HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-02-17214 Jurors Diseased elm trees SELE CTI N' S MEETING February 17, 1947 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building on Mond[y evening, February 17, 1947 at 7:30 p.m. Chairman. Potter, Messrs. Locke, Rowse, Sarano and Paxton were present. At 7:30 p.m. Mr James J. Carroll Town Clerk, met with the Board for the drawing 6f two jurors. Mr. Carl R. Peterson, golf pro, 8 Hill Street wad drawn to serve on Criminal Business, lst session at Cambridge. Mr. Clifford L. Muzzey,"salesman, 14 Glen Road was drawn to serve on Criminal Business, lst session at Cambridge. Mr. Carroll retired at 7:34 p.m. Mr. Joseph H. DeFoe, Supt; of Public Works and Mr. John J. Garrity, Supt. of Parks and Playgrounds met with the Board. Mr. Garrity statedthat he has received a letter from the State advising that it is no longer possible for towns to purchase lead from the Surplus Commodity Division. Mr. Garrity said that he would like permission from the Board to do some sterilization work on dead elms. He said that he would like the Board to give the Public Works Department authority to go into private property and take down elms that have been infected with any disease which might be detrimental to public trees. The Chairman asked if this would involve considerable work and Mr. Garrity replied that it would run into as much work as he wants to make it. He said that this is being done in some towns and he believes that the State might pass a law giving this authority to Tree Wardens. The Chairman asked if Mr. Garrity would first obtain permission from owners of such trees and he replied in the affirmative, He said that he would obtain a written agree- ment. Mr. Locke moved that the Board grant Mr. Garrity's request for authorization to contact private individuals to obtain permission to enter private property for the purpose of removing elm trees infected with any disease which might be detrimental to town trees. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion and it was so voted. 1 1 215 Mr. Garrity said that there may be a lot of work on Dutch elm disease and there will be a class in March eft a period of five days. He said that he would be called upon to have Mr. McKenzie come to Lexington to inspect trees, and he would like permission to take Mr. McKenzie out to lunch. The Board had no objection. do Mr. Garrity said that he would like to/some spraying by aeroplane this summer. The Chairman said that Mr. Garrity had informed him that other towns expect to spray by aeroplane and that ohly streets where the foliage is thick will be done. Mr. Garrity said that he thought it should be done Spraying and ordered by the Board of Selectmen, especially in view of the fact that the Park Department will not, have as much help this year as they have had in the past. By this method the work will be done much quicker. mr. Locke asked if spraying this way would cost more money and Mr. Garrity replied that he will need $500 additional in his budget. Mr. Looke moved that the Insect Suppression - Wages and Expenses budget be reconsidered and approved in the amount of $4600 which will include $500 for spraying. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Garrity retired at 7:50 p.m. Mr. DeFoe requested permission to purchase 100 curb Curb boxes at an approximate cost of $4.93 each. boxes Mr. Rowse moved that the request be granted. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so.:voted. Mr. DeFoe read a letter from Mrs. Lincoln Grueh claiming damages in the amount of $10 as a result of falling on the sidewalk in front of the Post Office. Claim Mr. Rowse moved that the Selectmen disclaim any responsibility. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe reported on the possibility of draining the gutter on Oakland Street to eliminate the flow running down onto Grant Street, and discussed the matter at length. Mr. Paxton suggested having the drain:.go down the side line of Oakland Street, and by putting in a pipe there would be a maximum of eight feet so that 300 feet of pipe will be sufficient. He estimated the cost to be about $1,000. for carrying the drain down beyond Stetson Street and in so doing it will not be necessary to go down the Drainage right-of-way. 216 Mr. Rowse moved that the amount of $1,000. be approved in the Drainage budget for 1947 to take care ?f the Grant Stbeet drain. Mr. Paxton seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe said that insofar as the Rix drainage is concerned, there seems to be a natural water way that goes down through where Mr. Rix plans to have a road- way. He said that the Town has two catch basins which discharge into the brook. He said that it will not be. necessary to build any catch basins, but the town does dump into his property and should take care