HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-04-07270 00 P SELECTMEN'S MEETING .04% April 7, 1947 1 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on Monday evening, April 7, 1947. Messrs. Locke, Emery and Gay were present. The Clerk was also present. Mr. Locke served as Chairman of the Board pro tem. The Clerk informed the Board that M. Carroll was unable to be present this evening but that it was necessary to draw five jurors. Mr. John A. Holm, Machinist, 228 Liheoln Street, Jurors was drawn to segve on Civil Business, Second Session, at Drawn Cambridge, beginning May 5th. Mr. Andrew Dresselly, Sculptor, 8 Patriot's Drive, was drawn to serve on Criminal Business, First Session,. at Cambridge, beginning April 21st. Mr. Ernest Cutter, Accountant, 72 Pollen Road, was drawn to serve on Civil Business, First Session, at Cambridge, beginning May 5th. Mr. Harry H. Coleman, Foreman, 6 Raymond Street, was drawn to serve on Civil Business, first Session, at Cambridge, beginning May 5th. Mr. John M. Ingraham, Metal Worker, 35 Hayes Lane, was drawn to serve on Criminal Business, First Session, beginning May 5th, at Cambridge. At 7:32 p.m. Mr. DeFoe, Suji't. of Public Works, Mr. Garrity, Supt. of Parks and Playgrounds and Mr. Higgins of the Engineering Department met with the Selectmen. Mr. DeFoe explained that the developer of the Modern Modern Home Home Building Trust had obtained his bond req,uired'by`the Bldg. Board of Survey through an Illinois insurance company. Trust Bond Mr. DeFoe checked with the Town Counsel whh advised him that inasmuch as the company is duly authorized to do business in Massachusetts and has an office in Massachusetts, the bond is acceptable. Mr. Emery asked whether or not the Board of Survey agreements are recorded at the Registry of Deeds. He said that it occurred to him that if these agreements Rec. of are not recorded then there would be no lien on the property. Board of The Clerk was instructed to check with the Town Counsel for Survey his opinion. Agreement 1 271 Mr. Paxton arrived at the meeting at 7:5 U p.m. Upon motion of Mr. Locke, seconded by Mr. Gay, it was voted that the bond and agreement between the Town of Lexington and the Modern Home Building Trust be approved and signed. It was further voted to approve the plan and profiles. Mr. DeFoe informed the Board that the Custom Built Homes, Inc. have struck ledge in Munroe Road on the Spring Street development. Mr. McLaughlin, treasurer of the Corporation, requested approval of a change in the grade on Munroe Road. The Chairman said that he believed any changes in the street would not be to the best advantage of the town. Mr. Deny Locke asked if the developer would have blasting to do Req. other than on Munroe Road and Mr. DeFoe replied in the To affirmative. It was decided to deny the request for any Change proposed *flange in grading in Munroe Road in the Custom Grade of Built Homes development. Mr. Higgins retired at Munroe Ri 8:03 p.m. Mr. DeFoe informed the Board that he and Frank Hitchcock of the Boston Edison Co... checked the street lighting beginning at Woburn Street down as far as the street driveway into the Munroe Cemetery opposite Rowland Avenue. lighting He explained that this might involve four replacements on existing poles. Mr. Hitchcock suggests having a light on the opposite side of the street. However there is no pole there at the present time. The Chairman inquired as to the number of lumens and Mr. DeFoe said there would be 4000. The Chairman asked why there couldn't be 6000 and Mr. DeFoe replied that Mr. Hitchcock recommende 4000. The Chairman suggested that Mr. DeFoe confer again .with Mr. Hitchcock and have a plan prepared so that the subject may be given further consideration at the next meeting of the Board. Mr. DeFoe requested authorization to lay water mains Water in Cary Avenue, Shade Street, Lincoln Street, Summit Road Mains and Camelia Place. The Chairman asked if this request is for something which must be done at the present time or if it is something which the Board should think about. Mr. DeFoe replied that he would like to have the Board give it consideration but he would like permission to install a water main in Camblia Place and put in a hydrant as soon as possible. The Board discussed the location of the water main Camelia Place and it was decided to have Mr. DeFoe, hairman Paxton and Deputy Chief Gook decidd whether the water 272 Curbing on Woburn Street Mr. Morey & Mr. Hunt re: North Hancock Street. main was to be laid in Camelia Place or between new Central Fire Station and Johnson's Garage. Emery said that the installation of water mains. the other locations mentioned by Mr. DeFoe this have been recommended by the fire Engineers for th e Mr. in evening some tins. At 8:30 p.m. Mrs. Nicholas Puopolo and Mr. Michael Picciani met with the Board. The Chairman read a