e 289 Chairman asked Lir. Gillis what he thought would be the correct set-up for Lexington. Mr. Gills said if it was left to h4m he would like to bbtain the services of a disabled veteran or a retired veteran who could take a full time job on a part time basis. Mr. Gay asked what salaries are being paid to part time or full time Directors in other towns. Mr. Gillis said that some towns do not pay anything, and others have appropriated 0500 brT.• 800 for supplies, clerical help and travel expenses. Mr. Gay asked if the Directory of Veteran?.s Benefits could also serve in the capacity as Director of Veteran's Services. Mr. `rillis said that it would be an ideal plan. Mr. Gillis replied that if the man Lexington wants has no outside income and handles both Veteran's Benefits and Veteran''s Services he should be paid 03000 or 03500 a year. Mr. Emery asked if there were two or three towns which Mr. Gillis felt were ideal in their set-up and Mr. Gillis recommended Arlington, Stoneham, vvoburn, Reading, Westboro, Grafton, Needham and Hudson. The group retired at 10:35 p.m. Mr. Frothingham and Mr. Watt, members of the Patriot's Day Committee met with the Selectmen. Mr. Frothingham April explained that Governor Bradford would be in Lexington for 19th the ceremonies and that the Committee would like Mr. Cerem- Paxton as Chairman of the Board, to act as master of onies ceremonies. Dir. Paxton said that the Selectmen would co-operate and do whatever the Committee suggested. It was decided to have the Selectmen meet at the reviewing stand rather than to participate in the parade. Mr. FrothingYam. and Mr. Watt retired at 11:06 p.m. The Chairman read a letter from Ernest Arnault requesting permission to locate a trailer in the driveway of the Arnault Barnes property for the sale of popcorn on April 19th. Stand on A portion of the profits will be donated to the Veteran of Barnes Foreign Wars Post. Mr. Locke moved that the request be Property granted. Mr. Gay seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman read a read a letter from Joseph Zarella, Deny 316 Park Avenue, Arlington, requesting permission to sell Zarella soft drinks and popcorn on Sundays at the gas station located Req. at 396 Wialtham Street. Mr. Gay moved the request be denied'", inasmuch as any such action would cause congestion in traffic. Mr. Emery seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received from Eugene T. Buckley, 22 Grant Buckley Street, relative to the Edison pole directly in front of Request his house. Mr. -Buckley stated that the pole had been marked To Move ,for replacement and he would like to have it moved further Edison Pole on Grant St. 290 down Grant Street whereby it would not obstruct the entrance to his house. The Clerk was instructed to request the Sup't. of Public Works to contact the Boston Edison Company in an endeavor to have the pole mentioned by Mr. Buckley moved approximately ten feet down Grant Street. The Chairman read a letter from Charles B. Abbott on Deny Paper behalf of Troop #23 Boy Scouts to conduct a paper drive on Drive in Sunday, April 27th. Mr. Gay moved that the application ,April to be refused inasmuch.as the Board had already denied a Boy Scouts request to conduct a paper drive in the month of April. Mr. Emery seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A legal opinion was received from the Town Counsel relative to the licenses for Sunday bowling and the Sundiy charge for same. Mr. Lynch explained that the Board of Bowling Selectmen has the right to charge for Sunday bowling and License such charge shall not be less than $2.00 The amount in excess of x2.00 may be determined by the Board. Mr. Lynch stated that if the Board issued a license now it would be in effect to May 1, 1947, and it would be necessary to issue a second one from May 1, 1947 to May 1, 1948. It was decided to charge $2.00 for Sunday bowling licenses to May 1, 1947, and to advise the applicants that the Board has not established the rate for the yearly license from May 1, 1947 to Mayl, 1948. A legal opinion was received from the Town Counsel as Board of to whether or not the Board of Survey agfeements should be Survey recorded at the Registry of Deeds. Mr. Lynch stated that Agreements General Laws, Chapter 41, Section 74, p1'ovides that plans approved by the Board of Survey shall be signed by the Board and filed in the office of the Town Clerk, He stated that there are no statutory provisions whereby and such plan must be recorded at the Registry of Deeds. A legal opinion was received from the Town Counsel No lien regarding assessments for sewer construction against four against parcels of land on Spencer Street now or formerly owned Gustayson by Amelia H. Gustayson. Mr. Lynch stated that Chapter 80 Property of the General Laws requires the adoption of an order for the construction of a sewer in the filing in the Registry of Deeds within thirty days of such order of a copy of the order toghether with a plan and an estimate of assessments. He said that if the Board determines to have the sewer in question installed only as far as the Gustayson property here will be no special benefit to the property and no 1 1 • assessment is no lien determines property. should be made. Mr. Lynch stated that there against the property unless and until the Board the amount of the assessment against any such 291 It was decided to have the Town Counsel meet with the Town Board next Monday evening to discuss the three opinions Counsel read by the Board to -night. Meet with Board The Chairman read a letter from the New England Telephone & Telegraph Company relative to building an additional manhole in Bedford Street ihconnection with the New Central Fire Station. The Telephone Company will arrange for the construction with as little delay as possible and assume one-half of the estimated cost of construction. NET.