HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-03-17241 SELECTMEN'S MEETING March 17, 1947 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on Monday, March 17, 1947 at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Paxton, Messrs. Locke, Sarano, Emery and Gay were present. The Clerk was also present. At 7:30 p.m. Mr. Joseph H. DeFoe, Supt. of Public Works, met with the Selectmen, Mr. DeFoe stated that Roy M. Scott of Middle Street, who has a problem of water in his cellar, claims that unless the Town does something to relieve the situation he will go "further". The Chairman stated that the drainage system in this particular area was installed in 1932 and as far as putting in any main drainage it might as well be forgotten because it would constitdte a major project. The Chairman explained that the budgets for this year have been presented to the Boards and approved, and there is no wg.y of providing money for drainage on Middle Street except by a transfer from the Reserve Fund. This job would cost approximately $5,000 or $6,000 and he did not believe such a large transfer should be requested. He suggested that Mr. DeFoe explain to Mr. Scott that the Board appreciates his problem and will make some provision for it next year. Mr. SeFoe asked whether or not the Board desired to approve the sub -contractors for engineering work on the five sewer projects or if the Supt. of Public Works could approve them. Mr. Locke moved that Miller and Nylander be approved as sub -contractors. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman read a letter from the Arlington Gas Light Company requesting permission to locate gas mains on North Hancock Streets, Braemore Terrace and Ledgelawn Avenue. The proposed locations have been approved by the Town Engineer. Mr. Sarano moved that the request be granted. Mr. Emery seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman reminded the Board that no decision had been made on the application of the Modern Home Building Trust for approval of a plan of Carl Road and Myrna Road. Mr. Sarano suggested that the developer be requ red to construct the street and install water and drainage before 242 he is allowed to sell any homes. The Chairman asked the Supt. of Public Works if he had figured the amount for which his bond should be written. Mr. DeFoe replied that on some of the developments the Town has required about one-half of what the actual work will cost. The Chairman said that he personally preferred a bond equal to the estimated cost but he would like it to be a fair estimate of the job. It was decided to hold the matter over until the meeting on March 25. Br. DeFoe retired at 7:58;p.m. and Mr. Bertram Gustin, Chairman of the Recreation Committee, met with the Board. The Chairman complimented Mr. Gustin and his Committee for their work and report. die explained that the Selectmen will follow-th-e--Committee's recommendation and request, under Article 2, the appointment of a temporary Recreation Committee. He also explained that the Selectmen have included in their budget $250 for expenses incidental to the Commission. The Chairman Baked if the Recreation Committee had any objections to their report. being printed in "The Minute Man". Mr. Gustin said he felt that the Committftwould approve. Mr. Gustin retired at 8:05 p.m. At 8:10 p.m. a hearing was duly opened upon the application of John H. Milliean, 93 Hancock Street, for permission to increase the capacity of his underground gas- oline tank from 500 gallons to 1,000 gallons. No persons appeared in favor or in opposition. Mr. Sarano moved that the application be approved subject to the approval of the Board of Fire Engineers. Ur. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. At 8:15 p.m. Mr. Daniel Cronin met with the Selectmen for an interview relative to the position of Town Accountant. The Chairman asked if Mr. Cronin had any experience with municipal accounting. He replied that in his employment with the Home Owners Loan Corporation he had some work along that line. The Chairman asked Mr. Cronin if he were a C.P.A. and he replied in the negative. Mr. Locke asked Mr. Cronin why he was interested in a municipal position of this type. Mr. Cronin said that he had been in heavy industry which is up and down and he had decided that he would like something more permanent. The Chairman asked if he had any idea what the position would pay and Mr. Cronin said he new approximately. The Chairman stated that Mr. Cronin was the first applicant intertiewed and that the Board intended to interview others. Mr. Cronin retired at 8:25 p.m. and Mr. Arthur Ritchie met With the Board. 