HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-03-03230 SELECTMEN'S MEETING March 3 1947 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building on Monday evening, March 3, 1947 at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Potter, Messrs. Locke, Sarano and Paxton were present. The Clerk was also present. At 7:30 p.m. Mr. DeFoe, Sulk. of Public Works, met Blasting with the Board, and requested permission to purchase Mat a blasting mat of rope at an approximate cost of $135. Mr. Paxton moved that the request be granted. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe reported that the flush valves in the toilets in Cary Memorial Building should be replaced and stated that the labor and material will probably be about $300. Mr. Paxton moved that the Superintendent of Public Works obtain at least one more quotation from another Flush concern and then proceed with the work, accepting the valves low bid. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so Voted. Mr. DeFoe presented the contract between the. Town Of Lexington and Metcalf & Eddy for engineering services Sewer in proposed future'sewer mains for the Board1s signature. Engineering He said that the contract had been submitted to Mr. Contract Lynch for approval and that Mr. Lynch recommended a separate contract for each project. Mr. Locke moved that the contracts be signed, having been approved by Mr. Lynch, Town Counsel. Mr. Paxton seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe said that he has received a number of Pumping requests for town equipment to pump water from cellars cellars of private homes. Mr. Paxton said that he thought this matter was something which should be studied more fully and that there ought to be more coordination between the Fire Department and the Department of Public Works. Mr, DeFoe agreed to investigate further. Mr. DeFoe informed the Board that the Town Engineer Selfridge consulted Mr. Sabin of the State Department of Public Works and indications are that the proposed Lowell Turnpike will be on the Burlington -+Lexington Line, 1 1 1 231 back of the Selfridge property. Mr. Paxton asked if it would be the center line or the side line and Mr. DeFoe replied that it would be the center line. He said that it will come along and "hit" Adams Street at the Town Line and continue back Of the Selfridge property. Mr. Paxton said that in that event, the Selfridge development should not be approved. Mr. DeFoe said that Mr. Selfridge came to his office today to find out whether or not the Board will sign an agreement and bond. Mr. Paxton asked if the Board would consider the possibility of a State Highway going to have a right-of-way a logical reason for holding this layout up. The Chairman replied in the affiPmative. Mr. DeFoe asked if it would be fair to ask the petitioner to hold his land without utilizing it for possible five years until the State gets around to building the road. The Chairman replied that if the State highway. would affect the property immediately, the Board should not approve the Selfridge layout. Mr. Paxton said that the type of construction which is proposed is not an asset to the Town and if the Board can find any way of holding it up for a period of time it might be better than to automatically give Mr. Selfridge approval now. He said that he thought more information should be obtained from the State with relation to the Lowell Turnpike. Mr. DeFoe agreed to confer with Mr. Sabin. Communication from residents of North Hancock Street relative to widening said street was held over from last week. Mr. DeFoe said that widening North Hancock Street North should be held over for another year. Hancock The Chairman asked how much of a job it would be St. to clear away the brush and Mr. DeFoe replied that it would not amount to much. Mr. Paxton said that if the shoulders were excavated at the present time, he thought the people might be satisfied. He said that there is no need for any pavement work at the present time because the street will be torn up for sewer construction. He suggested that the shoulders be excavated now while the people were anxious to have something done. Mr. Locke said that if something were done now the people would feel that consideration has been given to their request. 232 Mr. DeFoe agreed to check the W.P.A. study ode a few years ago and report back to the Board. Mr. DeFoe retired at 7:55 p.m. Notice was received from the State Department Public Utilities relative to a hearing on petition of Middle- sex and Boston Street Railway Company for certificate of public convenience for the operation of motor vehicles for hire over certain public ways in Bedeord, Lincoln, Lexington,&Arlington. did action was taken on the matter. Communication was recieved from the Citizens' Public Celebrations Association of Boston relative to April 19 proclaiming April 19 of each year Patriots' Day. The Board felt that the 19th of April should be a local holiday and upon motion of Mr. Paxton, seconded by Mr. Locke, it was voted to go on record as being opposed to any action which would establish this date as a national holiday. At 8:00 p.M. Mr. Robert L. Ryder met with the Board relative to a portion of his land taken by eminent domain for school purposes. Mr. Ryder asked if the right-of-way down through the Ryder park was out insofar as the Board of Selectmen is Taking by concerned and the Chairman said that as far as he E. D. personaflr is concerned, he thought the Board could go before Town Meeting and ahk the Town to vote to give back to Mr. Ryder the right-of-way up through the center of the Playground. The Chairman explained that the Board has not discussed this subject since meeting with Mr. Ryder last Monday night. Mr. Ryder said that he would tell the Board what he wants for the land with the right-of-way left out and with a street built down