HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-12-23 157 SELECTMEN'S MEETING December 23 , 194 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on Monday evening, Decebmer 23 , 1946 at 7 30 p.m. Chairman Potter, Messrs. Locke and Sarano were present. The Clerk was also present. At 7 30 p.m. Mr. James J. Carroll, Town Clerk and Treasurer appeared before the Board for the drawing of three jurors. Mr. George Rogers, supervisor, 60 Concord Hvenue, was drawn to serve on Criminal Business first session at Cambridge, beginnigg Monday, February 3 , 1947. Mr. Warren K. Hadley, Assistant Manager, 488 Massachusetts Avenue, was drawn to serve on Civil Business, first session at Cambridge, beginning Monday, February 3 , 1947. Mr. Gordon E. Kakas, furrier, 44 Locust Avenue , was drawn to serve on Civil Business, second session at Cambridge, beginning Monday, February 3 , 1947. Mr. Carroll said that since he appointed Miss Increase McDonough Assistant Town Clerk, he has had the question For in his mind relative to giving her more money for assuming Ass'1 greater responsibility. The Chairman stated that the Town only way the Board could approve an increase would be to Clerb raise her as a Senior Clerk inasmuch as her s&lary, if any, as Assistant Town Clerk must be paid by the Clerk in accordance with General Laws. Mr. Carroll said that there are funds in another account which could be used. Mr. Locke reminded the Board that any increase would have to be for the entire month of December to make it available for January , February and March in 1947. The Chairman asked Mr. Carroll what he had in mind for an increase and he replied that he would suggest an increase of 110 00 a week. He said that she is a senior clerk and now received : 33 .00 a week. The Chairman said that he thought any decision on the matter should be held over until Mr. Rowse and Mr. Paxton arrive. Mr. Carroll retired at 7 40 p.m. 158 ulte Funds to The Chairman informed the Board that Mr. DeFoe Be held would like to have available funds held over to pay Over for items ordered in 1946, but that will not be delivered until 1947. Mr. DeFoe advised the Chairman that the Town Counsel said funds could be held over. The Board had no objection. Mr. Paxton arrived at 7 ; 55 p.m. Road to The Chairman said that Mr. DeFoe would like to know Airport what the Board desires to do relative to the proposed new road in the vicinity of the Bedford Airport. It is estimated that the cost to Lexington may be $15 ,000.00 or $18,000.00 , and will only benefit the airport, detouring traffic away from the runways. Mr. Paxton moved that the Board of Selectmen go on record as being opposed to spending any money towards the construction of the proposed road at this time. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman explained to Mr. Paxton the discussion with Mr. Carroll relative to an increase in salary for Miss McDonough, as Assistant Town Clerk. Mr. Paxton said that he thought the thing to do would be to try and cooperate with Mr. Carroll and assume a portion of the raise. Mr. Locke explained that it would have to be handled as a raise upon a permanent basis until such time as a different salary, either higher or lower, Increase is established. for Miss The Board considered the sub_ject and upon motion of Mr. Locke seconded by Mr. Paxton , it was voted to approve an increase for Miss McDonough, as senior clerk, in the amount of $3 .00 a week retroactive to December 1, 1946. Mr. Rowse arrived at 8.05 p.m. The Chairman advised the Board of a telephone con- versation he had with Mrs. Mayo relative to the appoint- Advisory ment of an Advisory Board. Mrs. Mayo suggested including Board Mr. Trim and Mr. Collins who have done considerable work on the old Committee on Veterans Rehabilitation and Employment. Mr. Rowse suggested including Mr. Mayo on the Advisory Board. It was decided to appoint Mr. Herbett Collins as an industrialist in place of Fulton Brown, Gordon Trim as a vocational teacher in place of A. Irving Lodge , Mrs. Mayo as a counselor in place of Irving Sherwood and also to ask Mr. Mayo to serve on the Board. 