&T Build Man- hole at Cen Fire Statin Upon motion of Mr. Locke, seconded by Mr. Gay, it was Licenses voted to grant the following licenses: Dorothy Day, Inc. Geo. E. Wardrobe Sa lva t i onArmy William Viano Richard Kelly Anthony DePaolo Left. Bowladrome, Inc. 1780 Lass. Avenue 807 Mass. Avenue 87 Vernon St., Boston 1794 Mass. Avenue Lowell Stree 1804 Mass. Avenue 1698 Mass. Avenue Sunday Sales " n Junk Sunday movies t " Golf Sunday Bowling Upon motion of Mr. Locke, seconded by Mr. Emery, it was voted to sign the following street orders: Taft Avenue Pine Knoll Rd. Lockwood Rd. Byron Avenue Spencer St. Brookside Ave. Sutherland Rd. Cary Street Cherry Street Joseph Street Grant Street renewal " new Street Orders r- 292 (Taft Ave.) COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. Lexington, Mass. January 27, 1947 Town of Lexington, Selectmen's Room. At a meeting of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, after having given due written notice of the intention of said Board, as required by law, to lay>oat as a town wyy the way known as Taft Avenue, from Charles Street to beyond Sutherland Road approximately 470 feet southeasterly, all as hereinafter more fully appears, and after public hearingthereon held on January 27, 1947; Now, upon consideration of the matter, it is ORDERED: that this Board of Selectmen is of the opinion that public necessity and convenience require that said Taft Avenue be laid out and established as a public town way, and that the same hereby is laid out and established as a public town way respectively, as follows: The northeasterly line of Taft Avenue begins at its inter- section with the southeasterly line of Charles Street, thence S 60° 35' 53" E distant 347.84 feet to a.paint of curvature, thence bearing to the left with a curve of 726.05 feet radius distant 49.92 feet to a point of tangency, thence S 64° 32' 15" E distant 68.89 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the left with a curve of 175.85 feet radius distant 1.27 feet.to a point. The southwesterly line of Taft Avenue begins at a point opposite the above described intersectionLat Charles Street, thence S 60° 35' 53" E distant 347.84 feet to a point•of curvature, thence bearing to the left with a curve of 766.05 feet radius distant 52.67 feet to a point of tangency, thence S 64° 32' 15" E distant 68.89 feet to a point. The above described lines are paralled and distant 40.00 feet from each other. Said Taft Avenue is hereby laid out and established as shown on a plan entitled, "Plan of Part of Taft Avenue, Lexington, Mass., Scale 1 inch = 40 feet, January 15, 1947, John.T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer", which plan is on file in the Town Clerk's Office in the Town Office Building and a copy of which will be recovded with Middlesex South District Deeds with a copy of this order. And said Board having considered the question of damages sustained by the owners of lands across and through which said ways have been laid out and established as aforesaid, hereby determines that no damages are sustained and no damages are awarded, and said Board hereby declares that all acts herein are done under the provisions of law authorizing the assessment of betterments. /s/ William C. Paxton /s/ George W. Emer$yDERD /s/ Errol H. Locke OF /s/ Frederick m. ;a SELEC'T'MEN 1 1 293 (Pine Knoll Road) COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. Lexington, Mass. January 27, 1947 Town of Lexington, Selectmen's Room. At a meeting of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, after having given due written notice of the intention of said Board, as requ±rad by law, to lay out as a town way the way known as Pine Knoll Road, from Bedford Street to the Bedford Town Line approximately 1145 feet northeasterly, all as herein- after more fully appears, and after public hearing thereon held on January 27, 1947; Nov, upon consideration of the matter, it is ORDERED: that this Board of Selectmen is of the opinion that public necessity and convenience require that said Pine Knoll Road be laid out and established as a public town way, and that the same hereby is laid out and established as a public town way respectively, as follows: The westerly line of Pine Knoll Road begins at a point in the northeasterly line of Bedford Street, Siad point being southeasterly and distant 60.55 feet from an aggle point, thence bearing to the left with a curve of 20.00 feet radius distant 39.75 faet to a point of tangency, thence N. 39° 58' 