communication signed by residents of Woburn Street, Cottage Street, Vine Street, Utica Street and Donovan Street requesting the installation of curbing on the right side of Woburn Street from the railroad crossing to Cottage Street. Mr. Pacciani spoke at length on the dangerous conditions in this area due to the lack of side walks, and curbing. The Chairman explained that when the first petition was received for curbing on Woburn Street the Board considered doing both sides of the street. However, there was so much work to be done it was finally decided to in$ta111the OU'ki g On the left hand side of the street. He saidthat this work had already been started on the left hand side of the street and the town expects to go down as far as Utica Street and then come back on the right hand side. He said that the Board would consider the petition and advise Mr. Pacciani of any decision. Mrs. Puopolo and Mr. Picciani retired'at 8:40 p.m. Mr. George P. Morey and Mr. Lawrence Hunt met with the Selectmen. Mr. Morey explained that there is a situation on North Hancock Street which the residents would like to have taken care of. He said they do not care particularly whether or not the street is widened but they would like to have the street made safe for pedestrians. Mr. DeFoe presented a plan showing the right of way and the travelled way. He explained that on either side there is a high bank and trees and to of widen the street it would be necessary to remove some/the trees. The Chairman asked if the abutters would have any objections to slope easements and Mr. Morey replied in the negative. Mr. Hunt stated that there is considerable brush and if it were removed it would be a help. The Chairman said that the Town might be able to excavate the shoulders and slppe them up on private property, repairing and driveways that Ilui.ght be damaged. He explained that it would not be possible to do any construction if the abutters demanded stonewalls because there are no funds available. Mr. T;orey,said that his suggestion would be to slope the corner at Elvedt's property and\to dispose of the brush. Mr. Hunt inquired as to whether or not it would be possible to have side walks constructed. The Chairman 1 1 275 Fred Ralston & Oo. of $2,000 for all other general spraying in the Town. Mr. Garrity stated that he had a thirty-five gallon Arlington Tank Sprayer originally purchased in 1937 for Authorize 700. He said that he believes he can sell this for $480 Sale of 500 and would like the Board's authorization. Mr. Locke 35 Gall. moved that Mr. Garrity be authorized to dispose of this ArlingtA, sprayer. Mr. Gay seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Sprayer Mr. Garrity stated that he has received two bids for the chlorinator. Wallace & Tiernan submitted a quotation of $1,265.25 with one year's service free. The Edison purchase Filter Service submitted a bid of $1,149., no service. of Mr. Garrity explained that the Wallace & Tiernan Co. was Oh3orin- a Boston concern and he recommended that the unit be ator purchased from them. On motion of Mr. Gay seconded by Mr. Emery it was voted to authorize Mr. Garrity to place , an order with the Wallace & Tiernan Co. for a chlorinator with one year's free service at a cost not to exceed 41,265.25. Mr. Garrity informed the Board that he has an Purchase opportunity to purchase 76Q yards of loam at $2.50 a yard. of Mr. Locke moved that Mr. Garrityµ be authorized to place an Loam order for 760 yards of loam at $2.50 a yard. Mr. Gay seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Garrity requested permission to purchase a Chain Saw from the Frost Insecticide Co. at their quotation of $890 less 2%. He explained that this price includes one three foot and one extra four foot chain. Mr. Locke moved that Mr. Garrity's request for approval be granted. Mr.Gay. seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe informed the Board that William 1R. Burns is using his own car for town work and he would like to make some arrangements to compensate him. Mr. Gay asked Mr. DeFoe what he had in mind and he said he thought of paying him on a mileme basis. Mr. emery asked what car Mr. Burns usedMr. Defoe replied that he is now using his own car. The Ghairman explained that the Sup't. of Public Works had discussed this matter with him some weeks ago and he thought the Board should know the situation and make a decision. The "hairman said he is not in favor of it. He said the Board had discussed the problem in the Engineering Department and it Car was decided that Mr. Cosgrove, the Town Engineer, was to Allow - remain in the office. His car would then be available for ance Mr. Burns. The Chairman stated that when a crew goes out for Mr. on a survey job they are taken out in the survey car. He Burns stated that Mr. Weisinger in the Public Works is using a town coupe and in this position the