HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-12-16 150 oc SELECTMEN'S MEETING December 16, 1947 I A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building, on Monday evening, December 16, 194.$ at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Potter, Messrs. Rowse, Locke , Sarano and Paxton were present. The Clerk was also present. All At 7 30 p.m. , Mr. Joseph H. DeFoe , Supt. of Public Night Works, appeared before the Board. Lighting Mr. DeFoe said that he received a telephone call from Me. Butters of the Boston Edison Co4pany, relative to all night lighting Christmas Eve. The Board decided to authorize Mr. DeFoe to continue the policy of previous years, and to arrange to have the street lights on all night Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve. Damage Mr. DeFoe informed the Board that he had received From as estimate from Doctor Winston, 75 Outlook Drive, in Blasting the amount of $45 for damage to his mirror, which he claims was dislodged as a result of the Town blasting. The Board discussed the matter, and upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was voted to authorize Mr. DeFoe to advise Doctor Winston that the Town disclaims any responsibility. Purchase Mr. DeFoe said that Grossman has a supply of oak Power mats to be used under the power shovel, which may be purchased for $75. each. Mr. Sarano asked Mr. DeFoe how many he thought he would need, and Mr. DeFoe replied that he would not buy less than six. Mr. Rowse asked which account the mats would be charged to, and Mr. Paxton said that he thought the expenditure should be charged to the Highway Maintenance Account. Mr. Paxton moved that Mr. DeFoe be authorized to purchase six mats at a cost of $75 each; this amount to be charged to Highway Maintenance Account. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. GompidLint The Chairman asked Mr. DeFoe to contact Mr. Carroll on Blossom Street relative to a complaint he had made pertaining to the brook on his farm. Mr. DeFoe informed the Board that the State would Bids 'or like very much for the Town to get the fill up this Fill winter to a certain depth. This will involve about 151 9800 yards of fill. He said that there will be a back cut that will have to be made later on of about 5, 000 yards. Mr. DeFoe stated that he had received three quotations for fill as follows Highland Sand and Gravel, 65¢ a yard for furnishing the material, dumping it and levelling it with a bulldozer, 55¢ a yard for furnishing the material, the Town to bulldoze it. Batstone, 64¢ a yard for furnishing the material, dumping and levelling it with a bulldozer, 600 a yard for furnishing the material, the Town to bulldoze it, Rupert Stevens, 70¢ a yard for furnishing the material, dumping and levelling it with a bulldozer, 63¢ a yard for furnishing the material, the Town to bulldoze it. Mr. Rowse asked if Mr. DeFoe was of the opinion that it would be best to have a contractor put the fill in, and Mr. DeFoe said that it seems to ;him that he could work the bulldozer to advantage and make some money. Mr. Rowse moved that the bid of Highland Sand and Gravel Company, Inc . be accepted at their quoted price of 55¢ a yard, the material to be bulldozed by the Town of Lexington. Mr. Paxton seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe said that he had received two prices of Pipe For $0.69 per foot on pipe for the culvert, and the Town Culvert will receive something over 12 a foot for putting it in. Mr. Paxton asked if the pipe for the culvert would be• concrete, and Mr. DeFoe replied it will be corrogated iron as required in the ppecifications. Mr. Paxton expressed the opinion that he thought concrete pipe would be better. Mr. DeFoe said that he would purchase concrete pipe at the best price he is able to obtain, providing the specifications- are subject to change. Mr. DeFoe informed the Board that he has received Gasoline ten bids for supplying the Town with gasoline for the Bids year 1947. The Chairman explained to the Board that the Colonial Beacon Oil Company had written a letter to Mr. DeFoe stating that they would be willing to bid again. Mr. DeFoe submitted bids as follows: Sun Oil Company, 12.8, one grade of gas only, Colonial Beacon Oil Company, regular 12.5, premium 14. 0, American Oil Company, reguAtir 12. 55 , premimum 15.05, less 1% ten days; L 152 mieZ Texas Company, regular 12.8, premimum 14.3 , Denney Manufacturing Company, 12. 8 premium 14. 8, Gulf Oil Corporation, regular 12.55, premium 14. 