25" E distant 949.04 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the left with a curve of 20.00 feet radius distant 31.42 feet to a point of tangency, thence N. 500 Olt 35 W distant 70.00 feet to a point in the Bedford -Lexington town line. The easterly line of Pine Knoll Road begins at a point in the northeasterly line of Bedford Street, thence bearing to the right with a curve of 20.00 feet radius distant 23.08 feet to a point of tangency, thence N 390 58' 25" E distant 1054.44 feet to an angle point, thence N. 50° 01' 35" W distant 130 feet to a point in the Bedford -Lexington town line. The above described lines having a bearing of N 39° 58' 25" E are paralled and distant 40.00 feet from each other and the above described lines having a bearing of N 50° 01' 35" W are parallel and distant 50.00 feet from each other. Said Pine Knoll Road is hereby laid out and established as shown on a plan entitled, "Plan of Pine Knoll Road, Lexington, Mass., Scale 1 inch = 40 ft., Jan. 15, 1947, John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer", which plan is on file in the Town Clerk's Office in the Town Office Building and a copy of which will be recorded with Middlesex South District Deeds with a copy of this order. And said Board having considered the question of damages sustained by the owners of lands across and through which said ways have been lail out and established as aforesaid, hereby determines that no damages are sustained and no damages are 294 awarded, and said Board hereby declares that all acts herein are done under the provisions of law authorizing the assess- ment of betterments. (Lockwood Rd.) Middlesex, ss. William C. Paxton BOARD OF George W. Emery £BELECTMEN Errol H. Locke /s/ Frederick hi_ .ay OF LEXINGTO N COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Lexington, Mass. February 3, 1947 Town of Lexington, Selectmen's Room. At a meeting of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, after having given due written notice of the -intention of said Board, as requ±Eed by law, to lay out as a town way the way known as Lockwood Road, from Rhodes Street to Byron Avenue approximately 240 feet, all as hereinafter more fully appears, and after public hearing thereon held on February 3, 1947; Now, upon consideration of the matter , it'is ORDERED: that this Board of Selectmen is of the opihion that public necessity and convenience require that said Lockwood Road be laid out and established as a public town way, and that the same hereby is laid out and established as a public town way respectively, as follows: The northwesterly line of Lockwood Road begins at a point in the northerly line of Rhodes Street, said point being southeasterly and distant 08.87 feet from an an&le point, thence N 470 40' E distant 82.50 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the right with a curve of 252.52 fee radius distant 98.70 feet to a point of tangency, thence N 70v 04' E distant 46.40 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the left with a curve of 20.00 feet radius distant 31.41 feet to a point in the westerly line of Byron Avenue. The southeasterly line of Lockwood Road begins at a point in the northerly line of Rhodes Street, thence N 470 40' E distant 82.50 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the right 1 295 with a curve of 212.52 feet radius distant 83.07 feet to a point bf tangency, thence N 70° 04' E Distant 46.40 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the right with a curve of 20.00 feet radius distant 31.41 feet to a point in the westerly line of Byron Avenue. The above described lines are paralled and distant 40.00 feet from each other with the exception of .the curved inter- sections at Byron Avenue. Said Lockwood Road is hereby laid out and established as shown on a plan entitled, "Plan of Lockwood Road, Lexington, Mass., Scale 1 in.= 40 ft., Jan. 15, 1947, John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer", which plan is on file in the Town Clerk's Office in the Town Office Building and a copy of which will be recorded with Middlesex South District Deeds with a copy of this order. And said Board having condidered the question of damages sustained by the owners of lands across and through which said ways have been laid out and established as aforesaid, hereby determines that no damages are sustained and no damages are awarded, and said Board hereby declared that all acts herein are done under the provisions of law authorizing the assessment of betterments. ton /s/ William C. Pax- BOARD /s/ George W. Emery OF /s/ Errol H. Locke /s/ Frederick M. GaySELEC' 2,1EN (Byron Avenue) CONN0r `TEALT'r'_ OF "FAS;3ACHUSETTS Lexington, Mass. Middlesex, ss. February 3, 1947 Town of Lexington, Selectmen's Room. At a meeting of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, after having given due written notice of the intention of said Board, as regnarad by law, to lay out as a town way the way known as Byron Avenue, at end of Lockwood Road approximately 265 feet, all as hereinafter more fully appears, and after public hearing thereon held on February 3, 1947; 296 Now, upon consideration of the matter, it is ORDERED: that this Board