town could be better served if he used a service truck, thereby transporting both men and equipment. The Chairman said that he felt very 276 strongly there should be some adjustment made between Mr. Cosgrove and Mr. Weisinger so that a car would be available for the assistant Superintendent. Mr. DeFoe said that he would like to have Mr. Cosgrove in the office but very often 3t id neeeddary for him to go out on the job or to the Registry. Mr. Gay said that he did not believe the Board should expect a man to use his own car for town work. Mr. DeFoe said that at the present time he has so much work to do he does not feel that he should have someone waiting around for an automobile. Mr. Locke asked if there were any funds available to pay the Assistant Superintendent for a car allowance.. Mr. DeFoe replied that it would have to be divided up among the departments. On motion of Mr. Locke, seconded by Mr. Emery it was voted that Mr. William Burne.: be com- pensated for the use of his automobile at the rate of $33.33 from April first for the balance of the year as a temporary arrangement. The Chairman read a letter from Earl W. Garland, 83 South Road, Bedford, claiming damages in the amount of $45.00 to his car as a result of a collision with attown truck. Mr. DeFoe said that he had discussed the matter with Mr. Weisinger but he had not talked to the operator of the truck. The Chairman instructed the Superintendent to submit a report next.week. The Chairman read a letter from the Town Counsel relative Richards to the acceptance of Grant Street. He stated that he has Rights examined the plan in the Town Engineer's Office and observed on tnat the Richards house, garage and barn and hen house are Grant St. in the new layout. Mr. Lynch stated that unless an agreement can be reached with Mr. Richards for the amount of damage to be assessed and a written confirmation of said agreement be obtained it will be necessary to take all the buildings by eminent domain, and advise Mr. Richards of his statutory rights to a jury assessment of damages. Mr. Lynch said that in his opinion no entry should be made or possession'taken unless and until an amicable agreement has been made. He further stated that the order, plan and estimate must be recorded within thirty (30) days after March 31st. Mr. DeFoe retired at 10:40 p.m. The Chairman read a letter from H. Webster Thomas on the School Committee informing the Board that he would like to have an opportunity to meet with the Selectmen and the Planning Board to discuss .mutual problems. It was decided to invite the School Committee and the Planning Board to meet with the Selectmen Thursday evening, April 24th at 7:30 p.m. Invite School Comm. & Planning Board to Meet 1 273 explained that if the abutters on North Hancock Street presented a petition to the Board funds would be included in next year's budget to take care of this item. He explained that the abutters would have to pay a betterment assessment of 50% of the cost of the construction. Mr. Morey asked if it would be possible to prevent heavy trucking on North Hancock Street. The Chairman said that the Board would consider the auggest:emn.The Chairman asked if the Heavy Sup't. of Public Works asked the Town Counsel to prepare some Truck - slope easements possibly from Edward Taylor's property up ' ing No, through Brae more Terrace would Mr. Morey be willing to Han. to obtain the necessary signatures. Mr. Morey replied in St. the affirmative. Mr. Morey and Mr. Iiunt retired at 8:30 p.ra. The Chairman asked how the members of the Board felt relative to an amendment to the traffic rules and regulations preventing heavy trucking on North Hancock Street. Mr. lmery suggested to submit a recommendation and if he approves than the Clerk is to make the necessary arrangements to have an amendment advertised and approved. At $:45 p.m. Iir. Gustayson, Payton Reed, Harry Hoffman, Spenc- Attorney, and six other persons met with the Selectmen. Mr. er Hoffman explained that the Board of Selectmen had agreed to Street construct Spencer Street only as far as Lr. Gustayson's Sewer property. He said apparently the Board has voted to install Gus - the sewer the entire length of Spencer Street. The tayson Chairman explained that Mr. Hoffman's understanding was Prop. correct, Mr. Hoffman explained again that Mr. Gustayson was not financially able to assume the assessments which would be incurred with the construction of the street. The Chairman said that the Board understood this fact and for that reason agreed to do the street only as far as the Gustayson property. Mr. Hoffman said that his client's houses are the newest houses on the street and the present cesspools are adequate. He said that there is no menace to the public health and it is not necessary to have this sewer installed. He said that all the plumbing in these houses is piped to the