HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-03-25248 Progress Pictorial Town Report Interview Applicants For Town Accountant SELECTMEN'S MEETING March 25, 1947 A rggular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on Tuesday evening, March 25, 1947. Chairman Paxton, Messrs. Locke, Sarano, Emery and Gay were present. The Clerk was also present. At 7:30 p.m. Mr. Nelson Bennett And Mr. A. Edward Rowse met with the Selectmen to discuss the progress of the pictorial Town Report. The Chairman stated that all the members of the Board had read the report and any criticisms were of a minor nature that were not worth mentioning. Mr. Bennett asked if the Committee should now obtain three bids for printing the completed report. The Chairman replied in the affirmative and Mr. Bennett and Mr. Rowse retired at 7:55 p.m. Mr. Alexander M. Hay, 3 Sheridan Street, Lexington, met with the Board relative to the position of Town Account- ant. The Chairman explained that the Board had read his application and decided that they would like to have an opportunity to discuss the subject with him. The Chairman explained in general the duties of the position and asked the applicant if he had any questions or any further inform- ation that he could furnish the Board. He said that he attends Northeastern University two nights a week and expects to obtain his B A degree. The Chairman asked how many years it would be before he would complete his course and Mr. Hay replied three. Mr. Locke asked how long he had been a resident of Lexington and he replied that he has been living with an aunt since 1943. The Chairman said that inasmuch as Mr. Hay has three more years of school it would appear that perhaps he is not advanced sufficiently to assume the duties of the position in question. Mr. Hay reblied that he has completed Accounting Course and from now on the course will be Business. He said that he has had four years of Accounting. Mr. Hay retired at 8:00 p.m., and Mr. Frank D. Walker, City Auditor of Marlboro, met with the Board for an interview. The Chairman explained that the Selectmen had all read Mr. Walker's application and felt that they would like an opportunity to discuss the position with him. Mr. Emery 07) 1 1 248 explained that in Lexington the Town Accountant is also Secretary to the Appropriation Committee and is requkred to att$nd their meetings. Mr. Locke inquired as to the personnel in the Accounting Department in Marlbbro and Mr. Walker replied that there is one girl besides himself. Chairman Paxton explained that the maximum salary for the 'down Accountant as set up at the present time is $4,250.00. Mr. Walker explained that the working conditions in Marlboro "are not the best". He said that he would like to obtain a position in a town where his work might be rewarded. Chairman Paxton asked that if by any chance the Board appointed Mr. Walker to the position, would he be willing to move to Lexington.. Mr. Walker replied in the affirmative. Mr. Locke asked why Mr. Walker was interested in mun- icipal work rather than private industry and he replied that he had ataatedbut in municipal work and likes it. He retired at 8:10 p.m., and Mr. W. Harold Whiting, Town Accountant in the Town of Merrimac met with the Board. The Chairman explained that apparently Mr. Whiting was familiar with the duties of the Town Accountant and informed him that in Lexington the Town Accountant is also Secretary to the Retirement Board and an ex -officio member of the Appropriation Committee. Mr. Whiting referred the Board to the Bureau of Accounts at the State House rel- ative to the work that he has done during the time he has held the office in Merrimac. Mr. Gay asked if the salary as set up would be satisfactory. Mr. Whiting replied in the affirmative and said that he is definitely interested in the position. He retired at 8:25 p.m. and Mr. William E. Downing of South Sudbury met with the Board. The Chairman explained in general the duties of the Town Accountant in Lexington. Mr. Locke asked if the position of Town Accountant in South Sudbury was full time and Mr. Downing replied in the negative. He said that he had been working for Raytheon but terminated his services there in February. He said that he was prepared to give the Town of Lexington full time. Mr. Downing retired at 8:45 p.m. and Mr. Raymond L. White met with the