of Selectmen is of the opinion that public necessity and convenience require that siad Byron Avenue be laid out and established as a public town way, and that'the same hereby is laid out and established as a public town way respectively, as follows: The westerly line of Byron Avenue begins at a point, said point being notharly; and distant 116.15 feet from the inter- section of the northwesterly line of Lockwood Road with the westerly line of Byron Avenue, thence S 19° 56' E distant 271.68 feet to a point. The easterly line of Byron Avenue begins at a point, thence S 19° 56' E distant 261.50 feet to a point. The above described lines are parallel and distant 40.00 feet from each other. Said Byron Avenue is hereby laid out and established as shown on a plan entitled, "Plan of Byron Avenue, Lexington, Mass., Scale 1 in.= 40 ft., Jan. 15, 1947, John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer", which plan is on file in the Town Clerk's Office in the Town Office Building and a copy of which Will be recorded with Middlesex South District Deeds with a copy of this order. And said Board having considered the question of damages sustained by the owners of lands across and through which said ways have been laid out and established as aforesaid, hereby determines that no damages are sustained and no damages are awarded, and said Board hereby declares that all acts herein are done under the provisions of law authorizing the assessment of betterments. /s/ William C. Paxton /s/ George W. Emery /s/ Errol H. Locke /s/ Frederick M. Gay BOARD OF SELECTMEN 1 1 (Spencer Street) M.ddlesex, ss. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Lexington, Tiass. February 3, 1947 297 Town of Lexington, Selectmen's Room. At a meeting of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lex- ington, after having given due written notice of the intention of said Board, as required by law, to lay out as a town way the way known as Spencer Street, across Joseph Road approximately 365 feet, all as hereinafter more fully appears, and after public hearing thereon held on February 3, 1947; Now, upon consideration of the matter, it is ORDERED: that this Board of Selectmen is of the opinion that public necessity and convenience require that said Spencer Stree4 be laid out and established as a public town way, and that the same hereby is laid out and established as a public town way respectively, as follows: The westerly line of Spencer Street begins at a point, said point being northerly and distant 26.06 feet from the intersection of the northerly line of Joseph Aoad with the westerly line of Spencer Street, thence S 19° 28t 10" E distant 359.75 feet to a point. The easterly line of Spencer Street begins at a point, thence N 19° 28' 10" E distant 370.52 feet to a point. The above described lines are parallel and distant 40.00 feet from each other. Satd Spencer Street is hereby laid out and established as shown on a plan entitled,"plan of ioseph Rd. and Spencer St., Lexington, Mass. Scale 1 in.= 40 ft. Jan. 15, 1947, John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer," which plan is on file in the Town Clerk's office in the Town Office Bdilding and a copy of which will be recorded with Middlesex South District Deeds with a copy of this order. 'And said Board having considered the question of damages sustained by the owners of lands across and through which said ways have been laid out and established as aforesaid, hereby determines that no damages are sustained and no damages are awarded, and said Board hereby declares that all acts herein are done under the provisions of law authorizing the assessment of betterments. /s/ William C. Paxton /s/ Errol H. Locke AJ aenr W. Emery /s/ Frederick V. Gay BOARD OF SELECTMEN 298 ( Brookside Ave.) COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS org Middlesex, ss. Lexington, Mass. February 3, 1947 Town of Lexington, Selectmen's Room At a meeting of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, after having given due written notice of the intention of said Board, as required by law, to lay; out as a town way the way known as Brookside Avenue, from Waltham Street to Stedman Road approximately 590 feet, all as hereinafter more fully appears, and after public hearing thereon held on 'ebruary 3, 1947; Now, upon consideration of the matter, it is ORDERED: that this Board of Selectmen is of the opinion that public necessity and convenience regiire that said Brookside Ave- nue be laid out and established as a public town way, and that the same hereby is laid out and established as a public town way respect- ively, as follows: The northerly line of Brookside Avenue begins at a point in the easterly line of Waltham Street, said point being southeasterly and distant 259.55 feet from the southerly terminus of a eufve of 1637.32 feet radius, thence bearing to the left with a curve of 40.08 feet radius distant 43.63 feet to a point of tangency, thence S 7$ 23' 30" E distant 557.97 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the left with a curve of 30.00 feet radius distant 37.75 feet to a point in the westerly line of Stedman Road. The southerly line of Brookside Avenue