rear and it would involve a large sum of money to connect with the sewer. The Chairman said that the Board had gone along 100% as far as the street was concerned but that he did not believe that the sewer assessmentdwould be too large. He said that there had been a great deal' of cesspool and septic tank difficulty and the Board felt that it would be to the Town's advantage and to the advantage of the abutters to have the sewer laid the entire length of the street. The Cha' ,an explained that the property owners would not be compelledto connect with the 274 sewer but that if the property owners do not connect at the present time and then in two or three years Pun into difficulty they cannot expect the Town to relieve the situation immediately;. Mr. Gustayson informed the Board that he has sold the houses,. The Chairman said that if in a year from now the owners of this property find sewerage backing up into their laundries and want immediate relief they will not be able to get it, and they should understand that they may have to wait. Mr. Hoffman discussed the'matter.at length and the Chairman stated that the Board is in complete accord tivith him and if those present this evening do not wgnt the sewer installed they would not be compelled to have it. The Chairman said the Board would. make sure that the liens on the property are discharged.. The group retired at 9:15 p.m. The Clerk was instructed to explain the situation tothe to the Town Counsel advising him that the order has already been recorded at the Registry and ask him whether or not it is possible to discharge the liens, and if so, how it may be acconrijished Mr. Gordon Richards, Chairman of the Building Central Committee of the Central Fire. Station met with the Selectmen. Fire Mr. Richards explained that the Building Comrn.ittee has two Station quotations for the grading, walks, drives and planting at the Central Fire Station. He said he now needs the signature of the Boardr_unless the Board desires more quotations. Mr. Richards explained that the Weston Nurseries, Inc., submitted a bid in the amount of $3,015., and R. H. Stevens, Inc., Submitted a bid inthe amount of $2,925. Upon motion of Ur. Gay, seconded 'by Mr. Locke,it was voted to accept the bid of R. H. Stevens, Inc., and have the Town Counsel prepare.the necessary contract. Mr. nichards discussed the sidewalk and curbing and Mr. DeFoe agreed to contact Mr,. ,Tohn Cosgrove, the Town Engineer, and have him establish the grade of Camelia Place. Mr. Richards retired at 9:50 p.m. Mr. Garrity submittedc. quotations on spraying for 1947 and said that he thought it would be to the best advantage of the Town if only the town plots and cemeteries were done by airplane, the rest of the sprgying to be done py blower. He said that he recommended the Airborne Spray o. for the airplane. spraying and the Fred Ralston & uo. for the blower spraying. Upon motion of Mr. Locke seconded by Mr. Gay it was voted to accept the bid of Airborne Spraying, Inc., of $500 for two sprayings of the town plots and the cemeteries as shown on the map presented by Mr. Garrity. It was also voted to accept the bid of 0.3 1 1 1 277 A letter was received from Robert Murray, 30 Cottage Street, requesting permission to locate a food stand on the Central Block property April 19th, adjacent to the driveway next to Emery Park. The Clerk was instructed to advise Mr. Murray that the Board has no jurisdiction inasmuch as he intends to place the stand on private property . The Chairman read a letter from the Chief of Police stating that he does not believe any public street should Stands be used for private enterprise on the 19th of April for Sale of because of the anticipated traffic conditions. Chief Fool on Rycroft suggested that any stands for the sale of food be April 19t1 placed on private driveways. The Clerk was instructed to advise Mr. B. H. Childs that upon recommendations of the Ch,e .of the Selectmen would not appro/e the erection of stands for the sale of foods on April 19th en accepted streets in the Town of Lexington. However, if it is possible for him to arrange to locate his stand on private property the Board will have no objection. A letter was received from Harold Conant relative to the widening of his driveway to the width of 40 feet.. Mr. Garland explained that he had presented his project to the Planning Board last year and his request denied. The Clerk was instructed to advise Mr. Conant that the Selectmen had no jurisdiction over the changing of Zoning Laws. Any proposed changes must be submitted to the Planning Board. A letter was received from the Massahhusetts Sons of Laws American Revolution togother with a copy of the laws pertaining Per - to neglected graveyards and to the maintenance of veterans' taining graves. According to Chapter 114, General Laws, the to Selectmen shall appoint an individual, preferably a veteran, Veteran who shall cause every veterans' grave to be sndthbly: cared Graves for. The Clerk was instructed.to send a copy of the law to the Chairman of the Cemetery Commissioners and ask whether or not there are any soldier's graves in Lexington that are not being taken care of by the Cemetery Department. Upon motion of Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Locke it was voted to sign sewer orders for Manley Court and Bloomfield Street in the following form. Conant Req. for Widening Driveway Sewer Order Manley Ct. Bloom- field St. 278 (Manley Ct.) COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. Town of Lexington ORDER FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SEWER The Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, acting in pursuance of the provisions of Chapter 504 of the Acts of 1897 and all acts in addition thereto and in amendment thereof, and of every other power and authority hereto enabling, at a meeting duly held this seventh day of April, 1947, has laid out and voted to construct a common sewer in Manley Court, a way in said town opened or dedicated to the public use which has not become a public way, as more fully shown on a plan entitled, "Plan of Proposed Sewer in Manley Ct., Lexington, Mass. Scale 1 in. = 40 ft. Mar. 25, 1947, John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer," abutting the premises arcel, on the Assessors, numbered 6 & 8, 9, 14 & 16, 15 and anot Plans and does hereby order that the same constructed in said location. A plan entitled, "Plan of Proposed Sewer in Manley Ct., Lexiton, Mass. Scale 1 in. s 40 ft., Mar. 25, 1947, John T. Cosgrove, own Engineer," is to be recorded herewith all in compliance with the vote taken at the Adjourned Town Meeting held on March 24, 1947) as follows: "VOTED: That the Selectmen be and they hereby are authorized to install sewer mains in such accepted or unaccepted streets as may be applied for during the year 1947 in accordance with St. ft 9?, Chap. 504, as amended, or otherwise, and to take by eminent domain any easements necessary therefor, and to appropriate therefor the sum of $26,000 of which $6,000 is to be transferred from the Excess and Deficiency Account and the balance of $20,000 is to be raised by the issue of bonds or notes of the Town; and that the Treasurer, w4h the approval of the Selectmen, be and he hereby is authorized to borrow the sum of $20,000 and to issue bonds or notes of -the Town to be payable in accordance with the provisions of General Laws Chapter 44, within a period not exceeding ten years." That the work be done by, or under the direction of, the Superintendent of Public Works who shall as soon as feasible after the completion thereof, together with the Town Engineer, compute the expense of the same and return to the Board an account thereof, and that thereafter, brie half (i) of the cost of construction thereof shall be assessed upon the estates specially benefited thereby, under and subject to the provisions of Chapter 221 of the Acts of 1926. And it is further ordered that a copy of this order, attested by the Clerk of this Board, be filed for record in the Registry of Deeds for the Southern District of said County, as a statement of our aetioi in".thn premises, in complance with the provisions of Section 27 of Chapter 83 of the General Laws. The assessments°/to be made are estimated, and the estates upon which assessments may so be made, are numbered in the numbering 1 1 of said streets, or otherwise designated, as set forth in the schedule hereto annexed and made a part hereof. /s/ William C. Paxton Attest: H. J. Murray tdlerll1 Frederick M. Gay Erre], H. Looks George W. Emery 279 SELECTMEN OF LEXINGTON TOWN OF LEXINGTON Schedule of estimated assessments, and estates to be assessed annexed to Sewer Order for construction of sewer in Manley Court abutting the estates numbered below. Street Parcel Supposed Estimated Number Number Frontage Owner Area Assessment 6&8 14 & 16 9 15 Charles W. & Ruth E. Savage 6,520 *137 Charles G. & Mary E. Savage 10,130 213 Herbert & Catherine Patterson 6,300 133 Edward M. & Velma M. Rhoda 10,000 210 281 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. Town of Lexington ORDER FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SEWER The Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, acting in pursuance of the provisions of Chapter 504 of the Acts of 1897 and all acts in addition thereto and in amendment thereof, and of every other power and authority hereto enabling, at a meeting duly held this seventh day of April, 1947, has laid out and voted to construct a common seweiin Bloomfield Street, a way in said town opened or dedicated to the public use which has not bQcome a public way, as lore fully shown on a plan entitled,!'Plan of Proposed Sewer in Bloomfield St., Lexington, Mass., Scale 1 in. = 40 ft „Mar. 25, 1947, John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer" abutting the premises numbered 73, 76, 77, 80 and 83 thereon designated as Lot 15 and four other parcels, on the Assessors' Plans and does hereby ORDER that the same be constructed in"ggid location. A plan entitled, "Plan of Proposed Sewer in Bloomfield St., Lexington, Mass., Scale 1 in.