HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947-02-03196 SELECTMEN'S MEETING February 3, 1947 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Office, Town Office Building on Monday evening, February 3, 1947 at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Potter, Messrs. Locke, and Paxton were present. The Clerk was also present. Mr. DeFoe, Supt. of Public Works met with the Board at 7:35 p.m. He stated that Mr. Healey, 763 Marrett Road has re- quested the installation of twee street lights. Mr. DeFoe Street said that if a light were installed on the pole in front Lights of this man's house, it would be neceysary to remove a tree, and he personally does not recommend that the request be granted. Mr. DeFoe said that he also received a request from a resident of Fair Oaks Drive to have a streetlight shifted. He said that the spacing in Fair Oaks Drive is conventional and that neither he nor Mr. Hitchcock Street of the Boston Edison Company recommend any change. Lights Mr. DeFoe was instruceed to advise both individuals that their requests have been denied and to give them an explanation. Mr. DeFoe informed the Board that he had received a quotation, in the vicinity of $3,215. from the Water- town Electric Supply Company for changing the present Town lighting system in the Town Offices. He said that the Office complaints relative to the lighting had come from the Lighting Accounting, Assessors and Tax Collector's offices. Mr. Paxton suggested that no action be taken on the matter this year. Mr. DeFoe reported that a study has been made of the street lights an Woburn Street and three plans have Woburn been submitted, and he explained them to the Board. Mr. Street Paxton asked how much of Woburn Street would be done and lighting Mr. DeFoe replied that entire length down to the Woburn line had been considered. Mr. Paxton said that he did not think there is much need for changing the lights be- yond the curve at Utica Street, or possibly to Webb Street. OC 1 1 1 197 Upon motion of Mr. Locke, seconded by Mr. Paxton, it was voted to authorize the Superintendent of Public Works to proceed with the project of replacing the street lights on Woburn Street up to, and a little beyond Utica Street; the present lights to be replaced with 2500 lumin lamps. Mr. DeFoe stated that the Board has approved the sum of $19,100 for engineering services for planning future trunk sewers, and he would now like to have the Board approve the total amount of $29,100 which will include surveys and borings. Upon motion of Mr. Paxton, seconded by Mr. Locke, it was voted to approve a total expenditure of $29,100. for engineering services for planning future trunk sewers, the contract having already been awarded to Metcalf & Eddy. Mr. DeFoe requested permission to purchase one car of Sewer 8" vitrified clay sewer pipe for approximately $800. pipe Mr. Locke moved that the request be approved. Mr. Paxton seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe informed the Board that the rate of pay for hired trucks has gone up to $7.50 an hour. Mr. Pax- ton asked if this rate included a. helper all of the time Truck and Mr. DeFoe replied in the affirmative. Rental Mr. Paxton moved that the Superintendent of Public Rates Works be authoM zed to pay the increased rate for hired trucks of $7.50 per hour; said amount to include the truck rental and two men. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. At 8:00 p.m. hearing was declared open on the layout of Lockwood Road, as a town wAy, from Rhodes Street to Hearing Byron Avenue approximately 240 feet. The Superintendent on lay - of Public Works and Mr. Cosgrove, the Town Engineer and out of five other persons were present at the hearing. Lockwood Mr. Louis E. Tighe, 7 Lockwood Road suggested that Rd. Rhodes Street be included in Lockwood Road in preference to having two separate streets as exist at the present time. Mr. Kenneth Osborn, 11 Lockwood Road asked if the sewer would be installed, and Mr. DeFoe replied that the sewer in this particular location involves a trunk line and it may not be done for possibly ten years. Mr. Paxton explained the specifications in general and told the group that they call for excavating the road, putting in twelve inches of gravel, four inches of stone, penetrated 198 and sealed, with adequate drainage to take care of the cutters; the shoulders to be excavated to the property line, but no construction of sidewalks. He stated that any slppping would be done on private property and the sidewalk areas will be loamed over and seeded. The Chairman informed the group that the Board of Selectmen could merely approve the layout of the street and it would be up to the Town Meeting to vote on the construction. The hearing was declared closed at 8:15 p.m. and the residents of Lockwood Road retired at 8:15 p.m. Hearing on At 8:16 p�t. hearing was declared open on the layout layout of of Byron Avenue, as a town way, at the end of Lockwood Byron Ave. Road approximately 265 feet. Eight residents of the neighborhood were present at the hearing. The Chairman inf®fined the group that if there were any questions, the Town Engineer would be glad to answer them. One individual inquired about the drainage and Mr. Cosgrove stated that there will be drainage on Lockwood Road and, Byron Avenue. Mr. Paxton explained that the town did not intend to put in sidewalks. He stated that sidewalks are a separate project and must be petitioned for separately. He said that the specifications call for excavating the gravel way, twenty-four foot width, putting in twelve inches of gravel on macadam surface; shoulders on each side to be loamed down; any sloping necessary, to be done on private property; aprons will be put into the driveways and entrances. He said that if the residents decided to have sidewalks they should petition the Board and explained that the betterment assessment on