of the drainage. Mr. Rowee asked if this wasn't just a. question of covering up for the roadway. Mr. Sarano said that all Mr. Rix expects the Town to do is to put in a culvert to take the water to Valley- field Street. Mr. Rowse said that if there is a natural brook through the land owned by Mr. Rix, the Town should het be expected to take care of it. He asked why the Town should be obligated to do any more than:dig an open brook for him. Mr. DeFoe said that Rix could block the Town drain, Rix drain and the Chairman said that he could not stop a natural brook. Mr. Paxton said that some time ago the Board intimated to Mr. Rix that the Town would take care of this. Mr. Rowse said that he thought the Board may have agreed to contribute something toward the cost but that they never agreed to do the tob the way it. is now set up in the budget. Mr. Paxton said that he thought the twenty-four inch pipe should be run from the present culvert down to the end of Mr. Rix Street, construct one manhold and then go twenty feet or whatever might be necessary with eighteen inch pike to get to the side line of the proposed street and then leave the rest open channel brook. Mr. Paxton said that of course this would not bedone unless Mr. Rix has a Board of Survey hearing. It was decided to tell Mr. Rix that no money would be included in the budget this year. At 8:25 p.m. Mr. Edward Connors of Connors Brothers, met with the Board and Mr. Potter retired from the meeting. He felt that Mr. Connorsmight feel more at ease to discuss the contract. 1 1 217 Mr. Locke said that he understood Mr. Connors had requested an appointment with the Board to discuss the garbage contract. Mr. Connors said that he had in previous years a two or three year contract. He said that last year he had post- poned purchasing trucks and now he must buy two new ones, Garbage but at the end of one year the depreciation would be too contract great, and he would like the contract for more than one year unless he has not been doing a good job. Mr. DeFoe said that the collection has been going good lately and it was just during the stormy weather that com- plaints were received. Mr. Connors said that he had put on an ex#ra man for five weeks during the anow storm. Mr. Locke said that he felt for one that it would be a shame to tie the contract up for so long at the present high rate, not knowing whether conditions would be different in a year or two and by letting it for one year only, possibly the Town would be saved some money. Mr. Rowse said that he could not understand why Mr. Connors would worry about competition which might come in a year from now. He said that the Board is interested in having competition relative to the garbage contract. He stated that the price for collecting has gone from $6,000 a year to $10,800. Mr. Connors said that his men started for a salary of $24 per week and they now receive $40. He said that he has four men full time and five men during stormy weather. Mr. Rowse said that if Connors had a three year con- tract last year, instead of one year, the Town would have saved $5,000. He said that we are heading toward a reduction in the cost of production and not an increase. He said that it would not be good business for the town to tie up for a long period of time at such a top -price. Mr. Rowse said that unfortunately Mr. Potter was somewhat involved because he is a garbage collector himself and that undoubtedly he would submit a bid another year. He said that Mr. Potter had informed Connors Brothers that he was not going to bid this year, but that he thought he might next year. Mr. Rowse said that Mr. Connors should have confidence enough in his ability to do the work economically for another year. Mr. Connors admitted that Mr. Rowse was correct and said that he took the wok during the war years at a very low price when other garbage contractors were receiving more money. Mr. Sarano asked if Mr. Connore equipment would hold over for another year and he replied that he would have to have three trucks. 218 Garbage Contract - Connors Bros. Carl Vienot Pictorial Town Report Mr. Rowse asked if Mr. Connors expected to go out of business at the expiration of the contract and he replied that he is not interested in anything except the Town of Lexington. He said that in towns wham competition is great and the contract awarded to the lowest bidder, the service is not as good. Mr. Rowse asked if Mr. Connors was refusing to take the contract for one year and Mr. Connors replied "absolutely not". Mr. Rowse said that the Selectmen had advertised for one two and three years and Connors bid for three years only; technically the bid is not legal. Mr. Howse explained that the Board of Selectmen have no ulterior motive and would like Mr. Connors to go along for one year. Mr. Connors said that it would