begins at a point in the easterly line of Waltham Street, thence bearing to the right with a curve of 25.00 feet radius distant 51.27 feet to a point of tangency, thence S 76° 231 30" E distant 507.77 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing.to the right with a curve of 25.00 feet radius distant 41.96 feet to a point in the westerly line of Stedman Road. The above described lines are parallel and distant 50.00 feet from each other with exception of the curved intersections at Waltham Street and Stedman noad. Said rookside Avenue is hereby laid out and established as shown on a plan entitled, "Plan of Brookside Ave., Lexington Mass., Scale 1 in. 40 ft., Jan. 15, 1947, John T. CoSgrdve,,, Town Engineer," which plan is on file in the Town Clerk's office in the Town Office Building and a copy of which will be recorded with Middlesex South District Leeds with a copy ofthis order. And said Board having considered the question df damages sus- tained by the owners of lands across and through which said ways have been laid out and established as aforesaid, hereby determines that no damages are sustained and no damages are awarded, and said Board hereby declares that all acts herein are done under the pro- visions of law authorizing the assessment of betterments. /s/ William C. PaOA?D /s/ Errol H. Locke OF /s/ Georf e W. EmettLEGTMEN /s/ Frederick M. Gay 1 1 (Sutherland Road) Middlesex, ss. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Lexington, Mass. February 10, 1947 Town of Lexington, Selectmen's Room 299 At a meeting of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lex- ington,after having given due written notice of the intention of of said Board, as required by law, to lay out as a town way the way known as Sutherland Road, from Cherry Street to beyond Aerial Street approximately 950 feet, all as hereinafter more fully appears, and after public hearing thereon held on Feb- ruary 10, 1947; Now, upon consideration of the matter, it is ORDERED: that this Board of Selectmen is of the opinion that public necessity and convenience require that said Sutherland Road be laid out and established as a public town way, and that the same hereby is laid out and established as a public town way respectively, as follows• The southeasterly line of Sutherland Itoad begins at a point in the southerly line of Cherry Street, said point being westerly and distant 19.57 feet from the westerly terminus of a curve of 572.59 feet radius, thence bearing to the left with a curve of 20.00 feet radius distant 21.86 feet to a point of tangency, thence S 37° 23' 11" W distant 193.21 feet to an angle point, thence S '31 17' 02" W distant 755.53 feet to a point. Said south- easterly line of Sutherland Road joins the northeasterly line of Taft Avenue with a curve of a curve of 20.00 feet radius and joins the southwesterly line of Taft Avenue with a curve of 20.00nfeet radius. the northwesterly line of Sutherland Road begins at a point in the southerly line of Cherry Street, thence bearing to the right with a curve of 19.48 feet radius distant 36.81 feet to a point of tangency, thence S 37° 230 11" W distant 162.00 feet to an angle point, thence S 31° 17' 02" W distant 762.08 feet to a point. Said northwesterly line of Sutherland Road joins the northeasterly line of Taft Avenue with a curve of 20.00 feet radius and joins the southwesterly line of Taft Avenue with a curve of 20.00 feet radius. The above described lines are paralled and distant 40.00 feet from each other with the exception of the curved intersections at Cherry Street. Said Sutherland Road is hereby laid out and established as shown on a plan entitled, "plan of Sutherland Rd , Lexington, Mass. Scale 1 in.= 40 ft., an. 15, 1947, John T. uosgrove, Town Engineer", which plan is on file in the Town Clerk's Office in the 'sown Office Building and a copy of which will be recorded with Middlesex South District Deeds with a copy of this order. 300 And said Board having considered the question Of damages sustained by the owners of lands across and through which said ways have been laid out and established as aforesaid, hereby determines that no damages are sustained and no damages are awarded, and said Board hereby declares that all acts herein are done under the provisions of law authorizing the assessment of betterments. /s/ William C. Paxton Erro1.11. Locke George W. Emery Frederick M. Gay BOARD OF SELECTMEN ( Cary Street) COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. Lexington, Mass. February 10, 1947 Town of Lexington, Selectmen's Room. At a meeting of the board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, after having given due written notice of theIntention of said Board, as required by law, to lay out as a town\'way the way known as Cary Street, from Charles Street to beyond Sutherland Road approximately 445 Feet, all as hereinafter more fully appears, and after public hearing thereon held &n February 10, 19+7; Now, upon consideration of the matter, it is ORDERED: that this Board of Selectmen is of the opinion that public necessity and convenience.. require that said Cary Street be laid out and established as a public town way, and that the same