05 ; Penn Oil Company, regular 12.8, premium 14.3 ; Socony-Vacuum, regular 12.8, premium 14.3 ; Shell Oil Company, regular 12.4, premium 13 .9 ; Mr. Rowse moved that the 1947 gasoline contract be awarded to the Shell Oil Company at their quoted price of 13 .9 for premium gasoline. Mr. Paxton seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Small Mr. DeFoe said that occasionally it is necessary to Blasting do blasting, and it is not always convenient to contact Jobs Mr. Whiting, He wanted to know if the Board would approve his suggestion that Wallace C. Weisinger be authorized to blast on small jobs. Mr. Sarano stated that Wallace Weisinger has done some blasting, but that he should have a license. Mr. Paxton said that a pe unit must be obtained from the Fire Department. Mr. Rowse asked if there would be any responsibility placed either on the part of the Board of Selectmen or the Town in authorizing Mr. Weisinger to blast. Mr. Paxton replied in the negative, and said that he did not know of any license that should be obtained. Mr. DeFoe asked if the Board would ba willing to grant permission providing Mr. Weisinger complied with all rules and regulations pertaining to blasting,, Mr. Sarano moved that the Selectmen approve Mr. DeFoe' s request that Wallace C. Weiginger be authorized to blast small jobs only, providing he complies with all rules and regulations:pertaining to blasting. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Water Mr. DeFoe stated that he had conferred with the Dept. salesman relative to the possibility of cancelling the Graphtype order for a graphtype. The salesman advised him that it is the policy of his company to cancel the orders at any time, but he cannot put it in writing. Mr. Paxton said that this unit would be paid ter out of the Water Maintenance Account, and he asked if there would be a balance in that account at the end of the year. Mr. DeFoe replied in the affirmative and further stated that the unit will cost $345 if purchased now. Mr. Paxton said that in the past, the Town Account- ant has been asked to carry balances forward for a definite purpose. Mr. Locke moved that the Town Accountant be requested to carry over the sum of $345 in the Water Maintenance Account to pay for a graphtype machine, which the Board understands will not be delivered until sometime in 1947. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. 153 ' Mr. Paxton said that Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Folson Request of Robinson Road had been to see him and requested the For Water installation of a water main on Robinson Road. The Main State Department is going to make a taking through that section, and will take 200 feet more or less from Mr. Cleveland' s frontage, so he cannot sell his property at the present. He feels that when the time comes, and the State makes the taking, they will only pay him about 25% of the assessed valuation, and in taking it will not consider the assessment against the land because of the water main. Therefore, Mr. Cleveland does not think that he should pay for an assessment that will be wiped away and be of no betterment to his property. Mr. Locke asked if Mr. Folson wouldn't have to pay the betterment if the water main is installed. Mr. Paxton replied that if the Board decided to put the water main in, then the assessment is effective against Mr. Cleveland. Mr. DeFoe stated that the extension in Robinson Road amounts to over 1700 feet. Mr. Paxton said that he thought the Town should try and determine the right of way of the new turnpike, the effect it may have on Mr. Cleveland' s frontage, and make an agreement with him with relation to the affected section that the betterments will not become applicable until he utilized the main to that section. If the State make a tkking, he will never use it and if they don't make a taking, he will pay the assessment . Mr. Paxton said that if the State highway goes through , they will not be interested in two grade crossings within a distance of 500 feet of each other, and there does seem as though there may be some connection between Robinson Road and Grove Street , so that there will be only one crossing. Mr. DeFoe said that he would endeavor to obtain some inf ormattan on this matter. Petition was received from residents on Bartlett Request Avenue , requesting that the Town clean out the stagnant Clean brook located inthat vicinity . Brook Mr. DeFoe informed the Board that the Town does not dump into this particular brook, and it does not appear to be the Town' s responsibility. Mr. Rowse moved that the petitioners be advised that the Town does not dump into the brook, and therefore, does not assume any responsibility. Mr. Paxton seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. DeFoe retired-at 8:23 p.m. 1 L_ . - - 154 Letter was received from George W. Emery, Chief Request Engineer, Board of Fire Engineers , requesting a trans- For fer of $15 to the Ambulance Account. Mr. Emery explained Transfer that the expenditures for the maintenance of the ambul- ance for 1946 were underestimated. Mr. Rowse moved that the Appropriation Committee be tequested to transfer the sum.of $15 from the Reserve Fund to the Ambulance Account. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. _ Request letter was received from Colonel Henry B. Barry, For A Chairman, Board of Public Welfare, requesting a transfer Transfer of $112.85 to the Public Welfare - Personal Services Account. Colonel Barry explained that this transfer is necessary due to the fact that the Federal Grants received during the year amounted to less than anticipated. Mr. Paxton moved that the Appropriation Committee be requested to transfer the 8t : of $112.85 from the Reserve Fund to the Welfare Department-personal Services Account. Mr. Rowse seednded the motion, and it was so voted. Request Petition was received from the residents on Bow For Sewer Street and Rawson Avenue, requesting the installation of a sewer. Mr. Sarano moved that the Supt. of Public Works be requested to have an estimate of the cost of construction prepared. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Appoint The Chairman read a letter from the Town Clerk John F. informing the Board that he has received the resignation Rich Board of Winthrop H. Bowker as a member of the Board of Appeals, of Appeals effective January 1, 1947. Mr. Paxton moved that Mr. John F. Rich be appointed as a regular member of the Board of Appeals. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. George H. Macbeth, Acting Town Accountants, relative to compensation adjustment for his services in the Accounting Department. Mr. Macbeth stated that due to Mr. Russell's illness, it has become his duty to take care of the year end reports of the Accounting Department. He stated that since September, he had devoted considerable more time than he had expected and he believes his services rendered are in excess of the compehsation that he has received. Mr. Macbeth stated that there will be a balance in the 155 Personal Services Account in the Accounting Department of approximately $600 at the end of the year, and he suggested that the Board increase his compensation $15 a week, retroactive to the week ending Sept. 5, 1946; this will include the 121% voted Sept. 6, 1946. Mr. Macbeth stated that regardless of what action the Board took he would continue to serve in the capacity of Town Accountant as long as the Board desired. Mr. Rowse moved that Mr. Macbeth!s compensation be increased $15 a week, retroactive to the week ending Sept. 5, 1946, this to include the 12i% voted Sept. 6, 1946. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from Nelson F. Fleming, 10 Center Street, offering $25 for Lots 10 and 11, Block Tax Title 30, Avon Street. The Chairman explained to the Board that Mrs. Ellese H. Clark, realtor, has Lot 9, Block 30, Avon Street, for sale , and he suggested that these three lots should be sold together to make one sizable parcel. Mr. Paxton moved that Mr. Fleming be advised relative to Lot 9 and suggest that he contact Mrs. Clark to find out whether or not he can purchase it. If so, the Town will be willing to accept his offer for Lots 10 and 11. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from Francis W. Copp , 127 Blake Com- Road, requesting a hearing regarding the restraint or plaint dispodal of a vicious dog owned by Howard A. Patterson, Re: 123 Blake Road. A lengthy report was received from Patter- the Dog Officer, stating that he had conferred with son' s Mr. and Mrs. Patterson who want Very much to keep the dog if possible? The Clerk was instructed to inform Mr. Copp that the Board of Selectmen understand from the Dog Officer's report that Mr. Patterson is willing to keep his dog restrained. Upon motion of Mr. Locke , seconded by Mr. Rowse, Licenses it was voted to approve the following licenses: H. M. Lawrence 1777 Mass. Avenue Alcohol, anit-freeze Peter J. McDonough 301 Mass. Avenue Oil and anti-freeze F. K. Johnson, Inc . 39-41 Bedford Street Anti-freeze Daisy MacAlpine 50 Percy Road Innholder Bertram C. Hebert 93 Mass. Avenue Common Victualler Mr. & Mrs. James 1722 Mass. Avenue Cooney 156 GC n st Mary A. & Ernest Rowland 150 Lowell Street Common Victualler Edgar J. Thivierge 1752 Mass. Avenue " " Colonial Garage, Inc. 1668 Mass. Avenue 1st Class Agent F. K. Johnson, Inc. 39-41 Bedford Street 1st " " William Viano 1794 Mass . Avenue Sunday Movies Anthony Ferreira 249 Marrett goad Peddler William DeFelice 80 Westview Street " Budgets Budgets were acted on as follows Department Requested Approved Accounting Dept. -Expenses $ 570.00 $570.00 Appropriation Comm.-Expenses 960 .00 860.00 Dog Officer - Personal 100.00 100 .00 Dog Officer - Expenses 75.00 75. 00 Dental Clinic - Personal 1,726.25 1,726,25 Dental Clinic - Expenses 100.00 100 .00 Forest Fires - Personal 50.00 50.00 Forest Fires - Wages &._Expenses 700.00o 700.00 J Weights & Measures - Personal 712.00/ ' 562.50 Weights & Measures - Expenses 285.00 285.00 Slaughter Inspector - Personal 900.08 900 .08 Board of Appeals - Expenses 300 ;00 300.00 I Ambulance Maintenance 250.00 250.00 Pensions - Fire Dept. 4, 812.96 4,812,96 Administration, Trust Funds 106,00 2.00.90 Board of Retirement 150.00 (held over) Chapter 419, Acts of 1943 Maturing Dept. 63 ,602.45 63 ,602.45 Interest on Debt 4,731.25 4,731.25 A true record, Attest i 1 ;)t/ k � V f(jJ{^J,NtV J 1 r