243 The Chairman asked Mr. Ritchie if he was a C.P.A. and he replied in the negative. The Chairman explained inifeneral the duties of the Town Accountant. Mr. Locke asked Mr. Ritchie why he was interested in a municipal position, Mr. Ritchie replied that he is still with the Navy Department and he may be told any day to terminate his services. Mr. Gay asked if Mr. Ritchie severed his relations with the Navy in accepting a position with the Town would he be free. Mr. Ritchie said that he would have tge give a thirty day notice but he would be free inasmuch as/is employed in a civilian capacity. Mr. Ritchie asked if one of the requirements for the'position was that the Town Accountant must be a C.P.A. and the Chairman replied in the negative. Mr. Ritchie retired at 8:35 p.m. The Chairman read a letter from the Board of Retire- ment stating that Mr. James H. Russell's request for retirement had been approved effective March 16, 1947. Mr. Locke moved that Mr. George H. IIacBeth be appointed acting Town Accountant at his former salary of $54,38 a week, said appointment to become effective immediately. Mr. Gay seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Chairman r ead a request from Father McDonald of St. Bridgid's Rectory and Fater Desmond of the Sacred Heart Rectory requesting permission to conduct a paper drive on Sunday, May 18th. The Clerk was instructed to advise both Father McDonald and Father Desmond that the Selectmen have already granted permission to another organization to conduct a drive on Sunday, May 4th and in view of this fact suggested that they consider a later date which might be to the best advantage of all concerned. The chairman read a letter from the Trustees of Tufts College relative to a taking by the Town for school pupposes about fifteen acres from the Lexington Estates Trust. The Trustees hold a mortgage covering the land taken. They claim to have received no notice of the taking which appears to affect certain rights of way belonging to the mortgages. The Clerk was instructed to refer the communication to the Town Counsel. A letter was received from the Town Counsel together with a copy of findings and order for final decree entered in the case of Gail W. Smith vs. Errol H. Locke at als. Mr. Lynch also enclosed his bill in the amount of 000. Mr. Sarano moved that the bill be approved ane charged to the Law Department, Special Fees Account. Mr. 244 Emery seconded the motion and it was so voted. A letter was received from the Town Treasurer to which was attached two notices of action of contract in the amount of $1,000. each, answerable to the City of Boston on Monday, May 5th. The Chairman explained that apparently these were Chapter 117 cases and the Clerk was instructed to refer them to the Board of Public Welfare authorizing them to submit them to the Town Counsel. At 8:50 p.m. Jr. Leonard V. Short met with the Board. He stated that under Chapter 599 of the General Laws the Town is supposed to set up a Veterans Council Board and also to appoint a Director of Veteran's Services. Doctor Short aaid that apparently there has been a misunderstanding all around. He said that he went thto the State House and discussed the matter with a Mr. Gillis. One way of handling this is for the Town to assume the entire responsibility for the Veterans and the other way is that the Town will form a district center together with surrounding towns. Doctor Short suggested that the Selectmen invite Mr. Gillis to meet with them and discuss the matter in detail. He said that he could not possibly act as Director because it would take up too.much of his time. The Chairman asked Doctor Short if he would be willing to call a meeting of his committee and arrange to have three representatives meet with Mr. Gillis and then report to the Board of Selectmen some time about May first. Doctor Short agreed and retired at 9:10 p.m. Mr. John Baskin and Mr. William Lyon met with the Selectmen and presented a plan of Castle Heights Develop- ment dated October 28, 194. Mr. Baskin informed the Board that his attorney had advised him that Mr. Carlson. who owns a lot of land abutting on Castle Road owns to the center of the road. The