to Waltham Street and the town taking the two and a fraction acres. The Chairman stated that this would leave Mr. Ryder two lots on Waltham Street. Mr. Ryder said that he will take $2500 an 'acre with the two rights-of-way. Without the right-of-way down through', the park, an additional $30,000 will be asked for. Mr. Ryder said that, in his opinion, his value on the 18 acres is low. He said that he feels the right-of-way is worth a great deal more to the development of his property. Mr. Ryder said that the Town has taken two rights- of - way and the 30 acres of land is comparable to any piece of land undeveloped in the Town of Lexington. He also stated that a tree expert put $25,000 increased value on the land on account of the trees. Mr. Paxton asked if the Town builds the Waltham Street road, taken the 18 acres and takes both rights- of - way is his understanding corredt that Mr. Ryder wants $75,000. 1 1 1 233 Mr. Ryder rpplied if the Town takes the right-of-way through the park away from hint then give him a'street gat b8 Waltham Street, he will give 18 acres of land had have" one right-of-way. He said that he has two lots on Waltham Street and wants $2,500 an acre for eighteen acresfer elghteee eeees. He said that he wants $30,000 on top of this for the right-of-way down through the park. Mr. Paxton said that if the Town builds the road, takes the 18 acres, and takes the back right-of-way, Mr. Ryder wants $75,000. If the Town does not take the right-of-way and builds the street he wants $45,000. He said that these figures are so far from what the Board might have in mind, it is impossible to reach any agreement. Mr. Ryder said that all the Board of Selectmen could do is to submit his proposition to Town Meeting. The Chairman said khat Mr. Ryder has until June, 1948 to file a claim and if there is a special Town Meeting in the fall, the Board could then submit his proposition. Mr. Ryder said that he will mark it for trial in the fall and that he is willing to wait until September. The Chairman said that, speak'iiag for himself, he did not think that the Board would submit Mr. Ryder's propositicin to the Town Meeting. Mr. Ryder said that any proposition he has made, and in the nature of a compromise is not binding on him in any way if the case does go to trial. Mr. Paxton said that anything said at last week's meeting or tonight's meeting by either party will not be evidence in Court. Mr. Ryder retired at 8:30 p.m. Letter was received from the Lafayett Club requesting permission to conduct a rummage said in the garage of Rummage the Barnes property on March 29, 1947. sale IIr. Paxton moved that the use of the building be granted for a rummage sale, free of charge. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Application was received from Frederick Childs re- questing that the First Class Agent's license issued to the Estate of Calvin W. Childs and the alcohol license Licenses be transferred to his name. Mr. Locke moved that the request be approved. Tyr. Paxton seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman said that when Mr. Connors appeared before the Board of Selectmen relative to the garbage Garbage contract he was insistent that the Board assure him collectio7 that the collection of garbage, during the period he had 234 the contract, had been satisfactory. The Chairman said that he conferred with Mr. Lamont, the Health Inspector, and Mr. Lamont claims to have received as many as 200 complaints in one week. The Chairman said that Mr. Connors himself had told him that the Sup't. of Pubic Works had talked to him about the rattier of complaints received. The Chairman said that he does not think the collection of garbage has been satisfactory by any means. The Chairman said that both the Board of Selectmen Salary of and the Appropriation Committee has approved the Law Town Department- Personal Services budget in the amount of Counsel *2,000 as salary for the Town Counsel, but no vote has been passed, authorizing a salary increase. Mr. Paxton moved that the salary for the Town Counsel be approved in the amount of $2,000 a year effective as ofApril 1, 1947. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Consideration was given to some of the articles in the warrant for the annual town meeting and the Board A4ticles went':on record as being in favor of requesting 322,000. for a new locker building for the center playgrounft; 13,384.19 to complete the grading of the enclosed athletic field and to let town meeting decide on Article 30, the property in front of the Munroe Station. The Chairman informed the Board that the Building Inspector has received complaints relative to cars being parked on the sidewalk and in the street at Morris Motors, 400 Waltham Street. The Clerk was instructed to advise Morris Motors that unless the sidewalk in the area of his garage and show room is kept cleared, the Board will have no alternative but to revoke his license. Letter was received from James H. Russell, Town Accountant, advising that he has submitted an applioa- Town tion for retirement effective March 16, 1947. Mr. Acc't Russell stated in his letter that he has a diagnosis from the Army of Leikemia, myelocytic, chronic and has been advised that he should not engage in work which will involve long hours. In view of Mr. Russell's physicial condition, the Board has no objection to his being retired as requested. Application was received from the Stanley Hill Post, Use of hall American Legion requesting the use of Cary Memorial Hall on the evening of March 18, 1947 for a Sports Event. 1 1 1 Mr. Locke moved that the use of the hall be granted and considered one of the Legion's free uses. Ivir. Paxton seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The ext regul 'meeting, r the Boar of Seletmen will b held onjenday evening, March 1947 s 7:3O p.m. A true record, Attest: 235