be all right with him. Mr. Connors asked if the Board would consider a three year contract for less than $10,800. Mr.. Rowse replied that if it were only a minor difference it would not affect the decision. He said that in a year's time hogs have gone up 50% in value and that being the case, garbage should be collected for less money. Mr. Paxton said that if the price of hogs go down, the cost of collection and the value the collector is going to receive will be less. Mr. Paxton retired at 8:40 p.m. Mr. Rowse said that if Mr. Connors could see his way clear to take the contract for one year for what the Board approved, that is $10,800. he thought it would be tine. He said that the Selectmen are not tgying to force Mr. Connors into anything. Mr. Connors said that all he wanted to know was whether or not his services have bben satisfactory. Mr. Locke said that was not a condition. He said he thought that Connors have done the best they could under various circumstances. Mr. DeFoe said that during stormy weather both last winter and this winter complaints had been received, but right now there are very very few complaints. Mr. Connors said that he would take the contract for one year, and retired at 8:50 p.m. Mr. Potter returned to the meeting. Mr. Locke retired to meet with the Board of Appeals. Mr. Carl Vienot met with the Board and discussed proposed photographs for the Pictorial Town Report. Mr. Rowse said that bids should be requested for printing the Town Accountant's and School Department's reports. 1 219 Letter was received from John A. Lyons resigning Resig- as a member of the Board of Public Welfare. It was nation decided not to appoint someone to take his place until after the Town Clerk had been notified of the resig- nation. Mr. DeFoe said that Mr. Lynch had checked the contract between the Town of Lexington and Metcalf & Eddy pertaining to consttuotion of sewer.. Mr. Rowse moved that the contract be signed as approved by Mr. Lynch. Mr. Sargno seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe said that George Harrington would like to have his rate changed so that he will be paid for 44 hours. He- is now paid 48 hours and works 44. Mr. Harrington Herring - thinks he should receive a15¢ increase. ton Consideration of the request was held over until the next meeting of the Board. Mr. DeFoe retired at 9:30 p.m. Letter was received from M. Filipetti, 17 Lowell Tax title Street, Arlington offering $60 for Lot 70 Brandon property Street. The offer was held over for one week. Letter was received from Leonard Jellis, 79 Reed Street offering $25 for lots 26-29 Earl Street. On April 23, 1946 Mr. Jellis was advised that the Board would entertain Tax an offer of $75 for these particular lots. Title The Clerk was instructed to acknowledge the offer and inform Mr. Jellis that the Board will consider an offer of $75. Communication was received from residents of Nichols Nichols Road requesting the installation of a sewer system. The Road Chairman agreed to contact the engineers for some definite information and report next week. Letter was received from Mrs. George P. Morey, Sec. of the School Committee asking if the Russell property could be graded and seeded by the Public Works Depart- Russell went. Grading The Clerk was instructed to write the School Committee that the Department of Public Works has not sufficient personnel to assume this responsibility and sugg,eststhat an appropriation be requested so that the work may be let out on contvact. 220 Use of hall Mr. Locke returned to the meeting rat. 9:40 p.m. Application was received from V.F.W. for the use oz Estabrook Hall and a conference room on Mafch 19, 1947 for a meeting. Mr. Rowse movedthatthe use of the hall and room be granted free of charge. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Application for a Sunday Sales lieense was received from Frank Cannuli, 15 Plymouth Road, Reading. Mr. Sunday Cannuli purchased the business at 856 Massachusetts Avenue Sales formerly operated by Frank Kenealy. Satisfactory character reference was received from the Chief of Police. Mr. Sarano moved that the application be approved, and a license granted. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman said that a resident of Leonard Road had been in to see him about having a Children Slow Sign sign placed on Woburn Street near Leonard Road. There is no sidewaak and traffic in that area is fast. Mr. Sarano moved that the Supt. of Public Works be instructed to have the requested sign installed. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Clerk was instructed to advise the applicants Town for the position of Town Accountant, that consideration Acct of the applications has bean postponed until after the organization of the Board of Selectmen on March 10, 1947. A true record, Attest: iilP-"44-dt 1