= 40 ft., Mar. 25, 1947, Zahn T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer," is to be recorded herewith all in compliance with the vote taken at the Adjourned Town Meeting held on March 24, 1947 as follows: "VOTED: That the delectmen be and they hereby are authorized to install aezver.mains-in such accepted or unaccepted streets as may be applied for during the year 1947 in accordance with St. 1897, Chapt. 504, as amended, or otherwise, and to take by eminent domain any necessary easements therefor, and to appropriate therefor the sum of 026,000. of which 46,00o. is to be transferred from the Excess and Deficiency Account and the balance of :20,000. is to be raised by the issue of bonds or notes of the Town; and that the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, by and he hereby is authorized' to borrow the sum of $20,000. and to issue bonds or notes of the Town to be payable in accordance with the provisions of General Laws, Chapter 44 within iia period not exceeding ten years." That the work be done by, or under the direction of, the Superintendent of Public Works who shall as soon as feasible after the completion thereof, together with the Town Engineer, compute the expense of the same and return to the Board an account thereof, and that thereafter, one half,O of the cost of construction thereof shall be assessed upon the estates specially benefitted thereby, under and subject to the provisions of Chapter 221 of the Acts of 1926. And it is further ordered that a copy of this order, attested by the Clerk of this Board, be filed for record in the Regjstry of Deeds for the Southern District of said County, as a state- ment of our action in the premises, in compliance with the 282 provisions of Section 27 of Chapter 83 of the General Laws. The assessments so to be made are estimated, and the estates upon which assessments may so be made, are numbered in the numbering of said streets, or otherwise designated, as set forth in the schedule hereto annexed and made a part hereof. Attest: H. J. Murray Clerk /s/ William G. Totter /8/ A. ]dw rd Rowse SELECTMEN /s/ George W. Emery OF /s/Frederick M. GayLEXINGTON TOWN OF LBXZNGTON` Schedule of estimated assessments, and estates to be assessed Annexed to Sewer Order for construction of sewer in Bloomfield Street abutting the estates numbered below. Street Number Parcel Number Frontage Supposed Owner Area Estimated Assessment 76 80 73 77 83 15 Edith D. Graves 9;050 Lucille B. & Keith L. McLean 10,650 Florence A. Gilcreast 8,500 William C. & Eleanor H. Martin 10,960 Chester H. Lothrap $218 257 205 264 6,250 151 00 1 1 283 Upon motion of Mr. Emery seconded by Mr. Locke, Sarano it was voted to incorporate the following resolutions :Resolutions iritd; tie permanentrecords of the Board of Selectmen. April 7, 1947 WHEREAS God in His Infinite Widsom called our much esteemed colleague, George W. Sarano, to his eternal reward on April 3, 1947, and WHEREAS his wise counsel and prudential judgment, as an honored member of the Lexington Board of Selectmen will ever remain as an inspiration to his successors, and WHEREAS his warm friendship and devotion to the civic betterment of the Town of Lexington will long be remembered and cherished, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Selectmen that sincere tribute be and it hereby is paid to the sterling character and noble qualities of our late associate, George W. Sarano, of ever happy memory, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that these resolutions be spread on the permanent records of the Lexington Board of Selectmen and that a copy be sent to his beloved wife Helen Barry Sarano,with the profound sympathy of the Board. /s/ William C. Paxton /s/ Errol H. Locke /s/ George W. Emery /s/ Frederick M. Gay 284 Voted sale of Air Raid Sirens Mr. Emery informed the Board that there are three air raid sirens now stored in the Mara Property on Merriam Street and Deputy Chief Cook has been offered X100 each for them by the Gorham Company. Mr. Locke moved that Deputy Chief Cook be authorized to sell this equipment. Mr. Gay seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Out of deference to Mr. Sarano the Board of Select- men decided to take no action at the present time relative to a fifth member of the Board. The meeting was adjourned at 11:40 p.m. A true copy, Attest: The net reg will be h in t -Building,/ on Mon y ar meeting; of the oard of Selectmen S.-lectme 's Roo , Town Office/ April 4, 1947 at 7: P.m/ 0 oveg 1