hereby is laid out and established as a public town way respectively, as follows: The northeasterly lune of Cary Street is in two sections, the first section beginning at a point in the southeasterly line of Charles Street, said point being southwesterly and distant 111.57 feet from a stone bound marking the southwesterly terminus of a curve of 762.54 feet radius, thence S 58° 42' 58" E distant 269.02 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the left with a curve of 20.00 feet radius distant 20.29 feet to a point in the 1 301 northwesterly line of Sutherland Road and the second section begknning at a point in the southeasterly line of Sutherland Road, thence bearing to the left with a carve of 20.00 feet radius distant 33.35 feet to a point of tangency, thence S 58° 42' 58" E distant 85.23 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to'the left with a curve of 45.27 feet radius distant 6.34. feet to a point of tangency, thence s 660 44' 08" E distant 2.94 feet to a point. The southwesterly line of Cary Street is in two sections, the first section beginning at a point in the southeasterly line of Charles Street, thence S 58° 42' 58" E distant 267.00 feet to a point of curvature, thence bear- ing to the right with a curve of 20.00 feet radius distant 31,42 feet to a point in the northwesterly line of Sutherland Road and the second section beginning at a point in the south- easterly line of Sutherland Road, thence bearing to the right with a curve of 20.00 feet radius distant 31.42 feet to a point of tangency, thence S 58° 42' 58" E distant 87.71 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the left with a curve of 85.27 feet radius distant 11.93 feet to a point of tangency. The above described first sections of the lines are parallel and distant 30.00 feet from each other with the exception of the curved intersections at Sutherland Road and the above described second sections of the lines are parallel and distant 40.00 feet from each other with the exception of the curved intereections at Sutherland Road. Said Cary Street is hereby laid out and established as shown on a plan entitled, "Plan of Part of Cary St., Lexington, Mass., Scale 1 in.= 40 ft., Jan. 15, 1947, John T. osgrove, Town Engineer", which plan is on file in the Town Clerk's Office in the Town Office Building and a copy of which will be recorded with Middlesex South District Deeds with a copy of this order. And said Board having considered the question of damages sustained by the owners of lands across and through witch said ways have been laid out and established as aforesaid, hereby determines that no damages are sustained and no damages are awarded, and said Board hereby declares that all acts herein are done under the provisions of law authorizing the assessment of betterments. Paxton /s/ William C. BOARD /s/ Errol H. Locke /s/ Georce W. l+mery OF /s/ Frederick N. Gay SELECTMEN 302 Middlesex, ss. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Lexington, Mass. February 10, 1947 Town of Lexington, Selectmen's Room At a meeting of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, after having given due written notice of the in- tention of said Board, as requried by law, to lay out as a town way the way known as Cherry Street, from Charles Street to beyond Sutherland Road approximately 425 feet, all as here- inafter more fully appears, and after public hearing thereon held on February 10, 1947; Now, upon donsideration of the matter, it is ORDERED: that this Board of Selectmen is of the opinion that public necessity and convenience require that said Cherry Street be laid out and established as a public town way, and that the same hereby is laid out and established as a public town way respectively, as follows: The southwesterly line of Cherry Street begins at a point in the southeasterly line of Charles Street, said point being on a curve of 762.54 feet radius and distant 87.70 feet along the curve northeasterly of the southwesterly end of said curve, thence S 51° 25' 14" E distant 224.37 feet to a point, thence bearing to the left with a curve of 138.27 feet radius distant 74.04 feet to a point of tangency;. thence S 970 59' 08" E distant 82.78 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the right with a curve of 572.59 feet radius distant 49.97 feet to a point. The northeasterly line of Cherry Street begins at a point in the southeasterly line of Charles Street, thence S 51° 25' 14" E distant 21$.30 feet to an angle point, thence N 29° 46' 20" E distant 5.32 feet to an angle point, thence S .49018' 14" E distant 7.72 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the left with a curve of 98.27 feet radius distant 52.62 feet to a point of tangency, thence S 79° 59' 08" E distant 82.78 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the right with a curve of 612.59 feet radius distant 531.46 feet to a point of tangency, thence S 74.° 59' 08" dcistant 5.69 feet to a point. The above described lines are parallel and distant 35.00 feet from each other for approximately 221 feet from Charles Street and then they are 40.00 feet from each other. Said Cherry Street is hereby laid out and established as shown on a plan entitled "Plan of Part of Cherry St., Lexington, Mass., Scale 1 in.