Board. Mr. Emery asked Mr. White if he was now employed and he replied that he was working for an individual who has four corporations with the main office located in Everett. Mr. Mr. Emery asked Mr. White if he preferred municipal work to private work and he replied in the affirmative. The Chairman explained that several applicants had been interviewed and as soon as a decision had been made Mr. White would be so 250 Violation Zoning Law Appoint M.R.Mc- Donough Asst Presentation of Battle Flag by Mr. Grindle Central Fire Station He retired at 9:10 p.m. The Board discussed the individuals interviewed and it was decided to eliminate Mr. Ritchie and Mr. Hay. The Chairman suggested that every member of the Board consider the applicants during the coming week and be prepared to make a decision at the next regular meeting of the Board. The Chairman read a letter from the Building Inspector stating that the owner of the property at 341 Marrett Road is violating the Lexington Zonigg Law inasmuch as the building is located in R1 district and is being occupied by two families. The Clerk was instructed to ask the Building Inspector wily he was bringing this to the attention of.the Board of Selectmen, and also if a complaint has been registered. The Board read a letter from Mr. Carroll advising that he had reappointed Mary R. McDonough as Assistant Treasurer and Town Clerk for a period ending March, 1948. The Chairman read a letter from the Lexington Allied Veterans Council informing the Board that a Committee of three had met with Commander Richard Lane, USN, and arranged preliminary plans for the presentation of the battle flag to the Town on Lexington on April 19th. Mr. Gay suggested that Mr. Grindle accept the flag inasmuch as his boy was the first casualty in World War II and also a Navy man. Mr. Emery said that whoever approached Mr. Grindle should discuss the subject with him in such a way that it would not be embarassing for him to decline if he so desired. The Chairman agreed to confer with Mr. Grindle informally. The Chairman read a letter to the New England Tel. & Tel. Co. written by Mr. Emery, Chairman of the Board of Fire Engineers, relative to an underground 40 conductor neoprene jacket. Mr. Emery stated that a reply to this communication will be received :within a few days stating that the Telephone engineers believe it is impractical to pull cable a distance of 1100 feet, but if the town insists they will construct an intermediate manhole at the town's expense. Mr. Emery explained that the cost of the cable is $24,00 and the extra manhole would cost $250. Mr. Davis, Chief Electricial Eggineer of the Simplex Wire and Cable Company, considers a 900 foot pull to involve risk of damage to the cable. Mr. Emery said that he did not feel that he should assume the risk of any damage to the cable without bringing it to the attention of the Board. 1 1 1 251 Mr. Sarano asked if there were sufficient funds available to pay for the construction of the manhole and Mr. Emery replied that it could be taken from the $2,500 appropriation. Mr. Sarano said that he personally thought the Town would save money if the manhole was installed now. Upon motion of Mr. Gay', seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was voted to build a "manhole at the lowest possible cost, the expense to be charged to the money appropriated for contingencies. Mr. 1Mer7 said that he would like to make an attempt to have the Telephone Company pay for installing the manhole. The Chairman saggested that it be left to the discretion of the Board of Fire Xngineers but Mr. Emery said that he thought a letter should be written from the Board of Selectmen. However, it was decided to wait until a reply is received from the New England Telephone Co. A bill in the amount of $600, for plans and specifications Bill', for a locker building was received from Mr. William Roger Greeley. Mr. Sarano moved that the bill be approved for payment. Mr. Emery seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was receited from the Lexington Cab Company, Inc., requesting a transfer of their public carriage license originally issued in the name of Lexington Cab Company. The Board had no objections. An application was received from the Lovell Bus Linea, Inc., requesting a permit to operate additional bus lines in the Town of Lexington. The Chairman suggested that the request be referred to the Planning Board for their consid- eration and recommendations. The Board approved the suggestion. The Chairman told the Board that he had taken,_the privilege of contacting John Lamont relative to the Booster paper drive scheduled for May 4th. The Club is willing to cancel the drive in view of the fact that the Archbishop Cushing Ghairty Fund Drive will be held on May ?1th. The Clerk was instructed to advise the Booster Club that a permit would be granted for any Sunday in J,une:: or July. For Plans For Locker Room Add'nt'1 Routes Lovell Bus Lines Paper Drive Permit to Booster Club A letter was received from Douglas T. Gleason declining the appointment to serve as a member of the Board of Public Non - Welfare. Mr. Gleason stated that he had been closely Accep. identified with the campaigns of two members of the Board D.T. Gleason 252 Non -Accept Thos. G. Lynah Town of Lexington vs. William Richards Cary Hall V.F.W. Free of Charge Cary Hall Sophomore Dance Free of Charge Sewer Orders Joseph Rd. Spencer St. Woburn St. and Gay Mr. the thought his acceptance would not be prudent. Mr. said that he would like to discuss the matter with Gleason. Any further action was held over:until next meeting of the Board. A letter was received from Thomas G. Lynah advising that�8oes not .wi;s3a, to be reappointed as an Associate Members 6f the Board of Appeals for a term ending March 31, 1948. A letter was received from Daniel A. Lynch enclosing a copy of decree entered by the Middlesex Supe'ior Court in the case of Town of Lexington vs. William Richards. Mr. Lynch also enclosed his bill for services on the case. Mr. Sarano moved that the bill be approved for payment and charged to the Law Department, Special Fees Account. Mr. Gay seconded the motion, and it was so voted. An application was received from V.F.W. requesting permission to conduct an installation of officers in Cary Memorial Hall, April 23d. Mr. Sarano moved that the use of the hall be granted free of charge and to be considered one of the Veteran's six free uses. Mr. Gay seconded the motion, and it was so voted. An application was received from Herbert N. Goddard requesting permission to conduct a Sophomore Class Dance at Cary Hall the evening of April 25th. Mr. Sarano moved the use def the hall be granted free of charge. Mr. Emery seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Upon motion made by Mr. Locke, seconded by Mr. Gay it was voted to sign an order for the installation of the sewer in Joseph Road, as follows: (Joseph Road) COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. Town of Lexington ORDER FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SEWER The Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, acting in pursuance of the provisions of Chapter:504 of the Acts of 1897 and all acts in addition thereto and in amendment thereof, and of every other power and authority 'thereto enabling, at a meeting duly held this twenty-fifth day of March, 1947, has laid out and voted to construct a common sewer in Joseph Road, a way in 1 1 258 said town opened or dedicated to the public use which has not become a public way, .as more fully shown on a plan entitle4, "Plan of Proposed Sewers in Joseph Rd. and Spencer St., Lexington, Mass. Scale 1 in. = 40 ft. Jan. 21, 1947, John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer," abutting the premises numbered 9 thereon designated as Lot 11 and another parcel, on the Assessors' Plans and does hereby ORDER that the same be constructed in said location. A plan entitled, "Plan of Proposed Sewers in Joseph Rd. and Spencer St., Lexington, Mass. Scale 1 in. = 40 ft. Jan. 21, 1947, John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer," is to be recorded herewith all in compliance with the vote taken at the Adjourned Town Meeting held On March 24, 1947 as follows: "VOTED: That the Selectmen be and they hereby are authorized to install sewer mains in such accepted or unaccepted streets as may be applied for during the year 1947 in accordance with St. 1897, Chapt. 504, as amended, or otherwise, and to take by eminent domain any easements necessary therefor, and to appropriate therefor the sum of $26,00, of which $6,000. is to be transferred from the Excess and Deficiency Account and the balance of y$20,000. is to be raised by the issue of bonds or notes of the Town; and that the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, be and he hereby is authorized to borrow the sum of 420,000. and to issue bonds or notes of the Town to be payable in accordance with the provisions of General Laws Chapter 44, within a period not exceeding ten years." That the work be done by, or under the direction of, the Superintendent of Public Works who shall as soon as feasible after the completion thereof, together with the Town Engineer, compute the expense of the same and return to the Board an account thereof, and that thereafter, one half (2) of the cost of construction thereof shall be assessed upon the estates specially benefited thereby, under and subject to the provisions of Chapter 221 of the Acts of 1926. And it is further ordered that a copy of this order, attested by the Clerk of this Board, be filed for record in the Registry of Deeds for the Southern District of said County, as a statement of our action in the premises, in compliance with the provisions of Section 27 of Chapter 83 of the General Laws. The assessments so to be made are estimated, and the estates upon which assessments may so be made, are numbered in the numbering of said streets, or otherwise designated, as set forth in the schedule hereto annexed and made a part hereof. /s/ William C. Paxton /s/ George W. Emery SELECTMEN /s/ Errol H. Locke OF /s/ George W. SaranoLEXINGTON js/ Frederick A': ray 254 TOWN OF LEXINGTON Schedule of estimated assessments, and estates to be assedsed. Annexed to Sewer Order for construction of sewer in Joseph Road abutting the estates numbered below. Street Number Parcel Number Supposed Owner Area Estimated Assessment 9 11 Elisa Lamont 5,060 *139. Mollie T. O'Connell 4,850 133. Upon motion of Mr. Locke, seconded by Mr. Emery it was voted to sign the order for the installation of the sewer in Spencer Street, as follows: ( Spencer Street) COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. Town of Lexington ORDER FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SEWER The Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, acting in pursuance of the provisions of Chapter 504 of the Acts of 1897 and all acts in addition thereto and in amendment thereof, and of every other power and authority hereto enabling, at a meeting duly held this twenty-fifth day of Marc., 1947, has laid out and voted to construct a common sewer in Spencer Street, a way in said town opened or dedicated to the public use which has not become a public way, as more fully shown on a plan entitled, "Plan of Proposed Sewers in Joseph Rd. and Spencer St., Lexington? Mass. Scale 1 in.= 40 ft. Jan. 21, 1947, John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer," abugting the premises numbered 1, 4,5,7,8,9, 10, 11, 17, 19-21, 20-22, 23-25, 24826 thereon designated as Lots C,D,E, part F, F1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, on the Assessors' Plans and does hereby ORDER that the same be constructed in said location. A plan entitled, "Plan of Proposed Sewers in Joseph Rd. and Spencer St., Lexington, Mass. Scale 1 in.- 40 ft. Jan 21, 1947, John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer," is to be recorded herewith all in compliance with the vote taken at the Adjourned Town Meeting held on March 24, 1947 as follows: "VOTED: That the Selectmen be and they hereby are authorized to install sewer mains in such accepted or unaccepted streets as may be applied for during the year 1947 in accordance with St. 1897, Chap. 504, as amended, or otherwise, and to take by eminent domain any easements necessary therefor, and 1 1 255 to appropriate therefor the sum of $26,000. of which $6,000. is to be transferred from the Excess and Deficiency;: Account and the balance of $$20,000. is to be raised by the issue of bonds or notes of the Town; and that the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, be and he hereby is authorized to boorow the sum of $$20,000. and to issue bonds or notes of the Town to be payable in accordance with the provisions of General Laws, Chapter 44, within a period not exceeding ten years." That the work be done by, or under the direction of, the Superintendent of Public Works who shall as soon as feasible after the completion thereof, toghbher with the Town Engineer, compute the expense of the same and return to the Board an account thereof, and that thereafter, one half (i) of the cost of construction thereof shall be assessed upon the estates specially benefited thereby, under and subject to the provisions of Chapter 221 of the Acts of 1926. And it is further ordered that a copy of this order, attested by the Clerk of this Board, be filed for record in the Registry of Deeds for the Southern District of said County, as a statement of our action in the premises, in compliance with the provisons of Section 27 of Chapter 83 of the General Laws. The assessments so to be made are estimated, and the estatds upon which assessments may so be made, are numbered in the numbering of said streets, or otherwise designated, as set forth in the schedule hereto annexed and made a part hereof. /s/ William C. Paxton SELECTMEN /s/ George W. Emery OF /s/ Frederick M. Gay /s/ Errol H. Locke LEXINGTON 256 TOWN OF LEXINGTON' Schedule of estimated assessments, and estates to be assessed Annexed to Sewer'Order for construction of sewer in Spencer Street abutting the estates numbered below Street Parcel Number Number Supposed Estimated 4trea Owner Assessment 43-25 E 13,280 Amelia H. Gustayson $ 364. 19-21 Part F 10,210 It " it 280. 17 F & I 5,690 Margaret T. Kelley 156. 11 2 6,460 Mary E. Kelley 177. 9 3 5,000 Edward W. & Esther S. Baker 137. 7 4 5,000 John W. & Grace L. Rycroft 137. 5 5 5,470 Agnes M. Walton 153. 1 6 7,030 John L. & Bertha V. Pichette 193. 4 7 4,590 Lillian B. Flaherty 126. 8 8 5,000 Pasquale Luongo 137. 10 9 5,000 Howard D. & Ida B. Fisk 137. 10 6,100 Mary E. MCFaWn 168. 20-22 D 8,6660c Amelia H. Gustayson 238. 24-26 t 9,090 Amelia H. Gustayson 250. Updn motion of Mr. Locke, seconded by Mr. Sarano it was voted to sign the order for the installation of the sewer in Woburn Street, as follows; (Woburn Street) Middlesex, ss. CONNONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Town of Lexington ORDER FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SEWER 257 The Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, acting in pursuance of the provisions of Chapter 504 of the Acts of 1897 and all acts in addition thereto and in amendment thereof, and of every other power and authority hereto• enabling, at a meeting duly held this twenty-fifth day of March 1947, has laid out and voted to construct a common sewer in Woburn Street, a public way in said town, as more fully shown on a plan entitled, "Plan of Proposed Sewer in Woburn St., Lexington, Mass. Scale 1 in.= 40 ft. Jan 21, 1947 John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer," abutting the premises numbered 116,124, 127, 128, 132, 136-138, 14g, 147, 152, 156, and i60 and five other parcels, on the Assessors' Plans and does hereby ORDER that the same be constructed in said location. A plan entitled "Plan of Proposed Sewer in Woburn St., Lexington, Mass. Seale 1 in. = 40 ft., Jan 21, 1947 John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer," is to be recorded hereitth all in compliance with vote taken at the Adjourned Town Meeting held on• March 24, 1947, as follows: "VOTED: That the Selectmen be and they hereby are author- ized to install sewer mains in such accepted or unaccepted streets as may be applied for during the year 1947 in accordance with St. 1897, Chap. 504, as amended, or otherwise, and to take by eminent domain any easements necessary therefor, and to appropriate there- for the sum of :26,000. of which $6,000. is to be transferred from the Excess and Deficiency Account and the balance of $20,000. is to be raised by the issue of bonds :or notes of the Town; and that the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, be and he hereby is authoktzed to borrow the sum of $20,000. and to issue bonds or notes of the Town to be payable in accordance with the provisions of General Laws Chapter 44, within a period not exceeding ten years." That the work be done by, or under the direction of, the Superintendent of Public Works, who shall as soon as feasible after the completion thereof, together with the Town Engineer, compute the expense of the same and return to this Board an account there- of, and that thereafter, one half (i) of the cost of cons!trttction thereof shall be assessed upon the estates specially benefited thereby, under and'subject to the provision s of Chapter 221 of the Acts of 1926. And it is further ordered that a copy of this order, attested by the Clerk of the Board, be