1159 Letter was received from the Middlesex County Com- missioners advising that the following orders have been issued for the relocation of highways in Lexington Relocation Concord Avenue August 10, 1945 Orders Adams Street August 10, 1945 East street January 25, 1946 Lincoln Street May 14, 1946 Chapter 79 , Section 3, General Laws, provides that when a taking is made for the purpose of establishing a highway, the right to damages shall not vest in the owners of lands until entry has been made or possession taken thereof, and if such entry is not made or possession taken within two years of the date of the order , the taking shall be void. Mr. Paxton explained that orders for these particular streets have been issued and entry must be made within two years or else the orders become void. He said that the Supt. of Public Works will have to do some work and then notify the County that the work has been done. He explained that the County notifies the abutters. Application, signed by only one abutter, was received requesting the installation of a water main in Marrett Road Req . from the present end northwesterly and distant approximately For 230 feet. Mr. Paxton moved that the request be denied. Water Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Main Marrett At 8 15 p.m. Mr. Bertram Gustin and Mr. Thomas Moon, Rd. of the Committee on Recreational Facilities, appeared before the Board. Mr. Gustin stated that his committee has definitely come to the conclusion that they are going to recommend a Recreat-* recreation commission, but before their report is ion written the committee would like to know whether such a commission would be appointed or elected. Mr. Rowse suggested hat the Recreation Committee sub- mit thei 'report, including all arguments, to the Board of Selectmen. The Chairman stated that if the Committee is going to spend money, it will then have to be appointed by Town Meet- ing. Mr. Gustin asked if the commission could consist of a member of the School Department , Board of Selectmen, Park Department , etc . The Dhairman said that the Moderator could appoint the members, having been recommended by Town Meeting. Mr. Gustin asked if the Board wanted to have the work- Locker ing plans drawn up for the locker building. Mr. Rowse asked Bldg. if the plans could be purchased for $600.00 the amount 160 I, gig appropriated by Town Meeting, and Mr Gustin said that he did not know. He said that Mr. Greeley should be asked if he can supply plans and specifications for y$600.00 and if not Town Meeting will have to be asked to appropriate more money. Mr. Gustin and Mr. Moon retired at 8 40 p.m. At 8:30 p.m. hearing was declared open upon the application of the Lexington Coal Company for permission to install three aboveground tanks for the storage of Gasoline 30,000 gallons of range and fuel oil on premises at hearing 2L42 Bedford Street. Mr, Harold Wellington was present, representing the petitioner. No persons appeared in favor or in opposition. Mr. Paxton moved that the permit be granted subject to the approval of the Board of Fire Egnineers. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Baskin' s Letter was received from John Baskin requesting the Request for installation of water and sewer in Castle Road and water Water and in Boulder, Williams and Preston Roads. The Chairman Sewer asked if any of these streets have been build on and Mr. Paxton replied in the negative. He said that Mr. Baskin intends to do some work on these streets, rough them out andP ut on six inches of gravel. Mr. Paxton moved that the request be referred to the Supt. of Public Works. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Report was received from the East Middlesex Mosquito Conttol Project, together with a recommended appropriation for 1947 in the amount of $6,000.00 Mr. Paxton said that he thought it would be a Mosquito mistake not to continue and give more approved methods Control of mbsquito control a chance . He said that for $3 ,000.00 , the amount appropriated in 1946, they can only do some spraying and no ditching whatever. Mr. Locke moved that an appropriation of $6,000.00 be recommended for 1947. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from Mr. McQuillan, Chairman of the Board of Health, recommending that a section be added Victualler to the proposed Rules and Regulations of the Board of licenses Health stating that "a victuallers license will be granted only on approval of the Board of Health. " Upon motion of Mr. Paxton, seconded by Mr. Locke , it was voted to approve Mr. McQuillan's reco- mmendation. Application was received from the Minuteman Sports- iue;ci' s Club requesting the use of Estabrook Hall on 161 Friday evening, December 27 , 1946 from 8 00 until 11 00 for a meeting. Mr. Rowse moved that the use of the hall be granted, subject to a charge of 10.«00. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Application was received from the V.F.W. for the use of Estabrook Hall and a conference room on the evening of January 8, 1947 from 8:00 until 11 :00 for a meeting. Application was also received from the V.F W. for the Uses of use of Estabrook Hall and a conference room on the evening Halls of January 22, 1947 for a meeting. Mr. Rowse moved that the uses be granted tree of charge . Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter etas received from Mr. Lynch, Town Counsel, re- garding the request of Paul A. Hubbart for information per- taining to the Manor Sewer Project. Mr. Lynch stated in Manor his letter that Chapter 221 of the Legislative Acts of 1926 Sewet defines the method of determing the cost and rate of sewer Legal assessments. He advised the Board that at the last annual Opinion Town Meeting and before the vote was taken on the matter of constructing the Manor Sewer, his opinion was asked regard- ingtthe date that would be used in computing the amount of sewer assessments be be levied on the estates benefiting from the sewer project. He said that his opinion, as expressed at that time and re-expressed now, is that the Manor Sewer was one project and assessments would be determined with reference to the date of the entire project is completed. He further stated that upon completion of the entire project, the Board shall then determine the amount of the assessment in accordance with the statutory provision. The Clerk was instructed to inform Mr. Hubbart of the Town Counsel' s communication and to adtise him that in view of same, the Board does not see how it can give a satisfactory answer to the questions contained in his letter at this time. Letter was received from James E. Collins advising that as of January 1, 1947 Soldiers' Relief, Military Aid and State Aid will be classified as one and shall be known as Veterans' Benefits. The Clerk was instructed to send a copy of this letter to those individuals appointed to serve on the Advisory Board. Memo was received from James E. Collins, Agent, recom- mending that hospitalization expenses be paid for Mrs. Rose Downey, formerly of 53 Downing Road, Lexington, and now of Aid to 1750 Beacon Street, Brookline. Mrs. Downey received $40. Mrs. a month Spanish War Pension which will be used toward the Downey 162 oc n 1 hospital expenses. Mr. Rowse moved that the recommendation be approved. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Upon motion of Mr. Sarano, seconded by Mr. Paxton, it was voted to grant the following licenses Est. Calvin Childs Methyl alcohol Concord Turnpike " " " " " 385-409 Mass. Ave. Fuelite Natural Gas Corp. 315 Marrett Road Methyl. alcohol Bradford Motors, Inc. 35 Beaoid Street 1st Class Agent Est. Calvin W. Childs 409 Mass. Avenue 1st Class Agent Mawhinney Motor Sales 581 Marrett Road 1st Class Agent Hardy' s Garage 911 Waltham Street 1st Class Agent (Has no signed contract and is not a recognized agent) Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Heywood 271 Marrett Road Common Victualler George F. Taylor 424 Marrett Road " " Partridge's Food Shop 1709 Mass. Avenue " " Application was received from Hardy's Garage, 911 Waltham Street for a First Class Agentts license. The garage has no signed contract with any manufacturer of new ears. Mr. Paxton moved that the application be de- nied. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Clerk informed the Board that the balance in the Selectmen's - Expenses Account is $87.33 and the outstand- ing bills amount to $147.31. Transfer Mr. Rowse moved that the Appropriation Committee be requested to transfer the sum of $175.00 from the Reserve Fund to the Selectmen' s - Expenses Account. Mr. Saran seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Budgets were acted upon as follows Department Requested Approved Engineering - Expenses $955.00 $955.00 Town Clerk - Expenses 160 .50 160.00 Elections Exp. - Town Clerk 202. 56 202.56 Registration - Expenses 242.50 242.50 Vital Statistics 25.00 25.00 Planning Board - Expenses 250.00 250.00 Mosquito Control 6,000.00 6,000.00 shade Trees - Wages & Exp. 3, 100.00 3,100.00 InsectSuppression 4,100 .00 4,100.00 Soldiers Burials - Esp. 200.00 200.00 II L 163 IIThe Clerk informed the Board that Miss Bickford will terminate her services with the town on January 2, 1947. .The Board authorized the Clerk to make whatever arrange- ments necessary to replace the twu clerks who have left the Slelectmen's Department. The t sting of Board 'Select i wi e held o o y eveni , ecemb�-'j0, 19 7• p.m. in S ectment- om, Tgwa- Office ildi . A true record, Attest: Cle k. II