= 40 ft., Jan. 15, 1947, John T. Cosgrove:, Town Engineer", which plan is on file in the Town Clerk's office in the Town Office Building and a copy of which will be recorded with Middlesex South District Deeds with a copy of this order. And said Board having considered the quewtion of damages sustained by the owners of lands across and through which said ways have been laid out and established as aforesaid, hereby determines that no damages are sustained and no damages are 1 1 303 awarded, and said Board hereby declares that all acts herein are done under the previsions of law authorizing the assessment of betterments. (Joseph Road) Middlesex, ss. ton /s/ William C. Paxr-B0 /s/ Errol H. Locke George W. Emery / /s/ Frederick T.I. Gay CONNONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS OF SELECTMEN Lexington, Mass. February 3, 1947 Town of Lexington, Selectmen's Room. At a meeting of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, after having given due written notice of the intention of said Board, as required by law, to lay out as a town way the way known as Joseph Road, from Massachusetts Avenue northeasterly approximately 225 feet, all as hereinafter more fully appears, and after public hearing thereon held on February 3, 1947; Now, upon consideration of the matter, it is ORDERED: that this Board of Selectmen is of the opinion that public necessity and convenience regiire that said Joseph Road be laid out and established as a public town way, and that the same hereby is laid out and established as a public town way respectively, as follows: The northerly line of Joseph Road begins at a point in the easterly line of Massachusetts Avenue, said point being south- erly and distant 241.62 feet from the southerly terminus of a curve of 954.42 feet radius, thence N 77° 00' 00" E distant 119.44 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the right with a curve of 641.96 feet radius distant 78.21 feet to a point of reverse curvature, thence bearing to the left with a curve of 20.00 feet radiud distant 36.11 feet to a point in the westerly line of Spencer Stheet. The southerly line of Joseph Road begins at a point in the easterly line of Massachusetts Avenue, thence N 770 00' 00" E distant 119;44 feet to a point df curvature, thence bearing to the right with a curve of 601.96 feet radius distant 73.34 feet 304 feet to a point of. tangency, thence N 83° 58' 50" E distant 19,15 feet to a point of durvature,.,thence bearing to the right with a curve of 20.00 feet radius distant 26.72 feet to a point in the westerly line of Spencer Street. The above described lines are parallel and distant 40.00 feet from each other with the exception of the curved intersections at Spencer Street. Said Joseph Road is hereby laid out and established as shown on a plan entitled, "Plan of Joseph Rd. and Scencer St., Lexington, Mass. Scale 1 in. -=40 ft., Jan. 15, 1947, Join T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer", which plan is on file in the Town Clerk's Office in the Town Office Building and a copy of which will be recorded with Middlesex South District Deeds with a copy of this order. And aaid Board having considered the question of damages sustained by the owners of lands across and through which said ways have been laid out and established as aforesaid, hereby determinesthat no damages are sustained and no damages are awarded, and said Board hereby declares that all acts herein are done under the provisions of law authorizing the assessment of betterments. /s/ William C. Paxton /s/ Errol H. Locke. /s/ George W. Emery BOARD /s/ Tredoriok M. Gay OF SELECTMEN (Grant Street) COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS M}ddlesex, ss. Lexington, Mass., .February 10, 1947 Town of Lexington, Selectmen's Room At a meeting of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, after having given due written notice of the intention of said Board, as required by law, to lay out as a town way the way known as Grant Street from Hayes Lane to East Street approximately 3990 feet, all as hereinafter more fully appears, and after public hearing thereon held on February 10, 1947'; Now, upon consideration of. the matter, it is ORDERED: that this Board of Selectmen is of the opinion that public necessity and convenience require that said Grant Street be laid out and established as a public town way, and that the same met 1 1 305 hereby is laid out and established as a public town way respectively, as follows: The westerly line of Urant Street begins at a point in the southerly line of East Street, asaid point being south- easterly and distant 71.39 feet from the easterly terminus of a curve of 1495.00 feet radius, thence bearing to the right with a curve of 20.00 feet radius distant 33.00 feet to a point of tangency, thence S 9° 56' 10" W distant 326.63 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the right with a curve of 757.70 feet radius distant 559.88 feet to a point of tangency, thence S 52° 16' 22" W distant 157.28 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the left with a curve of 650.00 feetoradius distant 