filed for record in the Registry of Deeds for the Southern District of said County, as a statement of our action in the premises, in compliance with the provisions of Section 27 of Chapter 83 of the General Laws. 258. The assessments so to be made are estimated, and the estates upon which assessments may so be made, are numbered in the numbering of said street or otherwise designated, as set forth in the schedule herbbo annexed and made a part hereof. /s/ William C. Paxton /s/ George W. EmervSLELECTMEN /s/ asor 1`7_ saran) OF ^rro1 Tnrkw LEXINGTON Frederick M. Gay TOWN OF LEXINGTON Schedule of estimated assessments, and estates to be assessed for construction of sewer in Woburn St. abutting the estates numbered below House Lot Supposed Area Estimated Land Court Number No. Owner Assessment Cer. No. 116 William J. Barry 11,170' $ 235.00 124 Asunta Modugno 7,950' 168.00 128 Mary F. &.Julia L. O'Leary 7,560 159.00 132 Ella M. Bentsen 7,950 168.00 136 138 2 Mary J. Kelley 7,340' 155.00 142 3 Margaret McCarthy 8,000' 169.00 4 Margaret McCarthir 11,760' 248.00 152 A Johnson S. Armstrong 8,800' 186.00 156 Hugh P. & Thelma H. Mulligan 7,200' 152.00 Andrew Gupp 9,890' 208.00 No152484 147 Elizabeth Latter 15,450' 325.00 Andrew Gupp 23,200' 488.00 No.52484 Didrick & Billy Dyersen 11,130' 235.00 net 111 1 Nouse No. Lot No. Supposed Owner Area 259 Estimated Land Ct. Assessment Cert. Nc 127 Patrick J. & Margaret H. Fitzpatrick 23,61.0' 498.00 Lexington Nurseries, Inc. 12,700' 268100 No. 58404 160 Margaret E. Collins 9,000' 189.00 The Chairman reminded the Board that a decision should be made relative to the Board of Survey lay -out presented by the Modern Home Building Trust. Mr. Sarano suggested that the Board developer be compelled to construct the street before he is of allowed to erect any houses. It was decided to atop the Town Survey Counsel to meet with the Board Monday evening at 7:30 p.m., to discuss the Board of Survey agreements with respect to improving. the quality of construction in developments. On motion of Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it Special, was voted to appoint Ehe following individuals special Police police officers in the Town of Lexington for a term ex- priring March 31, 1948. SPECIAL POLICE OFFICERS APPOINTED FOR A TERM EXPIRING MARCH 31, 1948 Adams Press Sup't. Cemetery Department Senior High School Park Department Janitor, High School Call Fireman N.E. Tel. & Te1.Co. Deputy Chief, Fire Dep't. Janitor, Town Offices Park Department 6 Oakland Street Alan G. Adams Ralph H. Marshall Arthur Linfield John J. Garrity Thomas F. Ryan Charles M. Blake Leonard Jellis Roy A. Coop Charles E. Molpy Charles Brenton Ralph I. Dale 260 1' (Special police officers appointed for a term expiring March 31, 1945 con't) Errol H. Locke George W. Sarano William C. Paxton George W. Emery Frederick M. Gay Clarence MacPhee Michael E. McDonnell Joseph H. DeFoe Arthur N. Lee Francis J. Smith Frank J. Peters George E. Pray Joseph S. Wellington Benjamin L. Higgins E. A. Lindstrom James Stuart Smith Frank George • Selectmen Selectmen Selectmen- Chairman Selectmen Selectmen Franklin School Janitor, Cary Library Supt. Public Works Janitor, Parker School Keeper, Hobbs Brook Reservoir Middlesex County,San. Janitor, Hunt Building Caretaker, Hayden Estate Janitor, Hancock Church Plumbing Inspector 4 Percy Road Doorman, Lexington Theatre The Chairman informed the Board that Mrs. Frank Hudson had declined to accept the appointment to serve as a member Of the Dental Clinic, and Mrs. Yelland has moved out of town. Mr. Grindle suggests the appointment of Mrs. Vincent Burke and Mrs. Arvin Phillippart. Mr. Locke moved that Mrs. Burke and Mrs. Phillippart be appointed to serve as members of the Dental Clinic for a term expiring March 31, 1948. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voiced. The Chairman reminded the Board that it was necessary to appoint a Committee to approach Mr. Hayden relative to the possibility of using, the Aldrich property for a .school 1 261 site. Unless Mr. Holt, the Moderator, prefers to select his own committee it was decided to recommend the following persons: (1) Mr. Robert Holt (2) Mr. William G. Potter (3) Mr. Lyon Carter (4) Mr. Harry Wheeler (5) Mr. James Walsh Chairman agreed to contact Mr. Holt on the Committee. The meeting adjourned at 11:10 p.m. A true copy, Attest: Alp)