sidewalks is 50% of the cost of construction. He explained that the shoulders will be excavated to the approximate grade of the side- walk. M!r. Paxton also explained that the construction of stonewalls is the responsibility of the abutters, and that all the utility fixtures will be adjusted to the completed grade. The Chairman explained that the Board of Selectmen d.an merely approve the layout of the avenue and it is up to the Town Meeting to vote on:the construction. The hearing was declared closed at 8:21 p.m. and the group retired. At 8:23 p.m. hearing/was declared open on the layout of, as a town way, Spencer Street across Joseph Road approximately 570 feet. Seventeen persons were present Hearing at the hearing. on 1p.yout The Chairman explained the purpose of the hearing of Spencer St. OC Nit 1 1 1 199 and asked if there were any questions. He said that the layout would include the drainage, the construction of the street, but no sidewalks. He asked if any person objected to the proposed layout. Mr. Harry Hoffman, 11 Beacon Street, Boston said that he represented Amelia Gufstayson, owner of several lots on Spencer Street. He explained that his client has invested all of her savings in the property. He said that rents are frozen and the Oufstaysons are not financially able to assume any portion of the assessment for improving the street. Mr. Hoffman said that Spencer Street is in good condition, level and accessible in case of any emergency. He said that the cesspools are dumped into the rear and the cost of bringing the sewer in and connecting would be enormous. He said that his client are amortizing the mortgage very slowly and he urged the Board to leave that end of Spencer Street for the time being. Mr. Paxton explained that Spencer Street could be accepted up to the property line of the Gufstayson property. Mr. Paxton explained the general specifications as he did on the two previous hearings and the Chairman also explained that the Selectmen could merely approve the layout and it would be up to the Town Meeting to vote on the construction. The hearing was declared closed at 8:55 p.m. and the group retired. At 8:55 p.m, hearing was declared open on the layout of Joseph Road, and Brookside Avenue. Sixteen persons were present at the hearing. The Chairman explained the purpose of the hearing and asked if anyone desired to ask any questions. An informal discussion was held relative to the layout of Joseph Road. ^ Mr. SidneyS. VonLoesecke, 16 Chestnut Terrace, Newton said that he was representing Farwell E. and Annie L. Thayer, property owners on Brookside Avenue, who are in Washington, D.C. He stated that the esti- mated assessment is $2;888 and the assessed value of the land is $200. He said that his client will not benefit by the proposed improvementand it would be cheaper for them to abandon the land. The Chairman said that it would not be fair to penalize the other residents on the street. Mr. Paxton explained the general specifications as he did on the previous hearings and the hearing was declared closed at 9:25 p.m. 200 Mr. John O'Connor appeared before the Board, and presented a plan of the proposed line of Swan Lane. He explained the plan and stated that it means a giving by him of about 10,000 feet. Mr. O'Connor said that it was agreed, before the survey was made, that Mr. Lynch, and Mr. Tropeano would confer of the subject and arrive Swan Lane; at some decision. He said that both attorneys have seen the plan and agreed that this plan with the giving, making a forty foot way, which the Town is anxious to obtain, would be all right. Mr. O'Connor said that as Car as the five foot strip is concerned, both Mr. Lynch and Mr. Tropeano have decided that the Town could deed it to him. He said that although it will be deeded to him, he will never own it and along with that he will give, with the 4,000 feet, 10,000 feet more to give the forty foqt right-of-way which the Town would like to establish. Mr. Paxton asked if the plan presented this evening would be filed at the Registry and Mr. O'Connor replied that it would be filed when the deed is recorded. Mr. Paxton said that Mr. Lynch is very busy at the present time with Town Meeting and asked if Mr. O'Connor was in a hurry- to have this matter completed. Mr. O'Connor said that he would like to have it settled before Town Meeting if possible. The Chairman suggested that Mr. O'Connor keep the plan and he would contact Mar. Lynch right away. Mr. O'Connor retired at 9:35 p.m. Mr. 9harles Davis and John Rich of the High School Planning ommittee appeared before the Board. Mr. Davis said that his Committee has a proposed pro- gram which they are going to recommend in their report of the High School plan, and they want to try to Obtain funds from the government for the development of plans for the coming year. He said that they hope, by Match, 1948, to be able to get bids and go to Town Meeting with some kind of figures. He stated that they would like to at least have the plans ready. Mr. Rich said that the Federal Works Agency x elies Federal on the recommendation of the State Emergency Finance Hoa„ Aid for and they will not grant any funds without the approval of School that Board. The Board requires the showing that the Bldg. bonded indebtedness would not be exceeded by the con - plans struction. In addition, they need a vote of the Town Meeting authorizing the Selectmen to borrow money from the Federal Works Agency. Mr. Rich said that it would be necessary to have a special actpf the Legislature, for this construction, to 1 1 201 borrow money outside of the debt limit. The act would authorize the borrowing outside the debt limit for this particular project. The Chairman asked if the act would go through the Legislature this year and Mr. Rich replied in the affirma- tive, providing the bill is filed right away. He said Bill for that if it is not filed until after Town Meeting there Legisla- will be no chance of getting it through this year. He tore said that his Committee would like to have the bill filed and if the Town Meeting did not approve, the bill could be withdrawn. Mr. Rich said that he understood the date for filing bills is already passed, but the Town can get this in if it is sponsored by some member of the Legislature. The Chairman said that he could see no objection to proceeding in an effort to having the bill filed and if Town Meeting does not approve, it will just be out. Mr. Davis asked if the routine now is to instruct the Town Counsel to proceed to have the bill filed. .The Chairman replied in the negative and said that he would contact Mr. Lynch, if the Board so voted. Mr. Davis and Mr. Rich retired at 9:4$ p.tn. Mr. Paxton said that he could see no harm in following what the Building Committee wants to do. Mr. Paxton moved that the Town Counsel be instructed to file the bill. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton moved that the layouts of Lockwood Road, Byron Avenue, Joseph Road and Brookside Avenue be approved as shown on the plans. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton moved that the layout of Spencer Street be approved up the the property line of the Gufstayson property. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from Alice E. Mariette, 32 Hill- crest Avenue relative to the possibility of having watdr connected to her property on Cummings Street from Hill- crest Avenue, a distance of approximately 150 feet. The Clerk was instructed to refer the communication to the Supetintendent of Public Works. The Clerk informed the Board that a representative of the Boy Sedate of America had requested that the Board issue a proclamation in connection with Boy Scout week. Mr. Paxton moved that the proclamation be signed as follows. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. r 202 PROCLAMATION Board of Selectmen Town of Lexington WHEREAS, February 8, 1947 is the 37th anniversary of the founding of the Boy Scouts of America which has been chartered by the Congress of the United States and WHEREAS, the organization has affected the lives of 13,500,000 American boys and men since its inception and now has an active enrollment of 1,980,000 and WHEREAS, the skills and experiences acquired through Sc utiri.g are the greatest influences for building young Americans into selfreliant man and participating citizens, thus making an incalculable contribution to the civic enterprise of this and countless other communities, and WHEREAS, the Boy Scout Movement is a great factor for the promotion of world peace, and marks this anniversary with the theme, "Scouts of the Wort' -- Building for Tomorrow", with practical assistance to brother Boy Scouts overseasto rebuild their organizations; NOW THEREFORE, We, the Board of Selectmen of Lexington in the State of Massachusetts, do hereby proclaim the week of Feb- ruary 7th to 13th as Boy Scout Week in Lexington and urge its citizens to recognize the unselfish service of the leaders and do all in their power to promote this fine program among our youth. IN TESTII.ONY WHEREOF, Wehavehereunto signed our names officially and caused the Seal of the Town of Lexington to be affixed this 3rd day of February, 1947. William C. Paxton SELECTMEN George V. Fmery OF Frederick M. Gay Errol H. Locke LEXINGTON oat 1 1 208 Application waa received from the Lexington Athletic Boosters Club for the use of Cary Memorial Hall on the evening of February 20, 1947 for a badminton exhibition and the use of Estabrook Hall on the same evening for a meet- ing. Mr. Paxton moved that the use of Estabrook Hall be Uses of granted and also the use of Cary Hall providing there will Halls be no permanent markings or holds made in the floor; both uses to be free of charge. Mr. Locke seconded the notion, and it was so voted. Application was received from Edward Abel requesting permission to conduct a Cub Scout Rary in Cary Hall on the evening of April 11, 1947. Mr. Locke moved that the use of the hall be granted free of charge. Mr. Paxton seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Application was received from Morris Motors, 400 Marrett Road for the renewal of his First Class Agent's License. Mr. Paxton moved that the application be approved License and the license signed. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was SD voted. Letter was received from James H. Russell informing the Board that he is now free to return to his position of Town Accountatnt. Er. nussell requested a formal re- Town instatement or re-employment effective on such date as Acc't. the Board may determine. It was decided to take no action on Mr. Russell's letter until applications are received in reply to the advertisements inserted in the Boston Globe and Traveler. Upon motion of Mr. Paxton, seconded by Mr. Locke, it was voted to sign notices of intentions to lay out the following streets: Cherry Street, Sutherland Road, Grant Street, Cary Street and Winter Street. The Clerk informed the Board that Mr. Lindstrom would like to know if he should be bonded for Building and Plumb- ing Inspector separately or have one bond combin4 g the two. Mr. Locke moved that the Building and Plumbing Inspector bond be combined and written for the sum of $1,000. Mr. Paxton seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Clerk informed the Board that Yrs. Wheeler tele- phoned and requested permission on behalf of the Red Cross to attach posters to the electric light poles. 204 Mr. Locke moved that the request be granted providing permission is obtained from the Boston Edison Company.. Mr. Paxton seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The next meeting of the Board of Selectmen will be held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building on Monday evening, February 10, 1947 at 7:30 p.m. A true record, Attest: Nit 1