316.53 feet to a point of tangency, thence S 24 22' 16" W distant 217.60 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the left with a curve of 1059.00 feet radius distant 312.57 feet to a point of tangency, thence S 7° 27' 36" W distant 493.63 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the right with a curve of 2815.00 feet radius distant 294.51 feet to a point of tangency, thence S 13° 27' 16" W distant 492.23 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the right with a curve of 488.84 feet radius distant 368.58 feet to a point of tangency, thence S 560 39' 16" W distant 294.21 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the right with a curve of 4578.14 f8et radius distant 2u3.68 feet to a point of tangency, thence S 59 57' 16" `gid distant 91.00 feet to a stone bound. The easterly line of Grant Street begins at a point in the southerly line of East Street, thence bearing to the left with a curve of 20.00 fest radius distant 29.83 feet to a point of tangency, thence S 9 56' 10" W distant 324.42 feet to a point of curvature marked by a stone bound, thence bearing to the right with a curve of 807.70 feet radius distant 596,82 feet to a point of tangency, thence S 520 16' 22" VI distant 157.28 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the left with a curve of 600.00 feet radius distant 292.19 feet to a point of tangency, thence S 24° 22' 16" W distant 217.60 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the left with a curve of 1009.00 feet radius distant 297.81 feet to a point of tangency, thence S 7° 27' 36" W distant 493.63 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the right with a curve of 2865.00 feet radius distant 299.74 feet to a point of tangency, thence S 13° 27' 16" VN distant 492.23 feet to a point of cur- vature, thence bearing to the right with a curve of 538.84 feet radius distant 406.28 feet to a point of tangency, thence S 56° 39' 16" W distant 294.21 feet to a point od curvature, thence bearing to the right with a curve of 4628.14 feet radius 306 distant 266:.56 feet to a point of tangency, thence S 59° 57' 16" W distant 91.00 feet to a stone bound. The above described lines are paralled and distant 50.00 feet from each other with the exdeption of the curved intersections at East Street. Said Grant Street is hereby laid out and established as shown on a plan entitled, "Plan of Part of Grant St., Lexington, Mass., Scale 1 in.= 40 ft. Jan. 15, 1947, John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer", which plan is on file in the Town Clerk's office in the Town Office Building and a copy of which will be recorded with Middlesex South District Deeds with_a copy of this order. And said Board having considered the question of damages sus- tained by the owners of lands across and through which said ways have been laid out and established as aforesaid, hereby determines that no damages are sustained and no damages are awarded, and said Board hereby declares that all acts herein are done under the pro- visions of law authorizing the assessment of betterments. /s/ William C. Paxton /s/ Errol H. Locke BOARD /s/ George W. Emery OF /s/ Frederick M. Gay SELECTMEN Rescind order to Airborne Spray. Inc. The Chairman informed the Board that the Airborne Spraying, Award Inc., are not interested in spraying in Lexington at the price of To $500 and Mr. Garrity has informed him that the F. A. Bartlett Tree F.A. Expert Co. will do the work. Upon motion of Mr. Emery, seconded by Bart- Mr. Gay, itwas voted to x'.eseinil:the Trate opril' 7th awwrding.'they let contract to Airborne Spraying, Inc. It was then voted to award the Tree contract to F. A. Bartlett Tree Expert Go. in the amount of :500. Co. The Chairman presented the contract prepared by the Town Counsel between the Town of Lexington and R. H. Stevens, Inc. for the ground work at the new Central Fire Station on Bedford Btreet.. The Board decided to sign the contract before it is submitted to Mr. Stevens. J. Henry 'taffy app'm't to Bd. of Apps eals Mr. Locke suggested the name of Mr. J. Henry Duffy as an ,Associate Member of the Board of Appeals. Mr. Emery moved that M. Henry Duffy be appointed as an Associate Member of the Board of Appeals for a term expiring March 31, 1948. Mr. Locke seconded the Action and it was so voted. 1 1 7 1 The Clerk informed the Board that Mr. George Butters had telephoned stating that it would not be possible for him to accept the appointment to serve as a member of the Board of Public Welfare. On motion of Mr. Emery seconded by Mr. Gay it was voted to appoint Mr. Sydney Birch, 35 Independence Avenue, a member of the Board of Public Welfare for a period ending March 31, 1948. The appointment of a Town Accountant was :considered carefu.11y and it was unanimously voted to appoint Mr. Frank . Walker of Marlborough, Mass., to the position of Town Accountant for the unexpired term ending December 3 1947, effeotfve Monday, May 19, 1947, at the rate of $3,800 per year, plus $450 as Secretary to the Appropriation Commi The meeting adjourned at 12:25 p.m. A true Copy, Attest: 17&/921vi- 307 Appointm't of Sydney Birch to Bd. of Pub. Welfare Town Acct. Appointed. 1, ttee.