Chairman asked if :Castle Road is laid out on this Plan exactly as it was on the old Plan and Mr. Baskin replied in the affirmative. The Chairman said that where abutters have right to the centers of the roadp they also have responsibilittes. They should maintaii4fand keep it in a passable condition. Mr. Baskin asked if he could build the road without any trouble with Mr. Carlson. Iar. Emery said that it would appear to him that this is a question for Mr. I3askin's attorney to decide. Mr. Baskin said that he would like to have the Town build the road and he would be willing to pay for it. The Chairman explained that the Town can accept the road but it is too late to act upon it at this Town Meeting. Mr. Gay said that he felt the Board would be subject to criticism if they recommended 1 24 building a street upon which there are no houses. Mr. Lyon asked if there was any objection on the part of the Town to building a street if 75% of the abutters request it. The Chairman replied that any ten citizens can request the insertion of an article in the warrant. He said that he thought Mr. Baskin's problem was a legal one and not one that the Board of Selectmen could settle. Mr. Baskin and Mr. Lyon retired at 9:30 p.m. In application was received from the Lexington Club requesting permission to conduct a minstrel show in Cary Hall on the evening of May 23d from 8 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Mr. Sarano moved that the use of the hall be granted subject to a charge of :'?5.00. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Upon the motion' of Mr. Sarano seconded by Mr. Locke it was voted to approve the following licenses: Pine Meadows Country Club 232 Cedar Street Common Victualler (renewal) William Viano 1794 Mass. Avenue Sunday Movies Chester D. Ludwig 16 Vine Street Peddler A letter was received from the Town Gounsel together with the deed from the Follen Church Society to the Town of Lexington and a copy of the vote of the Follen Church Society. Mr. Lynch stated that both should be recorded in the Middlesex Registry of Deeds. Mr. Lynch also enclosed a deed from the Town of Lexington to the Follen Church Society with the instructions that after execution it should be forwarded to Ralph M. Smith, 405 Highland Avenue, West Somerville, attorney for the Follen Church Society, for recording. were The annual appointments for year 1948/considered and the following individuals were recommended for appointments to the Board of Public Welfare: Douglas Gleason Dana T. Norria John Sellars Upon the motion of Mr. Locke, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was voted to make the following appointments for the year ending March 31, 1948, unless otherwise noted: 246 LIST OF APPOINTMENTS (Expiring March 31, 1948) Board of Appeals Errol H. Locke Board of Appeals (Associate Members) Board of Public Welfare Board of Retirement Bridge Charitable Fund Trustees Baklding Inspector ** Burial Agents Clerk, Selectmen Constable (Under Ch. 41 Sec. 91A) Dental Clinic Dog Officer Fence Viewers Field Drivers Aiden L. Ripley Walter C. Ballard J. Henry Duffy Henry B. Barry Harold F. Lombard Dana T. Norris John A. .Sellars Sydney Birch Howard S. 0. Nichols Helen Ready (Town Accountant)_ Howard S. 0. Nichols Ernest A. Lindstrom Albert F. Douglass Alice M. McCarthy Thomas M. Montague Hazel J. Murray Charles E. Moloy Mr. Thomas S. Grindle Mrs. Arvin Phillippart Mrs. Vincent Burke John A. Russell Stanley A. Higgins John J. Garrity Edward C. Magurie John C. Russell Gammel'. Legacy Income, Trustees Mrs. Robert C. Merriam (Acting with Dep't. of Public Welfare) Lockup Keeper Moth Department, Supt. Park Department, Sup't. John W. Rycroft John J. earrity John J. Garrity 1 Posture Clinic 247 Plumbing Inspector Registrar of Voters Superintendent Town Counsel Town Engineer Weighers Wire Inspector Mrs. Steele Lindsay Mrs. E. J. Vadeboncoeur Mrs. Dana T. Norris Miss Margaret Kettell Miss Margaret Noyes Ernest A. Lindstrom Leon H. Trusdell (3 yr. term) of Public Works Joseph H. DeFoe Daniel A. Lynch John T. Cosgrove Harold Wellington Jacob Bierenbroodspot Evelyn Blakk Louis W. Bilis ** Board of Health Appointment The Clerk was instructed to make an appointment for Tuesday evening, March 25th, for the following applicants for the position of Town Accountant: Messrs. Downing, Walker, Whiting, Hay and White. The meeting adjourned at 10:55 p.m - A true copy, Attest: